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Kindles of War

Page 40

by Nicol Terra

  “Who the hell are you?” Tina asked.

  Erudite eyes locked on Tina. She merely shrugged.

  “What?” She asked.

  “You seriously don't know a Chief Commander of Mysen Military?” Erudite grimmaced.

  “Was I supposed too?” Tina answered. Her tone was confused as Erudite couldn’t help but face palm.

  Before she could respond, the female elf laughed, her head cocking calmly to the side.

  “Oh, wow you are a straight shooter, aren‘t you girl?” She said.

  Tina nodded. “I am honest, and I still have no clue who you are.”

  The woman extended her hand out. “Tanyl. I saw your fight against that Lieutenant, and you are well skilled. You impressed me.”

  Tina blushed, waddling her feet on the ground as she fluttered her wings.

  “Thank you.” Tina said.

  “What is your name?” Tanyl said.

  “Tina.” She said.

  “What‘s your last name?” Tanyl tilted her head.

  “Don't have one,” Tina said.

  Tanyl eyes narrowed as she darted her sad look away. “Oh, I see.” Tina felt her eyes change, a look all too familiar to her. Before she could walk away, Erudite grabbed her. Tanyl raised her eyes. “What do you like to do?”

  Tina blinked, her face faltered. She grabbed her necklace on impulsed, her face lessening from the shock and surprise, that was an unexpected question.

  “Well, I like to help my mom cook and teach her how to use magic to help her day today. I also help by getting her coffee, her favorite drink. She can‘t do it much herself these days.”

  Tanyl smile returning even though it was more softly than it was before. “I see, you are rather motivated.”

  Erudite rolled her eyes. “Permission to speak freely?”

  Tanyl nodded. “Granted.”

  “How are the other two hundred fifty-five inner gates holding? It seems we haven't pushed back the invaders.”

  Tanyl leaned on the wall, her eyes widening. “Honestly, most are holding pretty well. Not too many armies invaded before we sealed the primary South and West Gates. Although the inner army of Zynthia and some of Kulso holds alot of the outer portions of the city.”

  “What about their Executive Officers?” Erudite asked.

  “Most are surrounding the city, only four have made it in, three of which are still in the outskirts of the city, and they are taking their time.” Tanyl eyes darted away. “Damn you, Tainted Knight.”

  Tina darted her eyes around, noticing Rose in the corner playing with her fingers.

  “Yo!” Tina shouted.

  Rose shot up. “Yes?”

  “You got a pack of Jays on you?” Tina asked.

  Erudite turned around. “You are now seriously smoking in front of an Executive officer?”

  “Can I have one too?” Tanyl inquired.

  Rose nodded, pulling a roll for all three. Rose pulled one for Erudite, who merely shot her a glare.

  “Come on.” Rose said, wiggling the pack in her face.

  “Miss Lieutenant, you won the battle, so take your reward.” Tina winked.

  “Your sarcasm hurts..” Erudite snickered, snatching one for herself.

  “Your attitude is worse, now hurry up and light up.” Tina said.

  Tina stuck her roll in her mouth as Tanyl snapped her fingers, lighting all four as they all took a puff.

  Rachel leaned on the bed, her back facing towards the wall. Her expression was pained as her Holosphere was floating around with Daniel’s hologram.

  “So Liam is not only not there, but you imply he is working with this group?” Rachel asked.

  Tom nodded. “I know it's hard to believe, but think! The Chief Commander in charge of this Maldition army is dead. We found his body.”

  “And?” She asked.

  “Daniel, how strong is Liam?” Rachel inquired.

  Daniel sighed as he tapped his finger on his desk. His eyes were tired and vacant as if he woke up.

  “Liam is around Chief Commander level in power. We fought before I was promoted and he and I drew.” He growled.

  “So possible?” Rachel asked. Daniel sighed.

  “Unfortunately, but his dead body can mean a lot of things.” He said. Rachel grimaced. Liam was not the type to be loyal to a country anyway. Unfortunately, the higher up view him with great respect because of his power. Rachel however, could not.”

