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Goddess Academy: The Complete Reverse Harem Collection

Page 23

by Clara Hartley

  The abruptness of it sent shock through my center. I moaned, biting Devon’s neck, then bucked my hips. Devon gripped my waist and fastened me in place as Hansel began rocking himself into me. By the time he entered me, I was already dripping wet and ready for him to take. He slid against me, his movements smooth but controlled.

  I cried out his name and clutched Devon tightly.

  “Steady,” Devon said with a calming tone.

  “I’m fucking dying,” I replied. “Fuck, fuck…” I stifled another moan and buried my face into the curve of Devon’s neck.

  Hansel and I moved in tandem. Hansel’s length was already sufficient to drive me crazy, but Devon didn’t seem satisfied by that. He reached for my center and played with my clit. The pleasure shook through my being as stars flared in my vision. I muttered Devon’s name too, this time as a curse. This much pleasure couldn’t be real. I was going to wake up from this dream soon.

  I held on to the tension that formed in my lower belly, but it grew so intense, so quickly, that I couldn’t keep a tight grip on it. “I’m…”

  “Come for us, Cara,” Hansel said through a breathy pant. “Come for us.”

  He didn’t need to tell me. My control over the knot unraveled. “Fuck you,” I said. I clenched my thighs around Hansel as the orgasm shook me. Hansel grabbed my neck, squeezing lightly before latching his mouth on to mine.

  “Crap,” Hansel said. “I can feel you pulsing—” His speech halted as he came together with me. He stopped talking, instead kissing me, and our tongues danced together as my climax subsided. I’d been stimulated too much and didn’t think I could go for another round.

  The vassals didn’t give me an option, however. Once Hansel finished, he stepped aside, leaving Devon room to adjust himself between my legs. He pressed his erection against my center.

  I grabbed Devon’s thigh. “Wait—”

  He pushed himself into me and sent my emotions reeling. My hands balled into fists as I rested them at the sides of his waist. I haven’t had time to recover from Hansel.

  Devon groaned. “Holy fuck. You’re clamping down on me.”

  Devon was so large that my center ached from the pressure. The sudden pleasure numbed out the pain. The flashing through my vision sent my mind spiraling out of control. It wasn’t fair the effect they had on me. I ground my hips against Devon’s, wanting more of him despite what I’d already gotten. The two of them were like drugs. One taste, and I was addicted. All I could think was more.

  “Make her come again,” Hansel said, pulling a strand of hair away from my face.

  Devon grunted in response. He hooked his hands behind my knees, forcing me to spread even more for him. Their touches turned me to jelly and the sensations made me completely vulnerable. I leaned back limply. Hansel noticed me caving, so he stood behind me and supported me. I felt the hard thumping of his heartbeat as my back pressed against his chest.

  “I… I’m… I’m coming again.” The next orgasm that shook through me was weaker, but still intense enough to heighten the numbness that took over my thoughts. I panted softly as Devon finished inside me. I studied the light crinkling of his face as he continued to pump his cock against my walls. I felt his seed pour through me, filling me as my center pulsed around him.

  Aftershocks of pleasure continued to quiver through my body as Devon pulled away. When we were done, I had trouble keeping my eyes open. The assault on my senses had drained me of my energy, and I wanted nothing more than to lie down. I looked at the offensive top that Hansel had cut from my chest. It had started this all, and the sight of it reminded me why I’d been in the bathroom in the first place—I was supposed to take a shower. Damn it. I’d been too distracted by the hot boys to care for myself. Attractive people had a way of making people lose their senses.

  Hansel brushed his lips across my forehead. “I’ll help you out with the shower.”

  “You could both join me.”

  “Haven’t you had enough?” Devon asked with a twinkle in his eye.

  “I’ve had plenty, thank you.” I sighed out of satisfaction and relief. I didn’t think my center could take any more of them.

  Hansel tugged me away from Devon and cradled me like a princess. He ran the tap and placed me into bathtub. Warm water poured from the showerhead and flowed over my skin, providing a soothing sensation that washed away the sweaty aftermath of our rutting.

