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Kindles of War

Page 53

by Nicol Terra

  “But hey, I have a place we can stay.”


  The train rolled to a stop as the two walked outside the train. The conductor nodded, raising his hat up as he rolled the tracks away. Yukari jaw dropped. She saw only twenty houses, ten on her left and on her right, directly across from each other.

  “Welcome Yukari, to my home,”

  “What is the name of this town?”

  “My home.” She answered, heading straight down the single road that split the town in half. Yukari hid hands in her small, blue silk jeans as she felt a sharp chill freeze her numb on one half in a second. In the blistering blizzard cold, the flakes of ice fell down from the blue and orange tinted sky. The sleet filled the streets with harsh snow. She cursed to herself as Yuki swung to the third house on the right. She walked inside her home as she felt her body toast up back to a hundred in a second. The hot was blistering hot as she fell into the ground.

  “Oh god, Turn it down!”

  “Whoops, I guess my bro left it on high!” Yuki said she walked over to a nearby white block.

  Yukari rolled upward.

  “Bro? You mean-”

  “No, don’t change it, sis!” A small voice said, rushing down the stairs of the large house. The oaken floor and the smell of lime flushed the air as he ran past Yukari, still face planted on the floor. The boy rolled over behind Yuki and let out a small groan. He had blue pajamas, with silky blue shorts and a shirt.

  “Bro, I told you ninety-five!”

  “Yeah, it is!”

  “It is ONE ninety-five!” She rolled a loud cursed as he pressed and slid her finger down the box, lowering the temperature in the room a full ninety degrees.

  “Sis! It is so cold!”

  “Change the temperature in your room up!”

  “It‘s broken!”

  “Fucking-” Yuki said, cursing as she slammed her feet up the floor. Yukari felt as if she shook the house with every step, slamming the home a few more centimeters inside the earth itself.

  Yukari swung upward eventually as she tried to follow Yuki up the house, and directly to her right was a single picture. She turned the other direction.

  “Not there.” She said, rolling left, and she awkwardly went into the next room. The room was large, yet old. A few hundred years old furniture, with old stains, markings, and broken handles greeted her. A single desk, with dozens of sheets of paper and a cup of pencils on it. A bed with missing ends and a wooden plan, cracked and barely holding the mattress up and a small bubble of light, filling the room with energy. The bubble was a faint white as it barely gave of electricity. Yuki cursed.

  “Little fucker ran down this down, he is wasting energy and not realizing it.”

  “Can you fix it?”

  “Well yeah, but I don‘t wanna.” She grumbled, “It was supposed to last two hundred and fifty years, ya know?”

  “How long did this one last?”

  “Fifty.” She cursed, pulling out a small blade knife wrapped in a necklace around her chest. Yuki pulled the knife away and cut the front plate of the button off. A faint glimmer of darkness covering the bottom exited outward. Yuki flushed Darkness Magic under the base. Within moments, the light grew stronger, and the bubble went from white to blue within moments, expanding to double the size.

  Then, the room lit from upward as the house flushed heat efficiently around. Water comfortably flushed the air, and warmth flowed through.

  “Yo Night! Get up here!“ Yuki said. Her brother rushed up the stairs. He dark brown hair and chubby stomach, with wide blue eyes. He ran past Yukari and hid behind Yuki. The boy hid her face in her thigh as Yuki grumbled.

  “This is my brother, Night. He is my brother.”

  “Hi, Kiddo.” Yukari waved, only for him to hide further away.

  “It is okay Night. She is….” Yuki said, hesitating for a moment. Yukari smiled.

  “An acquaintance, and a new friend.” Yukari finished. Yuki nodded in agreement.

  “Yes, a new friend.”

  “Are you here to defend us from the Winter Shroud?”

  Yukari eyes widened as Yuki kissed Night on the cheek and turned him around.

  “He isn‘t real. Go to bed, just don‘t cook us this time!” Yuki said. Night nodded as both Yukari and Yuki swung closed the door and inched back the stairs quietly. She sighed for a moment.


  “My brother… he is just lonely.”


