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So Wrong (Heart 0f Hope Book 3)

Page 9

by Ajme Williams

  “Oh, come on, Dylan,” she said in that way that made me feel like I was an emotional pussy. “I’m not out to get you. And ripping you apart is a little melodramatic, don’t you think? Maisie had a lovely time with us. I doubt she’ll feel ripped apart.”

  “Then you don’t know the first thing about kids.” How could I make her see? I worked to tamp down my anger. “Listen, I’m all for you being in her life, but it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You’re her mother and I’m her father. We have to share. For Maisie’s sake.”

  There was a pause on the line. “I don’t want to take her from you Dylan, but this is what was recommended.”

  “By who?” She didn’t want this?

  “I want to see her more, and Leo and his lawyers said there was nothing to keep you from stopping my visits.”

  “Veronica … I’ve never stopped you. I’ve never even threatened to stop you.”

  “I know, and I told them that, but they said it was better to have the extra legal protection.”

  “So ask for joint custody. This document asks for full.”

  “I want full, Dylan.”

  Fuck. “You won’t win.” I waged a war in my head about how down in the mud I should go. “You have a career image to consider, Veronica.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “This will make the news and gossip rags, you know it. I won’t be talking to them, but it will get out that you were the one that left her. That you haven’t seen her.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Maybe. But there’s nothing I won’t do to protect Maisie. Nothing.” I hung up, feeling a little sick to have threatened to ruin her image, and yet my desperation couldn’t stop it.

  I sat in the car, working to calm myself so I could go home and act normal for Maisie. What the hell could I do to ensure she stayed with me? Why wasn’t it enough that I’d been her sole provider for nearly three years since Veronica decided she’d rather be a supermodel than a mother? Why would her claim get more weight than mine?

  “With a new husband, that will be in her favor.” The lawyer’s words came back to me.

  I’d stayed single for several reasons. One was that I didn’t want to take my focus off Maisie. I didn’t want to have her grow up with a step-parent that didn’t love her like a parent. But I also didn’t want to put my own heart at risk again. All the reasons I wasn’t married again were going to hurt me now in my attempt to fight for Maisie. Maybe what I needed was to get married.

  “Ah, fuck,” I said as I turned down my street. What a dumbass response. I had no prospects for marriage. While my lawyer said these cases can go on for months, even years, chances were low that I’d meet a woman I liked enough in time to make a difference.

  I pulled into my driveway, parked, and headed inside.

  “Shhh … he’s here,” Maisie’s loud whisper said.

  I looked around and saw blankets strewn over the couch, coffee table and a chair.

  “I’m sure he won’t find us,” Tessa’s voice came from inside the makeshift fort. A wave of emotion filled me. What were the odds Veronica would do something like mess up the living room to make a fort? When we’d been married, she’d created one of those living rooms that were only for show, but that you couldn’t actually sit in or use. There was no way she’d allow this type of mess.

  “Huh … I wonder where Maisie and Tessa are?” I tossed my keys on the table by the door.

  I heard Maisie snicker and giggle.

  “I wonder if she’s in the kitchen.” I walked past the tent, stopping right outside the opening.

  I heard a little squeak.

  “Is that a mouse? Do I have mice in the house?”

  Another little snicker came from the tent.

  I heard movement. “Boo, Daddy!”

  “Argh!” I jumped back and put my hand over my heart. “Maisie, you scared me. Where were you?”

  “In here. We made a fort. Do you want to come in? Tessa and Mr. Whiskers are here too.”

  “Really? I can come in?”

  “Yes. Come on.” She crawled backwards into the fort as I dropped down to my hands and knees. Inside, I saw Maisie smiling so happily it made my heart stop. Next to her, Tessa had a little tea set, and the stuffed cat, Mr. Whiskers, was next to her.

  “We’re having tea. Would you like some?” Tessa smiled as she held up a teacup.

  In that moment, clarity came like a lightning bolt. Who better to be the perfect wife and step-mother to Maisie than the woman who’d been the perfect friend to both of us for the last year?



