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Baby Yours

Page 4

by Kennedy Fox

  Climbing in, I pull the sheet over us and melt into his body. He brings one arm down and wraps it around me, holding me closer. I rest my hand on his chest, and we try to fall asleep glued together.

  “Hunter,” I whisper after a while. His heartbeat has been steady and his breaths even, so I’m shocked when he answers.

  “Yes?” he asks softly.

  Tilting my head up, I look at him, and when he gazes down at me, I smile. “Thank you again for today. I’m pretty sure my parents fell in love with you.”

  His body tenses for a split second before he responds, “It’s obvious they want the best for you, so I’m happy to play the part.”

  I blink up at him, the moon giving just enough light for me to see his face. Hunter’s features are relaxed, which sends warmth down my body. Being this close should feel uncomfortable and awkward, but it makes that lonely feeling evaporate, even if only temporarily.

  “Are you comfortable?” I ask, realizing he’s shifted over to give me room.

  “I’m fine.”

  Sitting up, I look at my side and compare it to his. “If we spoon, we’ll both have more space.”

  Hunter’s throat moves, and I see the tic in his jaw. “Whatever you want.”

  I roll my eyes, knowing he’s trying hard to keep boundaries between us. I understand the guilt he feels, but we need to set that aside for the time being.

  “It’s just me and you, Hunter. Remember? No history or past,” I remind him, repeating my words from the night before. The guilt feels heavy on my chest, but it’s the only way we’re going to get through this without it consuming us. He says I’ll always be Brandon’s girlfriend, and even if that’s how he sees me, it’s no longer the reality.

  I don’t wait for him to respond before turning on my other side. A moment passes before he finally shifts his weight, and his body curls around mine. Wiggling closer to him, I grab his hand and wrap it around my belly. Our legs mold together, and we both finally have enough room to breathe.

  “You okay?” I ask after a few minutes.

  “I’m regretting not bringing that cup with me,” he teases.

  “Hey! I can’t even kick you in this position,” I defend, laughing.

  Then I hear him growl. Against my ear.

  Holy hell. It sends shivers down my spine as I wait for his response.

  “That’s not what I’m gonna need it for.”

  “Huh?” It takes me a good five seconds to put the pieces together. “Oh.”

  “Good night, Lennon,” he says, tightening his hand around my belly as if he’s protecting me and the baby.

  “Night, Hunter.”

  Sleep comes quick and easy, but when my alarm goes off, I curse at my phone. Motherfucker. Seven in the morning came too soon, but if we don’t want to be late, it’s rise ’n’ shine time.

  “Ugh.” I hit snooze and slowly start shifting.

  “For the love of God, stop moving.”

  My eyes pop open at Hunter’s words, his breath brushing against my cheek. It’s then I notice our compromising position. My butt fits directly against his groin, and one of my legs is between both of his.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, swallowing hard.

  “You were wiggling your ass against my dick.”

  The blood drains from my face, and I feel heat rush between my legs. Oh, my God.

  “Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  Hunter moves his hand to my hip and slides his other arm out from under me. I adjust my leg so he can free himself.

  Once I feel his weight shift, I sit up on the edge of the bed. “Did you sleep okay?” I look at him over my shoulder but can only see his back and messy bedhead.

  “Mmhmm,” is all the response I get before he stands and walks to his suitcase. He grabs his clothes, then goes to the door. “I’m gonna shower first. Is that okay?”

  When he finally looks at me, I notice the pained expression on his face. We were definitely too close last night, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good. Too good.

  Remorse hits me hard and fast. I hate how I can’t get ahold of my emotions when it comes to Hunter, and I need to. There’s no denying I miss having someone close to me, someone to hold me, to touch and kiss me. Brandon and I were together for two years and losing that has been worse than a painful breakup because there’s no chance of closure.

  Hunter makes me feel things, and I don’t know if it’s because I miss Brandon and I’m projecting them onto him or if it’s something else completely. I’m confused and feel so lost.

  I shake and clear my head. There’s no time to think about any of that now. I’ll suppress my feelings until I’m forced to deal with them.

  “Sure, go ahead. I’ll go see if my mom needs help with breakfast or anything.” I flash him a smile, hoping he relaxes.

  “Okay.” He opens the door and walks down the hallway.

  Do guys always wake up with morning wood? Brandon did occasionally, but now I’m wondering if it’s a regular occurrence for some men. My experience in that department is minimal, and I’m pretty sure Googling that question would lead me to some scary websites.

  Grabbing my phone, I open my messages and text Sophie.

  Lennon: Forgot to tell you we made it here safe and sound. Mom and Dad love Hunter (shocker, right?) and today is when the REAL fun begins.

  Sophie: About damn time, woman! I wasn’t sure if they kicked your asses out or not. I mean, based on the situation, it was kind of a toss-up.

  Lennon: Funny. Well, just for future reference, they’d much prefer a daughter who secretly got married and knocked up versus one who gets pregnant out of wedlock.

  Sophie: Duly noted.

  Lennon: Anyway. Do all guys get morning wood?

  Sophie: Why would you assume I’d know the answer to that? Also, does Hunter?

