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Kindles of War

Page 31

by Nicol Terra

  “Maybe we should enforce strict law.” Yukari started, with Ryunsun letting out a scoff.

  “And then what happens? Leading with fear is not why we are here.” Ryunsun said.

  “And why are we here again?” Yukari asked.

  “To get the Calamity Stone,” Ryunsun said. Yukari saw two citizens shrink aside down the blackened alleyways. The houses warped around a large skyscraper, the glass windows with the sign ‘Skytree’ displayed in neon and argon lights. The official reason was that, but it was anything but that. It was a lie, Yukari was not stupid, but she didn’t care about the lie. The truth was, is that she loved taking this land for herself.

  “Maybe, but if we get it, we can expand our rule here,” Yukari suggested, walking inside the skyscraper. She reached for Holosphere in her pocket, the metal clanking on the sphere and scratching the button across the top.

  “Well, I hope Aruma and Eraz make their move, I am tired of waiting to capture the rest of the city.” Yukari added.

  “Oh yeah, let's get rolls.” Ryunsun said.

  “Don't wanna smoke,” Yukari added. Ryunsun rolled his eyes.

  “How about coffee?” Ryunsun asked.

  The second floor had only a few large shops, easily thousands of square feet in size with dozens of Faeries and Elves in more proper clothing, waiting for fast food, coffee or walking around the bookstore. The scent of fresh lemons fluctuated in the air as the white-tiled floor, glass railings and Warp Bubbles teleporting people up and down the Skyscraper. The mall was ten stories tall, with each floor specializing in different things. The upper levels were devoted to housing, finance, and bars with hundreds living in this building without having to leave outside. Yukari swung her head around to the coffee shop as she saw two elves in black suits and dress pants nudge at each other. Yukari grumbled to herself.

  “Meadows Family.” She said to herself.

  “The rich love us here,” Ryunsun added, as the two walked over to stare at Ryunsun. The three were around the same height, but the Elves had blond hair and had slender builds. Their medals on their shoulder were in shape of an autumn leaf.

  “Ryunsun Sin, that is your name, right?” They asked. He nodded.

  “Yes, I am. I take it you are part of the Meadows family, branch or main family?” He said. Yukari grumbled and cursed. Even in this tough environment, this world treated the rich in a high standard. Trade was normal, and profits were soaring. The War Economy has begun. Everyone had a stake somewhere.

  “Oh, just a branch family.” They said dismissively, pulling out their Holosphere.

  “We would like to cut a deal.” He said.

  “No, thanks,” Ryunsun said bluntly. The two men raised a brow as one of them walked up to him.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I take it you want my family’s robots to assist you with your private endeavors.” He started. Yukari rolled her eyes to one.

  “Or maybe lining you up some exclusive stocks for some trade benefits.” Ryunsun continued.

  The one staring at Ryunsun clenched his fist. Yukari instinctively created a gust of wind in her right hand. It was taboo to kill a Royal except in a warzone. She bit her lips, such a little taboo and yet so disarming.

  “And I say no. Sorry. I want coffee with my friend over here.” Ryunsun nudged at Yukari. The two men shot a look at her as they froze white. She smirked, she saw that expression many times before.

  One of them cursed, taking a walk away as the other waltzed over to Yukari, leaning over to her.

  “I can't wait to see our heir beat you, Tainted Knight.” He said. Time Froze around him as she stared at the man. His large body was over twice as big as Yukari. Yukari wasn't scared though. She has beaten and made people cry three times her size. Chisean's can be as tall as fourteen feet, and she was just over five foot. One time, she met a neighborhood gang lord who was twelve feet tall, which she proceeded to break his spine and hospitalize him for both breaking the law and talking down on her. She waved her hand as a green shroud, and twisted, yellow eyes and smile appeared behind her. The figure had no hands. Instead, he flew around the two as a large gust blew outward, breaking the time stop. Time started again as the man walked away. She waved her hand, wiping out the gust of wind as both her and Ryunsun took a spot in line.

  “He froze time just to threaten you?” Ryunsun asked. She nodded.

