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Baby Yours

Page 16

by Kennedy Fox

  Just as she’s leading us down a long hallway, she tells us we’re waiting for one more couple to arrive, and she’ll get started as soon as they come.

  “Did you make a birth plan with Dr. Potter yet?” I ask Lennon.

  She looks at me with wide eyes and a nervous half-smile. “Uh...get the baby out safely?” She shrugs. “Considering I have five weeks left, I guess I better discuss it with her.”

  I chuckle lightly. “Mission: Get baby out.”

  “Easier said than done.” She groans. “I know I want Sophie and Maddie in the delivery room with me. I’m also pro pump all the drugs they can into me.”

  Before I can respond, I see my worst nightmare behind Lennon, and everything inside me tenses. What the fuck?

  And she’s not alone.

  Lennon notices. “What is it? Your jaw is about to snap.”

  I blink, look at her, and shake my head. “Lennon, I’m so sorry.” This should be a fun time for her, and now Jenna is going to ruin all of that. No way in hell she’ll keep her smartass comments to herself.

  “Oh lookie, my baby daddy decided to show up after all. Wasn’t sure since you blocked my phone number.” Her tone is anything but sweet, and I know the others overheard.

  “Cut your shit, Jenna,” I hiss between my teeth. “Quit causing a scene.”

  “Better watch your mouth,” the guy standing next to her warns. He’s a big dude, whoever he is, but not bigger than me, so I stand taller and let him know his intimidation tricks won’t work.

  “And who the hell are you?” I ask.

  “This is my brother, Jacob,” Jenna says. “Since you’re here now, though—”

  Lennon turns around and glares at her. “He’s here with me,” she tells her matter-of-factly.

  Jenna’s face hardens as her eyes gaze down to Lennon’s belly. “Why? I already know he’s not the father of your child.” She folds her arms over her bump. “But I’m willing to bet you’re the reason he’s denying our baby boy. It’s her, isn’t it? Why you kept running...”

  Lennon’s eyes flick to mine. “Boy?” Her voice is just above a whisper, but everything is so quiet around us that Jenna overhears.

  “That’s right. It’s a boy,” Jenna replies smugly.

  Lennon snorts. “Congrats, but Hunter’s not the father. So it’s time to move on and leave him alone.”

  “He is the father.” Jenna takes a step forward as if to make her point; to threaten me. “Sorry, princess, Hunter’s not the guy you think he is, and I’m going to prove that as soon as the baby’s born.”

  “Jenna.” I’m seething, ready to snap and drag her away so half the floor doesn’t hear our business.

  “No, let me,” Lennon holds up her hand to stop me, then flashes a smug grin. “You may think you won with your detective skills involving me and my parents, but you only did me a favor. So actually, thank you. Your little stunt allowed me to stand up to my overbearing mother. If I’ve learned anything since getting pregnant, it’s that I’m sick and tired of people like you thinking they can control and manipulate others. I’m about to be a mom and protecting my child is my main priority so I know why you’re acting like this—to protect your baby too— however, you need to grow up and face reality. If Hunter thought there was even the slightest chance of being the father of your baby, he would do the right thing and step up because that’s the kind of man he is. He’s done everything to help me get through my boyfriend’s death. So you can try to sabotage our lives, but in the end, he’ll prove to you once and for all that you have the wrong man. So I suggest you tell the right person and let them know you’re having his baby because Hunter can’t have kids.”

  Damn. Badass Lennon is sexy as fuck.

  Jenna’s eyes widen as her body straightens in surprise. “What?” She shakes her head with an eye roll. “You’re lying. I don’t believe you.”

  Jacob stands next to his sister, looking over at her as if he’s thinking the same.

  Lennon glances at me with soft eyes, and I give her a head nod to continue, knowing what’s on her mind.

  “He found out years ago and has the test results to prove it, so if you want to keep wasting your time and ours, then go ahead. But in the end, don’t be surprised when he says he told you so.” Lennon narrows her eyes, and as much as I love watching her fight my battles for me, I grab her shoulder and pull her toward me.

