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A Naughty Santa Gram

Page 8

by Alyssa D Mynx

  "You mean these are a weekly deal? What the hell’s bells for?" For real, why would you need to talk to a bunch of sexy men about looking sexy and delivering presents?

  "Drake likes to―"

  "Good morning, gentlemen." Drake's voice cuts through the air as he enters the room.

  "And lady!" I shout out.

  "That remains to be seen, Brat, but yes, good morning, lady and gentlemen. I guess this is as good a time as any to introduce our newest member of Santas, Ms. Blake Jameson. Blake?"

  I pop up to respond. "Hey gents. As most of you know, I'm Blake. I was a paralegal until my fiance fired me and broke up with me, so no, I'm not looking for a new guy. I know, I know, my bits are too charming, and you can't help yourselves." Chuckles ring out at this. "I usually get what I want, and yes, my balls are, in fact, bigger than yours, so let’s not have a pissing contest. That is all," I finish, sitting back in my chair in the corner by Nick. Full throated laughter fills the room as all the guys hoot at my words. Little do they know I'm serious AF.

  "And that's Blake. Blake, meet the guys. Hands or dicks up as I call your name. Dillon, Landon, Sebastion, Bryan, Jason, Corey, Aster, North, the twins, Seamus and Devlin, Nikolai, Phoenix, and last and certainly not least, Abe. That's fourteen of you all together for this holiday season. That should be enough of you to stay busy, but if any of you have concerns as the holidays grow closer, we can always hire a few new guys," Drake says.

  "Or girls," I counter.

  "Guys. Our business so far has been male ‘grams alone, so I'd like to keep it that way and see how you do before we hire any more women. Consider yourself the test run for all female kind." Drake winks.

  Chuckles ring out again, and I nod my head, responding, "Challenge accepted."“Hey,” Nick says quietly. “Stay away from North. He’s an ass.”

  I wave in acknowledgement, already sensing that from the guy.

  "Now, moving on. The season has just started for Santas even though Halloween is tomorrow. However, there has been a few phone inquiries asking for a sexy warlock or vampire ‘gram. I'd like to hear your thoughts on adding an additional holiday to our current list of Christmas, Valentines, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving, seeing as you guys are my regular employees. "

  "I say why the hell not," Landon cheers. "We are only starting to get business, and it doesn't really pick up until a week after Halloween anyways, except the big hitters club, so why not add it in?"

  "I agree. I could totally be a zombie," Aster says.

  "Dude! We're in," the twins yell out.

  Nods all around, and even I add in a, "Why not? There are lots of sexy outfits for women. What would we be doing as a ‘gram though?"

  Drake holds his hand up, and the room instantly goes quiet. "Excellent question. I'd hoped you all would agree, so I had our designer, Stella, draw up a few gift ideas. I'll leave them in your files, and you can peruse them at your leisure. Is there anyone opposed to doing Halloween Grams?"

  Not a single hand goes up. "Perfect, then we will start planning for next year’s marketing. Along with the files, there will be paper for you to add ideas to or comment on. Please make use of it.” He makes a check on the list in front of him and continues. “Our next order of business has to deal with the redecorating of the locker room. Would anyone like to own up to the new additions?" Bossman asks, looking straight at me.

  Snickers go around, and everyone looks at me. I shrug, saying, "I don't know why you're all looking at me. I figured one of the girl fairies that worked here thought it would be nice to add color to your black and white locker room, and she decided pink would do nicely." When I’m done, I add a grin.

  "I see. Come see me in my office after the meeting. I believe your schedule is free until eleven this morning." A lot of oohs and whispered chatter happens at that, so I guess that means being called to the bossman's office is the equivalent of being called to the principal’s office. I just tilt my head and offer a one-sided grin with my eyebrow raised at that. Drake’s eyes are filled with heat and a promise I hope he keeps.

  "Next, we have the weekly highest Santa. Seb, get on up here." Clapping and cat calls ring out, and the guy from earlier that looks like a sexy businessman rises from the back. He's got dark hair that's mid-length, he's built like a swimmer, and you can see the muscles rippling beneath his tight t-shirt. He's hot, there's no denying it, but nothing in him makes Angela (my vagina, in case you were wondering. Yes, she has a name) sit up and beg like Drake and Landon do. Still, guy’s got the looks, I'll give him that.

