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A Naughty Santa Gram

Page 25

by Alyssa D Mynx

  "What're you playing?" I ask, and Johnny about jumps out of his skin at my voice.

  "My God, woman, warn a man that you're coming before you just up and scare him!" he screeches.

  I giggle. "Pretty sure my warning would scare you too, so it's a moot point. What're you playing?"

  "Just some solitaire. I was waiting on you." He stands and wraps his arms around me. "Come on, Love, let's go play some games."

  We take the left staircase that leads to the second level and head right into the game room. It's an open area they've transformed into a home theater, complete with every single gaming device you can think of. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of games and movies fill the built in shelves on the walls. There are four reclining movie theater type chairs and two movie theater loveseats. Two rows, a chair on each side in each row.

  "Whoa, you guys really did clean up in here," I comment, looking at the sparkling floor, empty trash cans, and movie free floor. "What did you bribe them with?"

  "That I'd cook for a week. Which I pretty much do anyways, so win win. I just wanted tonight to be nice. Now," he says, leading me to the love seat with a purple blanket on it. "You sit here and tell me what system and what game we are going to play."

  I curl up on the loveseat and cover myself with the blanket, thinking about what I want to play. "How about some Galaga? It's one of my old favorites from when I could visit arcades as a kid."

  "Sure! Anything my love requests."

  He goes about setting up the Wii since he has a Gamecube version of the old Namco games. Johnny tells me he actually has an Atari, but the graphics are better and faster with the Wii.

  Thinking as he’s moving cords around, I can’t help but ask him something that’s been nagging at me. “Johnny?”


  “How come when we’re alone or with the guys, you’re so sure of yourself, but in public you’re not. Like this morning at SHG, you were flustered. Is it my fault?”

  “Oh, that.” He pauses, turning to look at me. “No, I’m just very bad with people I don’t know. The public at large is crazy, and I don’t deal with them well.” Johnny just shrugs, as if this is normal. I mean, it kind of is, but not really.

  As soon as it's all set up, Johnny joins me on the loveseat and tucks himself under the blanket with me, setting the remotes on the table between the loveseat and chair. He tugs me into his arms and brings my head to his shoulder.

  "Before we get started, Drake mentioned to me that you were supposed to be wet and wanting when you got here, along with missing your panties. Did you do as he said, Love?"

  I squirm, and yup, definitely still wet. "I did. Do you want to check?" I tease, rubbing my hand across his still soft cock.

  "Mmm, I think I'd better."

  Johnny slips his hand beneath the waistband of my pants, tugging me more onto him as we recline. His fingers follow my thighs upwards and encounter my freshly waxed pussy.

  "Shit, Love, you're so soft." He dips his fingers into my folds, and I know he finds them slick and wanting. Johnny locates my clit and tugs on it, rubbing and playing with it for a few minutes.

  I take a wavering breath, those heated fires in my belly starting to stir and waiting to be grown and fanned to a higher flame.

  "We should stop," Johnny whispers, his hand still dipping into my needy pussy.

  "We should," I agree, capturing his mouth in mine and his now hard cock in my hands.

  He finally sits back, taking deep breaths and adjusting himself. I stay on my side of the loveseat, trying to cool the flames inside of me.

  "Here, maybe this will help us. I didn't mean for tonight to be for, you know, THAT, so let’s just play and have fun," he says, handing me the wireless controller.

  Let's just say I kick his ass after that.

  "Fuck, Love, that was good," he cheers the first time I win. "Another round?"

  "Hell yeah," I agree.

  "Damn, girl, you got game," he says, smiling as I win the second time. "Let's do best three of five.”

  When I win again, Johnny starts to get serious. "You've clearly played this a lot," he ponders, glancing at me after his third loss in a row.

  "A few times," I reply, a sly smile on my face.

  By the fourth win, I can see the wheels spinning and the little bit of sweat on his upper lip.

  "You see, Johnny, the higher the level you get to, the more randomized the code is. I know a few things about this stuff too, and I loved this game enough to memorize every alternative path. And when you get to the high levels? Well, then it's just finesse and luck. What say we do best five of nine?" I grin, relishing my wins.

