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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

Page 27

by Nathan Dickeson

  “Stella, it's me,” he said.

  “Devlin? What are you doing here?”

  Slamming against the door he tried to jar it loose. “Looking for a sword, you haven’t seen it have you?”

  “A sword?”

  “Rick’s sword.”

  “Rick’s sword? She asked. “He sent you here alone to get his sword!”

  “He had to distract some soldiers,” Devlin said.

  “Can you use air to force the door open?” Stella asked.

  “I don’t—” He started. “Wait, why can't you use air?”

  “Taranis used Syarin darts. The others are still unconscious.”

  “They’re in there too?” Devlin asked slamming against the door.

  “Yeah, I’ll try to wake them up,” she said. “Go find something to pry the door open, hurry before you get caught.”

  I should’ve been caught already, he thought. Where did Justin and Jayden go? Let’s see, what can I use to knock down this door? Keys! You idiot! he remembered. That first room had a set of keys in it.

  Devlin didn't bother replying. He tossed Taranis’s journal to the ground and ran down the hall. Bursting through the door, he stopped. A man wearing a black captain’s hat stood at one of the shelves, thumbing through a book.

  He looked up. Devlin leapt forward, trying to reach the man. A rock flew from the man's hand, smashing into Devlin. He collapsed, pain shooting through his chest.

  “The serpent gave me power,” the man said crouching down. “But it couldn’t be water, or the air like a captain would want. It had to be earth.”

  “Who are you?” Devlin gasped.

  “Zaven,” he said walking out the door. “I won’t kill you, I don't have time.”

  What was that about? Devlin thought struggling to his feet.

  Grabbing the desk, he held himself up. Pain shot through his side. Several ribs had to be broken. Wrapping air around his chest, he squeezed it providing just a little pressure. That was at least one thing his magic could do. Grabbing the keys, he limped out to the hallway. He used the wall for support and made his way back to Stella. Reaching her door, he tried a key. It didn’t fit.

  “That you, Devlin?” Flare asked her voice sounding groggy.

  “Yeah, I found keys,” he said.

  “Good lad,” Adam said.

  “Are you okay?” Stella asked. “You sound like you’re in pain.”

  “I had a little run-in with—” The key slid in. “I think I got it!” he announced turning the key.

  A crackling sounded inside the room.

  “Ah, you are awake,” Taranis said from inside. “My apologies.”

  Devlin froze. The door was open by a hair’s breadth. If he noticed…

  “Time to go,” Taranis said.

  “No,” Stella said defiantly.

  Taranis sighed.

  “Okay! Okay! I’ll come!” Stella said suddenly frantic.

  Grabbing the keys, Devlin took one hesitant step back then another. Scooping up the journal he slipped inside the secret passage. He let out a sigh of relief making pain shoot through his ribs. Just then, a moan of agony came from below. Sliding the wall all but closed, he ran down the steps. Tempted to take them two at a time he shook his head; with his luck, he’d trip and fall the whole way down. What a way to go that would be, he thought. Here lies Devlin, a good man. It is such a shame he died by tower steps... Focus!

  The moaning grew louder. Like the other, this tower opened up into a small chamber. But this time an old man hung from a chain by his wrists.

  “Are you able to walk?” Devlin asked rushing over.

  “I want my daddy,” the old man whimpered.

  He must have snapped, he thought trying to loosen the chain. Crackling filled the room. Devlin froze, he didn’t dare look behind.

  “Devlin,” Taranis said. “How unfortunate for you.”

  Devlin spun around. Taranis grabbed him lifting him by his throat.

  “Now we can't have you screaming. We need to talk.”

  So strong! How can he be this strong?

  Taranis threw him back. Flying through the air, Devlin hit the chamber wall dropping the journal. Gasping from the pain he clenched his ribs.

  “Taking what’s not yours?” Taranis asked picking the journal up. “Did you get the opportunity to read it?”

  “Only a quick look.”

  “A pity, Taranis was quite fond of his journal. I kept it just to spite him.”

  “Who are you?” Devlin asked getting to his knees.

  “Stella is dead, as are the rest of your friends,” Taranis said. “Funny thing is, you would’ve lived if you’d stayed away.”