  "Congrats, Seb, and here's your pin for the board."

  "What's the board?" I whisper to Nick as we all clap and cheer for this Seb fellow.

  He leans over and says softly, "It's where we keep a count of who has the highest services. Every season we do it, and the winner at the end gets a bonus check of like a thousand bucks. Plus, we're guys, so bragging rights."

  "Oh, ok," I whisper back, glancing to make sure Bossman didn't catch us talking, but his hot eyes are staring directly at me as he claps along with us all. Oops.

  "I think that's all for this week. Do you guys have any concerns or needs that haven't been addressed?" Bossman asks. Heads shake around the table. "Alright then. I'll see you all around, and if you have a 'gram today, make it worth their while." Hoots go up, and they all start to file out.

  Figuring I'm short and can easily hide, I get in the middle of the pack so I can avoid Bossman and get away until my first 'gram. Nothing like a little panic to start your day, right? But my genius plan fails when a familiar hot grip grabs my shoulder and pulls me from the herd of pure sex headed out of the gate.

  "Not so fast. We need to talk about your first 'gram and a few other things," Drake says with a warning in his voice.

  "Bossman, I totally swear I was headed to your office."

  "Is that why you avoided me and were ducking behind the guys?" he asks.

  "No, not at all. I was, erm, just trying to see if I could blend in. Guess not, too bad. I'll have to work on my non-detection skills, I guess." I shrug, taking two steps for every one of his. I'm practically huffing when we arrive at his office.

  "Have a seat, Blake." Drake closes the door behind us and walks along the wall, drawing all the blinds down.

  I do as he says and try to settle in the same leather chair I sat in last time. The heated looks he's giving me are raising my temperature, and I lean forward to remove my jacket.

  Drake moves slowly to his desk, passing behind my chair and running his hand along the back of it. The small vibrations it makes have me shivering in response. He rounds his desk and sits back in his chair, relaxing.

  "So, Blake, let’s start with your first 'gram. How are you feeling about it?"

  Seriously, that’s what he wants to talk about? Fine, I'll play his game. "Pretty good. I believe it's a Basic Tinsel package, so I just show up and open the exploding glitter card after finding my person and saying their person sends their love or something?"

  "Close. Your message to the recipient will be in your orders for the 'gram, including which color glitter card, where to go, at what time, a description or picture of your target, and what to say. Further instructions are available if they added any. You should be able to see this on the app if you hit the event, then click the three dots next to it and hit 'orders.'" His eyes are boring into mine the whole time he’s speaking.

  I have to move in my seat, my yoga pants getting damp from his intensity.

  "Got it. That's all I've got, so I think I can manage from there." I start to stand. "Well, if that's all, I'd best be-"

  "Sit down Brat," Drake growls, and I sit. "We still have to talk about the pink in the bathroom."

  "Oh, that. I can change it to blue if you'd like, but pink sure seems to give it a pop of color, don't you think?" I ask, rambling as I try to keep from twitching at the insistent compulsion to either flee or tackle him.

  "It does." Drake stands again, and this time I can see his tented pan
ts, his cock pushing the boundaries of the fabric. I take a quick breath in as he starts to round his desk again. "But there are other places I like to see pink." He's behind my chair, and his hands go to my shoulders. "Would you like to guess where that is, Brat?"

  My mind goes blank as he massages my shoulders, his fingers dipping ever closer to my breasts. "Umm, my cheeks when you make me blush?" And I am. I haven't been this turned on in years, and he once again has yet to touch any place overtly sexual.

  "Hmm, I do like red cheeks, but you're thinking of the wrong ones. I've imagined my red handprint on that tight ass of yours since I saw it in that little pencil skirt," he describes, his fingertips brushing the top of my breasts, sending chills down my spine and heat to my core. "How do you feel about that?" his hot breath whispers in my ear.

  I lick my lips, suddenly dry from heat, and answer in a breathy voice, "I think a pink hand print would look lovely on my ass." As I reply, I clench my thighs, the slickness between them building.

  "Mmm, good, Brat. Do you like when I call you that?" he asks, tugging my head back by the hair at the base of my neck.