  Dylan looked weary and sad when I’d first peeked through the blanket hanging over the furniture to see him enter the house. When he bent down to come into the fort, I saw the father who loved his daughter more than life itself.

  He looked at me when I asked if he wanted tea and something flashed in his eyes. I wanted to believe he had an epiphany and realized I could be a woman who cared for him, but that was stupid.

  “I’d love some tea.”

  Our fort was spacious for me and little Maisie, but Dylan was humongous. Or maybe it was just the tight quarters that had me close enough to feel his warmth and inhale his sexy scent. It made me yearn for what I couldn’t have. Because that hurt, I wanted to get away.

  “I’ll tell you what. You have a tea party with Miss Maisie and Mr. Whiskers, and I’ll go whip you guys up something for dinner.”

  “Can we eat in here? Pahllleeeesssseeee?” Maisie clasped her hands over her heart and looked at me and then Dylan.

  He looked at me. “Is it conducive to fort eating?”

  “Ah … how about grilled cheese?” That seemed fairly safe.

  “Yes. I love grilled cheese,” Maisie bounced, her little head poking the blanket roof.

  “Grilled cheese it is.” I started to crawl out.

  “Why don’t you stay and eat with us?” Dylan said before I could stand.

  I looked into the fort, surprised by his offer.

  “Yes. Stay, Tessa.” Maisie said. “Mr. Whiskers wants you to stay too.”

  I smiled, even though inside I hurt a little bit, because I knew he was being nice. His offer didn’t mean he wanted me. “Yes, that would be fun.”

  I whipped up four grilled cheeses, including one for Mr. Whiskers knowing Dylan would eat it. I also cut up some fruit and made a veggie plate as I knew Dylan always wanted Maisie to have fruits and vegetables with her meals. I put everything on a tray and carried it to the fort, where I heard Maisie and Dylan chatting away. I hated how much I wanted to be a part of them.

  “Knock, knock,” I said. “Food delivery.”

  “What service,” Dylan said, reaching out and taking the tray from me.

  I crawled in but sat near the door, ready to make my exit when the fun and games were over.

  We ate together, and each bite was harder to swallow than the one before as we interacted like a family and yet, we weren’t one. At least, I wasn’t a part of it.

  When the food was done and it was time to clean up, I told Dylan I’d clean up the dishes while he gave Maisie her bath.

  “Thank you, Tessa, really. I don’t know how I’d manage without you.”

  I liked being appreciated. At least he recognized my contribution, even if he didn’t care for me like I did for him.

  “Listen, don’t go when you’re done. I’d like to talk to you after I get Maisie to bed, if you have time. Do you have a date or something?” His expression looked apprehensive at that last question.

  “No. I have no plans tonight.”

  “Tomorrow night?”

  I shook my head. Jared hadn’t called since the night we’d hung out, so apparently I didn’t have the opportunity, as Dylan might describe it. Just as well, since I didn’t have the desire for him either.

  “No,” I said, wondering about his interest in my personal life. Maybe he just wanted to know I had a new guy to help alleviate his guilt about w
hat had happened between us. “I can stay.” I figured he either wanted to give me an update on the custody case or perhaps fire me since it was so weird to work for him since I’d given him my virginity.

  “Great. Thanks.”

  I did the dishes and finished cleaning up the living room. I sang quietly along with Dylan and Maisie as he played his guitar as she took a bath. Later I snuck down the hallway to listen as Maisie chatted about her day and Dylan read her a couple of stories.

  Eventually, I headed back to the living area to wait for them to finish. When he first emerged from the hall, he looked very serene. It wasn’t an expression I saw much anymore, and I missed it. When he saw me, he swallowed, and looked a bit nervous.

  My belly said uh oh, even though I had no idea what was up.

  “Do you want something to drink. I think I might have some wine hidden away somewhere.”

