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Rivers Edge: A Candlewood Falls Novel (The River Winery Book 1)

Page 18

by Jen Talty

  “What do you mean? Why?” Eliza Jane folded her arms across her chest. “I could ask for a whole lot more.”

  “I think my brother is trying to give you more,” Merlot said with a slight laugh. “How much more are you talking?”

  “Not a lot. But she deserves more of her line after it gets off the ground, and I think if she and I aren’t a couple after Mom and Dad give up their shares in the winery, she’s an equal equity partner like all of us kids.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” his father said. “That’s mighty generous of you.”

  “It is only fair,” Malbec said.

  “I have to agree.” Merlot nodded. “I don’t necessarily like giving up part of the winery, but based on what is being said, if our great-grandfather basically stole it, then it’s the least we can do.”

  Malbec’s mother took a napkin and dabbed at her eyes. “What makes you think you won’t be a couple in a few years?” She sniffed.

  His father burst out laughing. “That’s what you’re stuck on?”

  “Of course, it is. Look at how perfect they are. I mean, he hasn’t stopped touching her since we sat down. And, well, her hand is pretty high up on his thigh.”

  Eliza Jane jerked her hand to her lap.

  Everyone at the table chuckled.

  “Wait a second.” Merlot waved his finger. “If they end up getting married or something, Do they own more of the winery than the rest of us?”

  “Married?” Eliza Jane fanned her face. “Oh, Lord. People warned me about working for Weezer, but this was never on the agenda.”

  His mother leaned across the table and took her hand. “Are you going to stay on? Will you sign that contract?”

  Malbec held his breath. If she stayed, he would fly back to Napa, quit his job, and pack up and come home tomorrow.


  That was about the craziest thought he’d ever had. Yet, it felt so normal.

  He was absolutely becoming his mother. Or maybe his father. Or perhaps a combination of the two.

  “I plan on it,” Eliza Jane said.

  “Malbec,” his father said. “What are your plans? Are you going back to Napa Valley and leaving things to Eliza Jane here?”

  “Or are you going to make this a family affair again? Because I want to come back and work more at the winery, and I know Chablis is talking with the volunteer fire department here. Riesling won’t ever work for the family business, but we have three of the best wine pushers in the industry in our back pocket,” Merlot said. “I think we’d make a great team.”

  “Do you think there is room for all of us at The River Winery?” Malbec asked.

  Merlot nodded. “I can check my ego. Can you?”

  “I don’t know. That’s asking a lot of that man.” Eliza Jane reached out and ruffled his hair. “I’ve only spent one night with him and he’s really a lot to handle.”

  “Sounds like it’s all settled.” His mother brought a napkin to her nose and blew. “Now we just have to deal with that bitch, Racheal.”

  “What do you think she’s going to find in that book?” Eliza Jane asked.

  “Unless mother put in a picture of that sign, nothing,” Weezer said. “I’m not even sure she knew. My father and grandfather told me that I was to never tell Carter.”

  “But she told me the first night we were together. She needed to have someone on her side, and that was always me,” Malbec’s dad said.

  “Mom, why didn’t you tell Dad about how Great-grandpa cheated Eliza Jane’s family out of the winery?” Merlot asked. “Is that why you divorced?”

  “It was because I was worried about Eliza Jane’s family ever coming back and trying to take it from us. If his name—or you all—were involved, you’d be liable somehow, and I didn’t want that. So, I pushed you all away.”

  “That makes so much sense,” Merlot said. “You just summed up so many things in one sentence.” He rose and closed the gap between him and their mother. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, son.” Their mother gave him a big hug and kiss. “Everything I’ve done has been to protect my family.”

  “We know that,” Malbec said. “We just now have to deal with Racheal and, unfortunately, I think that is a waiting game.”

  “Agreed,” his father said. “We might as well go about our day until we hear from Zinfandel, or until the shit hits the fan.”

  Malbec stood, offering his hand to Eliza Jane. “If you don’t mind, Eliza Jane and I are going to play hooky.”

  “Go right ahead,” his mother said. “Maybe Merlot can come into the winery today and help out.”

  “I’d love to,” Merlot said. “Let’s touch base this evening.”

  “Family dinner at my place,” his father said. “Seven sharp. I’ll gather the troops.”

  “We’ll be there.” Malbec stood and made his way toward his mother. He helped her to her feet. “Thank you for doing what you thought would protect us and for now telling me, and more importantly, Eliza Jane the truth.”

  “It was time it came out. But I really don’t want Racheal to blast it out on the evening news.”

  “No one does,” Malbec said. “But even if she does, it won’t matter anymore. We have Eliza Jane on our side.” He kissed his mother’s cheek. “It’s all working out how you wanted it.”

  “That it is. Now go have a good time.” His mother smiled. “You know, Faith had a premonition or something about the two of you that included marriage and babies.”

  “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” Malbec said. He took Eliza Jane by the hand and led her back toward the library. “I’m sorry for the craziness that is my family.”

