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Enchanting the Bear

Page 8

by Rayna Tyler

  Leah hadn’t been happy when I’d told her what I planned to do. It had taken some convincing and a bout of lovemaking to get her to remain at my place with Mandy while the rest of us took care of the problem strutting toward the porch with a condescending smirk on his face. My bear wanted to rip him to shreds and was pushing me hard to allow a shift.

  I had to admit the idea was tempting, but I had to consider what my actions would do to Leah. The shifter world could be dangerous, sometimes cruel and deadly. Though I accepted that part of my life, I never wanted Leah to see it. And I would do whatever it took to protect her and shield her from it.

  Personally, I didn’t have a problem with hurting the human to teach him a lesson, but my sweet, caring mate would. I couldn’t, however, let Caleb walk away, not without ensuring that he never bothered her or any other female again.

  Caleb had broken her restraining order. The matter should have been turned over to local law enforcement, yet it didn’t guarantee he’d stay out of her life. I didn’t want her to spend another minute dealing with the repercussions or worrying about his reappearance. After a lengthy discussion with Reese, Nick, and Preston, we’d come up with a better plan. A plan that, so far, Caleb was making easy.

  After everything I’d learned about the male and the trouble he’d gone to to find Leah, I assumed he wasn’t going to leave without seeing her again. And I’d been right.

  Shortly after my friends arrived at Mitch’s to help with the search, they’d confirmed via scent that the male who gone after Leah was also the owner of the car. Preston had parked out of sight, waited for the male to return, then followed him—straight to the lodge. He’d booked a room using his real name and confirming Mitch’s suspicions that it was Caleb.

  I wanted him out of Leah’s life permanently, but I couldn’t go to the lodge and confront him. With a little help and some strategic planning, we’d hoped to lure him to the cabin, where I’d be able to confront him and convince him that his continued pursuit of my mate was a bad, possibly lethal idea.

  When Berkley had delivered a note to Caleb supposedly from Leah, he had no idea he’d be meeting with me instead of her. “Hello, Caleb,” I said, walking out onto the porch.

  Caleb stopped with his hand on the railing, a foot on the lower step. “Who the fuck are you?” He glanced behind me. “And where is Leah?”

  “She’s not coming.” I clenched my fists, urging my claws and my animal to remain hidden.

  Caleb narrowed his gaze and scowled. “And why not?”

  “Because she’s my mate and no longer your concern.”

  “Look, bud, I don’t know what a mate is, but Leah belongs with me.” He removed his foot from the step. “And you’re going to tell me where she is.”

  The arrogant male obviously didn’t know it was never a good idea to challenge a dominant, and now highly irritated, bear. Maybe I’d be doing everyone in his life a favor by getting rid of him. “No, I’m not.” I took an intimidating step forward.

  Before I could decide if he was worth the trouble, one of the resort’s trucks pulled into the driveway. Preston and Mitch got out, which meant Reese and Nick were somewhere nearby in their wolf forms, just in case things turned nasty.

  Caleb turned from the porch to face the new arrivals. “What are they doing here?”

  Mitch didn’t give me a chance to answer. “So you’re the asshole who’s been making my sister’s life hell.” There was no missing the anger in his voice.

  “And you must be the interfering brother. The one who thought he could keep Leah away from me.”

  Mitch might be a few inches shorter than Caleb, but I was certain he could easily make up the difference with anger if the two of them got into a fight. Hopefully, though, if the plan went the way we’d discussed, none of us would have to lift a finger against Caleb.

  “You’re only half correct.” Mitch cracked his knuckles. “Leah doesn’t want to have anything to do with you.”

  “You’re wrong. She just needs a little convincing is all.” Caleb jutted out his chin, too stupid to realize his arrogance wasn’t going to help him.

  “If you’re not going to let me talk to Leah, then what am I doing here?” Caleb asked.

  “You could say we’ve planned an intervention of sorts,” Preston said, taking a position next to Mitch.

