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Kindles of War

Page 42

by Nicol Terra

  The center of the city was on a giant board of floating wood, held up softly by dark blue waves. The board had no buildings, only boats and hundreds of people grouped together, swords and spears ready. Illevetar noticed soon Rachel, who she quickly ran too. Rachel wore a small, slender piece of light green metal. She had her dagger strapped to a new holster that was held on her left breast. She blinked.

  “Illevetar? I literally put you to bed seven hours ago!” Rachel shouted.

  “I recover quick, now tell me what is going on.” Illevetar blinked.

  Rachel bit her lip, her eyes looked wearier as if she was on her second cup of coffee.

  “Xin and Ra are regrouping immediately and attacking tomorrow morning.” She said.

  “Tomorrow?” Illevetar asked.

  She nodded. “The Army that attacked Ramas was a diversion, now that everyone has settled here, either in camps or with family, they are uniting to take this one by force."

  “Fuck.” Illevetar cursed. This was the worst outcome of events possible.

  “Fuck indeed, we are screwed, except if we ambush them..” Rachel whispered. Illevetar didn’t protest, at least she didn’t have a reason too.

  “What about Ioja? Yas?” She asked.

  Rachel shrugged. “Beats me. I haven't seen them all day.”

  Illevetar blinked. “What? I saw them last night!”

  Rachel bit her lip. “Let's just say, our main commanding officers are… missing.”

  Illevetar cursed, only for Ahn to rush up with ice cream cones and a small smile on his face.

  “Hey! What did I miss?” He said.

  Rachel took one lick, slurping up the chocolate ice cream with a gleeful noise.

  “So good.” Rachel purred.

  “Cost ten bronze, what did I miss?” Ahn rushed the inquirt.

  “Just telling Illevetar the situation.” Rachel said.

  Ahn raised a brow. “Your wounds are already healed.”

  She nodded. “I have a small scar on my stomach though.”

  Before he could say anything. Rachel walked away towards the crowd. Large noises came from the center of hundreds. Illevetar meekly shrunk back as a man with great purple robes greeted the two. He had gold rings on his fingers and a gentle grimace. He was tall, easily six foot, Human with a black skin tone. A purple Holosphere floated around him, a hologram of the map of the city and the nearby, swampy terrain, deep greens, and browns coating the sky with the image of light.

  “Attention all! We are under direct attack by a minor Maldition Army gone rogue, intent on wiping out this city from the face of the planet!” Zane said.

  “Ice Cream?” Ahn asked. Illevetar pushed the cone back.

  “Not now.” Illevetar asked.

  “Later?”Ahn tilted his head. Illevetar shook her head.

  “If we survive.” She sighed.

  The man continued on, her hand planted on Rachel as he let out a small smile. “This woman and those two over there, evacuated Ramas, one of which defeated a commanding Lieutenant! We have three pillars of hope.”

  Illevetar blushed as the tens of human soldiers looked at her, a few elves and Faerie soldiers looking at her.

  “Princess Illevetar, you may have the floor!” The man said.

  Illevetar froze, turning to Ahn. She never has done a speech like this! She has never rallied anyone before. Illevetar looked at the soldiers, each with expectations at her. Illevetar felt her heart Race, only for Rachel to nudge her in the ribs.

  “I mean, if you didn't want everyone to know you were a princess, I would have stayed inside.” Rachel said, slurping her cone.

  Illevetar smacked Rachel's shoulder, shaking her head.”Oh hush up.”

  She looked at the hundreds of men, looking at her. All of their expressions were marked with vacant eyes, darkened husks that was attentive, yet not aware. She gulped, walking down the path towards the man and Rachel. Rachel's face was the only calm one, a faint hint of respect flushed in her. Rachel was a human and her first friend.

  Rachel nodded, the two smiled at each other as they traded positions.

  Illevetar sighed; first, her body stopped shaking as she looked at the men, separated in two blocks, separated by the line she walked.

  She raised her right fist in the air. “Citizens, I have come with you great news. I am Princess Illevetar, Next in Line for the Mysen Throne. I set off far and wide, exploring these lands and I endured so much. I see your faces, trembling, afraid.”