  “I’m not. I like them, even though they are putting a million carts before one horse.” She waggled her finger under his nose. “I like you. And I’m willing to go on dates with you. But that’s as far as this goes for now, got it?”

  “As long as you don’t have a problem with me moving back to Candlewood Falls.”

  “God, I thought you’d never make that decision.”

  He laughed. “What shall we do today?”

  “Spend it in bed?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.”


  Eliza Jane

  Eliza Jane pulled Malbec’s shirt over her head and took the tub of chocolate ice cream he offered. “I feel so guilty.”

  “Why?” He flopped back onto the bed and crossed his legs while he surfed the channels on the television.

  “For one, I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.”

  Malbec laughed. “Feel free to keep stroking my ego. Or something else if you’re so inclined.”

  She slapped his arm. “We’re done for the foreseeable future. I’d be shocked if you could even do anything after the day we’ve had.”

  “Yeah. I’m not a teenager anymore, that’s for damn sure.” He pointed the remote at the TV. “But, seriously, why do you have a case of the guilts? And please don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts about the contract or the revisions I want to make to it.”

  “No. It’s not that,” she said. “I’m worried about Merlot. I feel like he’s still really hurting over this Racheal woman and what she did and what she might still do to him.”

  “My dad will take care of that. Besides, after talking at length with Merlot, it’s nearly impossible that the baby she lost was his. The timing was off.”

  She twisted her body and snuggled closer to Malbec. In just one short week, she felt as if she’d found home—in more ways than one. “He really loved her.”

  “I believe he did, and that breaks my heart. I should have been a better brother and more attentive. But even Merlot will tell you that it’s in the past. And even if she outs the way we acquired the winery, you have the power to control that narrative.”

  “I could really fuck you all over, even after I sign that contract, just in the way I choose to tell the story.”

  “But would you do that?”

  “Only if you break my heart.” She pressed her lips against his, but he jerked his head away.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled. “Racheal is about to make some kind of statement.” He turned up the volume on the television.

  Eliza Jane focused on the TV and bolted to an upright position. “I’ve met her.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “That woman. She was at the coffee shop the first day I drove into town, and she approached me when I came out of the spa.”

  “Did she say anything to you?”

  “I think the first time I saw her, I mentioned that I was going to be working at the winery. The second time, she came into the winery and asked if any of you were around but didn’t want to talk to you. She bought some wine and a cheese plate. The third time was outside the hair salon, and she made some really weird comments.”

  “So, she’s been hanging around town watching. Fucking bitch.”

  “Why wouldn’t anyone say anything?”

  “Her dad has cancer. And her parents are good people. No one wants to upset them. And other than us, no one knows what she might be doing. It’s not like Merlot is going around telling people that it’s him in that picture. He doesn’t want people thinking he’s actually having an affair with her when it’s not true.”

  “I need to call him.” Malbec reached for his cell. “Hey, Siri, call Merlot.” He put it on speaker.

  The phone rang twice.

  “What’s up?”

  “Did you know Racheal was in town?” Malbec asked. “And just so you know, you’re on speaker, and Eliza Jane can hear you.”

  “Hey, Eliza Jane. Is my brother treating you like a princess?”

  “If that means getting ice cream in bed, then he is.”

  “Good. Make sure that includes some good wine,” Merlot said. “Are you watching the five o’clock news?”

  “I missed most of it. Why?”

  “Well, she named me as the man she’s having an affair with. Dad is going ballistic. He tossed a few books across the room, and Mom was ready to race down the street to Racheal’s parents’ house with a loaded shotgun.”

  “So should you,” Eliza Jane said. “Especially since it’s not true. And I think I should tell you that Racheal approached me twice since I came to town.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Merlot said. “She’s a piece of work.”

  “What I want to know is why you aren’t angrier over what’s happening,” Eliza Jane said.

  “I’m with her on this one.” He pointed the remote at the television and turned up the volume more.

  “Because she can’t hurt me or us anymore,” Merlot said. “First, I can prove I’m not the father of her baby.”

  “How?” Malbec asked.

  “Did you listen to any of the press conference?” Merlot asked. “She made the mistake of showing the dates of her hospital stay. That was three months after she and I were together.”

  “How can you prove that?” Eliza Jane asked. “No offense. But that’s just your word against hers.”

  “Because after she dumped me, I went to Europe,” Merlot said. “I was gone for two months, and that would mean she would have been about five months pregnant when she lost the baby.”

  “Oh,” Eliza Jane said. “According to her interview, she was only two months.”

  “Yeah. She didn’t think that through very well, and my dad is going to enjoy making this a legal nightmare for her,” Merlot said. “And it gets better.”

  “How so?” Malbec leaned back on the pillows and crossed his legs. “God, I wish we were all together with a big bowl of popcorn.”

  “If it’s any consolation, Mom made some, and Zinfandel and I are enjoying it while Dad drafts legal papers. He’s in his freaking glory, though he does feel bad for her parents for what he’s about to do to her.”

  “Well, she deserves it,” Malbec said. “I didn’t get to see most of the announcement. What did she say about the winery?”

  “Nothing,” Merlot said. “She couldn’t find anything in that history book, so she just came after me. And she failed.”