  I shouldn’t be lazy. I knew I could still walk and stand, but I basked in the pampering and the heady sensation of having just had sex.

  “That was amazing,” I said as Hansel squirted soap onto his hand. He lathered it onto my back.

  “The pleasure is mine, my goddess,” Hansel said, even though I hadn’t graduated yet. The sincere smile that danced across his lips was making me fall in love too hard.

  Chapter Eleven

  Devon had been acting strangely ever since what happened last night. His personality went even farther in the “nice” direction. I wasn’t complaining. He treated me like a princess, sometimes rivaling the attention Hansel and Theo gave me. The thoughts of our lovemaking wouldn’t stop whirring through my mind.

  Devon and Hansel now stood five feet away from me as they walked me to the Chysaorsi cave.

  I’d never heard of the place before, but Devon insisted on bringing me there. After hearing what had happened during goddess etiquette, he thought something at the cave might be of use to me.

  Theo and Liam had come along, too. Classes had ended, and we had another two hours before we reached curfew.

  Despite their distance, the memory of Devon and Hansel’s hands exploring my body wouldn’t stop playing on repeat. I shouldn’t have had them like that. Now, I couldn’t get enough.

  Liam strode next to us, wearing his usual scowl. “You know that the Chysaorsi is one of the most dangerous places in the Sanctuary, yes?” he asked. “We shouldn’t be anywhere near it. Why are we going there, anyway?” Liam carried Fenrir, not caring that Fenrir gazed up at him with glistening, loving eyes.

  “To get something for Cara,” Devon said, quickening his steps.

  “Why is there somewhere this dangerous in the school, anyway?” I asked. “Shouldn’t the professors want to keep the students safe?”

  Liam turned to me and raised a brow. “You’re still asking this after what you saw at the morgue? I think safety isn’t a priority for them. They just want the girls to be strong so that they can have adept goddesses in their council.”

  I pressed my lips together. Liam spoke the truth, and it bothered me how he could talk about our deaths with so much certainty. “So,” I said. “What exactly is the Chysaorsi?”

  Devon turned to me. “It’s where Medusa’s children are kept.”

  My brow crinkled. “Medusa’s children,” I echoed, not quite believing my ears. His answer had struck me so hard that I nearly tripped over my ankles. Devon caught me before I broke my nose on the pavement. He hooked his hand around my arm, then pulled me toward his broad chest. I took in his minty scent. “And this is exactly why we’re going to the Chysaorsi. They guard a special bracelet that is said to be one of Medusa’s many treasured items. It improves dexterity and strength.” His eyes twinkled as he gazed down at me. “Maybe you won’t keep tripping over yourself after we get it for you.”

  “Sounds a lot to risk just to avoid a bruise here and there,” I said.

  Devon straightened his shoulders, then cracked his knuckles. “Don’t worry about it. I can get the bracelet for you just fine. All you’ll have to do is watch.”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “You just want to show off to get on Cara’s good side.”

  “Nonsense,” Devon said.

  “Then why does Cara have to come with? She’d be safer staying in the dorms.”

  “I thought she might get bored.”

  “Sounds like a sorry excuse to me,” Liam said.

  Devon chuckled. He continued walking with his cocky confidence. He seemed a bit too eager to face Medusa�
��s children. Wasn’t Medusa feared by most men?

  Hansel closed the distance between us and walked beside me. The Chysaorsi was far off in the outskirts of the Sanctuary, so the walk took longer than expected. I asked, “So what do her children do? Are they like their mother, turning people to stone?”

  “More or less,” Hansel said.

  I didn’t have to look into one of the monster’s eyes to freeze on the spot. “Can I, um, not go?” Sue me for being cowardly, but I’d rather trip too often than die for some stupid bracelet. An expedition like this seemed like just the thing for Danna. She’d no doubt dive headfirst into danger and probably cheer us on each time we almost got skewered alive.

  Hansel patted me on the shoulder. “We’ll keep you safe. Besides, you can use this as an opportunity to test your powers. I’m sure the Chrysari will react to your love abilities like most beings do. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.”

  “Chrysari?” I asked.

