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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

Page 13

by Nathan Dickeson

  “Ya, I like them boots and them there jeans, looks much more comfy than this here rough leather.”

  Laughing Stella turned to go. “I’m going to go find Devlin,” she said walking off.

  Taranis stood on top of the cliffs looking down at the camp below. His plan worked. Stalling Gemini for a few days was all he had needed. The Gads had been an unexpected surprise. He hadn’t seen them in ages.

  “All that’s left is to lure you back to the Undercity, old friend,” Taranis said opening a black portal.

  He’s my friend, not yours.

  Chapter 11

  T he next morning Rick found himself sitting on a barrel as the colonists finished getting ready to leave. What do I do now? Rick asked himself. Without the rods, everyone is doomed. He stared up at the clouds. When can I be done? I guess once The Destroyer is dead.

  “There you are,” Devlin said walking up.

  “Oh, hey there,” Rick said grinning at him.

  “I think I’ll join you,” he said hopping up on a barrel next to him. “Nice hat,” he said pointing.

  Am I going to my death or his? Rick thought, zoning back out.

  Devlin started waving his hand back and forth.

  “Sorry, what did you just say?” Rick asked, realizing he hadn’t heard what Devlin said.

  Devlin laughed. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who zones out like that.”

  “Yeah, Stella seems to think we’re pretty similar.”

  “Except for one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You didn’t make that nasty wrong turn into the friend zone,” Devlin said.

  Laughing Rick grinned at the man. “No, I didn’t, but lucky for you I’m also not sticking around.”

  Devlin scowled. “I forgot about that. But it’s actually us who won't be sticking around.

  “Same thing,” Rick said with the wave of his hand.

  “We’ll be back as soon as possible,” Devlin said. “With help.”

  “I’d get you home faster, but that takes time, and I need to scout the Gad army myself.”

  “Another one of your tricks?”

  “I used to have a bag full of them,” Rick said with a wink.

  “The land won’t offer a lot of cover,” Devlin said.

  “I've seen it before.”

  A silence grew between them as Devlin stared at him. “Who are you?”

  Rick winked. “How’d you and Stella first meet?”

  Devlin chuckled. “Let's see, I believe my brother and I were hunting in the woods when we found her crying.”

  “Oh,” Rick said. “I guess that's one way to meet someone.”

  “How’d you meet her?”

  “I told you,” Rick said. “Pirates.”

  Devlin shook his head. “No, I mean during the attack.”

  “Oh, I was running along the rooftops when I stopped and watched her,” Rick said. “I was curious. She was fighting a group of pirates and one got a lucky shot, so I lent a hand... And melted her ax,” he added with a grin.

  Devlin burst out laughing. “I bet you got some heat for that.”

  “Not even a thank you!” Risk said pressing his lips into a mock scowl, and then waggled his finger. “How dare you melt my ax, you, you, you terrible man!”

  “Was it her granddad’s ax?” Devlin asked his smile fading.

  “No,” Rick said. “She let me know I was lucky it wasn’t.”

  “It’s nice to see you’re not perfect.”

  “You’re one to talk, Mr. Attractive,” Rick said laughing.

  “It’s a curse,” Devlin said with a smirk.

  “Of course,” Rick said stroking his chin. “It’s nothing compared to this gorgeous mug.”

  “Oh yes, but you do seem to be lacking in the facial hair department,” Devlin said tapping his bottom lip.

  “Well not all of us need a shadow to be a stud cupcake,” Rick said.

  “True, true.”

  After a few moments, they burst out laughing. Almost falling off his barrel, Rick laughed even harder.

  “Settler clothes look good on you,” Stella said walking up with Raven.

  Gaining control, Rick stopped. “Thank you, y'all are looking pretty good yourselves.”

  “I don’t think I've met you yet,” Devlin said offering his hand to Raven.

  “Glad to meet you,” she said.

  “Devlin’s been a great friend of mine for a long time,” Stella said.

  Rick grinned at Devlin, whose mouth twitched. “Exactly what you wanted isn’t it?” Rick asked.