  Caleb sneered. “Let me guess. You think if you beat the hell out of me that I’m going to rethink the error of my ways and walk away from her.” His bravado wavered, his fear-filled stench wafted through the air, and he inched closer to his car.

  By ignoring the mandates of the restraining order, Caleb had already proven his disregard for following the law. I had a feeling no amount of physical persuasion was going to change his mind either, so it was time for part two of the plan.

  Sharing the existence of our shifter nature with humans was frowned up except under special, usually life-threatening, circumstances. After a lengthy discussion and analyzing all the pros and cons with my friends, we’d determined this was one of those situations.

  There was always the risk that Caleb, after working through his terror, might decide to share what he’d seen with members of his family or friends. Luckily, Reese and Preston had some retired military buddies who were more than happy to keep an eye on Caleb.

  I didn’t ask how they planned to manage the task but got the impression they’d do whatever was necessary to ensure the male was no longer a threat to Leah or our kind.

  “You’re going to leave the resort, leave Colorado, and, more specifically, leave Leah alone. Forever.” I toed off my boots, decided he wasn’t worth ruining a good pair of pants and a shirt, so they followed next.

  “Are you planning to fight me naked? Afraid I might get blood on your clothes?” Caleb’s face lost all color.

  “No fighting, but blood will be drawn if you ever show your face around here again.” I lumbered down the remaining steps, then took my time transforming into my bear. I made sure Caleb heard every bone snap. Saw his horrified expression as he watched my snout grow, my claws elongate, and my teeth protrude.

  Not all human minds were capable of accepting the unbelievable. To them, a shifter’s existence was outside their realm of reality. Judging by the ever-increasing wet spot on Caleb’s crotch, I was convinced he fell into that category.

  With a satisfied smirk, Mitch returned to Preston’s truck and retrieved the suitcase that belonged to Caleb. Shortly after Berkley had called to tell me the male was on his way to the cabin, she’d let herself into his room with a master key. She’d packed all his belongings, checked him out and gave the case to Preston.

  “Keep...keep...keep it away from me,” Caleb shrieked and waved his hands wildly as he backed toward his car.

  “Unless you want him to show up in your home in the middle of the night and do to you what bears do best, I’d suggest you leave my sister alone.” Mitch opened the rear door of Caleb’s car and tossed the case inside. “Never show your face around here again.”

  “You people are nuts.” Caleb bumped into the frame, then spun, patting the hood on his way to the driver’s side of the vehicle. “No bitch is worth this.”

  I growled at the nasty comment directed at my mate and padded a few steps forward.

  “Fuck.” Caleb couldn’t move quickly enough to get behind the wheel and peel out of the driveway.

  Mitch glanced over at Preston, who was leaning against the front of his truck. “You think he’ll tell anybody what he saw?”

  I shifted back into my human form and grinned. “What, that he saw a grown man turn into a bear, then threaten to eat him?”

  “Guess not.” Mitch laughed.

  “Thanks for your help.” I returned to the porch to put on my clothes. Once I slipped on my boots, I headed for Leah’s car. “Now if you don’t mind, I have a mate I need to get back to.”

  Chapter Ten


  I stared at the thick wall of trees outside the passenger window of Brys
on’s truck. It had been three days since he’d gone off to meet with Caleb, leaving me a worried wreck. A meeting I was relieved to hear later hadn’t ended in bloodshed. While the guys had been off ensuring I’d never be bothered again, Mandy had volunteered to stay with me at Bryson’s house. I had a feeling she was there more to keep me from leaving than to keep me company.

  Luckily, she’d done a good job helping me pass the time by distracting me with humorous stories about her friendship with Berkley and growing up in Ashbury. I’d discovered, to my frustrating dismay, that prior to the night Bryson had rescued me in the forest, everyone at the lodge had learned that I was his mate, including my traitorous brother. She’d been happy to answer my questions about the shifter world and even informed me that Nick was part wild wolf.