  Rachel's eyes grew more fierce. “Dani,”

  “What?” He said, his tone and inflection was rude as if he rushed out the words.

  “I told you, Liam does not care about exploring, serving Kragg or even Humanity, this makes sense.” She started. “I guarantee this is him.”

  “You were fine with him when I sent you two on the island.” He countered

  “To be fair, I don‘t see him often, and this is a big place. My larger point is that I can see it.” She said.

  “Regardless,” Daniel grumbled and cursed. “The strongest fighter on their side is dead, and if Tom is right, Liam is not interested in taking the city himself.”

  “His plan is likely much bigger.” Rachel started.

  “Where was he last seen?” Tom asked.

  “Ruga, the largest island on the Idera Archipelago.” Daniel added.

  “That is nearby.” Rachel said, her fingers rubbing her chin delicately as she thought to herself. Liam was not a weakling, and he could take these cities if he wanted. Yet leave it to three officers, far weaker than he is? There is something to this story she is missing.

  “After this, I will go to Ruga.” She said

  “You can‘t go there,” Daniel interjected. Rachel rolled her eyes.

  “Gimme one good reason.” Rachel protested.

  “Ruga already fell to Maldition Hands, and we are not allied with Kulso. It would be bad if one human, subsidized for by the government, were found lurking the island to find one possibly rogue human.” Daniel said.

  “Oh, come now.” Rachel glared. “It is not like I am gonna wear a dumbass sign that says ‘Hi, Cute Human Girl here, Please come over here to kill me!”

  “Look.” Daniel’s voice stiffened. “You can’t, okay?”

  Rachel dropped it, keeping it in. She was motivated now. “Alright, Xin, after our duel, I am finding your boss whoever it is.”

  Tom grimaced. “That is my report.”

  “Tenclo is safe right now?” Daniel asked.

  Tom nodded. “Yas had a vision of these Three leading us to possible victory, our only chance.”

  Rachel blinked. “Wait, Yas can see into the future?”

  “Yeah?” Tom turned. “He didn‘t tell you?”

  She cursed. “No, he has a tendency to not tell me things. I have been along for the ride.”

  “How is the division of soldiers? Daniel asked.

  “Around five battalions. We only have myself to lead one. That runs 500 although that number could be as high as 1000 if we get more people to sign up for conscription right now.” Tom added.

  “And only three of us to lead one each.”Rachel let out an audible groan.

  “So one spot is needed,” Daniel said.

  “Ahn can handle strategy I think. He can lead two.” Rachel added. "Tom, you can lead as well, right?"

  He nodded in agreement.

  “Before I ask about our delicate Elven Princess,” Daniel said mockingly, Rachel ignored him. “Any disadvantages?”

  “They have ten battalions, but fewer commanders. More battle-hardened, and they know the terrain and have first move advantage.” Tom said.

  “Unless we surprise them,” Rachel smirked, she snatched her Holosphere and pressed the top before Daniel could say anything. Tom raised a brow.

  “What do you mean?” Tom said. Rachel felt a devious plot brewing inside her head. What if, instead of them attacking us, Rachel attacks them.

  “Why not, take the fight to them? Us three, we rush in at night, distract them and put them in a panic an
d we attack them.” Rachel asked.

  “That is risky, you would be outnumbered.” Tom said.

  “But it can provide a distraction. Hell, if a landing team of just Ten led by Ahn it would be enough.” She said. “We already mopped the floor with some of their army, it would be a cake walk if we can cause chaos in the camp.” She said.

  “But why not just defend? Sure, we are outnumbered, but we can still take this to them. Plus, there is a Blessing in the City. It will keep the city protected-” He said.

  “Exactly!” Rachel interrupted. “If we go head on, we would lose. Hell, this Enchantment you have here won't keep the city safe.” She said.

  “Do you know who made this?” Tom said, taking offense to this statement.

  “Do I need to care? Xin can destroy it." She countered.

  “How? Tom said.

  “Xin is stronger than a typical Lieutenant, I saw that first hand." Rachel said. “And if that isn’t enough, what is this forcefield powered by?”