  Devlin chuckled. “Just like we talked about.”

  “My condolences,” Rick said placing his hand on his shoulder.

  Grinning, they dropped their heads in mock sadness.

  “What are you two talking about?” Stella asked with her hands on her hips.

  “Oh nothing,” they both said snapping their heads up. Looking at each other, they busted up laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked tapping her foot.

  “I think they're making fun of you,” Raven said.

  “I guessed that.”

  Waving his hands, Rick shook his head. “No, that’s not it.”

  “I doubt you’d understand what’s funny,” Devlin said wiping away a tear.

  “I wonder if Rick will be amused after we get our revenge?” Raven asked.

  At that, Rick abruptly stopped laughing. “Revenge for what?”

  “Stabbing me,” Stella said.

  “Shooting me,” Raven said.

  “Woah,” Devin said. “When’d this happen?”

  “Last night,” Stella said.

  “I’m sure it was by accident,” he said.

  “No, he purposely threw the knife,” Stella said.

  “Oh...” Devlin trailed off.

  “You were attacking me!” Rick said eyeing them. “Besides, I healed you last night.”

  “And?” Stella asked looking at him with one eyebrow raised.

  So that's what that look looks like, Rick thought. Cute. “And I saved your lives from the Gad.”

  “So?” Raven said stepping closer.

  “How are you going to pay him back?” Devlin asked.

  “That’d ruin the surprise,” Stella said smirking.

  “Close your eyes, Rick,” Raven said.

  Muttering under his breath Rick closed his eyes.

  I’m going to get stabbed or something. “Hey!” Devlin yelled, followed by a loud thud.

  “Don’t peak,” Stella said.

  “I’m not,” Rick said through gritted teeth.

  He felt something soft and warm press against both of his cheeks. After a second it was gone.

  “You can open your eyes,” Raven said.

  “What was that?” Rick asked touching his cheek.

  “They kissed you, and you know it,” Devlin said glaring at him.

  He sat on the ground where he’d landed. One of the girls must have pushed him.

  “That was for saving us,” Stella said.

  “This is for shooting me,” Raven said holding up a small vial filled with a black liquid.

  “And for throwing a knife into my leg, now drink.”

  “What is it?” Rick asked eyeing the bottle.

  “It’s not poison,” Raven said. “But it’s not a present.”

  Laughing Rick doubled over. Quickly pulling a small cloth out of his pocket, he stuffed it in his mouth. Straightening back up, he grabbed the vile and placed it to his lips. Letting the cloth soak up most of the liquid, he hid it under his tongue. Rick pretended to shudder.

  “Now, what was that?” He asked, careful not to open his mouth too wide.

  “A potion.”

  “I know that,” he said. “Where’d you get it, and what does it do?”

  “Makes you answer questions truthfully,” Stella said.

  “Valla said the God Hesh gave it to her,” Raven said. “She said we had to tell her how it went.”
  Rick grumbled and Stella smirked.

  “Time to answer our questions. What do—”

  Pushing the cloth out with his tongue Rick held onto it with his teeth grinning at the girls.

  “Nice try,” he said spitting it out onto the ground. “You thought I wouldn’t recognize a potion when I see one?”

  The looks on all of their faces were priceless.

  “I haven't seen you use potions,” Stella muttered glaring at him.

  “And I haven't seen Stella’s face like that before,” Devlin said chuckling.

  Stella shot him a look.

  Ignoring it, Devlin snapped his fingers. “Which reminds me, do you remember what’s next week?” He asked.

  “Next week?” she asked placing her finger to her lips.

  “The Magic Tournament,” Devlin said.

  “Serpent's tail!” Stella yelled. “I keep forgetting about it.”

  “Not very good as the representative of gold,” Devlin said winking at her.

  Stella crossed her arms. “Hmmf. I went on this trip because of coin.”

  “Then you will be leaving us?” Raven asked a hurt look on her face.

  Stella stared at the ground, kicking at the dirt. “This is the lifeblood of our guild,” she said. “Three weeks and we’ll be back with reinforcements.”