  Her fist then loosened as she pointed her index finger in the sky. “But I tell you now, you need not be afraid! You are strong and mighty, they are weak and worthless. They only care about their own selves, and you are so much greater than them!”

  She stopped pointing, reaching for her blade and rising it into the way “Those who have never cared about the fates and dreams of others, are the ones first to fall. I defeated one because my dreams are simple, I want to protect you all and I will! I will give my title as a Princess and my life, for you and we will win! Because we are united as one and we are part of many! To those who hear me loud and clear, raise your blades and guns high!

  The hundreds of men raised their blades and guns high, all of them cheering and shouting. Illevetar sheathed her sword and shot Rachel a glare. Rachel merely smiled, nodding as Ahn winked and gave her a thumbs up.

  The plan was easy although they were outnumbered two to one. Rachel, Ahn, and Illevetar would surprise attack the army that was camped not far from the city via a small balloon. Then, by morning, the army would attack. They only had to hold their ground for six hours

  The three rallied and prepared their Balloon. Rachel and Illevetar would group up under one while Ahn would take one for himself. By nightfall, the three left in the cover of night. Illevetar looked as the city of floating houses on the lake and buildings grew smaller and smaller. She then looked at the moons, and then at Dimir, the only moon full with its green continents and blue oceans, merging in perfect harmony. The flames of the balloon lifted them higher and higher as the two overlooked from the basket.

  “It's beautiful.” Illevetar said.

  “Yeah.” Rachel said.

  “Wonder if we can see it?” Illevetar said, looking at the moons.

  Rachel smiled. “We can, what's stopping us?”

  Illevetar giggled. “Thousands of miles of space?”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “They say portals to the eight moons were scattered, but do exist, an old legend from thousands of years ago.”

  Illevetar raised a brow. “Then we can?”

  Rachel shrugged. “Assuming we can find a portal.”

  “Where are you going after this?” Illevetar asked.

  “I am unsure yet, I don‘t make decisions like that too far.” Rachel said.

  “I might go back to Siphor.” She said.

  “What reason?” Rachel asked.

  “I left mother and father in a tough spot, I want to help my people now after I get the Calamity Stone.” She said. Rachel shrugged.

  “Doubt Kragg cares about me getting that stone.”She said.

  “Why would they, don‘t they already have one?”Illevetar asked.

  Rachel nodded. “Found it first, and now apparently everyone wants one.”

  “Do you believe in the legends?”Illevetar thought. The legends; that the stone is a parallel plane that no one has even seen before.

  “That I would become a god if I used it? Sure, but being a god would be boring.” Rachel winked, and then she sighed. “Like, what in the world would I do if I was one?”

  “Create or Destroy Solar Systems?” Illevetar asked. That is what the legends said about the calamity stones after all.

  “Star Systems come and go regardless of me.” Rachel said dismissively. Illevetar laughed.

  “I guess so. But they are just legends.” Illevetar said.

  “Speaking of Legends, time to make our own.” Rachel said.

  Illevetar nodded, the dark site of tens of tents
laid out in the quiet of the night. Rachel was first to jump, then a few seconds later, Illevetar jumped. She smiled as she ejected pillars of flames to soften her landing and incinerating a tent on accident.

  “Oops,” Illevetar said.

  Then a siren bursted throughout the camp. She cracked her knuckles, smirking.

  “Well, one vs. two hundred seems like fair odds.”

  Ahn picked ten specific soldiers in his Balloon. His Balloon was slightly bigger than Rachel’s, and his reward is if he wins, he gets to keep it. The outside smelt of fresh smoke and wood clippings.

  The ten soldiers were made up of six men and four someones. His two majors were men, the large one Ahn poked and caused him to keel over, and the other is close to his own size. Everyone else was scattered in a dark, black room. The ten were floating in the air, the room was quiet. The ten of them were silent because they were all afraid. Ahn looked to one of them randomly, who avoided eye contact with him. He let out a faint sigh, turning his gaze to one of the female soldiers

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Stay close,” Ahn said. She let out a small gulp as she nodded. The smallest whispered

  “We are-”

  “We will be safe.” Ahn interrupted. His body gave off a burst of flames. “Because this one is personal.” He said. “Ra, I hope you enjoy your time left here because I am hunting you down.” He said. This building should hold the majority of soldiers, a few dozen.