  Tom's eyes widened as he let out a curse. Tom cursed. “So that is why they took Ramas.” “That is why Zane was not confident with his barrier,” Tom added.

  “Zane?”Rachel asked.

  “Zane is the Chieftain here, and the one who put up that barrier. If Zane is unsure and Yas and Ioja are missing…” He said.

  “Then it is safe to assume Xin can destroy the barrier and without the other Chieftains, this city will be even easier to take.” Rachel concluded.

  “Scary.” Tom said, taking a moment of pause. That was all he could think at this time.

  Rachel nodded. “Right. But if we attack at night, distract him, and he becomes an easy target.”

  “No other elements?” Tom asked.

  Rachel shook her head. “Not that I am aware, plus, even if he had more would still kick his ass.”;

  Tom smirked. “The Flash of the West should have her named changed to the Ego of the West.”

  “Oh, shut it.” Rachel pouted, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “Plus, I wanna kick his ass out of revenge, not ego.” She winked.

  Tom sighed. “Fine, let's do it.”

  “I owe you something.” She smiled.

  “Let's just win this. I wanna get paid.” Tom said

  Rachel giggled. “You and me both. How about I take you to an arcade after this?”

  Tom let out a small giggle. “Fine. I can settle on that.”

  The next few hours were preparations. There were no Airsails to load cannons on, or even Holocubes to help map out the terrain and track movement, the city was ancient and backward. Holospheres existed here, but they were uncommon except by soldiers and Forwards. The people took boats from place to place, something bizarre to Rachel. Every time she bought something, she would hold her Holosphere up, and people would look confused.

  She would have to pay in Silver, and only Illevetar had Silver. Tom paid for every trip they went too.

  “So you believe me?” Tom asked.

  Rachel nodded. “Without hesitation, Liam has always been suspicious.“

  “He is not the only forward who disappeared and left the government.” He said.

  “Oh?” She said.

  “Ever plan to head westward? I heard there are thousands, and they are all powerful. Shaping their own kingdoms, guilds or even their own personal power. Liam is powerful, and you know why I know this?” Tom said.

  Rachel said nothing, Only for Tom to shoot her gaze.

  “Because I have seen him fight. Once. I never once felt sorry for an enemy until I saw that.” Tom said as he let out a shiver. “The man is a demon, a monster not from this earth.”

  Tom shook, only for Rachel to pat his shoulder.

  “It's our Job to fight something no one wants to fight. I am not here for the job. But for the adventure. I will admit this though, I never once thought death was glorious. I hate to kill, I always have, I always will. Elementals, Dragons, everything else, they are fair game.” Rachel said.

  “But what if, you are forced to take another life? Human or otherwise?” Tom asked.

  Rachel said nothing, only to hold on to her crystal. “You would do it, would you?” Her crystal said inside. Rachel heard this voice, no tone, no inflection, just a voice echo inside her. As loud as a thought and as quiet as a song, it was soothing. She closed her eyes for a moment.

  A wide ocean as Rachel sprung inside her head. She saw a faint blue outline walk towards her. She looked at her hands and walked up. “Where am I?”

  “Inside my home,” Mookaite spoke. “My pocket space.”

  “So it is true… crystals are-” She said.

  “Living, yes. And dead.” He said.

  This was literally the worst time to have a mental conversation with her crystal, but his body was a giant tornado with lightning bolts for eyes and water arms.

  “Take a seat.” He said.

  “I should go back-” She said.

  “This conversation takes place in my spirit. Time does not pass here. We can be here for days, and you will return to your thoughts as quickly as you came in." He said, he didn’t speak, it was as if his words was beamed inside Rachel’s own mind.

  “So, you called me?” She said.

  “Yes. Just for a quick word of advice.” He said.

  “Yes?” She asked.

  “Next time you hesitate, it will endanger us both…” He started, Rachel let out a small curse. “Be careful. If you die, I can die.”

  “Because we have a shared life force.” Rachel filled in the blank. The being nodded.

  “Correct, do you have a plan the further you go on this journey?” Mookaite said.

  She said nothing as a breeze of warm air and the water brushing across her feet. She held onto her crystal as the being inched towards her.