  "Fuck, Love, don't let me ever bet against you when you say you know a game well. I think I'll pass. My manliness can't take any more." He chuckles.

  "Sad. How about you pick the game, and I’ll watch?”

  "Deal," Johnny agrees, getting up and setting up his XBox to play Overwatch.

  "Now, let me see how the master works his wonders," I murmur, snuggling up next to Johnny, careful not to interrupt his game time.

  A few rounds in, and Johnny is kicking ass. I'm so turned on again by the intense look in his face, the focus and passion I see, so I begin step one of my plan.

  I gently move my hand to Johnny's thigh while he's playing, and he glances down for just a moment but keeps going. Even after I start moving my fingers along his upper thigh, he still keeps playing. Finally, I get to his crotch, and that makes him fumble the controller for a moment.

  "Love, what are you doing?" he asks as he picks back up in the game.

  "Nothing, just fulfilling a long ago promise to give you gamer head," I remind him oh so innocently.

  "Shit," he exclaims, fumbling and dropping the controller. "Umm, that's― carry on?" he mentions, the words more question than permission. I take it like I want though, and slowly slip to the ground between his knees.

  "Johnny, pause the game?" I beg, on my knees at his feet, chin rested on his knee.

  He hits pause, and the heat in his hazel eyes have a green hint to them. His eyes are pure fire spark, flaring and need shining through.

  "Please, Johnny, take off your pants? I want to please you while you play. If you can win the game before you cum, I'll give you more gamer head sometime as a prize. If you can't win before you cum, then you get to finish me off tonight."

  "Fuck, Love, you're killing me here. Yes, I agree," he bites out, his body tight as he sets the controller on the loveseat and shoves his pajama pants down. His cock springs free, and while average in length and girth, the fact that he takes a while makes it so much better for me than a two-minute big guy.

  "Let me please you while you play. Here," I direct, handing him the controller for the game, "game on."

  As Johnny starts on his game, I start on his cock, shuffling between his legs and taking one of his feet out of his pants. Spreading his legs a little and settle between them I gently blow on his cock, and he groans, making him twitch at the air flow.

  I take him in my hand next, exploring him, learning him, finding the spots that make him twitch or fumble the controller. He says fuck a lot.

  When I finally take him into my mouth, I've got him worked up to the precum stage, and I taste him, a salty and sweet flavor that makes me salivate for more. He groans as I wrap my lips fully around him and take him in.

  I work his cock, bobbing, humming, dancing over it with nimble fingers and tongue. Johnny shifts, and I feel the controller at the back of my head, pushing me on. I chuckle around him, knowing I'm going to win this one.

  I take him as deep as I can, one hand to his thigh, the other to cup his balls, and I work the tip with my throat, making myself gag to give him the deep sensations only a gag can give during a blowjob. I love having a cock deep in my mouth, filling me. Each cock in this house is different, has a different taste, a different texture. Right now, I'm addicted to Johnny.

  I hear the controller drop and a loud "God fucking damn it" right befor
e my head is clutched in both of his hands, and Johnny is using my mouth to fuck as he wills.

  His game makes the dying noise, but my gamer is lost. Lost in the sensations of my mouth. I get lost too, rubbing my thighs together tightly and moving my breasts against the couch to get them peaked.

  My hair is pulled, and I hum hard around his cock, loving the control and dominance in his hand, the sensation of pulling. He's starting to speed up, choking and gagging me, and I take a breath when I can, ready to taste his cum. I get that bit of man juice, and I swallow every drop as Johnny shudders through his orgasm.

  "Aw, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck," he stammers out.

  After he's finished, I sit back on my knees. "What's with all the fucking? Not that I'm opposed to fucking, but..." I shrug.

  "Because that was the best fucking blowjob I've ever had, and because that game was online, so I'm going to get ribbed so hard about dying so quickly." He blushes, his hand going to the back of his neck and rubbing hard.

  "That's an easy fix. Just tell them you got a blowjob from a cute girl, and you died for the glory of her mouth. That'll shut any guys up, at least."

