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Breathe (TITANS, #2.5)

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by Sotia Lazu


  TITANS, Volume 2.5

  Sotia Lazu

  Published by Acelette Press, 2019.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. January 2, 2019.

  Copyright © 2019 Sotia Lazu.

  Written by Sotia Lazu.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Breathe (TITANS, #2.5)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Other books in the TITANS series:

  Get the FREE prequel, Under, HERE

  Book 1 – A Nereid for the Titan

  Book 2 – A Maid for the Titan

  Book 3 – A Guard for the Titan

  Book 3.5 – Above: A TITANS Novelette

  Book 4 – A Seer for the Titan

  Book 5 – A Titaness for the Titan

  Chapter One

  “Are you sure someone’s coming?” Christina wrapped her arms around her waist and dipped her toes into the cool water. With the sun dipping lower in the sky, her fuchsia bikini no longer seemed like the best choice of outfit, but it wasn’t like she could look online for what would be considered appropriate attire for this evening. It wasn’t every day your roommate-for-the-summer-turned-BFF took you to an underwater kingdom, to meet her soulmate’s Titan brother, who was mated to a mermaid, who happened to be the daughter of the king of the freaking sea.

  And Christina couldn’t repeat that sentence out loud in front of anyone but the present company.

  Olivia looked to Hyperion, who nodded. They weren’t in swimwear, because they’d be blinking to Vythos, unlike Christina, who would apparently take an underwater cab of some sort.

  A head poked out of the water in the distance, and Hyperion barely squinted in that direction, before saying, “That’s him. I’ll introduce you, and we’ll meet the two of you at the palace.” He waved at the man, who swam toward them, no sign of a submarine in sight.

  “How exactly will he take me there?” Christina had asked before too, but Hyperion had glossed over that part.

  “Magic,” he said now.

  The man stopped when the water reached his waist.

  His eyes sparkled like sapphires under the perfect dark arches of his brows, and his long, blue tresses clung to his chiseled cheekbones and down the corded muscles of his neck, to his broad shoulders.

  “Holly fuck, he looks like Aquaman with blue hair,” Christina whispered. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She elbowed Olivia in the ribs. Not that it’d hurt, now that Olivia was all new and improved and immortal.

  “Good evening,” the man said in Greek.

  Christina knew enough of the language to introduce herself and order food at a taverna, but anything more was a stretch. “Hello. I’m Christina.”

  “Palaemon.” He tapped his chest with his open palm.

  “Hey.” Olivia waved at him and said something in Greek that Christina didn’t catch. It was unfair that Olivia now spoke a gazillion foreign languages.

  Palaemon smiled, nodded, and replied in the same language. He motioned for Christina to approach. “Come.”

  She looked at Olivia, who nudged her forward. “Go. I’ll see you in a few.”

  Christina trusted her. She reluctantly put one foot in front of the other and walked toward Palaemon. The water chilled her legs and made her shiver. It wasn’t that bad, but it’d take a couple minutes to get used to. Her nipples didn’t take the memo. They were so hard, they hurt. She looked from where they pushed against her bikini top to Palaemon’s half-smirk. Was he staring at her? He was. His gaze felt heavy on her body, caressing her more languidly than the waves did. The water had covered her breasts by the time she reached him, and she felt hot. It had nothing to do with the temperature, and everything to do with the man in front of her.

  She gave him her sweetest smile. “What now?”

  Palaemon turned his back to her. Rude.

  “Hey. What am I supposed to do?” she asked.

  He reached behind him, found her arms, and wrapped them around him. They wouldn’t meet across his wide chest. He kept his grip on her wrists as he dove underwater.

  What was he doing? She kicked her legs and felt his between them. No, not legs. He had a freaking tail. Damn. He was a mermaid? Disappointment that such a gorgeous man was part fish almost overshadowed her panic when she realized they weren’t coming up for air. She was going to drown. And then she’d come back as a ghost and haunt Olivia forever for doing this to her.

  “Breathe.” His voice, as masculine and sexy as the rest of him, startled her.

  “What?” she asked, but no sound reached her ears.

  “You won’t drown. There’s an air bubble around your head. Sound doesn’t travel through it, though.”

  Then how was he speaking to her? And hey—she understood him. Did he speak English? Not like she could ask.

  “I can hear your thoughts underwater. Language doesn’t matter.” He kicked his tail—she still couldn’t wrap her mind around that—and took them deeper, as their surroundings darkened.

  “What are you?” she thought at him.

  “A sea daimon. King Nereus trusts us with transporting his daughters, so you’re safe with me.”

  If all sea daimons were as hot as this one, King Nereus’ daughters must be really bummed out about the tail part.

  “So you think I’m hot, huh?”

  Shit shit shit shit shit. Now he knew she found him hot. Could he also tell she was wet, and not because of the water surrounding them?

  His laugh made no sound, but his back and scaled hips vibrated against her, and she pressed herself to him, partly to hide her embarrassment but mostly because it felt good.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he said. “It’ll be more comfortable.”

