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Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling Vol. 1

Page 11

by Necoco

  Oh no, a giant monster? I’d better run before it sees me.


  Huh? Did I miss one? Its voice sounds pretty deep for a potortoise, though. And loud…

  A crack broke through the forest, and suddenly trees began to fall. Then the creature showed itself…a gigantic upside down pot as big as a car, with arms and legs sticking out that were as big as my midsection. The instant I saw it, I knew it was way out of my league. What the heck kind of monster did those potortoises summon, anyway?


  Jeez, are you serious? This should be against the rules.

  Species: Giant Potortoise

  Status: Normal

  Lv: 24/55

  HP: 233/233

  MP: 156/156

  Attack: 74

  Defense: 245

  Magic: 76

  Agility: 4

  Rank: C-

  Special Skills:

  Tortoise Shell: Lv 5

  Heat Sensor: Lv 4

  Automatic HP Recovery: Lv 4

  Resistance Skills:

  Physical Resistance: Lv 5

  Magic Resistance: Lv 4

  Paralysis Resistance: Lv 2

  Water Resistance: Lv 3

  Normal Skills:

  Shell Retreat: Lv 4

  Bite: Lv 3

  Iron Tackle: Lv 4

  Hi-Slow: Lv 4

  Rest: Lv 3

  Aqua: Lv 2

  Title Skills:

  Iron-Walled Defender: Lv 6

  Dunce: Lv 2

  Tortoise Curse: Lv 1

  It had stats over 200, and it was a Rank C–. It didn’t have the attack power of the Little Rock Dragon, but it did have higher HP and defense.

  This was bad. This was really bad. I couldn’t defeat this guy. Its HP was just too high, and my attacks would barely puncture its defense. And my Meteorite/gravity strategy wouldn’t work—there was no way I could lift that thing up high enough in the first place.

  At least the Giant Potortoise’s agility was incredibly low. Should I put down my heavy pot full of meat and make a run for it? I really wanted to find out how the potortoises tasted, though. Besides, the giant one was super slow, and its attack power wasn’t that high, so even if it did try to attack me, I could deal with it. Right? Right.

  I could definitely get myself and the pot full of meat to safety.

  I gripped my dinner and began to run. The Giant Potortoise stuck out its head and stared me down.


  It let out a cry, before a cloud of purple light shot towards me. That had to be the Hi-Slow magic I saw on its status, most likely a beefed-up version of Slow. I absolutely couldn’t let it hit me.


  The purple light! It touched me! And this huge tortoise has crazy MP! I knew I should’ve tossed the pot and made a run for it!

  There was no way to take evasive maneuvers. The purple light seeped all the way into my body.

  Damn it, I can barely move at all. I mean, I guess I’m technically moving, but so slowly I might as well be standing still.

  Behind me, the potortoise closed in, trees decimated in its wake. It was beyond monstrous.

  I gotta brace myself for its tackle! It’s gonna tackle me!

  I knew exactly what it was going to do, but I couldn’t do anything about it. The potortoise plowed right into me with a body the size of a truck.


  I was knocked backward, skidding across the ground in a painful roll. Jeez, I know this guy’s slow, but being that big should be against the rules. A few more hits and I’ll be done for.

  Noo! My pot is rolling away and all the tortoise meat is scattering everywhere! I can’t save my dinner! Guess I’ve got to consider this a learning experience and make a run for it. But can I even run for it?

  The giant tortoise trudged after me, every step heavy. I got up as quickly as I could, which really wasn’t that fast. If that thing got close enough, all it would have to do was crush me underfoot. There’d be no way for me to avoid it.

  When I was almost on my feet, I activated my Roll skill. I couldn’t use it before because I’d been holding onto the pot. But now that I was completely focused on saving myself, I’d be able to escape. Or at least, I should have been able to escape.


  The tortoise fired off another Hi-Slow at me. I changed directions as fast as I could to avoid it, but it shot off a second spell, and then a third. I couldn’t dodge them all and the purple light consumed me.

  Whoooa, I’m so slow! I’m rolling but it’s so slow!