  The airship floated downward a few hundred meters away from the northern part of the camp. He saw Rachel and Illevetar drop a few minutes ago, racking up the destruction in the eastern part of the mostly pitched up tents and small, wooden cubicles. The smoke and fire grew to touch the east part of the camp and slowly stretched northward. Ahn took a single deep breath as he was the first to swing the door open to the outside. He felt his Aura intensify in power as his raw emotions sped up his release of Orange. He saw it, the largest building, a castle made of stone. He flashed Orange Aura as he flew down to the top and slammed on the roof. He was not injured, his Orange Aura protecting him. His Soldiers fell down after him. Instead, they landed on the ground and circled the building.

  “We are in position.” His Holosphere said, he turned off Holograms to avoid casting too much life on his position.

  He nodded. “Rush up, I am rushing down.” He said running down to and kicking the door ground. The sirens blared in the building, lighting up the floors. Sprinkled reds and blue light and the loud siren blasting throughout, Ahn flashed Blue Aura as he sensed the layout of the building. His squad shot at the bottom level, quickly wiping out the first floor. Ahn smirked, instead of creating a blade of fire as he lunged down at the floor. He bolted down two stories, dispelling his sword and rushed down the dark hallways. He saw someone pop out with a Gun in the dead darkness. Ahn punched him in the face, knocking him out as he rushed to the right side. The room he rushed in had a giant floating Holosphere greeted him. He extended his hand and incinerated the tech within a second. The siren stopped.

  Ahn slammed through all the doors in the hallway, dispatching any sentries he saw. He couldn't find any of the Three Commanding Officer as if they were gone. He bolted down the stairs, making it to the first floor. In a minute, the floor was taken. The Ten Soldiers of his provisional squad were far more serious and stern then Ahn was.. Ahn nodded. “They aren‘t here. This building was basically lifeless.” He said.

  Then, he heard guns cock and shoot blasts of flames through the walls and windows, blasting apart the walls.

  “Get down!” Ahn yelled. His squad dove on the floor as shots of light split through the building, blitzing past the soldiers in nanoseconds. Ahn cursed.

  “Smoke them out of there!” He heard. The shots of light stopped as he heard a loud groan.

  “Provide support to East Camp! Some freak is-” A snarling, snakelike voice screeched in anguish. Ahn smirked as he saw a bolt of lightning whiz through the wall, cutting through people as people swung around. A few moments later, it was completely quiet, minus blasts of lightning and gunfire.

  “Thanks, Rachel,” Ahn said. He got up and turned to his squad mates, some of them hid behind wooden desks and other stone pillars, split off from the building.

  “Provide backup for me,” Ahn yelled.

  “What should we do?” One asked.

  “Shoot!” He said, bolting right through the wall. His body flushed with Red Aura. Ten soldiers pointed their guns at him, only for shots of flames and air to whiz past the battlefield. One by one. They shot at Ahn, and within a few moments, Ahn created a shield of water, deflecting lasers outward. He pulled the water out into small bulges. He let out a smirk as one soldier took a step back. Ahn sighed, as he bolted at the squad of ten.

  Within a few moments, Ahn defeated the squad. Ahn released a laser of water, piercing their bodies as they fell over, some unconscious and others dead. He couldn't find Ra, Xin or anyone else. This building was evacuated before they landed. He shook his head, at least they provided a distraction. He pulled out his holosphere.

  “Building captured, circle the camp.” He said.

  “Yes, sir!” Someone on the other line said.

  Ahn rolled to his squad, each of them slowly getting up.

  “Group with Squad Six, I am heading in the camp.”

  “What will we do without you?” Someone asked. Ahn sighed, and then he cursed. He couldn't just leave his squad, despite how powerful he was, they needed him. He then saw a holographic map pop up, with ten units wrapping around the camp. One of them was nearby but was met with an enemy squad. He smiled, this would be an easy fight.

  “Change of plans then. Let's meet with Squad Six, flank the army from behind,”

  “You mean you attack them when they attack Squad Six?”

  He nodded. “Exactly.”