  Christina folded her legs around him, the scrape of scales against her skin oddly arousing. She wouldn’t think of what a pity it was the clung to his back instead of being wrapped in his arms. Or what a pity it was he didn’t have a cock. How did fish... copulate?

  His grip on her tightened, and she felt his hips—it was the only word that worked, even if tails didn’t come with those—swish harder. “We’re almost there.” His voice in her head was raspier. Darker. It promised things he couldn’t deliver.

  Damn it.

  Palaemon laughed again. She needed to learn to keep her thoughts to herself. At least he wasn’t touchy about his cock, or lack thereof, like human males were. And she really need to stop thinking. Now. La la la. Think of something other than how hot the man between her legs made her.

  “See that light up ahead?” he asked.

  She did indeed. A pale golden glow spread out beneath them, and as they closed in on it, she made out shapes that looked like buildings, inside crystal domes. This was the underwater kingdom, and in its middle, in the largest dome, stood a magnificent castle that seemed carved into coral and encased in gold.

  “Hold on tight.” Palaemon headed straight for the dome.

  This would hurt. She squeezed her eyes shut, ducked her head behind his back, and... For a second, there was nothing around her. No water. Just air. And then, Palaemon hit something and rolled. Her back smashed into something soft that absorbed her fall, and he slipped out of her arms.

  And stood.

  On legs.

  Between which, from a thatch of blue curls, hung a glorious, big cock.

  It jumped under her scrutiny,
and she jerked her gaze up to Palaemon’s face. He was staring at her, expressionless but for the clenching of his law.

  Christina licked her lips. “Thank you for the ride,” she said. Could he read her thoughts now that they weren’t technically in water? She tapped her chest over her heart and said in Greek, “Thank you.”

  Palaemon gave a curt nod, climbed on the pillows, and jumped through the dome and into the water, his legs giving way to a tail the same color as his hair.

  A door Christina hadn’t even noticed opened, and Olivia poked her head out. “There you are. I thought Palaemon would deliver you to the front door, but King Nereus said this is where he always dropped off Pherusa.” She held out a green robe. “You need to put this on for dinner.”

  Pherusa was Prometheus’ soulmate. Christina had heard all about her from Olivia and Hyperion. She’d also heard how Prometheus had been jealous of a sea daimon before he finally believed Pherusa loved only him. Pieces clicked together. Palaemon was Pherusa’s daimon. The one who might still be hung up on her.

  Christina found her footing and slipped her arms in the sleeves of the robe, then tied it around her waist. “King Nereus just let you roam around the castle?” she asked.

  Olivia shrugged. “He said he likes my inquisitive mind. He’s rather casual, for a god king.” She looped one arm around Christina’s and tugged. “Come. Let’s meet everyone. King Nereus asked his witch to help you with your Greek, to make communication easier. Still, don’t expect to remember everybody’s names.”

  Chapter Two

  He smiled to himself as he navigated through the water toward his cave at the outskirts of Vythos. The human—Christina—was fun. Obsessed with penises, but fun. And cute, if you went for bubbly blondes with huge, blue eyes and large breasts. He didn’t have a type, but if he did, it’d be someone with eyes green like the sea and a leaner frame. Someone like Pherusa. Who was just his friend and happily bonded to her male. He wasn’t pining over her. Hadn’t avoided the palace because he couldn’t witness her happiness. If anything, he was happy for his friend and giving her space while she and her soulmate got reacquainted.

  And the thought didn’t taste as bitter as he expected it to. Maybe because he still felt the warmth of Christina’s breasts pressed to his back. She blushed the most delightful pink when he caught her gazing at him. And her lips... Rosy and full, they seemed made for laughing. And kissing. And sucking.

  Luckily, his half-fish form didn’t let his anatomy betray his thoughts, and with everyone who knew Christina safely inside the palace bubble, he was in no danger of being overheard.

  Unlike merpeople and Nereus’ family, Palaemon didn’t automatically change into this form underwater. He could shift into any living creature at will. In fact, he’d looked fully human when he first laid eyes on Christina, but opted for the tail before she reached him, because it made swimming easier—as well as hiding unsolicited erections from innocent human eyes.

  With his cave in sight, he ordered his body to reshape into his human form and strode the rest of the distance to the bubble surrounding the cavern, and then through it.

  He lay atop his coral bed. He should be back at the palace for dinner, but someone would fetch him, and in the meantime, he could take a nap. It had been a long day, with patrolling the Aegean for signs of Titan activity, and he’d been moody when Circe suggested he go bring the human below.

  Christina’s smile when she introduced herself had made his weariness evaporate though, and then, when she wrapped her arms and legs around him, every curve of her supple form pressed against him...

  He closed his fist around his erection and tugged. He didn’t make a habit of this. Pleasuring himself while thinking of an unattainable female wasn’t his style. He could have a woman if he wanted, but he wasn’t interested. His duty to Vythos, as one of King Nereus’ generals was his raison d'être. It fulfilled him.

  Yet he kept tugging. And thinking of the line of Christina’s mouth. And the waves of her blond hair. And the hint of a nipple almost slipping out of her top.

  He spilled all over his lap, his mind painting a vivid picture of Christina licking him clean that threatened to make him hard again.

