The Princess and The SEAL

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The Princess and The SEAL Page 12

by Alana Albertson

  “Please, man? This is my only chance. I love her.”

  “Fine. I’ll take care of the leave. Let’s bring Dax along. You know, since he knows the country.”

  I had the best friends in the universe. They were my family.

  It wasn’t over between Giselle and me. I was going to get my princess.

  Chapter 27


  I GLANCED AT MYSELF IN THE mirror. My tiara was adorned with jewels, and my dress was hand-beaded with a stunning train. My hair had been curled and coifed, and the makeup artist had spent hours giving me the perfect glow.

  I looked more beautiful than ever.

  But I felt hopeless.

  It was my wedding day—it was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but the girl staring back at me looked miserable.

  Breathe. Tears pricked my eyes. Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.

  The world would see me as a princess bride, but I saw myself as a fraud. A spineless coward who was about to enter a life of misery and heartache all because I didn’t have the guts to stand up to my father, the king, and tell him that I was in love with another man. Not just another man, but a hero, a warrior.

  A few hundred years ago, it would’ve been much simpler. All Ryan would have to do is win a battle and then ask for my hand in marriage. Many countries were founded by warriors. Ryan may think his lineage isn’t good enough for a princess, but he was dead wrong.

  And Ryan must’ve forgotten me. I called him almost daily since I’d left. I had planned to beg him to take me back. See if we could find a solution. Even delay the wedding. But once I couldn’t get ahold of him, I realized he must’ve moved on.

  It was my fault; I’d told him we had no future together. I’d been too scared. Too prideful to make it work.

  I would never forgive myself for breaking his heart. And mine.

  My aunt and my cousin Lucia walked into the room.

  I choked back my tears.

  My aunt’s eyes brightened. “Giselle, you look beautiful.”

  A beautiful disaster. I was about to betray my heart—make a vow to a man I didn’t love. I couldn’t even begin to think about the horror of my wedding night. There was no way I could have sex with Miguel after I had lost my virginity to Ryan. The thought of another man touching me made my skin crawl. My heart still held out for Ryan.

  I was so pathetic.

  No. I couldn’t do this. I was better than just some woman who’d marry for duty. I’d tried and tried, but one last look at my face in the mirror was enough. I couldn’t be a bride to anyone but the man I loved.

  “Aunt Sophie, I can’t go through with this. There’s something I need to tell you—”

  She placed her finger over my lips. “It’s just nerves.”

  “No. You don’t understand. I can’t do this. I just can’t!”

  She shook her head. “Now is not the time to change your mind. It’s your wedding day.”

  Don’t remind me. “I know, but I’m not ready.”

  A smile graced her lips. “No one is ever really ready. You will be happy. I promise.”

  How could she promise my happiness?

  This was it. My last chance to end this charade.

  Lucia straightened my veil. “You look gorgeous. Everything will work out.”

  They both embraced me and then left the room.

  I walked out of my dressing chamber, my nerves rattling. As I headed to the back of the church, I glanced at all the limousines and photographers outside. There was even a horse-drawn carriage waiting to whisk Miguel and me away to our honeymoon suite.

  Maybe Miguel would agree to an annulment? There was no way he would want to leave me; he would do what the men in his country were notorious for—long marriages and multiple mistresses.

  My father greeted me, his blue eyes blinking back tears. “My princess. You look beautiful. Just like your mother did on our wedding day.”

  I couldn’t hold back the tears. “Papa, I’m so sorry. But I can’t go through with this! You don’t understand. You see, I—”

  He embraced me before I could finish my words. “Giselle, I love you. Your groom is an honorable man. All I want is your happiness.”

  This was it. My last chance. “No, please! I don’t want to marry him. I can’t. I don’t love him! Please don’t make me do this.”

  “It’s too late; the world has its eyes on you. You must trust me.”

  My throat burned. He was right. The world was watching—I could’ve put an end to this at any point up until today. Now it was too late.

  I hated myself.

  I kissed my dad on the cheek and took his arm. We stood behind the massive, carved church door. The notes of the wedding march began, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. Tears filled my eyes.

  My father and I began walking down the aisle. Audible gasps filled the church as the crowd stood to greet me. I kept my gaze glued to the carpet, refusing to look at my groom. Maybe when the priest asked if anyone had an objection to this marriage, Ryan would pop up from the back of the pews and whisk me away.

  I finally looked around at the standing guests. I scanned the room, but Ryan was nowhere to be found.

  Maybe he hadn’t really loved me.

  No, that wasn’t it. That wasn’t it at all. I had pushed him away. I had broken his heart. Sleeping with him and then leaving, though he’d begged me to stay. Why on earth would he come to rescue me? I was a monster. Selfish. A pampered princess. I didn’t deserve a man like Ryan.

  Each step was like a knife in my heart. Instead of appreciating the beautiful music from the string quartet, I was lost within the cacophony in my mind.

  I could just reject Miguel at the altar…

  Yes, that was it! I would say I don’t instead of I do.

  I had one last chance to fix this. I was going to take my shot, no matter what it cost me.

  We approached the altar, and my resolve grew stronger. I would address the guests and Miguel. Apologize to my country and my family. And then run out the door.

