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Capturing Carmen

Page 6

by K. A Knight

  A Klan with green sashes and an animal emblem draws its weapons and tries to trick the beast by tossing a stone into the water. The monster rises to attack, and the aliens take their shots, stabbing and slicing at the creature. Just as quickly as he rose, the beast sinks back into the water.

  The Klan cheers and heads into the liquid.

  I wouldn’t do that if I were you…

  When they are about halfway to the other side, the monster rears its ugly head. Its mouth gapes as he sinks it down over the top half of an unsuspecting alien. His howls stop abruptly as the monster bites him in two.

  The green sashes retreat to the other side when a second and third monster join in on the feast of the first victim.


  I search for the black sashes and find them in a thicket of trees, but I can’t tell what they are doing inside there. I squint, trying to see even a minute detail. All I can gather from the stump they’ve left behind is that they have chopped down a single tree.

  A Klan with blue sashes, with a pair of horns as an emblem, calls my name, wanting my attention. I watch them with furrowed brows. There is nothing striking about them. They will never make good mates for me. One of them pulls out his cock and strokes it as if that would impress me in a battle. How about offering me a decapitated head? That’s my idea of romantic. Not stroking your schlong while other Klans are out there hunting you. You might just lose—

  A scream rings out around the mountain because, you guessed it, he got his dick chopped off. But not by another warrior, as you might expect. Nope. This point goes to the fucked up mutated shark.

  Get him, tiger! Err... sharky!

  I can’t help but laugh, the image of the man flopping back dickless too insane not to.

  Guess I can’t mate him anymore. I take a moment to wonder if that disqualifies his Klan as a whole, but my thoughts get lost when the black sash Klan emerges from the trees. Each carries a long pole about twenty-five feet high, but only a few inches thick. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out how they’re going to get over the pool with sticks.

  The smallest of Klan black, as I’m now calling them, grabs my attention. He’s leaner than his Klan mates, but no less fearsome. He has long hair, which looks to have some type of braids or dreadlocks, pulled up into a ponytail. His horns are not as large as the alien with the broken one, but are no less threatening.

  I catch his gaze and he gives me a wink before blowing me a kiss.

  A kiss.

  The alien fucking blew me a kiss.

  If I knew how to swoon, I would, but I’m fucking chained to this pole thing. Instead, I blow him one back. He feigns catching it and puts it on his lips before offering me a sexy smile with a hint of fang.

  Broken horn slaps him on the chest, breaking our connection. The quad backs up about thirty feet away from the water. With a roar they charge, the lengths of wood held out horizontally in front of them. When they reach the water’s edge, they plant the sticks down into the liquid and vault over.

  Easy fucking peasy.

  Goddamn, I’m so turned on. My thighs are slick with my cream already. Not only do they have brawn, but brains as well. I can only imagine how well they can fuck. I hope they don’t think of me as some weak human they need to be cautious with. I want them to fucking ravage me like they are starving animals and I’m the first piece of meat they’ve had in years.

  The mountain rumbles, drawing my attention as I flex my fingers, trying to keep them from going completely numb. To my surprise, the mountain grows mountains. A large section of dirt rises from the ground, circling all the way around the mountain, blocking my view of the battle. Like a mini mountain itself, peaks rise up in various shades of brown. Soil tumbles down the side of the mountain as the new one grows taller and taller in front of me, leaving just a hint of the dark-coloured alien grass covering the tops.

  All is silent. I can’t even see the hovering bleachers from here. I’m alone with my thoughts... and a wet vagina that desperately needs attention. The clash of weapons rings out like music to my ears. More Klans must have made it over the water obstacle. Howls of pain and roars of joy accompany the battle, making some fucked up harmony I just can’t get enough of.

  About fifty yards away from me, a glint of silver catches my eye as a double-ended axe type weapon soars over the dirt obstacle and imbeds into the ground.

