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Evil Unbound- Death's Mistress Returns

Page 8

by Daniel Grayson

  She laughed a little at her response and then shook her head. “That’s terrible. He’d dead. I shouldn’t talk like that.”

  “I don’t think he minds,” I said with a smile, and we both laughed.

  Guilt once again drained the laughter from Kate and I feigned the same reaction. She was wrong. He did deserve it. What was a life worth if it was used selfishly? The world didn’t need more men trying to take advantage of women. It was better off without him, and if the world was better without someone, why did they deserve to live?

  Norah came down the stairs, peeking around the corner slowly to see if she was allowed down. Kate called her over and gave her a big hug.

  “Mommy, did somebody die?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Yes, sweetie,” Kate said gently, stroking her daughter’s hair. “Someone I knew passed away last night, and that’s very sad. I’m sad for him and for his family, but I’m not sad for me, because I didn’t really know him very well.”

  She didn’t share the fact that it was the man who had been standing in their living room last night, or that he had been murdered. Norah seemed satisfied with the explanation that it was someone she didn’t know.

  “Do you understand?” Kate asked, taking Norah’s sweet face in her hands and looking into her eyes.

  “I think so,” Norah said. “Will we go to his funeral?”

  Kate thought for a moment. “No, I don’t think so, sweetie. I don’t think I knew him well enough for that.”

  “Ok,” Norah said, her normal bright tone returned to her voice.

  Kate met my eyes across the room with an expression of relief. I could tell that she was glad that the discussion was over and that Norah seemed so unaffected. In her attempt to console Norah, she had also managed to remind herself how little Joe really mattered to them, and she seemed less burdened than she had been a few minutes earlier.

  We all went back in to sit at the kitchen table again and finish our game. My breakfast was cold, but after reheating it in the microwave, it tasted even better with the warm, sugary syrup soaked into the pancakes. Though I had to keep it to myself, I was feeling just as relieved as Kate, knowing that they’d found him and my plan had worked out the way I’d intended. It made the food taste a little bit sweeter and the game seem just a touch more fun. I was happy in this moment, and I was in the clear; that meant that I was free to pursue my next target.

  I still needed to be careful; I certainly couldn’t go after anyone who would connect back to either me or Kate, but when my hunger returned, I’d be able to seek the proper satisfaction. The thought of it brought a smile to my face, and I saw Kate give me a strange look. She was probably thinking that my expression had something to do with the cards in my hand. If only I could share the truth with her.

  We played several rounds of the card game together, laughing and joking the whole time. Kate and I let Norah win the last few games, and she predictably starting taunting us as she played out round after round. Norah was so sweet that even her boasting had an air of cuteness to it, rather than coming across as arrogant. She was a special girl.

  After we were done, I cleaned up the kitchen and Kate offered to take me to the mall with her. She needed to get a few things for Norah’s birthday and thought I might enjoy getting out of the house.

  I agreed. A trip to the mall sounded like the perfect way to continue my celebratory day, plus, I knew that Kate was dropping Norah off with her dad that night. The prospect of interacting with David usually put Kate in a sour mood, and after the events of the last day, I wanted to be with her to support her as much as I could.

  After the three of us had loaded into the car, Kate turned to me.

  “Did I mention that we’re meeting David at the mall?”

  “No,” I said, my interest immediately aroused. I had seen him once when he had dropped Norah off at the house, but I had never officially met him.

  “Sorry,” Kate said, “I know you’ve never met him, will you be okay?”

  “Of course!” I said reassuringly. Sometimes Kate was like a mother hen. When I’d first started staying with them, she was always worried that every new experience was going to overwhelm me. “I’ve been dying to meet him, actually.”

  “Really?” she asked skeptically.

  She looked anxious again. I wondered if she felt awkward because she’d been so open about how terribly he had treated her.

  “I know he’s been a jerk to you, but he’s still Norah’s dad so there must be some good in him,” I lied. I was basically repeating the same thing that she had told me a thousand times, but it was clearly what she wanted to hear in the moment. She seemed to take it as a promise that I would hold my tongue. We’ll see. I wouldn’t deliberately say anything to put her in a tough spot, but knowing what I did about how he’d left his family and was a perpetual womanizer, I was certainly not going to hold back my judgment.

  Kate planned to meet him to show him something that Norah wanted for her birthday to see if they could go in on the gift together, so I took Norah to look at some dresses. Norah found a dress she loved and begged me to let her try it on. I relented and we took it to the changing rooms. She came out wearing the long, white dress and her eyes lit up when she looked in the mirror. She looked like a little angel and I knew I had to get it for her. I took note of the size and told her that we needed to put it back and head back out to meet her dad before it was too late.

  She couldn’t hide her disappointment at not being able to keep the dress, but as sweet as she always was, she just smiled and said, “okay,” before skipping back to the changing room. She came bounding out a moment later and we walked to the food court to meet her parents. I was surprised to see another woman standing with Kate and David.

  “You must be Emily,” David said with a smile. “Norah’s told me so much about you.”