  She’d made of point of letting me know that when Bryson was in protective-bear mode, no one was willing to mess with him. Well, no one except me. With me, he was a total teddy bear. I smiled, remembering how Mandy had used air quotes to emphasize the teddy bear part.

  “Bryson.” Gazing at his handsome profile took my breath away, and I still couldn’t believe he was my mate.

  “Yeah?” He glanced in my direction and smiled.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” It was the third time I’d asked the question in the last half hour since we’d left his house.


  Great, we were back to his elusive answers. “You’ve been waiting on me for three days now. My foot is healed.” Well, mostly healed. It was a little tender, but the limp was hardly noticeable. I’d even been able to wear shoes without any problems. “I’m sure my brother needs my help, and don’t they expect you back at the lodge?”

  “Mitch said he had it covered, and I have a bunch of vacation time saved up.” He took one hand off the steering wheel, reached for mine, and squeezed. “Taking care of you is important.”

  “Arguing with you isn’t going to do me any good, is it?” It didn’t mean I wasn’t going to keep trying.

  “Nope.” We’d been driving for a half hour and already passed the main exit to Hanford, the only other city besides Ashbury that was close to the resort. He slowed the truck, then cranked the wheel to the right and drove onto an old worn and rutted road. It wound through a thick expanse of aspen and spruce, similar to the area I’d seen the day he’d taken me to the falls. Today’s trip didn’t include a lunch basket, so I assumed we weren’t going on another picnic.

  “We’re here,” he said, pulling into a drive that came to a stop in front of a two-story cabin-style home.

  “Where is here?” My question went unanswered because Bryson was already out of the truck, his door clicking shut. In several long strides, he’d circled to my side of the vehicle and was holding the door open.

  He swept me into his arms before the tip of my shoe reached the gravel. I was glad I’d chosen to wear jeans rather than the knee-length black skirt that had been my first choice. Otherwise, I’d be flashing my underwear and the color I felt blazing across my cheeks would be a lot brighter. “I am capable of walking.” I draped my arms around his shoulders.

  “I know,” Bryson murmured close to my ear. “I like carrying you.”

  Not new information since he hadn’t let me do a lot of walking after making me his houseguest.

  As soon as we reached the stairs leading up to a wraparound porch, an elderly couple emerged from inside the house. Both had medium brown hair with a sprinkling of gray. The man was tall with a build similar to Bryson’s. The woman had a sturdy frame and rounded cheeks and stood about a foot shorter.

  “Leah, I’d like you to meet Glenda and Richard, my mom and dad.” He lowered me to my feet, keeping one arm wrapped around my waist.

  Mom and dad. Meeting his parents was a big deal, one I would have appreciated getting a heads-up for. If I could’ve punched Bryson, I would have. But since he had me pinned to his side and at a disadvantage, the most I could do was pinch him below the ribs. “You could have told me,” I whispered through gritted teeth.

  Undaunted by my precursor to retribution, he grinned.

  With a warning glare, I slipped from his grasp and held out my hand. “It’s nice to...” Before I could finish, I found myself in Glenda’s solid embrace. It was a good thing I had some additional flesh on my bones; otherwise, breathing would have been difficult.

  After releasing me, she did the same with Bryson. “Your mate is lovely,” she said, then smacked him. “Why haven’t you claimed her yet?”

  “Mom,” Bryson groaned and rubbed his arm. “Remember the talk we had about discussing personal things that aren’t any of your business?”

  Glenda tsked and waved her hand dismissively in his face. “Leah is family now, so that doesn’t count.”

  “What is claiming?” It wasn’t a term I was familiar with, but I was sure it had something to do with being a shifter. And if it had anything to do with sex, then we’d covered that area more than once since the night Bryson had informed me I was his mate. I crossed my arms, curious to hear what he had to say and find out why I hadn’t heard about it until now.

  Richard, who had yet to enter the conversation, appeared amused. He took my hand and aimed me toward the house. “I’ll bet you have a lot of questions. Why don’t we go inside and discuss them over some of Glenda’s homemade lemonade?”