  I don’t even have to look to see which Klan will be climbing over first.

  A pair of dark horns are the first thing I see, followed by a head of inky black hair. Black eyes come over the top next, more slanted than the others, making its owner look more exotic, even as an alien.

  The moment our gazes connect, I almost orgasm. His expression tells me all I need to know.

  He wants me.

  Come and get me, big boy.



  The moment our eyes connected, the battle might as well have been over. I knew the mate bond as soon as I felt it. It resonates from Carmen, flowing through me. It’s euphoric, hardening my cock as well as my resolve. Klan Marix is going to win that female, even if we have to kill every last fucker on Forsaken Mountain.

  And I hope we have to, if I’m being honest. The more kills, the better. Having been cooped up in our house for years and years, it feels good to be let loose again on the world. The poor bastards didn’t even see us coming.

  Klan Marix is legendary among our race. Brutish, brash, brave… all the qualities needed in warriors. Those attributes served us well in the Great War, but that same war also drove us mad. Once the war had been won, we were put back into society like nothing fucking happened. I warned the government, told them my opinion since I’d been medically trained that doing so was not a good move for us.

  But did they listen?

  Vekk no.

  Instead, they gave us some bullshit excuse for throwing us out to the genetically enhanced wolves. Little did they know, we would become the wolves.

  As soon as dead Totiv started showing up, they followed the trail of blood like fucking breadcrumbs and it led straight to us. We didn’t even remember killing them. It was instinctive, a natural part of us just as much as breathing or eating.

  So we were forced inside a home, but it was more like a cage. Sealed. Confined. Removed from the rest of the world with no choice but to fight amongst others like ourselves as entertainment for the Totiv. As the years passed by, our mental capacity suffered. Our kind are not meant to live in solitude. We were meant to have a mate.

  It just so happens ours was not meant to come to Oxious for over a century. But that first look we shared over the earthen barrier told me all I needed to know.

  She’s worth it.

  Below me, Xal, Kronk, and Ryx battle. Their weapons glistening with fresh blood, which only serves to turn me on further. Blood is an aphrodisiac to our kind. Always has been. Let’s hope my little human doesn’t mind.


  My instincts go into overdrive. My need to claim this female growing stronger by the second. I finally breach the barrier and throw my legs over the top before dropping down to the ground below. She’s now no more than fifty yards away. A quick dash for someone like the members of Klan Marix.

  I rise up from my crouch and stride towards her, determined to get to her before any other. A thud sounds behind me, and I can tell from the smell that it is not one of my Klan. My opponent’s steps quicken as he races after me. I keep my eyes on my prize at the top of the mountain as I pull a dagger from my hip and throw it over my shoulder. I hear the squelch as it imbeds in his skull.



  Her name feels like silken honey on my tongue. I can only hope she tastes as delicious as she looks.



  I make my way farther up the hill, my boots sinking into the ground with each step. A whoosh sounds from behind me, and I lean to the left, reach up, and pluck the knife aimed for my head right out of the air.
br />   I turn about quickly and throw it at my attacker. He attempts to block my shot, but the stupid fuck is too slow. Blood pools from the wound in his upper chest. He grips the knife, but he can’t pull it out as he collapses to the ground in a dead heap.

  I glance up at Carmen. Her eyes are hooded in what looks like a lust-filled gaze. But that can’t be, can it? We have been taught that humans are fragile creatures, easily scared, terrified of battles and blood. But she seems to be excited by it. Maybe even turned on…

  I can only hope that much is true.


  Not able to bear another second without marking her, touching her skin, I pick up my pace and race up Forsaken Mountain. Sweat forms on my brow, but I wipe it off and keep going.



  She’s only twenty feet away now. As I get closer, she pulls her plump lower lip between her teeth, fixing that hooded stare on my body. My tail swishes happily behind me. This close, I can see her pink nipples straining underneath the sheer fabric covering them. Her hair is the colour of the onyx gems found on the planet she comes from, so dark that it picks up hints of blue as it blows around her face. She’s soft and rounded with tiny features. Her body is curvy, and her skin is a milky white I just can’t wait to mark with my hands.