  “Ever since mom died, he has been seeing a white shroud, something with red eyes, ready to swallow him whole. A monster that hides under his bed. At first, I thought he was-" She started.

  “Oh, so he is afraid of the dark!” Yukari interrupted, only for Yuki to shake her head.

  “No, his fear isn’t unjustified,” Yuki added, snapping her back into place and stretching repeatedly.

  “Yukari, I chose to be a Forward for one reason: to get stronger.”

  “What do you mean? Yukari asked.

  "Let's just say, that monster is real," Yuki said.

  Yukari wanted to protest, but Yuki's face was stern serious. These past few days challenged Yukari's expectations of those around her. Instead of questioning, she listened.

  “They don't call this place of Lifelong Winter for no reason."

  Yukari gulped, as Yuki slinked her knife back on her necklace.

  “Lifelong Winter?”

  “He is the reason travel beyond our next point is possible. Last time, I got lucky. This time, I kill him.”

  “What… is his name?”

  Yuki then heard a small knock from her door. Her eyes intensified, readying red aura as a blade in her right hand. She inched towards it, slowly peaking around the wall. Yukari gulped, as her heart beat quickly

  Yuki swung the door open as a man in black was on the other side. Yuki let out a small sigh as she let him in. The man took off his black hat and laid it on a table.

  “Wow, surprised you are back so soon.”

  “Yeah, and I guess this time we will finish the job.”

  Yuki hugged the man as his large blue eyes, and blond hair winked at Yukari, who blushed and looked away.

  “Well, we got a week to prepare, and we can hike up the Frosted Sierra.”

  “Hike?” Yukari asked. Yuki rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, hike. We need too so we can get to our next, near impossible destination.”

  “The Frozen Wastes.” She said. Yukari gulped as she swung at the man.

  “Who is your pretty friend?”

  “Oh? Her? She is Yukari. She is a new friend of mine. We are crossing to find that portal again.”

  “So you believe me this time?”

  “Yeah,” Yuki said, her eyes narrowing as she closed her eyes. The man petted her as he let out a smile.

  “It's okay. I forgive you.”

  “So you have seen an Angel too?” Yukari asked. The man nodded.

  “Yeah, and if you have too, know this is likely a long journey.”

  Yukari nodded, as her left arm folded her fist.

  “Yeah, and I have to get something back.”

  Erudite shot upward, as she grabbed her body, finding herself covered in bandages. She panted heavily, trying to process what happened.

  She was back home, in her dorm. She panicked, trying to find her Holosphere, only for it be missing. She ran outside; the suns greeting her and blinding her in place. She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the light.

  She then heard loud footsteps rush up the stairs.

  “Jesus, are you okay?” Eve said, rushing upward, only to trip and fall in a frantic panic. Evelyn's face looked saddened.

  “You were yelling. Then you rush out here? Are you okay?”


  Then Rose followed up the stairs. Erudite smiled, waving at her friend, only for Rose to grab her clothes.

  “You rotten, shit lea-”

  “Woah, Woah!” Robin said, pulling Rose back with Evelyn
freezing Rose in place, merely fumbled.

  “You promised me you would bring her back! You can't even save one teammate?” Rose flared, reaching to punch Erudite. Erudite frowned, her heart sinking further. That is why she is here, she lost.

  “Stop it, Rose!” Robin said.

  "After all the faith I put in you, you just!-" Rose started, only for Robin to push her away. His clothes were raggedy and his eyes sunken.

  “You and I know that she tried. She was the only one who got through her.” Robin shouted.

  “And I failed,” Erudite said. She felt a sharp, thick glob block her throat. She clenched her fist as she felt her hatred for herself boil. She came so far, and she failed.

  “Why am I so mad?” Erudite thought, only for Eve to fly up to her, swinging her face around to give her a saddened smile. Her eyes were driven with a sea of sorrow. Eve was frowning; wiping her tear. She was crying?

  “I'll get us a pack and some drinks. You can talk it over with us. Then, we will know what happened to you.” Robin said.