  “I am,” I said, faking a smile. “I think the world of Norah; that is one special girl you’ve got there.”

  “She is that!” he agreed, before turning to the other woman. “This is my girlfriend Tracy,” he said looking back at me again.

  As I reached to shake her hand, I noticed David’s eyes scan down the front of my body to my chest. Even with his girlfriend, ex-wife, and daughter in front of him, he was still going to gawk at my body. Just like all the others. I wanted to slit his throat right there. Norah deserved better from a father. How was she ever going to learn her own value if her father treated women like slabs of meat? I couldn’t let her think that his behavior was acceptable.

  “Did you just check me out?” I snapped at him.

  His eyes bulged and his mouth dropped open like he’d lost what little sense he actually had.

  “Uhhhhhhh…” he droned, a hint of color staining his cheeks.

  While I didn’t believe he was ashamed of himself, I took satisfaction in knowing I had embarrassed him, and I wasn’t done yet. “I saw you look at my chest,” I pressed. “Is that how you act in front of your daughter, and with your girlfriend right there?”

  “No!” he shouted.

  People around us were starting to cast curious glances in our direction. Poor Norah looked a little confused and I felt badly for her, but she’d certainly seen what he’d done and she needed to know that his behavior wasn’t okay.

  “I swear I wasn’t looking at you like that,” he said, careful to keep his eyes on mine. “I didn’t!” he said, specifically to Tracy this time, who looked less than impressed with him.

  “Just have her ready at four tomorrow please,” Kate said, shoving her backpack at the man before she knelt down and gave Norah a big hug and kiss.

  Norah said something to Kate and then ran over and gave me a big hug. I was glad to see that she wasn’t upset after I’d called her father out. She gave me a big kiss on the cheek and said, “Sorry my dad did that,” just loud enough for him to hear. His face went sheet white. He pretended not to have heard her as he took her hand and quickly led her away.

  Kate and
I stood and watched them leave until they were around the corner. The moment they were out of sight, she cracked and started laughing.

  “I cannot believe you called him out like that!” she exclaimed. “Did you see that jackass’s face? That was amazing!”

  “He should’ve known better,” I said matter-of-factly.

  Kate howled. “You clearly don’t know David. He’s always been like that. He was constantly ogling other women when we were together. I used to complain about it all the time, but only in private, and he never really cared. Saying it out loud like that for everyone to hear? That was priceless! I wish I had it recorded!”

  I started to laugh too, but more at her reaction than the situation itself. I didn’t find it at all funny that David thought he was entitled to look at me, or any woman, like that. I had been genuinely angry, and if not for all the witnesses, I would have preferred to gouge his offending eyes right out of his head. My blood was simmering just thinking about it. I thought back to my time with Joe the night before; how quickly I had wiped away all his arrogance, reduced him to nothing more than a sniveling child, begging for his life. I imagined David in his place, how good it would feel to force him to apologize for everything he had ever done to Kate and Norah. Sadly, I knew that I couldn’t go after him. Taking out someone else close to Kate would draw too much attention and would either get me caught or get Kate falsely arrested. He was safe – for now.

  I shook my head, trying to rid myself of those thoughts for the time being. I couldn’t believe I was this worked up so soon after a kill. It was because I hadn’t had enough time with Joe, I hadn’t gotten to feel his blood wet against my skin. I would have to make sure to better plan my next attack.

  “Can I get you a smoothie?” Kate asked, her words bringing me out of my reverie.

  “How about I get you one this time?” I countered.

  I couldn’t tell her how much money I’d come into the night before, but I did want to use some of it to show my appreciation for everything that she’d done for me.

  “No,” she said. “You need to save your money.”

  “I have been,” I insisted. “But I want to do something to show my appreciation. I also want to get Norah a dress she fell in love with while we were killing time. It can be her birthday present from me.”

  Kate looked like she was going to argue, but seeing my determined expression, she threw her hands up in surrender.

  “It’s certainly not necessary,” she said, “but thank you, that’s very nice, and I’m sure Norah will be over the moon!”

  It felt good to treat her for a change, and we enjoyed our drinks before continuing our shopping. I picked up the dress for Norah, and Kate picked up the karaoke machine that she’d shown to David. I had no idea what it was, but it looked fancy and she was certain Norah would love it. I was glad to see Kate looking so happy as we walked out to the car. She was such an amazing woman and mother. Norah was beyond lucky to have her, but it pained me to think of her spending time with David and his much-younger girlfriend. I don’t know what it was about Tracy that made me dislike her, but there was definitely something there.

  We were driving home when my phone rang. I almost never got calls and there were very few numbers I recognized. This wasn’t one of them. Kate seemed to find my getting a call just as unusual as I did; she looked over expectantly as I answered.

  “Hello?” I said cautiously. I still found it strange to talk to an unknown person over this device.

  “Emily Something?” the male voice on the other end asked.

  I didn’t recognize his voice, but calling me ‘Emily Something’ gave him away. It was the policeman who had been at Kate’s house earlier. With a jolt of panic, my heart dropped into my stomach. Why would he be calling me? What had he found?