  “Liar. I heard you take Stella,” Devlin said trying to stand. “And you left the others in the room.”

  “True,” Taranis said walking over to the old man. “But Stella will no longer be present after tomorrow. And as for you and the others, the tower is about to blow up.”

  “If that was true, why are you here?”

  “I came for a quick snack,” Taranis said pressing his hand into the old man's chest.

  Devlin grew cold, watching in horror as the old man grew ancient and even more decrepit, until nothing was left but a withered husk. Taranis released it.

  “What—” Devlin stuttered.

  “Poor kid,” Taranis said wiping his hand off.

  “What did you just do?” Devlin gasped finally getting to his feet.

  “I drained his life,” Taranis said opening a portal.

  “How are you able to do that?” Devlin asked pointing at the portal. “Everything I’ve heard says the other side has to be in sight.”

  Taranis smirked. “You’re already dead.”

  He stepped through, the portal closing behind him. Devlin sprinted toward the steps. A black portal opened blocking the passageway. Blinking several times, Devlin shielded his eyes. The portal opened facing up into the sky. All he could see was a blue wall. He stared at it. Nothing happened. As the minutes passed, he began to get antsy. If he went through it, he’d fall to his death. Making up his mind, Devlin ran toward the portal.

  “I hope you’re watching the skies, Rick!” he yelled. Leaping through, gravity shifted, and he fell back. Landing on his butt, the purpose of it sunk in. Trapped. Somehow, he knew that’s how it was going to turn out. So stupid. Glancing at the body hanging in the room he shuttered. A kid? How could that man have been a kid? It looked like he’d lived to be over two hundred years old.

  Devlin screamed. He screamed at the passage behind the portal. He screamed so loud that blood dripped from his ears despite his hands covering them. Everything went silent. He continued screaming, but he heard no sound. Eventually he collapsed, his magic spent.

  Someone had to hear that! he thought struggling to sit up.

  The rough brick pressed against his back. Trying to stand, he leaned against the wall. A brick shifted, almost making him fall. Clutching at his side, he ignored his protesting ribs. Getting to his feet, he examined the brick. It was slightly pushed back and obviously not attached to anything. Sliding his fingernails into the gap, he pulled it free, scraping them up in the process.

  Add it to the list, he thought.

  A faint red glow came from inside the opening. Looking in, Devlin saw a glowing ruby, attached to Rick’s sword! Devlin pulled it free and tried slashing at the wall in front of him. It cut through the stone with ease. Now he just needed to reach the ceiling. Looking around he spotted an ancient stool.

  Pretty rotten, he thought grabbing it.

  He stood on it and stabbed the ceiling. The sword sank in all the way up to the hilt. Pulling it free, sunlight greeted him. The tower began to shake. Devlin stabbed the ceiling over and over again. He soon cut a small square. It dropped to floor, revealing the street. The tower’s shaking grew even stronger, making it hard to stand. Devlin tossed the sword up through the hole, hopping it wouldn't hit anyone. Except for Taranis, if it hit him, he would be glad. He grasped
the edge and lifted himself up. The tower trembled and he lost his grip. Crashing down, he shattered the stool. Getting to his knees he looked up. The Tower shook nonstop now.

  I’m out of time. It was nice getting to know you Rick.

  “Goodbye Stella,” he said, but no sound reached his ears.

  He sighed, and the room exploded in a fiery inferno.

  “Stupid,” he said.

  A flash of burning hot pain covered his entire body. Then everything was cold as the light faded.

  Chapter 25

  A white armored fist smashed into Rick's shoulder, shattering it. The blow knocked him off his feet ripples of pain shooting through him.


  “Wow, that felt good,” Justin said over his shoulder.

  Jayden stood next to him, black as night and wisps of smoke curling off him. Rick gripped his shoulder.

  Two against one, not good.

  “Time for a rematch,” Jayden said.

  “You don’t understand the power of generals, do you?” Rick asked.

  Justin laughed “Don’t play dumb. We’re the ones who brought you that collar. Without your powers, this will be easy.”

  If I die with this collar, do I die for real? That might not be so bad... No! I have a job to do first.