  Eve and Evelyn sat next to each other, with Rose and Robin together. Rose and Robin were across from Erudite. The automated, chromium bar was empty. Erudite had to use up the last of her inheritance, but she reserved the bar to be empty.

  They clanked their cups and downed a shot. Erudite hesitantly and disgustingly laid down her cup, she hated drinking Vodka, but she wanted to numb the pain even if it was just a little bit.

  She instead reached for a pack of Cloves, a new brand of joints that Robin bought. High Quality, Organic Bud, Engineered to be forty percent THC.

  “A literal monster.” He said as he sparked his and Erudite’s joint.

  Erudite took a drag as she felt her anxiety drip away. She felt better, at least acceptingly so.

  “I found her not long after she left, and we fought for six hours.”

  “Six hours?” Rose stammered.

  “That is… inhuman. No one can do that.” Robin protested.

  “No one can also normally stop time or splice space, can they?” Evelyn added.

  “At first, she was trying to run and beat me in one blow, so that way she can escape early. Then, we..” She felt her hands crunch her dress. “We got so exhausted, that we can no longer weave advanced Magick, so we restored to raw magic, and then, our fists.”

  “And that explains explosions and new craters?” Robin added.

  “So that was real?” Rose said, shooting her gaze away.

  “Thankfully, it was at night. All Officers were asleep or away far enough from enemy territory to notice.”

  “Sure scared the armies though,” Eve added. Erudite raised a brow, only for her to read a new headline from Eve’s Holosphere

  “Ghost Explosions and Craters: Duel that shook our World.”

  “This was on a Zynthian Newspaper. We found out about it minutes later.”

  “They are even missing Majors and Squads because of you!”

  Erudite rolled her eyes. “Well, yeah. I fought as hard as I could.”

  Silence. Erudite took another pull from her roll, taking a five-second drag and exhaled while filling the room with smoke. Rose took another shot from the vending machine and downed it in an instant.

  “So Tina Won. And now, we have to find her to bring her back?”

  “Rose, she has been dishonorably discharged; as a deserter. She would be executed if we brought her back even if we can.” Robin said. Erudite grimaced, snapping her neck in response, visible discomfort. "And if we tried? Well, I like my head where it is."


  “But…Tina isn‘t a bad person, right?” Eve added. Evelyn sighed.

  “No, no one thinks that.”

  “But the law is the law.” Rose spat, her words poisonous in tone and inflection. She shot her gaze away from Erudite, which only made her feel worse. “Great, and if I broke the law to bring her back, she probably would be arrested for attempted murder on a rich official.”

  “Well, now you deserve to know.”

  Erudite nodded, as Robin took a deep breath.

  “Eight o'clock, the sun rose, and Jay sent a party after hearing the reports.”

  “It was us,” Eve said. Robin shot her a glare, which made her rolled her eyes. “Didn‘t wanna wait, cut the bullshit.”

  “Fine.” Robin rolled. “We found your body. It was barely alive. Your magical energy was near zero, and you were breathing sporadically.

  “That was the easy part.” Evelyn continued. “The tough part was getting you out unscathed. We ran into a squad, trading blows and bullets.”

  “Anyone got her hurt?”

  “No, actually. Rose and Robin fought most, with Eve and Myself attacking the rest of the four left. We won, and we got you back through sheer luck.”

  “Then, after Medical Treatment, We took you to your bed.”

  “How long was I out?”

  “About three days.”

  “And in three days, Tina was discharged.”

  “Your rank even was almost taken too.”

  Erudite winced, probably Jays doing.

  “In fact, this was covered up by us. We..signed something.”

  Erudite eyes widened, grabbing Evelyn. “What? What did you sign?”

  “Off.” She said flatly. Erudite face relaxed as she did so. She was more mad about a coverup than her rank at this point. “We signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement.”

  “Pepper had a word for us, and everyone who wanted you gone couldn't outvote him.”

  Erudite tilted her head, her eyes widening. “I'm sorry? Pepper? Our Vice-General? Why?”

  Robin turned to Rose, who was twirling her fingers together. She shot him a glare. “What?”

  “Want to tell coma girl or should I?”