  “How could you leave us?” Raven said, but then smiled. “I knew you were leaving. Rick and I talked last night.”

  “You suck,” Stella said trying to glare and laugh at the same time.

  Stomping, she stared at Rick.

  “What?” he asked.

  Stepping close to him, she stared into his eyes, inches from his face.

  “I—” He stammered.

  Stella swiped his hat and ran. Standing there, he watched her run off, utterly confused.

  “Come and get it,” Stella yelled over her shoulder.

  Rick grinned. One last game.

  Chasing after her, they weaved through the wagons, but then, he lost track of her. Stopping he opened a portal on the ground, the other end opening above. Staring through he spotted her hiding behind a nearby wagon.

  “That's cheating!” she yelled running away.

  He grinned chasing after her. “No, it’d be cheating to use lighting to catch you instantly.”

  “No magic! Period!” she yelled over her shoulder.

  “Does that include you using the wind to push you faster?” he asked.

  She ignored him. Losing her again, Rick bent over resting his hands on his knees.

  Cheater, he thought panting. She’s too fast with the wind. Spotting a kid, he trotted over. “Did you see a girl run past?” The kid pointed at a wagon. “Thanks, little man,” he said holding his hand up for a high five. Slapping it, the kid gave him a toothy grin.

  Going the long way around, Rick sneaked over to the wagon. Peering around the side, he spotted Stella standing there, watching the spot he would have appeared from. Creating an illusion, he made an image of himself appear in front of her. Gasping, Stella spun and ran directly to the real him. Stepping clear, he shot out his hand, snatching the hat.

  “Nooooooo!” Stella said pouting.

  Spinning it, he placed it on her head. “It suits you.”

  “You have hat hair,” she said reaching up.

  Messing with his hair, she licked her lips. He leaned in closer. They stared into each other’s eyes.

  “There you are!” Tom said.

  Groaning Rick shot him a look. Oblivious, Tom walked closer.

  “We’re ready to skedaddle,” he said. “Thought I’d say bye to you and the lassies. How do you like the clothes?”

  You couldn’t have waited thirty more seconds? Rick thought glancing at Stella. “I like them,” he said. “Especially the hat.”

  Stella winked and stuck her tongue out at him.

  “This is goodbye?” she asked.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Tom said.

  “Actually, I do have a question for ya,” Rick said. “Do you think the colonists will help the tribesmen with the invading Gads?”

  Tom smiled. “Already taken care of. I sent a rider to the city, and I’ll be there. But my men will stay with the women and children to protect them. I’ll be riding with them until we reach our planned settlement and then head back.”

  “Perfect,” Rick said grasping the man's hand.

  “It was nice to meet y'all,” Tom said shaking his hand.

  “Thanks for saving us,” Stella said.

  “My pleasure,” Tom said shaking her hand too.

  “Save?” Rick asked.

  Stella rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, Raven and I had trouble with a ravine.”

  “Was it mean?”

  “Very,” she said with a smile.

  “Where is Raven?” Tom asked.

  “Right here,” Raven said walking up with Devlin.

  Tom said his farewells to Raven and mounted his horse. “I guess I better get a move on.”

  Tipping his hat to them, he rode to the front of the wagons and hollered. A series of whoops followed with the sound of whips cracking.

  Stella let out a long sigh. Rick glanced at her hand. So close and yet forever away. Then it hit him. This would be a goodbye for them as well. They watched the caravan move slowly across the plains.

  Devlin cleared his throat. Dreading what would happen next, Rick closed his eyes. “We should be heading—” Devlin started.

  Two soft lips pressed against Ricks' lips. Smiling, he kissed her back and opened his eyes.

  Raven! Oh crap, Rick thought glancing at Stella. Her mouth hung open.

  Pulling back Raven blushed. “That's our fourth kiss.”

  “I uh—” Rick stammered. “Fourth? When was our first?” He glanced at Stella again. She’s going to kill me, he thought. Or Raven.