  He leans down and inhales at my throat as I swallow. "Yes," I gasp out, "yes, Bossman."

  He tugs a little harder. "Call me sir."

  "Yes, sir," I respond, eyes watering a little.

  Drake releases me, and I roll my neck and watch as he moves to lean against the front of the desk. "Come," is all he says, crooking a finger at me before patting the desk next to him.

  I rise slowly, the ache between my legs a constant source of sweet discomfort. Moving beside him on the desk, I risk a glance at his cock. Even confined such as it is, the length is well-above average, and the girth is delectable too. I know he'll be hitting all the right spots inside of me if we continue.

  "Almost, but you need to be bent over this desk, not leaning on it. Brats don't get to lean. They get spanked." I clench at his words, look Drake in the eyes, and slowly turn to face the desk, brushing up against him as I go.

  A masculine intake of breath follows, and then a dark chuckle. "Brat, you need to learn to listen and to leave well enough alone when you're already in trouble." A hot and heavy hand touches my back, and the pressure increases until I'm flat on the desk, face turned to the side.

  "Now place your hands to either side of your head and keep them there," he says. "I don't want to see you move them, or I'll increase the number each time. Do you understand?" Drake moves behind me and places my hands where he wants them. Covering me, I can feel every inch of his desire at my back, its length prodding me and arousing me further.

  Face aflame and panties completely soaked, it’s beyond my power to say anything less than "Yes, sir," at this point.

  "Good girl," he says. "Now, let’s remove these so we can see that lovely pink color," Drake drawls, reaching for and starting to tug at my pants.

  "Stop," I say, reaching back to grab his hands.

  "Tut tut. Now you get an extra five spanks, and why stop?” he asks, desire thick in his voice.

  "I've― well, I've never been spanked as an adult," I whisper, desire filling my voice. I shift, and the movement across the desk teases my nipples, causing them to harden even more and ache with each twitch. My own musk and the scent of Drake’s aftershave are filling my nostrils, making me desire this at a molecular level.

  "That's alright, Blake, I'll take it nice and slow. We'll start with pants on for now," he says while he releases the band of my pants. He moves behind me again, making me whimper at the hot length I can feel through the yoga pants. Taking my hands, he places them once more to each side of my head, the cold of the mahogany beneath them a sharp contrast to the heat behind me.

  Drake moves to the side of my head where I can't see him and tells me, "Keep facing that way," before lightly touching my ass. I jump a little, then settle when I realize he is only rubbing. I pray that he doesn't dip too far down, or he'll find out the exact amount of desire I have for him.

  "Oh yes, it's just as firm as I imagined, a great place for a little smack," he says, landing a light tap on my left cheek. I clench and wiggle, the sting there and gone almost instantly before his hand returns to my ass to rub some more.

  "You like that, don't you, my little brat?" he asks.

  All I can do is release a small moan, caught up in the new sensations.

  SMACK. I gasp, and there is a tingle behind my eyes. More rubbing follows this harder slap, and my core clenches with desire again and again, needy for more, wanting more. More pain, more touch, more sensations.

  "Take them off, please, sir," I whisper.

  "What was that, little Brat?" Drake responds, laying his taut body across mine.

  "Please, take them off, sir," I repeat a little louder.

  He inhales and kisses the side of my neck. "Good girl." Drake reaches for the band of my pants and starts to lower them, catching my panties in the process and taking them with him. He drags them down to my knees, letting them catch there, and begins to chuckle.

  "I think my little brat likes this more than she cares to admit," he says. "That’s a mighty large wet spot to be anything else but desire." He leans over my body, the rough cloth of his pants pushing against my bare ass, the cold of the desk cutting into my naked belly. "I bet if I were to reach down and run a single finger across your lips, you'd drench it right now."

  A hard gasp escapes me as his hot hand touches the bare skin of my ass, and I catch my breath as he moves lower, closer to the center of my desire.

  He almost touches it but pulls back, making me moan in want and need. Again, he starts rubbing my ass, and then SMACK SMACK. Double blows to my right cheek. It stings, and I shift, my body heavy and aching as he starts to rub again.