  But when I finally looked up—

  My mouth flew open, and a flush of adrenaline tingled through my body.

  Ryan stood in front of me, a cocky grin on his face, dressed in his black dress uniform with his gold trident shining. He had even shaved! I almost didn’t recognize him.

  Oh my God! What was going on?

  My gaze turned to my father, who didn’t even look shocked. Did he know about this? Why hadn’t he told me?

  I then looked back to Ryan, who was standing next to Erik and Dax. They had flown here, too?

  Where was Miguel?

  Was I dreaming?

  This was all too overwhelming. My heart raced. Dizziness took hold of my body, but my father held me up.

  “Papa, what’s going on?”

  He spoke in a low whisper, holding my hands in his. “Giselle, Ryan came to me yesterday. Actually . . . he broke into the castle with his friends and slipped by our security.”

  Ryan had no shame. He could’ve just called me, but he had to show off. I guessed he was full of surprises. I didn’t know whether to be pissed off or impressed.

  “I was angry—at first. But he told me that he loved you and would do anything for you. He also told me about what Miguel said to you in Paris. I confronted Miguel, and he admitted that he had many girlfriends.”

  Wow. I was surprised that Miguel was honest. Maybe he had been dreading this marriage as much as I had been.

  “Ryan’s an honorable young man, a warrior. A Navy SEAL. He asked for your hand in marriage, and I gave him my blessing, but only if you will have him. I only want you to be happy. If you don’t want to get married, we can call the wedding off now.”

  My eyes darted between my father and Ryan. Was this truly happening? My own fairy tale was coming true.

  Ryan was at the altar, and my father had given him my hand in marriage.

  “But what about Miguel? And our country’s military?”

talked to Miguel, and he understood. We have always had arranged marriages, but . . . times have changed. I’m the king, so I decided to act like one. As for our military, Ryan and I had a detailed discussion on how we might fix it. And since he will be your husband and a prince, I will consult with him on managing it in the future.”

  Well, that worked out well. Miguel would’ve spent our marriage at the casinos. At least Ryan had expertise to lend to our country.

  “I’m so sorry, Papa. I love you so much. I just didn’t want to disappoint you. Or endanger our country. You don’t know what this means to me. Thank you!” I wrapped my arms around my father’s neck, and he kissed me softly on the cheek.

  The priest stepped forward. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  My father presented me. “I do.”

  Ryan shook my father’s hand, but my father embraced him. Then Ryan kissed my hand.

  The guests gasped and chatted amongst themselves. I was well aware that this scandal would be the talk of Santa Cariña for months.

  I stared at Ryan through my veil, completely speechless. Ryan pulled me closer, motioning for the priest to wait.

  “You look beautiful, Princess. I told you I was never letting you go. But you were forced into accepting one engagement, and I’m not going to make you marry me if you don’t want to.” Erik handed him a ring, and Ryan knelt before me. “Will you marry me, Princess Giselle Katherine Garabaldi of Santa Cariña?”

  I gazed at the ring, a small princess-cut diamond.

  It was just perfect.

  I choked up. Ryan must’ve purchased this ring himself, though I was certain my father would have offered him a family heirloom. “Yes. A thousand time yes!”

  Our guests erupted in applause.

  I wanted to kiss him and jump into his arms, but we had a ceremony to start.

  For the rest of the wedding, I was in some sort of haze, incredulous that this had really just happened to me. Where were we going to live? Would he still deploy? But the details did not matter. All that mattered was that we would be together.


  When the vows began, I choked back tears. But when the priest offered me a script to recite, I pushed it back. Ryan and I had forged our own path—I wanted to be bound to him on my independence, too.

  “Ryan. You are the most handsome, bravest man I have ever met. God shined down on me the day he placed you in my path. You are the only man I have ever loved, and the only man I will ever love. I vow to be faithful, honest, and loyal to you every day of my life.”

  Ryan wiped back a tear.

  “Giselle, meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. My entire life, I’ve yearned for someone to love, and to love me, and that someone was you. You are completely out of my league, and I will live the rest of my life trying to be worthy of your love. I plan to honorably serve your country as well as I serve my own. I never imagined myself as a husband or a father, but now I can’t imagine my life any other way.”

  My heart couldn’t take much more. Was this real?

  “By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

  Ryan finally lifted my veil and gave me a slow, sweet kiss. I never thought I’d kiss his lips again. Now I would get to kiss them forever.

  “May I now present to you for the first time ever, Prince Ryan Shelton and Princess Giselle Shelton.”

  He took my hand, and the crowd cheered. My aunt was crying, Lucia was giving me a thumbs-up, and even my father looked pleased.

  A dozen white doves were released into the sky.

  This was the most glorious day.

  Ryan led me out of the church and into the horse-drawn carriage.

  “Ryan! I love you! I can’t believe you came back for me.” I gave him a cheeky smile. “But . . . you didn’t have to break into the castle. That was a bit over the top, don’t you think?”