  My tail wraps around her body the moment I reach my prize. I stare down at her as she glances up at me with awe and lust, not a fleck of fear in her light eyes.

  “Carmen. I, Vrid of Klan Marix, claim you as our mate.”

  I don’t wait for her to respond. Instead, I grip the material covering her in my bloodstained hands and rip it in half. She gasps and rubs her thighs together, and I get a whiff of a musky aroma. I place my nose against her neck, inhaling her scent, wanting to know where that seductive smell is coming from. I work my way down her body, taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking on it until it hardens against my tongue.

  She moans and moves her legs together again.

  “Vrid,” she rasps, as I lick my way down her toned belly to the slit between her legs. It is there I find the fragrance. Stretching my tongue out, I taste her.

  “Fuck yes,” she moans. “Keep going, big boy.”

  I want to. Vekk, I want to. But I cannot claim her without my entire Klan being present. The cream between her legs is better than anything I’ve ever tasted on Oxious. It’s sweet, it’s salty, and it coats my tongue like honey, just like her name.

  I can feel my horns darken as I look up her body and catch her gaze.


  Standing, I pull a dagger from my waist and slice my wrist before smearing my blood all over her chest.

  Marking her.

  Claiming her.

  I look into her eyes, hoping I’ve not crossed some human line I was not told about. She meets my gaze with a playfulness in her eyes I was not expecting.

  She takes a breath, and I fear she might reject me, but all she says is, “Well, that’s what I’d call a happy ending.”



  Standing halfway up the first obstacle, I decapitate an opposing Klan member as he tries to climb to the top.

  To claim what is mine.

  What is ours.

  Growling, I rip his body to pieces and throw him from the side. They dare think they can touch her, my mate?

  I look back up at her. I knew the moment I saw her she was mine.



  That poor little human will never escape us. None of the other Klans even stand a chance to defeat Klan Marix, or prevent us from claiming what is ours. Blood coats me from horn to toe as I grin and slash, ripping and killing as we move through the course. Elation runs through me, as does my need to kill. It’s been at least a couple of months since we were let loose, and all that pent-up tension, bloodlust, and madness is coming out tonight. I spot Kronk ripping a man to pieces with his horns, and grin as I turn back to the mountain and start climbing, intent on getting to my mate.

  I need to mark her, claim her, taste her. Make her mine. Urgency rushes through me until I’m a blur as I climb. Until a Klan member hurries past me, clutching his bleeding stomach. Gripping the mountain with one hand, I turn and grin at him.

  “Where are you going?” I growl.

  The darkness in me craves his blood, sees the scarlet dripping through his fingers, and wants to bathe in it. So I let one of my blades go, and watch as it imbeds in his shocked eye. I laugh as he tumbles from the mountain to the ground below.

  I know Vrid is with our mate, but I want to touch her and look at her, mark her with my blood. I start climbing again faster than before, cresting over the edge of the mountain. The air moves behind me as a weapon sails over my head, so I let go of the edge and let myself fall. Flipping mid-air, I don’t fight the plunge as I drop, the ground rushing up to meet me. There, at the bottom, is the Klan member who threw a weapon at me.

  I roar at him from the sky and he scampers off, trying to get as far away as he can before I reach him. Air gusts past me and I tilt my head down, tensing my muscles, preparing for impact. At the last minute, I slow myself by throwing my arms out, and when I touch the ground, I roll straight away, taking the impact with a grunt. I jump right to my feet and race after him.

  Hunting my prey, my horns darken with need. I can smell him, taste his fear as I chase him. He stops suddenly and I do the same. He stares at me with wide eyes as he drops to the ground, fear circling him.

  “I surrender, please,” he begs.