  I heard Bryson groan and glanced behind me, noting his discomfort. “Thanks, I’d like that,” I said, giving Richard a beaming smile. It seemed retribution was arriving sooner than I’d hoped.


  I didn’t blame Leah for being irritated with me. I probably should have told her about the trip to meet my parents. I’d learned a long time ago that no amount of forewarning could prepare anyone for the force of nature that was my mother. The female was outspoken, incorrigible, and lacked any concept of respecting the personal boundaries of her children.

  I was seated comfortably next to Leah on a long, cushioned sofa. Or at least as comfortable as a male could get while under his mother’s scrutinizing gaze. After pouring us drinks, she plopped down next to my father on a two-seated sectional positioned across from us.

  “So, what is claiming?” Leah asked again, apparently not going to give up until someone gave her the information she wanted.

  My mother made the best lemonade, but my mate’s question caught me in the middle of enjoying a sip, and I coughed.

  My father chuckled, then slid a coaster under his glass before setting it on the coffee table between us. “Son, would you like to explain it to her, or would you rather have your mother do it?”

  “I’d prefer it if we didn’t discuss it at all,” I snapped, my voice still raspy after nearly choking.

  “Well, I want grandchildren.” My mother pinned me with a furious glare and threw her hands up in the air. “I could be waiting forever or end up long dead if it was left up to your brother and his mate. You’d think with both of them being engineers that they’d have figured out how things work by now.”

  My mother already knew that my brother, Matt, and his mate were involved in their careers and putting off starting a family for a few more years.

  She took my father’s hand and smiled at me. “You were conceived during our claiming, so...”

  “Mom,” I growled. “Too. Much. Information.” I scowled at Leah, whose suppressed giggle wasn’t helping the situation.

  “Don’t be silly. It’s a natural part of our world, and Leah has a right to know,” my mother said.

  I wasn’t a prude, but as honest and straightforward as my mother was, any explanation she’d give would include graphic details. I hadn’t realized I was squirming until Leah placed her hand on my thigh and took pity on me. “It’s okay. Bryson can explain it to me later when we get back to our place.”

  Had she really said “our place”? Though I’d done some hinting, we hadn’t discussed her moving in with me. I was waiting for her to be at ease with the idea of being my mate before I made
it official by claiming her.

  “Are you sure?” I searched her gaze for any indication that I’d misconstrued her meaning.

  “Very sure.”

  I couldn’t suppress my feelings any longer. “I love you, Leah,” I said, then pulled her onto my lap and kissed her. The kind of possessive kiss that shouldn’t be shared with an audience, let alone my parents. And for once, I didn’t care.

  “It won’t be long now.” My mother’s cheery voice cut through my euphoric haze and killed all thoughts of seducing my mate.

  Confused, Leah asked, “What won’t be long?”

  “Grandbabies, of course.” Beaming with satisfaction, she winked and reached for her lemonade.

  “Dad, can’t you do something with her?” I asked.

  My father, the one person I always relied on, simply wiggled his eyebrows. “I could, but making out with your mother is a little inappropriate in front of company, don’t you think?”

  Chapter Eleven


  “So, are you going to do it or not?” Leah asked, then bent forward and nipped my lower lip. What started out as a playful attempt to snatch one of her freshly baked muffins ended up with us in bed naked and her straddling my hips.

  By “doing it,” I knew she meant claiming her. And once again, I found myself frustrated with my mother. I loved the female, was grateful she’d given birth to me, but wished she understood the meaning of TMI.

  Now, thanks to my mother’s unwanted honesty, Leah was constantly asking me to take the next and final step in the mating process. I’d put it off for over a week because I wanted her to be sure, but my excuses were starting to sound lame, even to me.

  The other factor weighing heavily on my mind was Leah’s lack of enhanced healing. I knew Mandy had survived the claiming bite with Nick without any problems, but there was a significant difference in tooth size between his wolf and my bear.


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