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Bossy Baller: A Hero Club Novel

Page 1

by Melissa Belle

  Bossy Baller

  Melissa Belle



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37


  Another Epilogue

  A Note From Melissa

  Also by Melissa Belle

  About the Author


  Copyright © 2020 Melissa Belle. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual situations or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, except for brief quotes used for the purpose of review, without the prior written permission of the author. Any trademarks, service marks, or product names are the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference.

  Cover Art: J. Hunter Designs

  Editing: J. Dylan & D. Yacovetta


  BOSSY BALLER is a standalone story inspired by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s COCKY BASTARD. It's published as part of the Cocky Hero Club world, a series of original works, written by various authors, and inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling series.


  He was supposed to be a temporary getaway from my disastrous wedding day. Not the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on…

  I’m probably not the first runaway bride to get discovered hiding in the back of a stranger’s pickup truck. And Maverick should probably dump me on the side of the road and be on his way. Instead, he agrees to give me a ride across the country.

  I quickly learn that Maverick isn’t just a sexy football star. He’s also bossy as hell with a surprising sweet side.

  We’re supposed to stay in separate hotel rooms, not share nights fraught with sexual chemistry. We’re supposed to drive straight to Chicago, not veer off on romantic side trips.

  So when absolutely nothing goes according to plan, I tell myself that whatever happens on this temporary road trip will be just that—temporary.

  Nothing lasts forever.

  The last thing I need is to get attached to a bossy baller whose priority will always be football.

  But just when I think I’ve got everything under control…

  Maverick changes the play at the line.

  To road trips, traveling companions, and places still undiscovered

  Chapter One


  I stand next to Colton Wild and Dylan Wild in the back of the pro football draft green room. We’re three ballers doing whatever we can to not look nervous while we wait for our names to be called. Colton and Dylan were my college teammates, and we’re all hoping like hell to be drafted in the first round.

  “You’re going first,” Colton says to Dylan. “Bet on it. I say you’ll be top ten.”

  Dylan runs a hand through his dark hair. “As long as I get drafted, I’m good.”

  “The higher you’re picked, the bigger your contract,” I argue him.

  “I don’t care about the money,” Dylan says in a way only a person who’s about to never have to worry about money again would say.

  I raise an eyebrow at Colton. “Your cousin’s a better man than I am. I want that contract.”

  I need it. I have to worry about feeding my three little brothers because my father is disabled and can’t work.

  My phone buzzes with a text. I pull it out of my suit pants pocket and read the message on the screen.

  You ready?

  Chance Bateman.

  Chance and I go back. We’re technically related somehow through my mother and his dad, but nobody could ever figure out how many cousins once removed we actually are, so we refer to each other as friends. He’s been my only non-football friend that I can remember having, although he was a rugby player in Australia, so he gets what it’s like to be an athlete.

  He’s been through a lot, and we’ve somehow managed to stay in touch throughout all of it.

  I hope so, I type back to him.

  Aubrey and I are watching on TV. You’ve got this, Mav.


  My dad and three brothers are with me at the draft tonight. Colton and Dylan requested that all our families be seated together. Colt and Dylan are cousins, so having their families sit together makes sense.

  My family sitting with them is a bit odd, but the Wilds are good guys, and they made it seem perfectly normal. The truth is that my dad hates being seen as an invalid, so having cameras focused just on him was bound to make him uncomfortable. And my brothers are all little hellions, but Colt’s mom, who’s a damn saint, offered to help watch them.

  Throw in Dylan and Colton’s three other cousins—Ayden, Brayden, and Cameron—plus Colton’s best friend, Jenson, and I’ve got more backup than I need.

  “I’m gonna miss you Wilds. Where else will I get free babysitting?” I joke.

  But Colton shakes his head. “The three of us could get drafted by the same team. It’ll be like college all over again.”

  Getting drafted by a team in California would be great. Los Angeles would be ideal. Somewhere close to my family so I can help out.

  But nothing will be like college again.

  My financial responsibility for my family is about to begin in earnest, and I can’t fail my dad.

  The commissioner steps to the podium. As he begins the process of welcoming everyone, Colton elbows me.

  “My cousin’s about to be in for an awakening. He really doesn’t think he’s going first.”

  Dylan glances over at us. “Shut the hell up,” he admonishes Colton.

  He’s a good three inches taller than Colt and me even though the two of us easily top six feet.