  “Not what I meant,” Rick said standing up. “But if you insist.”

  He modified his Elementia to a single blow. A massive bolt of lightning shot into Justin sending him flying down the hall.

  Summoning Light Weaver, Rick tossed it to his uninjured hand trying to ignore his protesting shoulder. He sprinted forward. Justin didn’t bother moving, simply misting where he stood. The sword blade stabbed into his chest. Justin's eyes grew wide. Clutching his chest in horror, he resolidified. Blood seeped around the blade.

  “How—” Jayden sputtered.

  “Didn’t think a blade could touch ya, did you?” Rick growled. “A black sword that can cut through anything, and then a white sword... let's just say, I made both for a purpose.”


  “Next time think twice before challenging a god,” Rick said pulling the sword free. “Even one as pathetic as me.”

  Jayden collapsed to the ground. His eyes slowly faded, and the Demon cloak vanished.

  “You!” Justin screeched.


  Justin leapt forward instantly closing the gap. Rick tried to dodge, but Justin was too fast. Justin grabbed his shattered shoulder and threw him into a wall. Bones snapped. He hadn’t felt this much pain in a long time. Bouncing off the wall, he landed on the ground, his leg twisted at an odd angle. Instantly, Justin was there. Grabbing Rick’s arm, he threw him into the ceiling. Rick gasped in agony.

  Not good, he thought through the cloud of pain. What could he do? Surprise had been on his side with Jayden. But he didn’t even have the sword needed for Justin. Run! That’s all he could think of.

  Justin kicked him sending him flying down the hall. Rick landed with a thud. There wasn’t much left to break. Forcing his broken arm to move, he grabbed the potion at his hip. A beam of light blasted through his hand shattering the potion. The scorched flesh blistered and screamed. Escape, he thought through the pain.

  Creating a portal beneath him he fell through, out into the sky. He still had the two crystals. If there was any time to use that last health crystal, now was it. Conjuring it, he shattered it as soon as it appeared in his hand. A wave of relief coursed through his body. The pain disappeared, bones knitted back together, and flesh healed.

  “Much better,” Rick said falling through the air. Even the headache was gone.

  Justin crashed into him. Rick cursed. Justin had wings. Since when can Angel soul do that?

  Justin grabbed him and flew toward the ground. Growling, Rick spat and stuck his hand out as if to summon Light weaver. Justin battered at the air, exactly as Rick hoped. Instead of Light Weaver, a small blue crystal appeared. His very last crystal. He shattered it. They hit the ground, but he felt nothing. He was Ethereal! Justin’s hand slipped through and smashed into the ground. Rick reached up, his hand passing through Justin's chest. Time ran out and he solidified. His body took priority, and everything that wasn't him was destroyed. The hand in him disappeared, cut off from Justin's arm, and Rick’s hand reformed, creating a hole in Jayden’s chest. The angel didn't make a sound as he toppled over. Rick groaned rolling over.

  The ground began to shake. “Now what?” He whined, just wanting to rest.

  And then tower exploded. People screamed as pieces of broken brick flew everywhere. Rick created an electric shield blocking the pieces that came to close. Standing, he ran toward the destruction. What was left of the tower lay in ruins. Pushing past people running the other way, he ignored the wails of the injured. Stella, Flare, Adam, Assan, they couldn't have been in that tower. They had to be alive! He wouldn’t let himself think any other way.

  Reaching the tower rubble, he scanned the area. Taranis had to be here. Rick tried to slow his breathing. Everything was happening so fast. Stella wasn’t dead! Everything else would be fine as long as she wasn't dead.

  A black orb appeared in the corner of his eye. Jumping out the way he dodged a black bolt of lightning. Three more orbs appeared with lightning shooting from them. He can create four at a time now? Rick thought evading the blasts. Where is he? he has to have a clear line of sight. Dodging and blocking more bolts, he scanned the nearby rooftops. There!

  A lone figure stood on top of a nearby roof. Struggling to stay on his feet, Rick created a portal. Man, was he exhausted. Falling through into the sky, he spotted a second figure kneeling on the roof. Stella! Creating another portal, he stepped out onto the roof. Tears slid down Stella’s cheeks. All he wanted to do was to sit down next to her. But if he did, he wouldn't get up. Stella didn't seem to be hurt. Forcing his eyes fully open, Rick turned his attention back to Taranis.