  "True, true. Now, I think the bargain was that I finish you up, correct?

  "Hell yes, it was. I'll take it anytime."

  Johnny grins and moves, standing over me then tossing me on the loveseat.

  I chuckle. "Guess you guys are going to have to clean this loveseat again."

  "I swear to fucking God, if they don't hire more women Santas, or any other 'grammers, I'm going to kill someone. Probably Drake. Like, I will literally string him up and murder him by cutting off his balls and destroying him," I fume, rubbing my aching feet and tired eyes.

  "Girl, I get you. It's been a long-ass few weeks. Just remember, it's only three days ‘til Christmas, though, and then you'll have some time before cupid season starts up, am I right?" Jenna asks from the doorway to her room.

  "I wouldn't give a fuck if tomorrow were Christmas. I'd still be telling Drake the same thing, and he better be listening this time, too."

  "I get you, I get you. Did the shower at least feel somewhat good? Like, has your raging self calmed its tits down yet? It's Sunday night, meaning it's our night, and I'd really like to catch up with you, you twit."

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. These sixty plus hour weeks have just been killing me lately."

  "I know," Jenna consoles, "but I have some Mike's Hard waiting for us. Plus, pizza just got here, and it's hot, cheesy, and so filled with carbs that your body will be in carb heaven. Come join me. Come, come to the dark side where we have pizza."

  "Oh, dark side, I crave thee so much," I return, staggering up from the bed. "Fuck, does the dark side do feet replacement surgery? Because I need a new set after this."

  Jenna chuckles. "I'm afraid we don't. We do, however, offer a full-service curse-your-employer deal."

  "Oh, I'll take that one," I gasp as I fumble out to the couch. When I get there, I plop down and just sit. Like, I just want to sit and not move for a while.

  "Pizza?" Jenna offers.

  "Hand it to me? My poor feet are about to expire."

  Jenna snorts. "I doubt that, but yeah, I can get you some. What do tomorrow and Christmas Eve look like?

  "I've got clients from eight am ‘til eleven tomorrow night."


  "Yeah, you're telling me. I'm even turning down Santa Grams left and right. If we had more women working, we'd be making a killing on these. Christmas Eve I work ‘til three, as does everyone, then I'm off to the guys’ house for the night. It's our first actual sleepover."

  "How do you feel about that?" Jenna asks, handing me a plate with three gooey pieces of miracle pizza on it.

  "Anxious, nervous, excited, all of the above. I'm sure it'll be good. I mean, it's not like I haven't been fucking them all in between now and then. I just haven't stayed the night again, and I've not had all five at the same time again."

  "God, woman, you're living the dream. Five men to fuck you, feed you, love you? I can't imagine it."

  "You mean five men to nag. Five men who leave the toilet seats up. Five men who can't put dirty clothes in the hamper that's literally a foot away? Oh yeah, living the dream, I am." I shudder.

  "It's not really that bad, come on."

  "Fine, it's not. And like," I say, pausing to take a huge bite of cheesy goodness, "it’s not like it’s every day." I swallow. "And I don't even see them all every day. Of course, I see Drake the most, but so what? He's my boss, so I have to see him. And Landon, although we've both been busy with this gig, so we don't pass each other much anymore. I swear, if it weren’t for the silly little pictures he leaves on my things all the time, I’d never hear from him.”

  "Do you still have to do the required gym hours?" Jenna inquires, digging into her pizza. "If so, this is gonna be a bitch tomorrow."

  "Are you nuts? No, mine got waived. I’ve hardly had time to sleep and shower, much less go and workout. The guys took a vote on it a few weeks ago at our Monday meeting. There are a couple guys who are well liked and have the same skip rule too, but I'm still leading across the board for most 'grams and most money brought in. Most referrals, most requests... the only thing I'm not winning is most repeat clients."

  "What? You mean to tell me you haven't had people request you twice in the same season? I'm shocked!" The look of fake horror on Jenna's face is comical, and I almost have cheese come out my nose from laughing with pizza in my mouth.

  "Shit, Bitch, that would have been a mess."