  “Yes,” I replied, “Officer Pearson, right?”

  “Detective Brandon Pearson,” he corrected.

  “Sorry, Detective,” I said. “What can I do for you?”

  His voice was softer when he responded, “Please, call me Brandon.”

  “Okay – what can I do for you, Brandon?” I asked, looking over to Kate who was obviously very interested in the conversation.

  “I looked into your case – about your amnesia. It’s very interesting. I was wondering if you’d be willing to meet with me so I can ask you some questions about that?”

  “Ummm… okay,” I responded, not quite sure what he wanted to know. I’d been hearing less and less about the investigation lately.

  “Great… I’m off in a few hours, and this is more of a personal interest. Could I take you to dinner tonight to discuss it?”

  “Dinner?” I asked, shocked at the request. Was he really interested in the case, or was he asking me out? He was probably just like all the others.

  “Yes,” he said. “I’ll be honest, I’m not really supposed to go out with someone connected to a case, but there was something about you and your story that I couldn’t get out of my head. I’d love to get to know you more and see if there is something I can do to help. My motives aren’t purely professional, but I assure you, that is a part of it as well.”

  It was refreshing to hear him admit that his intentions weren’t entirely altruistic, but I wouldn’t be fooled. I still knew where this would end. Regardless of how he might frame it, he was baiting me with his position, luring me with his offer to help; in the end, he would lead me straight to his bed if he got his way. I smiled to myself. He wasn’t the only person who could use someone. I didn’t have any desire to get to know him personally, but he might just be able to help me in a different way than he was offering. Since he was a part of the investigation into Joe’s death, I didn’t think he would make a good choice for my next target, but I was betting he could inadvertently lead me to someone who would be.

  “I could do dinner tonight,” I replied.

  “Wonderful,” he said, some excitement in his voice. “I know where you live, so I can pick you up at six-thirty if that works for you.”

  I smiled at Kate who looked awestruck at the realization that he was asking me out.

  “That sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

  “See you then,” he repeated before hanging up.

  “Are you kidding me?!” Kate shrieked from the driver’s seat. “Was that Detective Dreamy from this morning?”

  “Dreamy?” I scoffed.

  “Oh, come on!” Kate retorted looking at me like I was crazy. “That man was HOT!”

  “I suppose he was attractive,” I conceded. “But I doubt it will work. He just liked what he saw and wants to see how much he can get after a nice dinner. I’m telling you, Kate – all guys are the same.”

  “There are some good ones out there,” said Kate, “and for what it’s worth – I think Brandon might be one of them.”

  The way she emphasized his name made me feel silly and I felt my face flush a little.

  “See!” she shouted. “You do like him. I knew it!”

  “I don’t like him,” I insisted. “I know how it ends and there’s no point in getting excited.”

  “Oh Emily!” Kate said sourly. “You’re dooming this before you’ve even given it a chance. What happened to you?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied, giving my standard answer to any questions about my past.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, clapping a hand to her mouth. “That’s not what I meant to say.”

  “Don’t be sorry – it just is what it is. I’m not upset about it. I don’t know exactly what I’ve been through, but I do know that all men are pigs.”

  “If I asked you for a favor, would you do it for me?” she asked, changing the subject all of a sudden.

  I didn’t understand what was so urgent that she was asking now, but of course, I’d do whatever she needed after all she’d done for me.

  “Anything,” I replied without hesitation.

  “Give him a chance,” she said as seriously as anything she’d said all day. “If you won’t
do it for yourself, do it for me. Give him a chance to see if he might be a decent guy. If he’s not and you want to call him out for staring down your shirt at dinner, have at it,” she finished with a laugh.

  “Fine,” I said, “but only for you!”

  “That’s all I ask,” Kate said with a smile and smug sense of victory.

  I had to laugh as I thought about how similar Kate looked to Norah after she had won the game of cards this morning. There was little doubt in my mind how all this was going to work out, but giving it a shot was literally the least I could do for her. If I was right, I’d have another outing to plan for.

  Chapter 6

  Regardless of my remaining skepticism about Brandon’s intentions – this was officially my first date. Courting in my own time had been vastly different from modern dating. My one experience with Prince Elisha had been planned by my elders and strictly chaperoned – at least it was supposed to have been. After that night, I had vowed to never again allow another man to court me. I continued to meet them in secret, of course, but always with the intent of entrapping them. I knew in my heart that Brandon would prove to be no different from anyone else, but I had promised Kate that I would give him a fair chance and I intended to keep my word.

  I agreed to let Kate fix my hair and make-up, and then help me choose a dress. She flitted around like an excited little bird, and I had to admit that her optimism was contagious. I hadn’t changed my mind about Brandon, but I had at least decided that I could allow myself to have a little fun while I waited for him to reveal his true nature.

  Kate pawed through her own closet, making me try on dress after dress. We had similar builds, but I was a little taller and a little curvier, so everything was shorter and tighter on me than it would have been on her. Finally, when I had put on the very last dress she had laid out for me, I heard her give a little squeal, and turned around to see her clapping her hands in delight.


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