  “What’d you do?”

  Taranis turned to look at him and they stood there in silence listening to the sounds of panic below.

  “I was eliminating any help you might receive,” Taranis said without emotion.

  “Who was in that tower?” Rick growled taking several steps closer.

  “I left Flare, Adam, and Assan in their cell,” Taranis said. “And Devlin thought he’d play the hero.”

  Rick licked his lips. Dread replacing the fury.

  “If you hadn't been busy killing your people, you would have heard his screams.”

  “You’ll pay—”

  “Be realistic,” Taranis interrupted. “You can barely stand. Taranis recorded every magic you used around him. After eighty years you must have used most of them up.”

  “Then that—” Rick started.

  A dozen black orbs appeared. Creating an electric shield, Rick collapsed to the ground. A maelstrom of black lightning shot at him from all sides. A single orb appeared above Stella. Without hesitation, Rick created a portal beneath her. The effort was too much. Stella disappeared, but so did his shield. Lightning blasted him off the roof. Hitting the ground below, Rick groaned. Rolling to the side, he staggered to his feet as Taranis dropped to the ground. Shooting forward, Rick slammed into him. It felt like he hit a wall! Taranis didn't even budge an inch.

  “Nice try,” Taranis said grabbing Rick. With inhuman strength, Taranis tossed Rick into the side of a building. Once again Rick's body ached all over. Binding to the roof he shot up over Taranis head.

  I’m getting tired of being slammed into things! Rick thought soaring through the air.

  Taranis leapt up way to high and slammed his fist into Rick. Hitting the ground, Rick moaned. With the binding still in place, he began to rise up toward the spot again. He quickly canceled the binding and landed back on the ground.

  “I hate vamp—” Rick started, but Taranis was there in a blink.

  Picking him off the ground by his neck, Taranis grinned, two fangs protruding from his mouth.

  “You killed my brothers
and sisters, my parents, my children, and now I’ll kill you,” he said and tossed him into a wall.

  Bouncing off, Rick landed on the ground. Everything hurt.

  “I wanted nothing to do with you. You killed everyone.” Taranis growled.

  “Then why—” Rick said coughing.

  He could barely move.

  “Taranis wouldn't shut up! I killed hundreds of people, but he wouldn't shut up!” Taranis said grabbing Rick.

  “I see,” Rick said grinning. “So, you’re still in there bud.”

  Taranis smashed Rick into the wall over and over again. Struggling against the vampiric strength, Rick modified everything to their peak. He twisted and launched off the wall, punching Taranis in the face. Taranis staggered back and Rick leapt forward. He delivered blow after blow in rapid succession. Light Weaver appeared in his hand and he sliced at the vampire. A bolt shot from Taranis’s hand slamming into Rick and throwing him back. Several orbs appeared raining lightning down on him. Taranis shot forward and kicked the sword away. Trying to stand, Rick gritted his teeth. Kicking him in the chest, Taranis started pummeling him. Lightning formed in his hand seconds from frying Rick. Assan leapt onto his back and started choking the man. Staggering back, Taranis grabbed him and threw him to the ground. He stomped down, and Assan’s bones shattered. Rick leapt forward jabbing his fingers into Taranis’s forehead.

  Rick! Taranis cheered in his head.

  Hey Bud! Rick thought back.

  And then he attacked, sending a pulse into Taranis’s mind. Searing pain shot through both of their minds. Rick flew into another series of blows, forcing Taranis back.

  I’m out of ideas, Rick thought. As soon as he recovers...

  Taranis grabbed Ricks arm mid-swing and hurled him away. Rick struggled to his feet. Taranis shot forward, backhanding him. Rick flew several feet from the blow landing on top of the rubble of the destroyed tower. He tried to roll to the side, but he couldn’t move.

  “Even weakened you lasted too long,” Taranis said. “I can see why the vampires fell.”

  Rick managed to scoot back an inch or two. But even that was too much. He was finished.

  Where’s Stella? I hope she’ll forgive me for dying.


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