  "A funny mess."

  "Funny for you, maybe, but not for me," I counter, wiping sauce and cheese drippings from my chin.

  "I've missed this. Sorry the guys have taken up so much time," I say, chagrined.

  "Bitch, please, wrangling five guys has to be hard, especially if you want to give them all some attention. I get it. Besides, you know that North fellow, the asshole in the limo?"

  "Yes..." I draw out.

  "Well, and don't be pissed, we've kind of been seeing each other a little bit, and... I won't be here tomorrow night. I'll be at his place."

  "WHAT?" I screech. Pretty sure only the dogs heard me though. "Are you out of your mind? He's a fucking tool and cheats all the time!"

  "Well, not to me. He's nice, charming, and keeps me safe."

  "You've got to be fucking kidding me. Jenna, please don't."

  "Woman, did I judge you for fucking five men? No, so don't you start with me on one."

  "What about Dillon," I throw out, "the wannabe Jason Momoa?"

  "He's got commitment phobia, so I figured why not date the guy he hates? Then I'll get him to date me," she says smugly.

  "Oh my gosh, woman! You sly bitch! I see."

  "Damn, I got you good."

  "Fuck, don't do that to me. You just took off five years of my life."


  "Shut up and eat your pizza, Bitch."

  Beep Beep Beep!

  I slam my hand down to the rug and find my phone, turning the damn alarm off.

  "I hate you, Monday."

  As it gets closer to Christmas, our meeting time has moved to 7:30 AM. I know, a half-hour difference, but that half an hour used to be MY half an hour. Now I share it with way too much testosterone.

  "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty! Only two more days ‘til Christmas!" Jenna sings through the door.

  "Shut up or you die, woman," I yell back, throwing a pillow over my face and ears.

  "Nope," comes from somewhere closer. "You told me to make you get up and shower here before work so you had hot water. This is me following your demands," she says right before all of my blankets are ripped from the bed.

  I throw the pillow off and curse her, angry and annoyed.

  "Just go shower! You'll be more you after that," Jenna states, flouncing out in some green holiday dress for work.

  "You know I hate you, right?" I call after her, sitting up in my cold bed.

  "Love you too!"


  But my girl is right, and after a shower and blowdry of the freshly-redone hair color, I'm feeling more alive and alert and awake and generally cheerful.

  "Alright, today and tomorrow, then I have some time off. Today and tomorrow, today and tomorrow."

  "You're weird," Jenna states, sipping on her green machine smoothie.

  "And you're disgusting, drinking spinach and broccoli for breakfast."

  "Agree to disagree."

  "Nope, just disagree," I counter, going to my cupboard and grabbing one of the cookie bars for breakfast along with a couple for the day.

  "Are you seriously only going to eat those all day?" Jenna wrinkles her nose at me.

  "Yes, I seriously am. It's a long-ass day, and I don't always get to eat a properly balanced meal. At least these have some protein and shit in there."

  "Fine, die young of diabetes."

  "Mkay, thanks," I say, headed out the door. "Don't be a dork all day! And don't actually SLEEP with North!" I holler, shutting the door behind me.

  It's only a few minutes before the meeting when I pull up to work, so I'm not late. The parking lot is full, and there are vehicles I don't even recognize, but that’s normal. We’re all working crazy hours as the holidays hit.

  Tossing the keys to Cherry Pie in my purse and grabbing my phone, I check my emails while I walk to the door.

  "Daddy's baby is finally here," says the voice from my nightmares.

  I stumble, dropping my purse and phone. There's no way, absolutely no way... But there he is, the man who took my innocence, who ruined me, broke me, and haunts me. Time has not treated him well. His balding head is now a scruffy few tendrils of hair, his belly has gotten bigger, and his face redder. His eyes are still just as bloodshot, and I can smell him from here, that horrible combination that is Craig.

  "C-Craig? How're― why're you here?" Five feet. Five feet between me and the man that tried to break me.

  "We came to see our girl. Your daddy and mom missed you, and you weren't returning my calls," Craig states, a dark menace in his voice.


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