  “You really can’t have kids?” Jenna directs at me. “Or is that just something you tell all the girls you fuck?”

  “I’ve been telling you since day one I’m not the father,” I remind her. “I didn’t feel like I needed to put my personal business out there, but now that you’ve been made aware, do what you gotta do once the baby’s born to know for sure. But you should really tell Craig since he is the father.”

  “Craig? Your ex-boyfriend?” Jacob’s tone is anything but happy. “Drug dealing, abusive Craig?”

  Jenna cringes and closes her eyes as if she’s trying to blast herself into another dimension. “Let’s go. We’ll reschedule.”

  Lennon and I watch as they walk through the double doors, and when we turn around, everyone is staring at us.

  “Sorry,” I say to them. Then I turn to Lennon, worried she’ll be embarrassed, but she surprises me by rewarding me with a smile.

  “I think you dodged a bullet with that one,” she teases.

  Releasing a relieved sigh, I grab her hand and squeeze. “You have no idea.”

  After the shit with Jenna, we had a successful tour, and I could see how relieved Lennon was after her questions were answered. I know she’s nervous about it all, and I want to be here for her in any way I can. If she wants me with her or in the waiting room, I’ll do whatever she asks. I’d never overstep, but I won’t ask her either. She’ll let me know when she’s ready.

  Lying in bed, I think about the day and how much I selfishly wish Lennon was carrying my baby. I wish we didn’t have to correct everyone who assumed I’m the father, but as soon as those thoughts hit me, the guilt of taking Brandon’s place eats at me. Like clockwork.

  I look up at the ceiling, lying in the bed he used to share with Lennon, and wish I could talk to him. So much has changed since he passed away, but one thing that hasn’t is how much I miss him. Drinking beers, talking shit, bringing up our old college days. The days of picking up chicks, frat parties, and football games. The only way I can get through the loss of him is telling myself he’d be happy and proud I’m taking care of Lennon and the baby. And hope he wouldn’t find us getting closer as a betrayal.

  It’s that little piece of hope he doesn’t that I have to cling to.

  I toss and turn for an hour before I hear my phone vibrate on my nightstand. When I see Lennon’s name on the screen, I unlock it and read her message.

  Lennon: I can’t sleep.

  Hunter: What’s wrong?

  Lennon: I’m lonely in here. Can’t get comfortable. Would you mind laying with me?

  Lennon: It’s okay if you say no.

  I release a sharp breath, not expecting her to ask that. It’s been a long time since she’s asked me to lie with her, and truthfully, I’ve missed it. Though it was necessary to allow some time to pass and keep some distance between us, I can’t deny her. She makes me weak in the fucking knees, and I’d do anything for her.

  Hunter: Of course I will.

  I’m only in my boxers but don’t bother putting on extra clothes before heading into her room. It’s black except for the faint glow of the streetlights coming through the curtains. She’s lying on her side and blinks up at me as I close her door, neither of us saying a word. As I walk around the bed to slip under the covers, my heart hammers in my chest, knowing how deep I already am.

  But fuck it.

  Lennon shouldn’t have to be alone in the first place.

  I wrap my body around hers as she melts into mine. With her belly, we can only spoon, so she rests her head on one arm as I wrap the other around her stomach.

sp; “Thank you,” she whispers once we’re settled.

  “Of course.”

  Swallowing, I try to relax my mind so my body can stop being so tense. I know she can feel it, and I want her to be comfortable enough to fall asleep. After a few minutes, my hand shifts, and her stomach moves.

  “Was that a—”

  Lennon giggles, her belly tightening as she does. “She’s kicking.” Then she takes me by surprise and grabs my hand, moving it lower. “She’s pretty active at night. I can usually feel her moving around down here.” With her hand on top of mine, I feel more kicks.

  “That’s the coolest thing ever,” I tell her genuinely. “Doesn’t it feel like she’s going to pop right out of your skin?”