  But Colton just laughs. “Wait and see.”

  “And the pick is in,” the commissioner says into the microphone. “With the first pick in the draft, the California Cougars select Dylan Wild.”

  The crowd noise is deafening with cheers and clapping. Colton grabs Dylan in a hug, and I pound on his back with my fist.

  “You did it, Wild! Congrats, man.”

  Dylan reaches out an arm and pulls me into the hug.

  It feels like the end of an era. The second Dylan’s name is called, it all becomes real. College is definitely over, and professional life is about to start.

  Dylan’s parents and brother half-heartedly congratulate him, and I can’t help thinking Colton was right when he said Dylan’s family isn’t the kind any kid would wish for.

  But Dylan’s too big to be held down by anyone. He strides across the room and u
p to the stage. He shakes the commissioner’s hand and dons a Cougars’ cap.

  Colton watches the scene play out on the stage. “He fucking did it.”

  Dylan stops at the end of the stage for an interview, and then he’s whisked off to the media room.

  “His whole life is about to blow up,” I say to Colton. “Think you’ll be able to keep up with him?”

  He flashes me that cocky Colton grin. “You bet.”

  My little brother, Dougie, calls to me, and I go pick him up. Colton and I hang out with our families for what feels like fucking-forever as we wait for our names to be called.

  “Man, this is getting stressful,” Colton mutters as the first round ticks past the halfway point. “My mom will freaking panic if I don’t get chosen tonight.”

  “You will,” I say. “We both will.”

  Five minutes after that, the Cougars use their second pick in the first round—thanks to a trade—to select, “Colton Wild!”

  His cousins and best friend and mom mob him before I can even congratulate him.

  I smile at the scene they’re causing. And then, I’m pulled into the group hug.

  “You’re next,” Colton tells me as he eventually breaks free.

  I slap his back. “We’ll see. I’m proud of you, Wild. Go meet the commish.”

  “We’ll see you after,” he calls back as he heads for the stage.

  Turns out, I don’t have to wait long.

  Chicago is up next, and the pick is in within the first minute.

  “…Chicago selects Maverick Court!”

  Thank God and shit run through my head simultaneously. My dad gives me a thumbs-up, and my brothers scream their bloody heads off. I’m fucking relieved to be picked, but I’m also thinking—

  How can I move two thousand miles away?

  “Don’t worry,” Dad whispers as I bend down to hug him. “This is your dream, Mav. You did it. Go make us proud.”

  I’m going to try like hell to do just that.

  Chapter Two

  One Month Later


  I stare out the dirty window of the taxicab as I’m driven through the City of Angels. Los Angeles is the only place I’ve ever lived, but each neighborhood is different. And right now, everything feels strange.

  In just a few minutes, Craig and I will be exchanging marriage vows. Yet, as the cab draws nearer to downtown L.A., my stomach muscles tense.

  Something’s off.

  I can’t put my finger on what exactly feels wrong, and I’m sure I’m not the only bride-to-be with a momentary urge to fly away and never come back.

  I tried talking to Craig last night, and he assuaged my fears the way he always does…by assuring me we fit together perfectly.

  He drove off early this morning, saying he needed to take care of something at work first. I decided to take a cab so we could leave the courthouse together after we’re married.

  The cab driver pulls up next to a parking lot across the street from the courthouse. I pay him and step out, careful not to let the short train of my dress drag on the pavement. I glance over at the odd-shaped courthouse building, but for some reason, my feet won’t take me there. Instead, I feel an invisible string dragging my attention in the opposite direction.

  I turn my head to meet the dark gaze of a man standing by a pickup truck in the parking lot. I vaguely realize there are two guys flanking him, but I can’t take my eyes off of him.

  Our eyes catch and hold before I do something I haven’t done since Craig and I started dating—I admire another man. And God, is there a lot to admire.

  He’s handsome as all get out with dark, come hither eyes, a square jaw with a day-old scruff, and kissable lips.

  His t-shirt stretches across his broad shoulders and solid chest. I swallow and keep looking down to his abs—that I would bet on my life are a six-pack—and then down to his worn jeans, which fit him like a glove. I swear I go into a lust-filled haze before I drag my eyes back up to his face. His dark eyes fill with a combination of humor and surprise, and I quickly spin and race over to the nearest crosswalk.

  As I wait for the light to change to green, I silently berate myself.

  Did I just seriously lose myself over a complete stranger?