  “That’s what we call them,” Hansel replied. “Medusa’s children.”

  Liam muttered something I couldn’t hear, then said louder, “If Cara wants to chicken out, let her. She never gave me the impression of a fighter anyway, so don’t expect much from her.”

  Hearing Liam insult me like that only encouraged me to prove him wrong. I shook a finger at him. “Oh, shut up. I’m a badass. Just you watch.” I really wasn’t. At least in the fighting sense. But when it came to making jabs? My mouth could run unlike any other.

  Liam snorted. “A badass doesn’t have to say that she’s one.”

  I rolled my eyes, willing the anger in me to stop seething. I hated being insulted. Then again, who didn’t? Some insults were made innocently, from a lack of tact. Liam’s, however, were out to get me, so I wanted to give him a metaphorical slap in the face by showing him otherwise.

  We stopped in front of a stone entrance. It was covered with green vines. A thick layer of moss grew over the stone. I glanced over my shoulder at the campus. The tall towers of the academy stretched toward the sky. There were rocky platforms that floated all around the school. I hadn’t realized just how large the campus was until now. It was big enough to house an army.

  Devon stepped toward the entrance and pried it open. As soon as the large granite door inched from its spot, a loud shriek pierced the air. I winced at the sound. It was ten times worse than nails on chalkboard, and my eardrums might have been punctured.

  Had I said something about proving Liam wrong? Was it too late to take my mental proclamation back? Because that shriek wasn’t human, and despite what I’d seen since coming to the Sanctuary, I still hadn’t grown balls large enough.

  I made a small shriek of my own.

  I shook a finger at the boulder as Devon slid it open even more. The shrieks turned into a loud, high-pitched wail. Abruptly, they stopped. The chilling silence that followed after freaked me out more than the wailing itself.

  Theo, sensing my unease, placed his palm on the small of my back. “It’s not that dangerous. Worst-case scenario? You turn to stone.”

  “Wonderful.” I shot an accusatory glare at Devon. Did he really have to go to this extent to show off?

  It probably wasn’t difficult to tell how nervous I was. I was on the edge of shitting buckets. I’d just turned nineteen! Barely an adult. My largest obstacles in life were supposed to be paying rent and finding a stable job, not facing Medusa’s fucking children.

  I bit my lower lip and darted a glance to Liam. Could he see me quivering?

  “You’re shaking,” Liam said with a smirk.


  “I am so not,” I lied, fighting past the churning of my stomach. Despite being this disturbed, I did my best to project an image of sass and spunk. I’d be damned if Liam thought me a coward.

  “Sure.” Liam shrugged. Fenrir wagged his tail.

  I plucked my wand from my belt and pointed at the entrance with it. “Right, let’s get to it, then.” I puffed out my chest and walked toward doom itself.

  “Why’d they stop screaming?” I asked as we squinted in the dark tunnels of the passageway. I clutched Hansel’s hand tightly. He held me close as he led me through the darkness.

  Earlier, Devon had lit a torchlight that’d been provided for us at the entrance. The heat of the flames warmed my skin, but the embers still weren’t enough to provide sufficient light.

  I did my best not to show weakness. Liam would gloat if I did. It took all my resolve to not whimper and say, “I want to go home.” I even hated watching horror movies. I hated seeing scenarios like this on screen, and I’d just been thrust into one. I imagined Danna standing next to me with two glittery pompoms, cheering me on.

  Chattering noises came from down the passageway.

  “If I die,” I said, completely serious, “tell Lydia to burn my computer. My history’s filled with the weirdest shit.”

  Hansel snorted a laugh. “You’re not going to die.”

  “I might get turned to stone.”

  “It’s safe,” Devon said. His statement did little to reassure me. The soft sounds coming from down the tunnel creeped me out way too much. “The Chrysari aren’t as powerful as their mother. If you get turned to stone, it’s only for five minutes, then you’ll be back to normal again.”

  “Sounds unpleasant all around.”

  We reached the end of the passageway and entered a large chamber. Symbols I couldn’t read were carved on the ground and ceiling of the chamber. They looked Grecian. Torches protruded from the walls. Their flames burned a bright green that reflected off the sharp edges of the vassal’s faces.