  “No. I don‘t. But I can guarantee you without your help I will have no plan ever.” She said.

  The beast inched over her as he raised a brow. “I see.”

  “Plus, you are more reliable than me, so I'll just wing it and trust in you.” She said.

  The beast floated backward in shock, then a smile inched across his water drenched face. Rachel's mind returned to reality as she couldn't help shake her head.

  “What's wrong?” Tom asked.

  “Nothing.” She said, opening her eyes.

  Rachel slid her hand off her crystal as she looked Tom in the eyes. “If one life can prevent millions of deaths, ill do it.” She lied. “But thanks for the advice, Mookaite. Let's win this together.”

  Crystals were tools, yet sentient tools she can use. The Eight Creatures that are used for Crystals, they are not life. She used her tool and ignored it. Yet, she knew he can speak.

  "What are you thinking in there?" She asked to herself.

  Was she wrong? She was. “First time for everything.” She thought. She shook her head as she walked out of the boat into a large piece of wood with a towering hut. The hut was a hundred feet tall, composed of grass, mud, and sticks. It was the only house in a sea of hundreds made of concrete that looked far older than the city itself.

  “Zane is inside,” Tom said. Rachel nodded and followed him inside. The inside had a single red rug and tons of weapons fashioned to the side of the hut. Spears, Swords, Guns. Hammers, Axes and Knuckles, there were hundreds, lined up efficiently with minimal space wasted. Tens of Soldiers rushed in and out, grabbing a weapon and taking a boat outside. Rachel looked across the room. A man with a black robe and jet black hair looked at Rachel in the eyes. He was tall, six foot and buff. The man smirked at her, getting up from his seat. He grabbed her hands together. Rachel let out an audible sound.

  “Oh Madam, you are looking so today,” Zane said. Rachel blinked once.

  “Uhh, thanks?” She said.

  “Zane, she has a boyfriend,” Tom said.

  “Fuck.” He said, letting go and forming a frown. Rachel rubbed her hand across her chest as she took a step back. “Ill work with you, just don't get in my personal space again.�
�� She thought.

  “How are the preparations?” Tom asked.

  “Well, for defense.” Zane started as a soldier tried to walk up to him, only for another man to block the two. Soldiers tried to step up to Zane, with men blocking their path to push them away.

  “Is that her? The Flash of the West?”

  “So Princess Illevetar is here too?”

  “Hey! Lemme through! I want an autograph!”

  Zane sighed. “Let's just say, my soldiers have other priorities.”

  “We have… an idea.” Rachel said.

  “An idea?” Zane asked.

  Tom smacked Rachel’s side. She blinked a few times, ready to complain at him. She then turned back around to Zane only to nod. “Oh, right. I have an idea. Let's just call it either the smartest plan ever or the dumbest gamble in the history of military strategy."

  Ahn slinked back on the wooden chair. The sun was up; he got to sleep, but not too much compared to the average person. He took a quick nap in bed, sleeping four hours, only for someone to knock on his door. His eyes opened, alert. He looked over to his bedside, a large carafe filled with coffee and a stack of white cups. He took a cup and poured himself a cup at his bedside.

  “Come in.” He said, his pajamas were the only thing clean as his clothes were being washed by a blue bubble of water, swishing soap around the silk-woven clothes.

  Zane walked in, inspecting his room. The room was spotless with a white blanket covering Ahn. There was a table right next to him with hot coffee. Zane smiled, walking over to pour himself a cup on the oaken brown table.

  “Well, well. other than having minimal Aura and energy to control elements, you look great.” Zane said.

  Ahn yawned, shaking his head. “Oh shush, I did fine. Also, who are you?”

  “Oh, Zane. Third of the Chieftains. I run this city defense.” He said.

  “So like Yas or Ioja to Ramas.” Ahn added.

  He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee, chugging the white tinted drink.

  “Mm, not bad.” Zane said, smacking his lips.

  Ahn raised his glass, taking a casual drink with the man. “Right? The barista deserves a promotion.”

  “Well regarding that, what is your name?” Zane asked.


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