  “Who is the Meadows Heir?” She asked.

  “It’s Tanyl. She is the strongest of the Branch Families. I heard she is a Chief Commander.” Ryunsun said.

  She scoffed, “I guess we know who is guarding the inner city gates.”

  “All Sixteen of them? Probably.” Ryunsun asked. He pulled out his Holosphere, turning to the cashier. The machine next to them whirred, a large Cube floated upward as two plastic cups rolled from under the Holocube, pouring two cups of black coffee from a set of ten dispensers. “Although I am sure Tanyl is not in charge of security.”

  Yukari grabbed her cup as everyone around her parted ways. She took a large sip of the blazing hot coffee. The black tar rushed down her throat, waking her up with a snap of her head. She smiled. “Tastes good.”

  “You don‘t care who is in charge of this city?” Ryunsun asked flatly.

  “Oh no I do, who is it?” Yukari shot back.

  “It might be Sprout …and there are issues here.” He said. She took the hint right away and popped out her Holosphere. Ryunsun snapped his fingers like lightning to write a message in a few moments.

  Then, the message arrived, “Maplesworn and Mysen might break back up into two countries again.” He said.

  She bit her tongue, trying to avoid to push the topic further. "Sprout? Never heard of her." She thought to herself.

  “What is her last name?” Yukari said.

  “Don't have one.” Ryunsun winced.

  Yukari blinked, as she felt her mouth open. “You mean she is not a Royal?”

  “Yeah, and I heard she is second strongest of the Maplesworn Chief Commanders. We might, with Tanyl, might have pushback.” Ryunsun grumbled.

  “Any higher ranking officers?” Yukari asked.

  “Four Legion Commanders on their way by next month and it will make it near impossible to take Agall.In total, four Chief Commanders will eventually be met with four legion commanders, a Vice-General and a General.” He whispered, his tone was overtly quiet. Yukari scanned the room, noticing an odd trend of Elves with Elves and Faeries with Faeries. Is the tension of breakup that high?

  She took a seat at a nearby red table with Ryunsun as he took a big gulp of a cup of coffee. He shivered, his eyes opening twice as wide before.

  “Wow, that was a good cup.” He said.

  “Yeah, it isn‘t bad.” She said.

  “I usually don't drink black.” He said.

  “I do, I prefer to avoid sugar and milk,” Yukari said, leaning her face on her right hand.

  “I would imagine that you drink a lot, considering how much time you spend with your soldiers.” She said.

  He smiled, swirling his cup in his hand as he swung his gaze around the black drink. “Yeah. I do. I get enough sleep, but when I am not in battle, I am having a good time with them, coffee and drinks that is.”

  “Fraternization, then?” Yukari asked.

  “Not that I see it that way,” Ryunsun said, his gaze shooting at Yukari. She winced, she pulled a nerve. “To me, they are people first and my soldiers second.”

  She bit back her response as she took one last gulp and tossing the cup into a nearby trashcan. She stayed quiet for a moment as she got up from her chair, stretching her arms and back to their normal positions

  “You leaving?” Ryunsun asked, a small frown forming across his face.

  She nodded. “I wanna relax at home.”

  “Well….how about we go to a nearby park to relax instead?” Ryunsun rolled.

  Ryunsun dragged her across town as the sun dipped below in the distance. The two walked a few hours. She grumbled, she wi
shed she can go back home and prepare for her next attack. Or train, or talk to Ryo. She sighed putting up with Ryunsun as both a friend and a coworker.

  The park had dozens of trees lined up, forming a small forest kept hidden by a stone wall. The park, however, was the size of a small town with dozens of bushes, trees, soil and grass covering her entire vision. The two took a walk down a little, snake-like trail that rolled around the park. She then heard a little hoot from an owl. As she shot her gaze at the bird, it flew away.

  “Animals.” She said.

  “Hmm? What was that?” Ryunsun asked. Yukari shook her head.

  “Nothing.” She said.

  “So, you ready for the second invasion?” Ryunsun asked.

  “What, did they give us orders?” Yukari tilted her head. She never got this order.