  I did. I actually did.

  I take a deep, slow breath. Time to return to reality, Hannah.

  The light turns green, and I cross the street and head for the courthouse.

  Chapter Three


  “Are you sure about this?” Colton surveys the back of my pickup truck as he, Dylan, and I stand in a parking lot across the street from the courthouse in downtown L.A. “L.A. to Chicago is a long drive. Especially on your own.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I say. “I could use the time before I officially start my rookie season.”

  Colton runs his hand through his mess of blond hair. “You’ll definitely have time to think. You’ve got a lot of hours on the road ahead of you.”

  “You don’t think you could do it?” I say just to fuck with him.

  His blue eyes flash with amusement. “Of course I could. My cousin couldn’t, though.”

  Dylan punches him in the arm. “Right. I love to drive. The longer the better.”

  The Wild cousins are like my brothers, but that doesn’t stop us from being competitive as hell with one another. Competing is also a good way to ignore reality—Dylan, Colton, and I are about to part for the first time in three years. I don’t know how the others are feeling, but to me, leaving college behind and going pro feels a bit like jumping off a cliff.

  I grab the last of my bags off the sidewalk and toss it into the truck. I bought Dylan’s old truck off of him for a ridiculously low price. He’s already got a brand-new sports car sitting in the parking garage of his apartment building right down the street, so I don’t feel too bad.

  Dylan’s contract makes mine and Colton’s look like pocket change. Not that I’m complaining. My salary is something I’m immensely grateful for. But with the majority of my first paychecks going to my dad’s medical expenses that aren’t covered by his insurance, not to mention his rent, I can’t afford to mess around with money right now.

  “What’s with all the shit in your truck?” Colton asks Dylan.

  “That’s for Mav’s road trip.” Dylan turns to me. “You said you planned to camp on the way, right? So I left my tent and other stuff in here for you.”

  “Thanks. How much?” I reach for my wallet, but Dylan holds up a hand to stop me.

  “I’m replacing it. That’s all yours. Keep it with you in Chicago.”

  “I appreciate that, Wild.” I clear my throat.

  As we’re laughing, a woman wearing a wedding dress gets out of a taxi. She steps onto the sidewalk right next to us before she looks up at the courthouse across the street and halts.

  “Bride to be?” Colton says as he follows my gaze.

  I barely hear him.

  Like she can feel my gaze on her, she turns in my direction. Her expression is flat without a hint of a smile.

  Yet, I can’t take my eyes off of her.

  This woman’s clearly taken, and she’s not my usual type of blonde and thin.

  Her eyes are ice-blue, and outside of her blood-red lipstick, her makeup is surprisingly light considering she’s so dressed up. Her hair, though—it’s spectacular.

  Jet black and piled on top of her head in an intricate knot-thingy, it highlights her pale skin.

  I have the urge to ask her if she’s okay, which makes no fucking sense considering today’s clearly her wedding day. She shoots me a second glance, and then…no doubt about this…

  She checks me out.

  Her eyes travel the length of my body and back up to my face. When she catches my gaze and realizes I know exactly what she just did, her cheeks turn the most gorgeous shade of deep red. Her eyes get even icier blue, and she spins on her heel and takes off. She disappears around the corner, and I exhale in disappointme

  An ache starts in my chest…and I don’t even understand where that feeling just came from. I’ve only ever allowed myself to feel the loss of someone once before, and that was years ago.

  “What the hell was that?” Colton demands.

  I nearly forgot he and Dylan were next to me.

  I turn toward them and try to throw on an indifferent expression. “No clue. She was checking me out, though.”

  “No shit.” Dylan chuckles. “Man, you loved every second of it, too. You do know what a wedding dress means, right? Unless you’re the guy she’s walking down the aisle toward, it’s hands-off.”

  “I got it,” I snap.

  “Mav, I think you just fell for a woman on her wedding day.” Colton smirks.

  “Fuck off, Colt.”

  I glance toward the courthouse. The woman is long gone.

  Wanting to change the subject, I look into the back of the truck under the pretense of making sure I have everything. “Let me finish up here, and then we’ll go grab coffees on the corner.”

  Chapter Four


  After I walk through the revolving doors of the courthouse, I pass through the metal detector and then search the ground floor for Craig.

  He’s nowhere to be found. A flash of annoyance hits me. I’m on time, but he’s late. No surprise there. Craig has been late for anything and everything to do with our wedding.


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