  “I’m sorry she dragged your good name through—”

  “Shut up, big brother,” Merlot said. “Are you home to stay?”

  Malbec turned his head and caught Eliza Jane’s gaze.

  She smiled. Her heart hammered in her chest as she nodded.

  “I am,” he said.

  “Then this little blip on the radar was worth it. I guess I’d better turn in my notice and plan on working full-time at the winery. Does that work for you?”

  Eliza Jane reached across the bed and lifted the phone in her hand. “Only if you’re willing to take orders from me.”

  “Oh. That could be fun,” Merlot said.

  “Hey, that’s my girlfriend you’re talking to,” Malbec said. “I won’t have you flirting with Eliza Jane.”

  “Are you jealous, big brother?”

  “Damn fucking straight, I am,” Malbec said.

  Eliza Jane handed him the cell. “I think I’m going to like being a part of the winery and this family.”

  “We’ve only been together a week, and you already think you’re family?” Malbec tapped the screen, hanging up on his brother. “Next thing I know, you’re going to want to move in here with me.”

  She gasped. “What are you talking about? I already live here.”

  “Where do you expect me to live then?”

  “Hell if I know.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “But if you’re really nice to me, I’ll let you stay for a few weeks or months while we figure things out.”

  “Oh, gee. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” She rested her head on his chest. She had no idea what the future had in store for them. She’d taken a big risk by moving to Candlewood Falls, and an even bigger one by letting Malbec River into her heart.

  But something told her that this was a risk worth taking. That her life had taken a turn for the better the moment she’d agreed to work for Weezer River. It didn’t matter what their families had done in the past or the betrayals that both great-grandfathers had left as a legacy for their families.

  She and Malbec had a chance to right both wrongs.

  And not only were they committed to doing exactly that—

  So was his family.

  Right there on the river’s edge, she’d get her chance to make her father proud, and Malbec would be able to carry on three generations of great wine.

  It was a union that was meant to be.

  “Do you ever think we’ll be able to figure out how your great-grandfather cheated at that poker game?” She lifted her gaze. “Your mom said there are other secrets buried on this property.”

  “Ah, the box of secrets. Yes. My grandfather thought the old doctor buried a box somewhere by his office.”

  “Office? Where?” she asked.

  “Yeah, the building we use for overflow now. We used to rent it to a local doctor for his private practice until about thirty-ish years ago.”

  “He used it as an exam room? It’s kind of small.”

  “No. He used it for his adoption agency. He helped a lot of women who couldn’t have children find mothers who couldn’t, for whatever reason, keep their babies. He was pretty revered in this town.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “He retired and moved south about thirty-five or so years ago, and we decided we needed the space back.”

  “That’s kind of a sweet story. I’m glad our winery did something like that. I mean bringing families together is a big deal.”

  “My mom always enjoyed seeing babies placed in good homes. She’s a big softy when you get to know her.”

  “I wish someone would tell me how she got the name Weezer.”

  “You and me both.” He laughed. “I will never admit this in front of my mother, but I think she was right.”

  “About what?”


  Eliza Jane smiled. “You mean bec
ause I’m such an awesome winemaker, and you’d be so lost without me in the winery?”

  “You’ve got the I’d-be-lost-without-you part right.” He kissed her nose. “I have no idea what the future holds, but I want to see what we can make of it. Together.”

  She closed her eyes and let her body relax into his loving embrace. It was crazy to feel so much in such a short time. Or to trust so easily. However, her heart knew that this was exactly where she belonged. “I have a feeling this is going to be the start of a very long partnership.”




  “Where are you taking me?”

  Malbec kept his hands over Eliza Jane’s eyes as he guided her down the path toward the river’s edge and the dock where’d they’d shared many romantic lunches.

  The last two months had been the best of his life. He couldn’t imagine a life without Eliza Jane in it.

  “Okay. You can open your eyes now.” He dropped his hands and took a step back.

  His parents and Merlot had helped him set up two chairs and a table, along with a feast that included his father’s fried chicken, his mother’s macaroni and cheese, and a bottle of pinot noir.

  And, of course, a few cannolis for dessert—but that would be for after the big question.

  If Malbec ever got up the courage to ask.

  Lately, he’d had this horrible problem where his tongue got all tied up when he was around the woman he loved more than life itself.

  “Oh, my God. This is amazing.” She did a little dance as she brought her hands to her cheeks. “What’s the occasion?”

  “It’s Halloween.”

  She tilted her head and glared. “That’s not a reason to have a picnic by the river’s edge.”

  “It is in Candlewood Falls. Didn’t you know it’s a tradition around these parts?” He pulled back the folding chair and waved his hand.

  “You’re funny.” She sat and took a sip of wine. “Now, tell me what’s really going on.”

  “Can’t a guy show his girl a little love on a special night?”

  “Halloween is about scaring the shit out of each other. I think you’re confusing this with Valentine’s Day.” She raised her glass. “But whatever. I’m happy to have a nice dinner, especially when it’s your parents’ cooking.”


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