  “Not really, just instinct.” He laughed. “Although I did use this.” He said, flashing Yellow Aura. She rolled her eyes.

  “Futuresight to cheat an answer?” She cooed.

  He nodded, “I have gotten pretty good if you asked me.”

  “How many can you see?” She asked.

  “One hundred thousand and six hundred, give or take.” He said confidently, his eyes flashed yellow as his irises shattered. His eyes turned brown to light yellow as his irises appeared shattered. Yukari saw different images in each one. She can barely see the futures he saw. She did not have the shattered irises that Ryunsun had

  She smiled. “I guess it is official.” Ryunsun said.

  “Cool, what is the day?” Yukari asked.

  “Keep it a secret?” Ryunsun said.

  “Obviously.” Yukari asked.

  “One week from now. And that is far I can see.” Ryunsun said.

  “How many can you see in a fight?” She asked.

  He shrugged, closing his fist as his eyes shimmered at his hand. “Millions. I can't see all futures, but even this doesn‘t guarantee me a win.”

  “Obviously.” She rolled her eyes. Ryunsun ignored her comment. But she continued. "I can see the future, and It only comes as a few futures to me." She said. Ryunsun raised a brow, caught off guard by her brief sincerity.

  “Especially when I see advanced abilities. I see futures where I die, and then I see nothing. Others, I see myself alive, and I follow that. I have to keep following the future or else, I die.”

  “But Aura is the only one of the three schools of combat where you can see the future, don‘t you feel special?” She asked.

  “No.” He said bluntly. He rolled his eyes. “I am afraid for my life. I have no choice to use it though.”

  “Why would you be afraid of it?” She asked.

  “Because after I die, my future sight ends.” He said.

  Yukari said nothing. She had nothing to say. She slid her face down to the ground, the sound of the wind whistled past her hair as the moderate breeze and sun sank. Moments passed, Ryunsun said nothing, as he flashed Purple Aura stronger, as his curious gaze both inspired her and frightened her.

  “I am sorry,” She finally said.

  Duran walked out in the dead of night. He woke up sober, lucid. Duran slipped on a jet black cloak instead of his gleaming armor. He had a sword strapped beneath his cloak and a small buckler attached to his right hand. He did not bring his Holosphere; he left that inside his hotel room. He grumbled about it, but the vision still bugged him. He wanted to detach himself from his worldly attachments. He laughed, leaving the gates of the shiny city of Argatha behind him. Almost like a laundry list, he finished each task dutifully and headed out with no regrets, only his goal in mind.

  Duran walked out the long, winding cave to the sun-scorched continent in hours. He wiped the sweat of his brow, even miles away from the desolate continent of Areron, he still said nothing about the temperature, he did not care for nature.

  The desert stretched for miles as his cloak flapped in the wind like shadows reaching forward to grab at the light. The ground was cracked from the lack of water, and there was no wildlife. No one lived here, even miles from Argatha he saw no one. Anyone would break under these conditions. The temperature was over a hundred; the air was dry and crackling, and the ground was parched. The land felt as if it was cursed long ago. While curse may be gone, but the effects were still there.

  The first day passed, and he continued to march on. He burned Green Aura to keep himself awake, as he adapted to the lack of food, water and sleep. He touched on the power of his chakra briefly, wheeling around to fuel him forward. He felt no fatigue; he kept walking. He needed not to eat, although he still felt hunger. His Green Aura was good for adapting to any situation. He faced it all, deserts, taiga, tundra, jungle and even the arctic north of Zynthia.

  The second day passed, and he continued to march through the desert. Strange gushing piles of mud instead replaced the crackling ground. When he reached for further inspection, a shot of steam came out to slash at him. He pulled away and continued on.

  The third day, the desert became a blackened forest. The forest trees were desolate, without water, wear or life itself. He smiled softly at this inspection, only to look at an old wooden plank beneath his feet.

  Harjun Forest

  He scratched his chin for a moment and shrugged. He felt a peculiar sense of animosity follow him for days, and an old sign of wood worn by the tides of time was intriguing to him, had this area once been civilized? It wasn't impossible, he did remember that the citizens of Argatha once lived on the surface. The occasional splintered wooden door and wall was proof of that.