  “It’s empty,” I said, taking a step forward to inspect the place.

  Devon reached out, halting me. “Wait.”

  “Let’s get the bracelet and get out of here before those screaming—”

  The ground shook.

  I clutched Devon for support as I almost lost balance. Liam noticed my nervousness, and a smirk spread over his face. I rolled my eyes then released a soft whimper when the floors beneath me quaked even more. Theo came from behind me and placed his hands on my arms to help me keep steady.

  A fault line formed on the ground, and the floor split. It looked like the ground itself might swallow me whole. My stomach lurched. “Oh, fuck me,” I said.

  Devon winked at me, showing no signs of fear. “The pleasure’s mine, but later.” He had the audacity to smile at a time like this? I thought I might wet myself. I tried focusing on the positive side of things. Lydia had taught me that when life went to shit, the only thing to do was to make the best of it. I might get eaten alive by the ground, but at least I had a bunch of hot dudes to die with me. I focused on that and waited for my mood to calm.

  Nope. I was still terrified as fuck. Just great.

  The shrieking came again, even louder than before. I wasn’t even sure how that was possible, but the sharp noise sliced through my head. I flinched as I saw a tiny, spindly hand crawl from the crack in the ground. I peeled my lips back in disgust and shuddered. The skin on the hand looked like it was melting off. “Medusa doesn’t take very good care of her children, does she?” I asked. “They look diseased.”

  “They’re abominations,” Hansel said. “Due to her crimes, the goddesses cursed Medusa to never have proper children, even though that was a strong desire of hers. All her offspring end up looking like monsters. Still, that didn’t stop her from trying.”

  As soon as the shrieking mellowed, a slithering sound hissed its way through the chambers. The first of the Chrysari popped its head over the crack. I’d heard stories of Medusa, and just like her, her children had hair made out of tiny serpents.

  “Don’t look directly at them,” Devon said. He spread his hand out, and a burst of water came from it. The water gathered into a solid form and shimmered. I stared in awe at the little mirrors that Devon had created around us. “Okay, whatever you do, avoid direct contact with the Chrysari. The worst-case scenario is that all of us turn to stone
at the same time, then no one will be left to fight and getting out will be a bitch.”

  Liam sniffed. “They don’t call this the most dangerous place in the Sanctuary for no reason. This is why the goddesses make the Chysaorsi off-limits.” He met my eyes. “Cara looks impressed by your mirrors, though, so good job with the whole showing-off bit.”

  Once the first Chrysari climbed over the crack, its companions followed. One after another, they joined the first, and soon, a horde of little baby monsters were running at us. “Do these things have a conscience?” I asked. “They’re somewhat human.”

  Theo shook his head. “They’re born with the strong desire to take revenge on the world. Their existence is suffering, so they know nothing but pain.”

  “Yikes.” I’d feel sorry for them, but they had mottled skin, a distinct lack of teeth, and their ribcages poked out in a hideous manner. That, and they were trying to kill me.

  Devon and the others pulled their daggers out from their scabbards and began slashing at the horrible things.

  I did my best, making sure I only looked in the water mirrors that flanked us. I stood by uselessly while they fought. I raised my wand and pointed it in a random direction. If I magicked them to look at each other, then they’d turn into stone themselves, right? Problem was that I didn’t have a good sense of space, and it was difficult to angle my wand without the ability to look at the creatures directly.

  “Don’t point it at me!” Liam shouted. I’d spotted him in a mirror. He shoved his dagger up the ribcage of a Chrysari. Turquoise, slimy liquid burst from the creature’s chest and poured over Liam. Blood spurted from the monster’s wound and sprayed Liam’s cheeks. Ugh. Gross.

  I flicked my wand in the other direction.

  “Not here, either!” Hansel yelled.

  What the hell was I supposed to do, then? My vassals had formed a circle around me, protecting me from the creatures. I glanced to my left and spotted Fenrir. He’d decided to sit out of the whole fight and was lounging in front of the entrance.


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