  "Hey Drake, what do you think― Oh. Well hello, Sweetness," a voice interrupts, breaking the tension and making me freeze. Instantly my body jumps into overdrive for protection, and I struggle against the hand holding me down, fighting to get clear.

  "Shh, Brat, it's just Landon. I believe you two have met and ogled each other?"

  I don't respond to his words, but my body does. In an instant, I’m back in my room that night, the night with pain and fear. My first instinct is to fight, but I take some deep breaths. Slowly, my body starts to lose its fight as it realizes the other man I've been lusting after is looking at my bare ass, not one of the men from that moment so long ago. I calm down and move my hips a little.

  "Answer," Drake commands, smacking me harder than before.

  Tears come to my eyes as I respond, "Yes, sir."

  Footsteps come closer, and I move my face, the coldness of the hardwood easing my face from the flames that are engulfing them.

  "Ah, Sweetness, I knew you'd look good half naked," the deeper voice rumbles, and an even larger masculine hand comes to rest on my back. Hot breath is next to my ear when Landon whispers to me. "Mind if I watch, Sweets? It would make me very happy."

  Giving in to the sex kitten that must have been hiding all these years, I open my eyes to find his chocolate ones and respond with a full, "Yes. Watch."

  The big hand leaves my back, tracing its way down to my naked flesh and rubbing a little. I whimper, moving my hips to follow as the big heat moves away.

  Once more, I'm open and vulnerable, the hand on my back the only thing keeping me grounded. Finally, after what seems like hours, Drake returns his hand to my ass, moving over it again. He starts to rapid fire small smacks, gradually building them up until I'm dancing in my spot, refusing to move my hands but aching to cover my naked flesh. When he finally stops, I can feel the heat radiating off my backside as well as the wetness beginning to drip down the insides of my thighs.

  Drake starts to rub my ass again, taking some of the sting away, until he brushes against my thigh. He stops, moves his hand a little further, then rumbles out a low chuckle.

  "Brat, I think you enjoy getting spanked. Don’t you?" he asks.

  I nearly sob out "Yes," aching to be filled.

p; Hot hands grab my arms and lift me from the desk, turning me and settling me on the top of it. From here I can see Landon relaxing back in the chair, huge dark cock out, stroking it as he stares at me. He even has the audacity to wink. I lick my lips and stare at his cock, wondering how the hell that is even going to fit. Wait, am I doing this? I mean, it’s kind of like what Craig did, but there’s only two here, and I like them. So am I doing this. No. Yes. No. I search my brain and finally decide hell yeah, I’m doing this.

  "Sir?" I ask, looking up into the hot blue eyes above me.

  "Yes, Brat?" he asks, running his hands up and down my sides.

  "I'm going to suck your cock," I announce, grinning.

  "You are, huh?" He smiles smugly. "I don't think so. I think you're going to suck Landon's dick while I pound the hell out of your bratty pussy." His words make me groan. "And I think you're going to like it," he murmurs, smirking at me in that bossman way.

  "No, I said―" In an instant, Drake has me bent over the desk again, holding my hair and smacking my ass before letting me stand back up, hand still firm in my hair

  "Today, I get to tell you what you're going to do, and today, you're going to blow Landon's fucking mind while I blow yours. Maybe next time I'll let you choose." He smirks, lowering his mouth to mine. The thought that I’m about to kiss my BOSS flits through my head, but fuck it, I’m doing this.

  The gentleness of the kiss startles me. His lips are warm and soft as they move over mine. Drake slowly runs his tongue along the seam of my lips, asking for entrance. My own tongue darts out, and soon we are devouring each other.

  Once I come up for air, Drake gestures for me to remove the rest of my clothes. I comply, loving the way both men watch me as I slip off my shoes and bottoms. I tease a little with the top, slowly crossing my arms across my body to pull off my tank. There's not much to my bra, as I'm not a big chested woman. It's all lace and breast, and damn if I don't look good.

  Drake and Landon must agree because both let out involuntary sounds of need. After I'm finished stripping, I walk past Drake to get to Landon. I can feel the carpet beneath my feet and the air conditioning whispering across my skin, and gooseflesh breaks out across my body. Each step towards Landon has my thighs sliding against each other, the slickness lube for them.


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