  I glanced behind me. The Giant Potortoise was still coming, gradually closing the distance between us. Its agility was only 4, but from my perspective it was moving really fast.

  Is it just me, or is Hi-Slow a little overpowered? Maybe its title skill Tortoise’s Curse gives it a big boost?

  The Giant Potortoise slowly caught up to me and I braced myself for another tackle. Once again I flew into the air, slamming head-first into the forest floor. The impact stunned me, blurring my vision. Searing pain raced through my back.

  It was no use. As long as it kept using Hi-Slow on me, escape was impossible. The potortoise could keep hitting me completely unopposed. I could only withstand two, maybe three more tackles at the most before I lost consciousness.

  If I can’t escape, I need to think of a way to defeat it. But this situation is absolutely impossible!

  Even if I hadn’t taken a hit of Hi-Slow, there was nothing in my arsenal that could deal the potortoise a mortal wound. I mean, even aside from Automatic HP Recovery and Rest, few monsters out here could hope to break through its defense.

  I couldn’t drop it off the cliff, either. I might move it a single step backwards if I pummeled it head-on with Dragon Punch, but that was about it. Okay, instead of sitting here thinking about it, I should be trying to run.

  Could I use the momentum from being knocked into the air to Fly? So far, I’d barely managed enough forward motion to glide. I could use Breath Rocket to get higher, but if I tried that while moving this slowly I’d just fall…

  No, wait a minute. What if I stood on the edge of the cliff, then used the momentum when it hit me to reach the other side? After that all I would have to do was run away.

  PART 5

  I CHECKED MY STATUS to see how much stamina I had left.

  Species: Young Plague Dragon

  Status: Slow (Major)

  Lv: 22/40

  HP: 32/116

  MP: 43/113

  I could do this. I could withstand one more hit. I’d purposely take the Giant Potortoise’s tackle and use the momentum to use Fly across the cliff and escape. That was my only option.

  I used Roll to change direction, heading toward the cliff. The Giant Potortoise followed.

  Yeah, keep it up! Now hit me one more time! Then we can say goodbye. And when I’m strong enough to crush you with one hit, I’ll be back.

  The Giant Potortoise charged me as I stood right on the edge. I got a little freaked out when I saw the force behind its tackle, but I couldn’t dodge in this state anyway. I flew towards the edge of the cliff with very little resistance.

  That was unpleasant, but I’m alive. Now I’ll just spread my wings, fly across the cliff, and get out of here!

  Unfortunately, I underestimated the effects of Hi-Slow. I thought I understood how the spell worked, but it turned out to be much stronger than I expected.


  As I unfurled my wings, the Giant Potortoise shot me with another dose of Hi-Slow. I couldn’t avoid it, and so I took the full hit of purple light. I slowed down even further, and the Giant Potortoise stuck its neck out, pursuing me over the edge, trying to grab me before I could get away.

  My HP was dwindling. If this thing bit me, I’d be dead. I absolutely had to dodge a direct attack. I could probably take a graze and still get away, though.

  I undulated my body with as much force as I coul
d muster, directing a Baby’s Breath downward to push me further into the air. The Giant Potortoise’s attack missed me, but just barely.

  Before I could push away, one of my back claws got caught on the edge of its mouth and my front claw, which I’d been waving around frantically, caught on the edge of its eye. I’m glad I survived, but how am I gonna fly when I’m stuck to this thing?

  I thrashed, trying to shake myself loose, but my claws wouldn’t budge. The Giant Potortoise shook its neck back and forth, trying to peel me off its face.

  I let out a blast of Baby’s Breath, hoping to tear myself off even if I took some of its flesh with me. But its hide was just too hard.

  I had to assume that the Giant Potortoise’s main goal had shifted from avenging its kin to shaking me off by any means necessary. Hey, at least the two of us could enjoy having a common goal. But of course things could never be that simple.

  If I dropped my guard and paused to carefully unhook my claws, the Giant Potortoise would certainly use that opportunity to get a free hit. I had no other choice but to continue this fruitless tug-of-war.



  The potortoise was out of my weight class, but I made up for it with repeated applications of Baby’s Breath at full force. Please hold out, MP!