  “When you were laying on the beach half drowned.” Raven leaned in and whispered in his ear. “You looked delicious.”

  Rick’s mouth went slack.

  “You take care of him, okay?” Raven said to Stella.

  Stella clenched and unclenched her fists, staring at her.

  “Umm—” Rick started.

  “Rick’s staying here,” Devlin said.

  Both girls shot Devlin a look and then turned to stare at Rick. “Are you?” Stella asked.

  Scratching his cheek, he looked at her. “Yeah.”

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  When did I have the chance? Rick thought. “Nowish,” he said.

  Stella looked at him with watery eyes. Rushing forward she hugged him. Her head pressing against his chest, the hat fell off and she wrapped her arms around him. “It’s time for me to go,” she said.

  “We’ll see each other again.”

  “It’s been fun,” she said taking a step back and smiling up at him. “We’ll be back in a few weeks.”

  “It has,” Rick said grinning back.

  Devlin scooped up the hat and handed it to him. The two of them shook hands.

  “Hurry back,” Rick said. “I’ll need your voice.”

  “We will.”

  The four of them lingered for a time, not wanting to make it official. Eventually, Devlin turned and started walking off.

  Stella gave Raven a quick hug. “You take care of him, okay?”

  “I’ll try, he’s a handful you know.”

  “I do.”

  “I'm right here!” Rick huffed.

  Stella ran over and gave him another hug. “Goodbye Rick,” she said then spun and followed Devlin.

  He watched them walk until they crested the top of a hill. “Let's go,” he said turning away. They walked to the village in silence. Reaching it, the kids swarmed out, surrounding him.

  “Tell us about the battle!”

  “Tell us.”

  “Tell us!”

  Putting a grin on his face, Rick crouched in front of them. “It was scary! We started fighting, when demons came to eat us!” he said. “But
don’t worry, your mighty Poana glared at them and they all dropped dead.”

  “Really?” one of the older kids asked.

  “No, but do you really want to take a chance with that deadly stare?” he said winking at the kid. “Now get out of here, I’ll play with you another time.”

  The kids ran off laughing. Straightening, Rick looked at Raven.

  “You’re speaking in Syarin,” she said.

  “Oh,” Rick said, then waved his hands. “Magic.” Doesn’t matter, without my ring I wouldn’t be able to speak any language on this world.

  “Who are you?” Raven asked.

  “You said it yourself,” Rick said. “I’m the guy who has to save the world.”

  “You know I want to know more than that.”

  “Let's just say I’m older than I look,” Rick said pivoting on his foot. “Now what I need more of… is food. I’m starving!” An icy gust of wind blew past them. “Brr!” Rick grumbled clutching his leather coat. I miss my cabin. I didn’t have to deal with a disappointed heart, or fighting, or the cold wind.

  “Rick,” Raven said behind him.

  Turning to look, he saw her pointing. Following her finger, he saw a youthful warrior walking toward them.

  “The chief would like to see you,” he said.

  But food, Rick thought in his head. I want to drown my sorrows in snacks!

  “Lead the way,” Raven said.

  Walking behind the man, Rick kicked a pebble. Quit sulking, you made the decision.

  “Uh, about that kiss—” Raven started.

  “Shh,” Rick said putting his finger on her lips. “We’ll talk about that later.”

  “Don’t shush me,” she said staring at him.

  Wiggling his eyebrows, Rick winked at her. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe what?” she asked.

  Behave. Distracting yourself doesn't work for long.

  “We’re here,” the boy said pointing at a guarded hut.

  “Thank you,” Rick said ducking through.

  The inside looked just like the rest of the huts he’d been in. Cots lined the walls and a fire pit sat in the center. Poana and Valla sat waiting for them.

  “What’s the plan?” Rick asked sitting down. The three girls blinked looking at him.

  “We were hoping you would know what to do,” Poana said.

  “You’re the only one who’s seen them before,” Valla added.

  “Ah,” Rick said rocking back. “The way I see it, you have three options. Fight and most likely die, somehow convince all of Syar to fight, or you can run.”


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