  The open marshland stretched for miles as he hid behind a small tent. His ten squad mates lined up behind him, with two majors nodding at Ahn.

  “Build a wall for cover for yourself. Ten can build a wall, not even those shots can riddle.”

  “That will take five minutes.”

  “Thank god I am about to give you five minutes,” Ahn said. He took a deep breath as he flashed Blue, Red, and Orange Quickly. He had about eighty percent of his Aura and nearly a hundred percent of Orange Aura. He flashed Orange Aura as the first shots rang in the air. He bolted outward, thirty soldiers shooting at Squad Six. They inched towards them as the open environment had soldiers clashed swords to swords. He tackled one enemy, knocking him backward. His gun backfired, shooting instead another soldier from behind. He then felt a shot of air smack him in the face as he let out a single drop of blood. Ahn turned slowly to his left as a few soldiers turned ghost white.

  “You shouldn't have done that,” Ahn said, stomping his feet into the ground. Within moments, the earth shook around him, with soldiers tripping over the quake. He then let out a spat of blood from his mouth. The iron tasted fresh to him. Yet he was injured, his mouth did sort of feel fuzzy. The quake went on for miles, even affecting his own allies. He created a blade of earth and smacked through three in one swoop, knocking them out and away within seconds. Another shot blasted him in the back of the head as he swung around to block a blade with his own.

  “Open fire!” He heard. His eyes widened as the soldier blocking his blare bolted backward.

  In a moment, he felt dozens of shots of flames and winds, splitting the ground and incinerating it into tiny pebbles with ease. The shots hit him as he tanked as many as he could. The strong blasts of energy did knock him and numb his body, it did not hurt him. His Orange Aura blocked all the shots, preventing him from being damaged

  Then, he saw shots ring from behind, knocking soldiers one by one. Ahn smiled and let out a small laugh. He flashed Red Aura and bolted backward from a blast of red energy. A few hundred feet as he jumped backward to Squad Six. He turned at him, shocked and stunned.

  “Charge! Don't just stand there!” He said. The squ
ad shook their heads, shaking off their hesitation as they ran at the army. Ahn swung around as half the army was pointed at him and the other half at his own squad. The wall shot up a few dozen feet, with pure stone and metallic sheen glimmering the moonlight, dipping below the horizon.

  "Climb up!" He said the wall formed a staircase as the ten of them ran up the wall to see the remaining army. Ahn and the Squad pelted them with elemental shots. Dozens fell this way, and as they fired, Ahn flashed Orange and surrounded his squad with a forcefield. Their shots were blocked, but his squad's continued to make their mark. Then, the army started to waver and walk backward. Ahn smirked and jumped down from the wall.

  Ahn shouted as he raised his blade in the air.

  “Charge!” He yelled, rushing at the distracted back line. He flashed Blue and Orange Aura. The souls of his enemies faded weaker and weaker as he saw various points of red with his eyes. His eyes scanned as the army grew closer and closer, their souls often snuffing out as their bodies fell to the ground. Some others held their hands, holding their stomach or arms to stop bleeding. He jumped upward and slammed his blade into the ground, knocking some of them aside. The soldiers fell, one by one. Minutes later, the small battle was over. The yellow and dark green moss and grass was soaked red with blood. Their bodies crossed over each other, some of their faces were writhed with terror. Ahn couldn't help but shake his head.

  “So that is the look of a bully meeting a bigger bully.” He said. He felt a sense of mercy well up inside him, which he ignored for now.

  The two squads met up with each other, with a few more running more to the group with him. He saw the nearly eighty soldiers, smiling this time. Their faces were joyous. He smiled, he can take advantage of this.

  “See this? They are men, no more different from you all. With teamwork, we sustained no causalities, we are perfect together!” He said, raising his fist in their air. “Let's plow that camp to the ground!” He said

  The squad yelled in cheers, as he ran forward back to the cap, a large pillow of smoke hid the moons and the dark blue sky was shrouded with red sparks of flames or smoke. The soldiers rushed behind him, following him into the camp. As he took his first steps in the camp, he saw tents near him light on fire as he rushed down the ground. He saw a man come up, drunk and tired. Ahn bolted him with red Aura coating his hand as he smacked him in the face, knocking him unconscious in one shot.


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