  Lennon chuckles. “Yes. The closer it gets, the more it feels like there’s no more room for her in there, and she’s just gonna bust out. But her little kicks reassure me.”

  “How so?” I ask softly.

  “That she’s doing okay in there, letting me know she’s growing and getting ready to meet me. Maybe it sounds crazy, but—”

  “It doesn’t sound crazy. Especially after what you’ve been through.”

  “I can’t wait to see what she looks like,” she whispers. “Feels like this last trimester has dragged on, and now there are only five more weeks till my due date. Seems like I’ve been waiting so long, and now she could be here any day.”

  “She’ll be here before you know it,” I reassure her, glancing at the crib and rocking chair on the other side of the room.

  She only nods in response, her body relaxing, melting into mine as my hand stays on her lower stomach. The kicks have stopped, but I selfishly don’t want to let her go. Watching her body change these past several months has been pretty awesome, and she looks even more stunning than ever before.

  My heart finally goes back to normal, and when I’m fairly certain she’s fallen asleep, I press a kiss in her hair and whisper good night.

  I’m half asleep when she stirs, and my eyes pop open.

  “What’s wrong?” I whisper when she continues to fidget.

  Her breathing picks up, and I can tell she’s waking up.

  “Do you want me to move?” I ask, unsure what I should do.

  “Hunter.” Her voice is low and raspy. “Touch me.”

  My heart pounds, and I’m positive I heard her wrong. She must be talking in her sleep. Swallowing hard, I manage to ask, “W-what?”

  “Please, Hunter.” Her legs shift around. “I want you to touch me,” she begs.

  Hell, maybe I’m dreaming.

  I feel her back arch, and by the way my dick hardens, I know I’m not.

  I lean up on my elbow and bring my lips to her ear. “Where?” I ask, whispering.

  “Between my legs.”

  Jesus Christ. My heart lodges in my throat, and it takes me a second to clear it.

  “Are you sure, Lennon?”

  “Yes.” She releases a breath. “Please.”

  The way she’s begging is what my wet dreams are made of. How the hell could I deny her, knowing how badly she wants and needs it, even if it’ll fuck me up even more than I already am?

  “Is that safe?” I ask. “For the baby, I mean.”

  I’m an idiot.

  “Yes, it’s completely safe.”

  Inhaling a deep breath before moving my hand lower and around her belly, I slide inside her panties. Leaning my forehead against the top of her head, I slide one finger up her slit, feeling how wet she is. The moment I find her clit, her breath catches, and my eyes roll to the back of my head.


  This is a really fucking bad idea, but there’s no way I can stop now.

  I make small circles on her clit, adding a little pressure when she releases a whimper. My entire body reacts to that little sound, and I’m sure she can feel my cock digging into her ass cheek. There’s no denying how badly I want her.

  Lennon rocks her hips against my palm, encouraging me as I explore, and when I slip a finger inside her, she tightens around me as my thumb works her perfect little bud.

  “Oh my God…” she moans, her hand fisting the blanket next to her. “Right there, Hunter. Don’t stop.”

  Fuck me up.

  Hearing her whimper my name when all I want to do is make her mine has to be the worst kind of torture. I live for the times she says my name, but this—I want to do everything and anything to keep hearing her desperately say it.

  My lips move to her ear. “I’ve got you, Lennon.”

  Sliding her slickness around her cunt, I press two fingertips to her swollen clit and make quick circles. Her hips buck wildly, and when I add more pressure, I know she’s almost there.

  “Let go, sweetheart,” I whisper. Though the thought has me wanting to tell her to hold back for as long as possible. But this isn’t for me. This is what she needs. I can’t be selfish right now, no matter how badly I want to be, or how goddamn hard it is to resist when she’s this close. “Fuck, Lennon.”


  I mold my body against hers, holding her tight as I continue to drive her toward the edge. She’s so fucking wet, it’s hard to keep my pace, but I make it my life mission to give her exactly what she needs.

  “You’re close,” I tell her, my voice low and raspy as I try to control my breathing.