  Sighing, I should’ve figured she’d ask that.

  Lennon: Why do you think I’m asking! Brandon did sometimes, but Hunter has all three times we’ve slept in the same bed together. Is that normal?

  Sophie: Probably when there’s a body pressed against it. Especially YOUR body.

  I groan, wondering why I even asked her in the first place.

  Lennon: I bet that’s uncomfortable for men. Kinda explains why he’s always so moody in the morning.

  Sophie: Where is he right now?

  Lennon: In the shower.

  Sophie: And I rest my case.

  Lennon: What case?

  Sophie: You gave him morning wood, and now he needs to go “relieve” himself.

  Rolling my eyes, I quickly type out my response.

  Lennon: Oh yeah, I’m sure my pregnant ass is such an aphrodisiac. He probably had a sex dream about someone else.

  Sophie: Keep lying to yourself, sis, but it doesn’t refute the fact that he’s the one who came up with this idea in the first place and has been all too eager to play the role of your husband.

  Lennon: He’s doing it as a friend, Soph. For Brandon.

  Sophie: Mmhmm.

  Lennon: Ugh! I’m going to text my FAVORITE sister from now on.

  Sophie: Nice try. It’s you two who are constantly fighting over that title, not me. Either way, I love you, and I’m glad the plan is working.

  My shoulders slump as I re-read her last few messages. Even if she was right about Hunter, it doesn’t change the fact that Jenna could be carrying his baby or change the dynamic of our friendship. We agreed to push it all aside for now so we could focus on our fake relationship, so that’s exactly what I need to do even if it hurts.

  Lennon: I love you too. I’ll tell you all the details when we get back!

  Sophie: BTW. Can I tell you how much I HATE CARTER? I’m beginning to hate Maria for allowing him to act this way. After the shit he pulled this morning (I’ll tell you about it later), I’m over this stupid living situation.

  Lennon: I’m sorry. It gets better. I promise.

  I know she won’t believe that, but it’s all I can
do to offer her some peace.

  Sophie: Gotta go. Chat soon. Tell your hubby I said hello. Hehe.

  I finally make it down to the kitchen, where I find my parents sitting with their cups of coffee. Groaning about the delicious smell, I wrap my arms around my mom and give her a hug.

  “Morning, sweetie. How’d you two sleep?” she asks.

  “Good. Hunter’s in the shower now.”

  “There are scrambled eggs on the stovetop for you and juice in the fridge. Want some toast?” She loves taking care of her kids, something I missed when I first left.

  “Thanks, Mom. I’ll get it.”

  As I’m stuffing my face, Hunter comes strolling in wearing nice shorts and a tight-fitting T-shirt. I nearly choke on my food when I look at him, remembering how all that hard muscle felt wrapped around me last night, and I force back the mixed feelings that surface.

  “Morning,” he greets my parents sweetly, reaching for the coffee after my mother tells him to help himself. He grabs a plate of food, then sits at the table.

  Hunter flashes me a wink, and all my nerves wash away. “Morning, sweetheart.” He leans down, cups my face, then presses a soft kiss on my lips. “Feeling okay?” he asks, looking deep into my eyes.

  “Uh, yeah,” I mutter, swallowing down the lump of food in my throat. “Baby’s hungry.”

  “Have you had a lot of morning sickness?” my mom asks after Hunter takes a seat.

  “No, not really,” I respond. “Certain smells make me sick, but other than that, I’ve been really blessed with an easy first trimester.”

  I quickly finish my food and excuse myself to get ready. Oddly enough, I’m not even worried about leaving Hunter with them, knowing he has this husband thing down.

  Once I’m showered and look presentable in a sundress and flats, I make my way down and announce I’m ready to go. It’s already eight thirty, and my parents wanted to be there before nine. The 5k run has already started, so we’re supposed to meet up with their church friends at the park.

  “You look beautiful,” Hunter whispers when he’s standing in front of me.

  Smiling up at him, I reply, “Thank you. I like this getup you have going on.” I run my eyes down his body before looking back at his face.

  Hunter chuckles. “Thanks. Figured casual wear was best for outside activities.” He shrugs as if he’s insecure about it, but he has no reason to be.

  “It’s perfect,” I reassure him.

  My parents meet us at the door, and we follow them outside. We ride in the back of the car, and Hunter grabs my hand as if we’ve done it a hundred times, and he doesn’t even have to think about it anymore.

  “This city is so impressive. It’s gorgeous,” Hunter says, looking out the window.

  “You should see it in the winter. It’s a huge tourist attraction,” my father chimes in.

  “Maybe you could come back for a visit?” My mom looks over her shoulder at us. “Maybe after the baby’s born?” she asks hopeful.

  Hunter squeezes my hand and responds before I can. “We’d love that.”

  Clearing my throat, I grab my mom’s attention as she’s easily gawking over my fake husband. “The baby’s due in the middle of January, so I’m not really sure we’ll be able to swing it.”

  Lying to her about the baby’s due date makes me feel guilty as hell, but it’s inevitable at this point.

  “We’ll play it by ear, sweetheart,” Hunter says, turning and looking at me with a wide smile. I know he wants them to like him, so I nod in agreement so the subject can be dropped.