  If I was a better Totiv, I would leave him, let him live. But I’m not better, and I crave his death, his blood on my hands. Grabbing him by the throat, I lift him into the air. A feminine gasp carries on the breeze, and I look up the mountain to see my mate watching me, her green eyes wide, as Vrid’s blood, marking her as ours, drips down her exposed chest. My cock jerks as my enhanced senses allow me to easily see her. Keeping my eyes locked on her, I rip out his throat, and blood splatters across my hands, face, and chest, trickling down my body. Each drop burns and only fuels my need to kill.

  I won’t hide from my little human mate, she should know what she’s getting into. Maybe a part of me wants to know what she thinks of me, of us. Will she fear us? Look at us like we’re monsters like everyone else? Better to know now. Not that it would stop me, she’s mine even if she hates me.

  I drop the now dead male to the ground and lick my bloodstained lips. She grins at me then, stopping my heart. My eyes drop to her body and I groan when she parts her legs for me, showing me her glistening pussy and wet thighs. So pink, so fucking shiny.


  Our mate likes it, the bloodshed, the death. It turns her on, she’s vekking dripping for us. For me. I look back at her face, my cock pushing against my battle uniform, jerking with the need to mate her. She winks then, vekking winks at me, her perfect plump lips curling up in a smile.

  “Come and get it,” she mouths.

  A growl rips from my chest, shaking the mountain beneath me. She’s perfect and she’s fucking mine.

  Pushing from the ground, I break into a sprint and throw myself halfway up the mountain, crazed beyond control. Nothing but a killing machine.

  Her killing machine.



  Tearing the fighter’s arm from its socket as he screams and thrashes makes my cock throb. I swing the dismembered limb like a vekking club and start beating him with it. Blood sprays all over me, dripping into my eyes and mouth as he passes out and drops to the ground at my feet. I keep beating him, smashing in his face until it’s just a bloody hole. Dropping the arm, I grab his tail and rip it from his body before tossing it aside and gripping his legs next, pulling them too—dismembering him as my mind screams at me for more.

  More blood.

  More death.


  Panting, I stand over the crushed fighter, searching the battlefield for anyone else. Needing to kill. Madness circles me, ensnaring me
, I’m nothing but a weapon right now. No wonder my Klan has gotten as far away as possible, they know not to get in my way when I’m like this.

  A monster.

  My world narrows to my next kill, the next spray of blood, as I rip through the remaining fighters. Massacring them and wearing their gore like armour. I roar in triumph as I step on a fighter’s head and his eyes bulge from their sockets, his mouth opening in a scream until his skull crunches beneath my boot, crushed. His brains spread across the ground. Ripping off his tail, I turn to the next fighter and wrap it around his neck, grinning into his face as he struggles until finally, he dies. His eyes wide and unseeing.

  Blinking, I look around with a snarl. Everyone is dead. I spot Xal climbing to our mate where Vrid is already standing, and another kind of need pulses through me. Leaping into the air I smash into the side of the mountain. I move quickly for my size, passing Xal and throwing myself over the edge to see my mate.

  She’s panting, her chest rising and falling, her tight, pointy nipples begging for my mouth. She’s naked and covered in blood, our Klan blood. Her eyes are filled with lust, her lips curled up in a taunting smile that goes straight to my already hard cock.

  Need so strong it almost staggers me surges through my veins, and I almost come in my battle uniform when I spot her wetness trailing down her legs. She wants us as much as we want her.

  Not that she would have any other choice. My focus narrows down to just her. She watches me with anticipation in her eyes, straining against the bonds holding her still. Trying to get to me. Her eyes run down my form, taking it all in. Not missing a single scar, weapon, or drop of blood coating my body. Flames trail in her wake, like her fingers are caressing me, and when she looks back up into my dark eyes, I spot the fire of need burning in hers.

  I stagger forward, a delicious scent hitting me and making me growl.




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