  I shook my head. “No, thank you. Is something wrong, Dylan?” I wanted to get this over with. The anticipation was making me antsy.

  “Mind if I get a drink?”

  It’s your house, I thought. “No. Go ahead.”

  I watched as he went into the kitchen and got the bottle from the top cupboard. He poured a drink, downed it, and poured two fingers more.

  He came and sat on the couch, but with space between us. “I got served custody papers today.”

  My heart fell. “Oh Dylan, I’m sorry. I was thinking maybe she changed her mind.”

  “You and me both.” He sipped his drink, looking at me over the rim of the glass.

  “I wish there was something I could do to help.” I wanted to reach over and touch him to soothe his distress, but since that went so badly the last time, I clasped my hands in my lap.

  “Do you mean that?”

  I nodded, wondering if there was something he had in mind. “Yes. What can I do to help?”

  He stared at me for a long moment. “You could marry me.”

  My brain must have hiccupped, because I thought he’d just asked me to marry him. “What?”

  He closed his eyes as if he regretted his words, but when they opened I saw determination. “I’m told that Veronica’s case is made stronger by the fact that she’s married and can offer two parents in the home. I know it’s nuts, but I can’t let her get full custody of Maisie. If two parents will sway the judge, then I’ll give her two parents. But as you know, I have no prospects for that.”

  When I was in that phase in my teenage years of imagining a fairy tale life, I used to imagine being proposed to. I hadn’t thought it would be like this.

  “What I need is someone I can trust, who cares for Maisie, and who I could believably convince people I’d marry.”

  “Because we … you know …” I pointed to the couch.

  “Because we’ve known each other for a year. It’s cliché, but I wouldn’t be the first single dad to marry the babysitter.”

  It was a crazy request. One I should have already respectfully declined.

  “I know it’s a lot to ask, Tessa. I feel like an asshole doing it, but I love that little girl more than anything.”

  “I know.” I smiled, because as much as it hurt me that he didn’t love me, it warmed my heart to know he’d do anything for Maisie. Even marry a woman he didn’t love or want to have sex with.

  “And listen, because I know it’s a lot, I’m willing to help you in return. I’ll pay for your last year of school.”

  My mouth gaped. “What?”

  He nodded. “I’ll pay for school. As my wife, it wouldn’t be right to pay you to babysit, but I can pay for that. Plus, you’ll save on rent.”

  Oh yeah, if we were married, I’d need to live with him. “I’d live with you?”

  He looked down for a moment. “We’d need to live together to make it seem real. Everyone needs to believe it, even Maisie, which means we’d need to share my room, but, I promise, Tessa.” He held up his hand like he was taking an oath. “I won’t touch you.”

  Of all the things that had come out of his mouth over the last few minutes, that one hurt. It was a reminder that he wasn’t attracted to me.

  He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I just—”


  His gaze shot to mine. “What?”

  I didn’t know what I was doing. “Yes, I’ll marry you to help you keep Maisie.”

  He let out a long-relieved breath that held solidify my decision. I loved him, and just like he’d do anything for Maisie, I’d do anything for him, including marry him to help him win a custody case.



  I was relieved that Tessa agreed to my crazy plan, and at the same time, I felt guilty asking her to get involved in something so questionable. I didn’t know if it was against the law to get married simply for a custody case, but it was deceptive, and I hated asking her to lie not just to court but to her friends and family as well.

  When she’d said yes, I followed up with details that should have made her change her mind. Details such as, she needed to tell her parents and invite them to the wedding so it seemed real. Same with her friends. I emphasized how we needed to act like a real couple and spend time together in the community.

  I meant what I said about not touching her, because I didn’t want to hurt her like I had before, and yet if we played married, we’d have to appear to be in love when others could see us. I wouldn’t fuck her, but out in public I’d have to touch her like a man in love would.

  But as I explained further, she continued to agree to my crazy plan. For some reason it made me feel worse. I really shouldn’t have been asking this of her.