  “Nope. I needed to show your father that he was at risk and that I was worthy of you. You didn’t honestly think I’d go down without a fight, did you? I’m a SEAL. You’re mine. I’m the only man who’s ever touched you, and I’m the only man who will ever touch you.” He cupped my face and gave me a long sensual kiss. “I fucking love you.”

  We kissed again, and I lost myself in him. I was the luckiest girl in the world.

  “But what are we going to do? Where are we going to live?”

  “I made a deal with your father. When I’m training in San Diego, you’ll live with me, though he insisted on buying a property in Coronado. When I deploy, you’ll return to Santa Cariña. I’ll also take all my leave here. And I’ll find some retired SEALs to begin working on the military.”

  “You’re the best.” My emotions overwhelmed me, and I began to cry. Tears of happiness, shock, joy, fear, all blended together.

  Ryan pulled me to him and clutched me to his chest.

  “I love you, babe. I’m going to make you so happy. I’ll make all your dreams come true.”

  I looked up at him, his face so handsome. His masculine jawline, strong chin, whiskey-colored eyes. “My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.”

  He smirked. “By the way, you were wrong.”

  Here we go. Been married a minute, and he is already calling me out.

  “About what?”

  “You said if I kissed you, I wouldn’t turn into a prince. Look at me now.”

  I laughed. “Well, you aren’t just a prince. I don’t have a brother; one day, you will be king.”

  Thank you for reading The Princess & The SEAL!

  I hope you loved Ryan & Giselle.

  Would you like to read a bonus epilogue about Ryan & Giselle?

  Click here:

  Catch up with them and meet their friends, Dax & Mirasol in The Virgin & The Rockstar—A Navy SEAL Rumpelstiltskin Retelling!

  Turn the page for an excerpt from

  The Virgin & The Rockstar

  Or read about Erik & Aria:

  I’m a Navy SEAL, a Triton, a god of the sea.

  And she will never be part of my world.

  Available now: Book 2 in the Heroes Ever After Series

  The Mermaid and The Triton

  ONE CLICK The Mermaid and The Triton now!



  1 The Virgin & The Rockstar


  I jerked back my head, flinging my blond hair off my face, the sweat dripping down my bare chest. My fingers remained glued to the strings, strumming the final riffs of our rock ballad. Ten thousand rabid fans mouthed the lyrics—the stadium glowed from the synchronized cigarette lighters, the night air pungent with drug fumes. A half naked girl surfed the crowd, minions throwing her on stage, as if they were offering a sacrifice, kneeling at the altar of their rock god—me. What an incredible night. I better fucking enjoy it—because tonight would be my last show, the last time I would make love to this guitar, the last time I would sing our songs. Tonight would be the night my chords would go silent.

  But fuck it, tonight wasn’t over yet. I was going to live it up. Fuck the finest woman in the audience, get completely wasted, maybe even trash a hotel room. My backstabbing band mates—guys I’d known since we were cub scouts—could go fuck themselves. I’d practiced in my parents’ garage with these two-timing sons of bitches since before we reached puberty. We’d broken every barrier in the industry, brought heavy metal music back from obscurity, bridged the gap between rock star and celebrity.

  I scanned the crowd, looking for my victim. Usual suspects milled in the crowd—bleached blonde bimbos, marked metal maidens, slutty sorority sisters. But for my last night as a rock star, I wanted someone innocent. Not a virgin, fuck no, I wanted some girl to ride me like a Harley. But I wanted a good girl, a girl who didn’t sleep around, a girl who would never dare indulge in her rock star fantasy. A girl who would remember me forever.

  What people didn’t get about rockstars was that everything was handed to us. Yes
men surrounded me, my every whim catered to. I wanted a challenge. For once in my life, I wanted to have to work for something.

  My drummer Callan battled the bass drum, and my throat tightened. This was it. My final note. I plucked the last string, the sound soaring in my ears. A lump grew in my throat, and my eyes watered, but it wasn’t from the smoke filled air. It was over. I clutched my beloved guitar, the instrument that had been my lifeline for so many years, and smashed it on the ground. Every bang, every slam, every crack filled me with rage. Chips of wood flew on the stage, strings popped, and I destroyed my prized possession. I glanced back at the audience, my heart pounding in my chest. I gave them a final wave goodbye, flicked off my traitorous bandmates, and exited stage left.

  Publicists milled backstage, reporters shoved microphones in my face, and girls screamed when I walked by. Too easy. I wanted something real, a connection. Even though I would never be good for anything more than a one-night stand.

  I grabbed a bottle of jack and took a swig; the smooth liquid coated my throat. I was hungry, but wasn’t in the mood for the butter-poached lobster waiting in my room backstage. I figured I had a few seconds to make a break for the concessions, before the fans filed out. I dashed out the back door, and entered closest food stand.

  Carnal Asada. Kick ass. What a cool fucking name. Mexican food in San Diego was always amazing. I was grateful to have my last show here, one of my favorite cities. I slid to the counter to order some tacos, when something besides food whet my appetite.

  Jet-black hair that skimmed her back, huge tits that filled out her t-shirt, jeans that hugged her phat ass. Her plump lips were painted pink, but besides that she didn’t seem to have a hint of makeup on. Wow—did this woman have any clue how naturally beautiful she was?


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