  In the distance, he heard the horn calling the generals to the palace. No time for a nap, then. No matter. He felt more refreshed than he’d been in ages. He hurried outside and cleaned up, then brought his armor out of the treasure chest he’d salvaged and put it on one piece at a time. The blue steel glinted in the pale glow coming from outside, as he secured it in place. It covered him from his neck to the middle of his thighs, allowing his tail full movement, and keeping him reasonably decent while he walked on human legs. He was expected to wear it at official gatherings. Dinner at the palace wasn’t that official, but he refused to make it through the night in one of the seaweed robes Queen Doris loved so much.

  The robes hadn’t bothered him before, but Christina hadn’t been around to see him in one before. Besides, blue was much more his color than green was.

  By the time he was shown inside the ballroom, everyone was seated at the long semicircular table that span half the great hall.

  “Finally.” Nereus nodded. “I was about to send Delphinos after you.”

  “My king, I apologize. Time slipped by me.” Palaemon gave a sweeping bow. Nereus demanded no such shows of reverence, but they had guests, and some formalities were necessary.

  “Come sit with us. We saved you a seat,” Olivia said in Greek. She pointed at the empty chair between her and Christina, whose gaze was trained to her plate.

  “Thank you.” Palaemon took the seat and winced when the chair screeched as he pulled it back in place.

  Olivia smiled. “Christina and I were actually just talking about you. Tell us, what do sea daimons do, exactly?”

  The way she phrased it made him sound like a utensil. “We basically keep the world safe,” he said as non-smugly as he could.

  Christina snorted. Had she understood?

  “And how do you do that?” Olivia asked.

  “What is this? Twenty questions?” Christina said. So she did speak Greek now? The sea witch must have had something to do with it.

  “What? I’m curious,” Olivia said.

  “I get it, but let him take a bite first. The poor man literally just sat down.” Christina gasped and brought her dainty hand to her mouth. “Oh my God. Is that specieist?”

  Palaemon laughed. From the other side of the table, Delphinos arched an eyebrow at him and whispered something in his soulmate’s ear. Halie nodded and looked at Palaemon through lowered eyelashes.

  “What?” Palaemon asked.

  “You’re laughing,” Pherusa said from Halie’s other side. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh before.”

  Thankfully, Queen Doris chose that moment to make a toast to their guests, and soon the sounds of silverware clanking against china rivaled the light chatter filling the room. Palaemon was off the hook.

  Christina trailed her fork across her plate, not touching her crispy seaweed salad.

  “You don’t like it?” he asked her.

  “You could have said no. Didn’t have to laugh at me.” Her words were hushed, but they found their way to his ears and down to his chest, to wind around his heart. She thought he was mocking her?

  He covered her hand with his and tried to ignore the jolt of desire that raced along his skin at the contact. “Forgive me. I meant no offense. Your question surprised me. I very much think of myself as a man.” Leaning closer, he whispered, “One with a cock.”

  The blush that creeped up her neck and to her cheeks clashed with the green of the robe that had never looked more appealing. She tucked her hair behind her ear and whispered back, “Really? I didn’t notice.”

  He should pull her in his lap and let her feel his cock and the fact that it was rock hard, but he had an inkling the king might not appreciate the initiative. Instead, he pretended to wipe his mouth with his napkin. “I’ll have to show you
after dinner,” he said, relying on the piece of cloth to muffle his words.

  “Show her what? I want to see too,” Olivia said.

  Christina let out a snort and choked, her bosom heaving with the effort to breathe. No, wait. She was laughing and trying to mask it. And the sliver of skin revealed at the opening of her robe called for his fingers to trace it.

  “So what are we seeing?” Olivia asked.

  All talk ceased, and everyone’s gazes were on Palaemon, waiting for his answer.

  “His seashell collection,” Christina said.

  Palaemon sent a quick prayer to Oceanus, wherever he was, that Olivia didn’t care to see those, since he didn’t have any.

  And... prayer answered. “Oh,” she said. “Oh, okay. I was thinking maybe you’d show her around the city.”

  “Kingdom, not city,” Prometheus interjected, not looking up from his dish. “I’m sure Palaemon would love to show you around tonight. After he shows Christina his shells. I hear he has a large cephalopod he’s rather proud of.”

  Hyperion chuckled.

  Damned Titans and their super-sensitive hearing. Palaemon had no doubt they’d made out his private conversation with Christina loud and clear.

  “Not sure I wanna see that. I hear those things can be icky.” Christina arched an eyebrow Palaemon’s way.

  He gave her a smug smile. “You can judge for yourself. Unless you’re scared it might bite.”

  “How could a husk bite her?” Queen Doris sounded perplexed.

  Prometheus laughed heartily, and Hyperion joined in, while Pherusa and Olivia exchanged knowing glances. Lovely. The protogod bastards had shared what they heard with their soulmates through their mental link. Palaemon should drop this.

  He glanced at Christina, but she was diligently avoiding his gaze, as she tried a mouthful of sea anemone. “This is incredible.” She moaned.

  Matter closed, then. She was obviously not interested. And someone should tell his cock that.


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