  The next day, I invited her over to start the ruse, beginning with telling Maisie and arranging for us to spend the day together like a couple would. We’d also get a ring to help add to the legitimacy.

  Maisie and I were making pancakes when Tessa showed up the next morning.

  “Daddy and I are making pancakes. Do you want some?” Maisie said, waving her spatula in the air.

  “Sounds delicious,” Tessa said. She smiled, but I saw uncertainty in her eyes.

  “We don’t have to do this,” I said quietly to her as I poured her a cup of coffee and she sat at the kitchen table.

  “I want to. I want to help you and Maisie.”

  I set my hand on her shoulder. She jerked slightly, and I pulled my hand away, wondering if we’d be able to pull this off if my touch bothered her.

  “Are you sure?”

  She looked up at me. “Yes. I’m sure.” She reached out and patted my arm, as if she knew her reaction to my touch concerned me.

  With one long look at Tessa to give her a chance to change her mind, I then went back to Maisie, who was pulling the syrup from the fridge.

  “Hey Maisie, Tessa and I have some news for you.”

  “What?” she said, putting the syrup on the table and then climbing into her chair.

  “Well …” Christ. Was I really going to do this? Was I going to lie to my kid? What happened if Maisie got even more attached to Tessa than she already was? This marriage was about helping keep Maisie with me, but at some point, this custody issue would be done. We’d be able to go our separate ways. Would it be hard on Maisie when that happened?

  “Dylan, if you’re changing your mind …”

  “No. I’m just … it’s a lot.”

  She nodded. “We can wait.”

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t think we can.”

  “Can what?” Maisie said, grabbing a pancake off the serving platter and flopping it onto her plate.

  I sucked in a breath. “Maisie, Tessa and I are going to get married.”

  Her head looked up at me with her little brows furrowed. “Like a wedding?”

  “Yes. We’ll have one of those and Tessa will live with us. What do you think about that?”

  “Yay!” Maisie clapped her hands. “Will you be my mommy now?”

  “No, honey,” Tessa said gently. “Your mommy will
always be your mommy.”

  “But you’ll be here with us?”

  “Yes. Like a family, Maisie.” I put my hand on Tessa’s shoulder and this time she didn’t flinch.

  “Can we still play together?”

  “Yes. I suspect not much will change where that is concerned.” Tessa helped pour syrup on Maisie’s pancakes. Then she looked up at me. “It must be a special day to have pancakes with syrup. That’s a lot of sugar.”

  I nodded, again appreciating that she understood how important I felt it was to feed Maisie healthy foods most of the time.

  “We have to celebrate. What should we do today, Maisie?”

  “Can we go to the park?”

  I sat at the table, offering the pancakes to Tessa before taking a stack on my plate. “Sure. Maybe we can have a picnic.”

  Once we stopped talking about marriage, and acted like we usually did, the morning felt more comfortable. It was a reminder at how easy this could be since Tessa fit so well with me and Maisie.

  I packed us a picnic while Tessa helped Maisie get dressed and ready to go. We drove to the park. As we walked to find a place to set up our picnic, I took Tessa’s hand. She looked down at our linked fingers like it was weird but didn’t pull away. It was weird, and at the same time, it felt nice.

  We played with Maisie in the park, pushing her on the swings, kicking her soccer ball around, and later having lunch.

  “When you have babies, will they be my brother or sister?” Maisie asked as she took a bite of her sandwich.

  Tessa choked, and I reached over to lightly pat her back. “Yes.” I had an image of Tessa all round with my child in her belly. It wasn’t an unpleasant image. The fact that it wasn’t bothered me. This was a fake relationship. There wouldn’t be any children for Tessa and me. “But if that happened, it would be a long time from now.”

  Later, we watched as Maisie entertained herself on the jungle gym.

  “I should take you out for a date,” I whispered to Tessa. I stood behind her with my hand on her hip. Her scent was sweet and alluring, making it easy to kiss her temple like a man in love would. “I need to get you a ring too.”


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