  “Yes…” She nods, biting down on her lower lip. “So close.” Her hips move in sync with my hand, seeking relief.

  “What do you need, Lennon? Tell me.” I’m pretty certain she can hear the desperation in my tone.

  “Don’t stop,” she says between ragged breaths. “Keep talking to me.”

  I chuckle lightly against her ear, loving the idea of her orgasming to my voice. “Okay, I won’t stop.” I quickly move my fingers through her arousal, then slide two inside her. “You’re so tight, Lennon. Holy fuck.”

  She squeezes her pussy around them as I thrust in and out. Lennon’s head falls back to my chest, her eyes closed as her lips part. I watch the way she responds to me, imagine how she’d look coming around my cock, and as soon as I envision it, Lennon’s body erupts.

  Quickly, I bring my fingers to her clit, and her eyes roll to the back of her head. I could fucking watch her all night long, kiss every inch of her, and hear her beg for more.

  Lennon sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, and when she turns her face slightly toward me, our mouths are only inches apart.

  Fuck it.

  As I add pressure to her swollen bud, working to give her another wave of pleasure, I crash my lips to hers. I shouldn’t, but right now in the darkness, we aren’t two broken people who can’t be together. We’re Hunter and Lennon, chemically drawn to each other, neither wanting to deny the other. In the dark, we’re different people who can get lost in each other, and come morning, we’ll go back to the way things have to be.

  She kisses me, and then her back arches at the same time her hips buck, and she goes off like a train whistle. Lennon’s body goes into an aftershock neither of us is prepared for.

  “Holy shit…” she whispers, then licks her lips. The way her chest rises and falls, I know she was just as affected by that kiss as I am.

  Reluctantly, I slowly slide out of her panties, and she shifts back into position so we’re spooning again. I can feel goose bumps on her arm as I brush my hand over her soft skin, and pride fills my ego knowing I gave them to her.

  A moment passes, and Lennon’s hand reaches between us.

  “What are you doing?” I ask in a panic.

  Her fingers brush my boxers, my cock still hard from...everything—touching her, kissing her, feeling her climaxing around me.

  “I want to give you relief too.” Her voice is so small as she turns to her back. “You need it.”

  Jesus fucking Christ.

  Swallowing hard, I shake my head. “Lennon, no.” That’s a really goddamn bad idea. When she starts to slip her fingers inside, I quickly grab her wrist. “This wasn’t about me. It was abo
ut your pleasure, Lennon.”

  “I don’t want you thinking I used you,” she says softly.

  Swallowing hard, I wonder if I could plead momentary insanity if I let her touch me.

  No. I know I couldn’t handle her hands on me. There’s no way I could stop. The moment she wrapped her delicate fingers around my dick, I’d pin her down, and everything would change.

  This moment was for her.

  “I’d never think that, Lennon. Never,” I reassure her.

  She looks up at me, her beautiful blue eyes that I’ve memorized since the night we met.

  Lennon pulls her arm back and shifts to face me. “Thank you, Hunter.” She brings a hand up and cups my cheek, her thumb rubbing slow across my hot skin.

  I give her a small nod, then lean down and kiss her forehead.

  “You’re one of the good ones,” she says when I pull away. “I wish things were different in our world. You deserve someone so much better than me—”

  I open my mouth to disagree, but she shakes her head at me not to interrupt her.

  “Someone who isn’t such an emotional mess and could give you everything and more the way you always give to others. And when you find her, she’ll be the luckiest woman in the world.”


  I want to say so much to her right now.

  Tell her I already have.

  Remind her it’s her I want. She’s who I’ve always wanted.

  Tell her how good we’d be together, how good we already are even as just friends.

  Beg her to fight for me.

  But I don’t say shit.

  I can’t.

  I’m thankful we’re in the dark, and she can’t see the tears brimming in my eyes. When it comes to her, I’m so fucking torn. I know she feels something for me, yet she refuses to allow herself to do anything about it.

  I know Brandon was the love of her life, and that’s something I’ll never be.


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