  “I don't know what you want me to tell her.” She said mockingly. Erudite rolled her eyes.

  “Love you too.”

  “Maplesworn doesn‘t exist anymore,” Eve said. Erudite rolled her gaze to the side, her confusion at a peak.

  “As of yesterday, we are Faeries living in just Mysen. Half the Army Split here, and the other half went to the new state.”

  “Pepper at the last minute voted for us to stay here, positions intact and under her rule. She has good relationships with Avacyn and Apple.”

  “Apple, our General?” Erudite said, her jaw sunken to the ground. Eve nodded.

  “Jay didn‘t wanna question too hard his leading commander's position, so they abstained.”

  “But no matter what, we couldn't save Tina. Out of all the charges: One for Desertion, Refusal to follow Orders, Spying, the one that mattered most Desertion.”

  “Tina was dishonorably discharged.”

  “Well, where the fuck is she?” Erudite added. All four of them shrugged as Erudite couldn't help facepalm herself. “Of course not, why would they know?”

  Erudite and the three reported to Jay’s office, for another sudden update. Jay was not there. Instead, a female faerie, buxom and six feet tall greeted them. Erudite cooed in amazement. Her name was Pepper. She was tall and had a gentle gaze.

  “Everyone take a seat, got news for you. Also, who wants drinks?”

  “OH, me!” Rose said. Robin facepalmed.

  “You’re the drunkest out of all of us here!”

  “Thanks for confessing we went to a bar, asshole.” Erudite grumbled.

  Pepper laughed. “No worries.” She said. She pulled out a white bottle and then pushed a red box towards them. Everyone except Erudite took pieces of the wrapping paper from the package. Erudite instead looked at Pepper. Her simple gaze felt warm. She was soothing her. Her mind was at ease now. She felt isolated from her emotions, just enough to cope.

  “You’re a mind mage, aren‘t you?”

  “Oh wow, so direct,” Pepper said. Then three loud glees echoed the background as four. Brand new shot glasses were tucked neatly in a box. The drink had a unique design of two white wings on the glass.

  “Yes, let's just say I k
now people well.” She said. The three bowed, pulling each glass from themselves. Erudite reluctantly got one as Pepper poured them each a shot.

  The five took a drink, each taking a seat on a long couch. Pepper rolled her eyes.

  “I have things I wanna congratulate you on.”

  “Which are?”

  “Well first, your survival. Second, your will. Third, your skill.”

  “She is honest,” Robin whispered at Erudite, who merely nodded. Pepper ignored his comment.

  “And now, a warning. This is something, no one will know.”

  Pepper pulled out a Gold Holosphere, revealing a 3-D Image. It was a small island, frozen by snow. It was a few hundred square miles, and it was off the map, a ‘hidden’ island.

  “We have a top secret mission for you five, and it will be completed once you fill your sixth member spot again,”

  Erudite raised a brow. “What is this?”

  “It's a Ghost Island, unnamed. It is closest to the frozen corridor of the continent. It is uninhabited but with one peculiarity.”

  She zoomed in on the image, the pine trees, and leafy conifers revealing a hidden gate to the underground. The image zoomed in on to the underground to show a frozen, glacier corridor of a Library. She gulped.


  “What even is that?”

  “An ancient place, from Era Null. Twenty Million Years Ago.”

  Erudite interested peaked.

  "The..Era Null?" Eve stammered. Erudite felt a small gulp rush down her throat.

  Era Null, twenty-five million years ago. It was the Era where Calamity Stones appeared. The last mighty civilization, suddenly disappearing, leaving only these rocks and strange prophecies. Erudite pulled from the pack of Cloves as Rose lit it ablaze for her when Erudite reached for a drag of smoke, so did Rose.

  Duran looked at the sky above, the aftermath of his duel. Five days have passed, and for the first time in a thousand years, it is snowing. The snow melted from the high heavens. The clouds were a faint black and gray, dropping flake after flake.

  “Despite being located north, this is the first time Sosrow has seen snow in a long time…” Duran said. D.J and Ariel were next to leave the cave, inching out of the darkness.


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