  Normal Skill “Baby’s Breath” Lv 3 has become Lv 4.

  Get off! Let me go! Get off! Let me go! Let me go! Let me goooo!

  I knew my breath wouldn’t last, and everything hurt. But I couldn’t stop firing the jet of flame. It was all that was stopping the Giant Potortoise from dragging me close enough to kill.

  I’d just have to keep using Baby’s Breath until I died.

  Gained Resistance Skill “Asphyxiation Resistance” Lv 1.

  I’m still in this!! I’m gonna tear your skin off!



  I can do this! I’m winning! I can pull your stupid giant body over this cliff! Tear you to pieces! Tear your face off! I don’t care as long as you let me go!

  Normal Skill “Baby’s Breath” Lv 4 has become Lv 5.

  Yes, yes! It’s tilting more in my direction!

  Resistance Skill “Asphyxiation Resistance” Lv 1 has become Lv 2.

  Gained Title Skill “Stalwart” Lv 1.



  Slowly but surely I pulled the potortoise closer to the edge, my claws still hooked in its face, until it was teetering on the edge of the drop. Then, finally, it leaned too far and lost its balance.



  The ground beneath the tortoise crumbled, its huge frame plunging towards the ground. The force of its fall broke off my claws, finally freeing me from its leathery hide.

  Owwww! That really hurt!

  No longer trapped, I heaved myself back towards the opposite end of the cliff like a ping pong ball. Hi-Slow picked that exact moment to wear off, so I immediately burst off at what felt like an incredible speed.

  My vision spun and for a second I thought I’d lose consciousness. I felt a jarring impact, and then nothing. I must have slammed into a tree on the other side of the cliff.

  Hah…hah…did I escape?!


  The Giant Potortoise’s scream echoed throughout the forest.

  Huh? What happened?

  It was a half-coherent thought, but a moment later a crash rang out from below, as if in answer.

  Gained 288 Experience Points.

  Title Skill “Walking Egg” Lv — activated: gained 288 Experience Points.

  “Young Plague Dragon” Lv 22 has become Lv 30.

  Gained Title Skill “Giant Killer” Lv 1.

  Normal Skill “View Status” Lv 4 has become Lv 5.

  You are now able to view items in your possession in addition to detailed information regarding enemy monsters.

  I looked toward the edge of the cliff. No Giant Potortoise. The spot where it stood had broken away. Oh, that’s right, it crumbled and…right, right. The potortoise fell.

  I smacked myself on the cheek to restart my fuzzy brain. Carefully, I picked my way over to the edge and looked down at the remains of my foe. The Giant Potortoise must have crashed against the rocks jutting from the river.

  All’s well that ends well, I guess. I’ll head back to the other side of the river. I’m pretty fond of that cave, and I want to score some of that Potortoise meat, too. Anyway, since I leveled up, I might as well check my status.

  Species: Young Plague Dragon

  Status: Normal

  Lv: 30/40

  HP: 8/140

  MP: 10/137

  Attack: 129

  Defense: 110

  Magic: 120

  Agility: 109

  Rank: D+

  Special Skills:

  Dragon Scale: Lv 2

  Divine Voice: Lv 3

  Grecian Language: Lv 1

  Fly: Lv 2

  Dragon Scale Powder: Lv 1

  Dark Type: Lv —

  Resistance Skills:

  Physical Resistance: Lv 3

  Fall Resistance: Lv 4

  Hunger Resistance: Lv 3

  Poison Resistance: Lv 3

  Loneliness Resistance: Lv 4

  Magic Resistance: Lv 2

  Dark Resistance: Lv 2

  Light Resistance: Lv 1

  Fear Resistance: Lv 1

  Asphyxiation Resistance: Lv 2

  Normal Skills:

  Roll: Lv 4

  View Status: Lv 5

  Baby’s Breath: Lv 5

  Whistle: Lv 1

  Dragon Punch: Lv 2

  Disease Breath: Lv 1

  Venom Fangs: Lv 1

  Paralyzing Venom Claws: Lv 1

  Dragon Tail: Lv 1

  Bellow: Lv 1

  Meteorite: Lv 1

  Title Skills:

  Dragon King’s Son: Lv —

  Walking Egg: Lv —

  Klutz: Lv 4

  Just an Idiot: Lv 1

  Infighter: Lv 4

  Pest Killer: Lv 3

  Safety First: Lv 1

  Liar: Lv 2

  King of Evasion: Lv 1

  Protective Spirit: Lv 4

  Itty-bitty Hero: Lv 1

  Wrongdoer: Lv 3

  Calamity: Lv1

  Chicken Runner: Lv 2

  Mr. Chef: Lv 1

  Dastardly King: Lv 1

  Stalwart: Lv 1

  Giant Killer: Lv 1

  Whoa, my HP and MP were at rock bottom. Just a few more Baby’s Breaths and I would have been completely wiped out, and that Giant Potortoise would’ve killed me.

  But I guess you truly do grow a lot when you’re cornered, huh? My skills are really coming along. I thought I wouldn’t evolve for a while, but it’s coming up sooner than I expected.

  I hoped I’d get to increase the levels of some skills like Protective Spirit or Itty-Bitty Hero before then.

  For real though, why haven’t I learned Human Transformation yet? There are only ten levels left before I evolve, so will I even have a chance to learn it? If I hit max Lv and don’t get it, I think I might actually cry.

  PART 6

  I ARRIVED BACK at my new base without further incident, deposited my pot full of meat, and then headed back outside. I was a little worried about my HP, but I still had errands to run. I wanted more of those red peppercorn things and another ingredient for my turtle soup. Surely there would be something usable in the neighborhood. My HP would be fine for a little while.

  Worst-case scenario, I’d run into that weirdo slime again. It was freaky, but its stats were low. If I saw it, I’d just kick its butt and rid myself of that anxiety once and for all.

  Actually, although I hadn’t checked it much since I beat the Giant Potortoise, my View Status skill had leveled up. I could check details about items in my possession now, not just monsters, so maybe gathering plants wou
ld get way easier. I’d be able to tell instantly if something was poisonous. Although I had Poison Resistance, so if it looked tasty enough I might eat it anyway. Might even raise my skill level.

  I strolled through the grass, paying close attention to the ground, and noticed some mushrooms growing by the base of a tree, black and yellow in a tiger-striped pattern.

  Hey, those look pretty good. I went ahead and plucked some up, holding them in my hand.

  Lightning Shroom: Value E-. Absorbs nutrients from tree roots, causing those trees to stop bearing fruit due to parasitism. Since it has taken sustenance from another source, it is very nutrient dense and tastes delicious. However, it contains a mild Paralyzing Poison.

  It steals from others while protecting itself. An underhanded mushroom.

  Aw, don’t say that. It’s survival of the fittest out here. You gotta be a little crafty. It’s eat or be eaten. Wait…why am I defending a mushroom? Anyway, I don’t have Paralysis Resistance. So unfortunately, I’m gonna have to give up on this one.

  Maybe I’d take it with me anyway. It said it only gave mild paralysis, so maybe it wouldn’t actually be that bad. I could use it to get the resistance skill.

  I spotted a large blossom that resembled a sunflower with an oddly swollen stem. Curious, I drew closer to identify it. But before I could, the swollen stem burst open into a huge chomping mouth. I stopped it with a quick punch.

  Gained 12 Experience Points.

  Title Skill “Walking Egg” Lv — activated: gained 12 Experience Points.

  There are carnivorous plants out here?! It definitely doesn’t look edible, but I’ll check it out anyway.

  Carnivorous Flower: Value C-. A rare plant that eats animals. Unable to digest sodium, therefore salt collects in the white tips of its roots, which can be burned to obtain the salt. Its value depends on the quality of the soil.

  Aha! In my previous life I remember hearing about salt collecting in the leaves of trees, and the wind scattering the deposits across wide distances. This is great, actually. I could use some salt. I might as well take the roots with me.

  I dug up the roots and noted that the tips definitely bulged with something white. There seemed to be a lot there. Perfect. Next time I saw this type of plant, I would actively hunt it down.


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