  He shrugged and continued to press on. He saw no point in wasting time, wondering about such history. He loved the subject, but he also spent too much thinking about it. He was naturally curious about the actions of people, asking about why people do things more so than reciting knowledge from a textbook. This was strangely a part of him when alone, perhaps to cover for his lack of boredom without having drinks or friends near him. He then gave himself a small, somber smile at the remembrance of his friends.

  The forest had tall trees, often hundreds of feet high that warped and twisted around each other. Duran saw no sunlight. The tree trunks blocked most of the light down to him. He only saw vague shimmers of light cross his path every occasionally. He raised a blue aura around his body. He sensed the surrounding environment, strangely damp. The damp air was in contrast to the toasty outside of the forest. The swampland was stubborn, flushing with white fog. He coated his body with Blue Aura. Even miles away, he can vaguely feel Argatha and the tens of millions living inside. Duran, however, marched his Aura onward. The forest would be enough to scare most people. He sensed Demons vaguely inside, Elementals and perhaps even Dinosaurs if he looked hard enough. All of which were mighty monsters if it not were the fact Duran was stronger than every single one.

  He then remembered for a brief second, the decades of obstacles he had to accomplish to ascend to where he was now — not decades of training, but decades of pain.

  He bit his lip. The forest warped around him, the black trunks and the wet black moss at his feet were almost comforting to him. The forest fogged up as spurts of steam shot from the ground to cover his field of vision.

  He walked onward past the sulfur smelling steam. The sulfur twinged and burned his ears like a rash. He grumbled at the inconvenience, rubbing his ears softly every once in a while to ease them from their discomfort. The fog seemed to warp figures inside his mind if he was under the spell of a powerful Auramance or a Mage was unknown to him. He sensed through the fog to see a wide, long body of water.

  It was a large lake. The lake was clear and warm, and large. It was probably ten kilometers long and wide, and a hundred kilometers deep. It was distinctly ovular and had crisp, clear water. He sensed a large being inside the lake; it was also massively large. It was perhaps a hundred feet in width, a massive fish. He smiled, it was a Leviathan. He rubbed his lips together. He didn't need to eat because of Green Aura staving off his appetite when he used it regularly, but a small par
t of him wanted to get a bite to eat. Both to save Aura and to also indulge in something tasty.

  Duran coated his feet with Blue Aura and created a small puddle beneath his feet. He took a step on the lake, walking on it with ease. He stopped, he then saw the massive Leviathan roar out of the lake. He snarled, large white teeth the size of a human came lunging down at him. He took a step back and jolted to the side.

  One Minute. He would play with his food, not because he wanted too, but because he needed the practice. His smirk and smile faded, he was sure someone beyond the forest was waiting for him. He felt it. The vision was true. He needed practice if he wanted to maximize his own survival.

  He flashed Wind as he coated his blade with a sickle of wind. The wind was sharp, splitting and slashing through sound. The blade was sharp enough that when he slashed to the side, the water in the lake snapping aside.

  The Leviathan rushed back down. He felt the atmosphere around him freeze, and then himself freeze. He smiled softly. The Leviathan froze time. Time was still, and Duran fell for it

  Then, the lake rippled outward as the Leviathan rushed at Duran. He smacked his blade on the waves to lunge himself upward with a pillar of air. The Leviathan obliged, flying upward with his mouth open to grab him. Duran cut behind him with his blade coated with Darkness and fell backward. He teleported a few kilometers away, near the middle of the lake. He smirked.

  His blade of Wind and Darkness was enough to warp space around him, rippling across. Direction seemed to tilt, and up became sideways. Warping and Bending Space was his specialty, and he never once had to worry about something he could just redirect or teleport out of.

  The Leviathan lunged down again. Duran swung his blade around to create a brief yellow glyph before time froze again. He did not move, nor did he think. He closed his eyes.

  The beast clamped down on him to chew at him and slaughter him into tiny pieces. Blood dripped from its mouth as he dropped downward back into the lake.


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