  Finally, we arrive at the crowded park. Hunter gets out of the car and leaves the door open for me. After he slides out, he takes my hand and helps me up.

  “Relax,” he whispers, closing the door behind me. He rubs a palm over my shoulder, then down my arm before he grabs my hand. “We’ve got this, remember?” The wink he flashes me sends a shiver down my spine. Hunter’s charm puts every other man to shame.

  With a deep breath, I nod and smile. “You’re right. It’s just...we’re about to get bombarded.”

  Hunter shrugs with a smirk. “I’ve had these unrequited feelings for you since the moment I met you, but I’ve always kept my distance out of respect for your relationship with my best friend. After his death, we leaned on each other and grieved our loss together. We grew closer and could no longer deny what was brewing between us.”

  My heart races as his words come out so confidently, and I almost lose my breath.


  I blink, looking at him with confusion. What?

  Then his smirk deepens. “That’s the story we’re going with, right? About how we got together?”

  My stupid heart. It nearly stopped beating with how casually he said those words. A part of me wonders how he plays this role so easily while the other part knows he’s doing this for Brandon, but I can’t help thinking there’s so much more to it.

  I finally snap out of my thoughts. “Oh duh, yes.”

  “And after the circumstances that brought us together, we decided that life was too short and wanted to be together for good. Got hitched in Vegas and knocked you right up.” He winks, sending butterflies straight to my pregnant belly.

  Ugh. These damn hormones. They need to be locked up because I can’t take how they’re confusing me.

  I snort at our story recap. “Sounds about right.”

  Hunter grabs my hand, pulls me against his chest, then dips his head. “Showtime, Mrs. Manning.”

  And then he slants his mouth over mine for a breathtaking, heart-stopping kiss.

  Chapter Five


  Park City is unlike any place I’ve ever visited before. It has a mountain town vibe, and I can see the appeal for those who live here. The views alone have me wanting to stay longer than a few days, and I love seeing where Lennon grew up. It’s so different from Sacramento.

  Lennon’s parents lead us to a spot at the park filled with picnic tables and lots of people. As we walk across the green grass, I notice she has her mother’s features but know she gets her fierceness from her dad. Mrs. Corrigan begins introducing me to members of their church, and many are shocked to hear the news of our marriage and pregnancy. We socialize, playing our roles, and Lennon seems to enjoy catching up with people she hasn’t seen in quite some time. Our hands stay interlocked, and I make sure to show affection like a typical newlywed with soft cheek touches and lingering kisses.

  A weight on my chest reminds me I need to distance my heart, not get attached, and remember this is not real life. I know this. But playing this part comes way too naturally, causing tension to course through me. If I’m not careful, Lennon’s going to see right through me.

  “You okay?” Lennon asks when we’re finally alone again.

  “Absolutely. You?”

  She releases a breath, her shoulders relaxing. “Yeah, surprisingly. This is going well, almost too well.”

  “You look like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop,” I say, studying her.

  “Kind of. Maybe. I don’t know.”

  I grab her shoulders, then tilt her chin to look up at me. “Stop thinking that way. Do I need to remind you that stress isn’t good for the baby?” I smirk, getting a smile, then release her. “I was thinking I should join one of these sports activities.”

  Lennon’s brows snap up. “You wanna play?”

  Shrugging, I say, “Why not? Gotta impress my in-laws and all their friends. And not to mention, my hot, pregnant wife.” I flash her a wink, and she blushes.

  When she reacts to my words, I let myself believe that maybe, just maybe she feels what I feel. Part of me knows it’s selfish to keep pining for her after what she’s been through while the other part feels like the worst fucking human ever, considering she was my best friend’s girlfriend. Either way, I know it’s not right to get excited about it.

  Doesn’t mean my heart actually listens.

  “Trust me, everyone’s plenty impres
sed. But if you want to, I say go for it. Just don’t get yourself hurt.”

  I give her a pointed look as she rakes her eyes over my body.

  “On second thought, don’t you hurt anyone else.” She laughs, and I catch her biting her lower lip, which I love.

  “I’m gonna sign up for the Rugby game,” I tell her, then grab her hand to take her with me. “Can’t be much different than football.”

  “Are you crazy?” She stares at me.

  “Yes.” Most definitely. Crazy because I’m in love with her, and she doesn’t even know it.

  Once I’ve signed up, we walk back to her parents where we’re introduced to another handful of people.

  “Do you have any pictures of the wedding?” one woman asks.

  “Oh my gosh! Do you?” Lennon’s mom looks back and forth between us.

  “No, it was just the two of us,” she reminds her mother. “But I do have an Instagram with a bunch of pictures if you want to follow for bump updates and stuff.” Lennon easily gets their mind off wedding photos and clicks on her Instagram app to show them all the fake posts.

  “You two are just seriously so adorable,” the woman squeals. “I’ve known Lennon for most of her life…” She directs her comment toward me with a wide smile. “And I’ve never seen her happier.”

  A knife in my gut twists at her words, the ones I wish were true, could be true if Lennon and I were actually together.


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