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Just A Kiss (Lyrics and Love Book 4)

Page 4

by Samantha Lind

  “Don’t worry, I still have plans for you tonight,” he says, slapping my wet ass.

  We both rinse off quickly before turning the water off and stepping out of the shower. He wraps me up in one of the fluffy towels he set out, then slings the other one around his own waist.

  “Need anything from the kitchen?” he asks as we make our way out to the bedroom.

  “Um, maybe,” I state.

  “I definitely need some nourishment,” he says and walks down the hall. I find his T-shirt and pull it on, then go to find him.

  He’s pulling out some summer sausage, cheese, and crackers by the time I make it to him. I hop up on his counter and watch as he slices the sausage, laying it out on a plate along with cut up cheese. It might not be fancy, but it is perfect.

  He sets down the knife, then comes to stand in front of me. “This looks better on you than it does on me,” he says, tugging at his shirt before he slips his hand under the bottom of it that rests high on my thighs. I make sure to keep my legs together so I don’t flash him, but it is pointless as he quickly realizes I’m naked underneath.

  “Woman, you’re going to kill me before the night is over.”

  “What?” I question, trying my hardest to feign my innocence.

  “Like I said earlier. You’re a vixen.” He kisses me chastely before stepping back over to the cutting board and finishing up what he was working on.

  “Want a beer?” he asks as he steps back to the fridge, putting away the food he didn’t cut up and pulling out a beer for himself.

  “Sure,” I say, taking the bottle from him.

  He grabs the plate and his beer and heads back for the bedroom.

  “Come join me,” he says, patting the bed. I sit on it, sliding toward the center where he’s already sitting up. The towel he had wrapped around his hips is gaping open, hardly covering his cock. The one that is already rebounding, if the tent that’s starting to pitch indicates what’s to come.

  I take a slice of sausage, cheese, and a cracker, making a little sandwich of the three. I didn’t realize I was so hungry until the first bite hits my tongue.

  We quickly eat our midnight snack, then Lee moves the plate to the end table once the last of it is gone. We both slide down the bed until we’re lying next to each other, my head back on his chest, and his arm is around my body. His fingertips draw random things on my back and side.

  “Can I tell you something?” he asks out of the blue.

  “Of course, you can tell me anything,” I tell him.

  “Watching you out on the dance floor tonight drove me fucking wild. Every time you dipped down, I envisioned you doing that on my cock. Every time you swayed your hips back and forth, I envisioned you grinding against me,” he says.

  “Then why didn’t you come dance with me? I would have gladly had you behind me, your hands on my body.”

  “Because then people would get the wrong idea.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I question.

  “I’m a one-night kind of guy, Allison. You know that. If I was dancing all up on you, it would get people talking and thinking about something else.”

  “God forbid people think you could settle down.” I scoff.

  “You know that isn’t me,” he says.

  “If you say so,” I tell him, and I can feel a small crack in my heart form. I know the worst thing a girl can do is think she’ll be the one to change the proclaimed bachelor, but that is precisely what my traitorous heart and mind have gone and done. I shake it off, not wanting to ruin this night. If I’ve only got one night with him, I’m damn sure going to make the most of it.



  “You’ve got some dishing to do,” Lindsay calls out as I walk through her door. I texted her earlier to make sure she’d be home before I dropped by with some wine. I knew she’d want to know what happened last night, and if I’m being honest, I need to talk it out with my best friend.

  “Food and wine, and then I’ll dish,” I tell her before I take the bags I brought straight to the kitchen. She helps me get everything unpacked, as I brought all the fixings for a charcuterie board. Lindsay pulls her board out, and she starts assembling the meat, cheese, and crackers on it while I pull out the wine opener and crack the bottle open, pouring both of us a healthy glass.

  “Okay, so…” I finally break my silence as we make our way into the living room. Lindsay carries the board while I have our glasses and two plates. Lindsay sets the board down on the coffee table and takes one of the plates and glasses from my hands. “It was a crazy night. I lost count of how many times we did it,” I finally tell her.

  “So, it was good, then?” she asks, a smirk on her lips.

  “Um, yeah. That boy, I mean, man knows how to work it. He was, ahem, very talented, to say the least,” I dish.

  “Good for you. Way to work it. So, was it a one-night kind of hook-up, or are y’all going to do it again?” she asks.

  “We didn’t define anything, just left it kind of open-ended,” I tell her as I shrug my shoulders slightly. We both fill our plates and sit back on the couch, turned so we’re facing one another. “Last night, or maybe it was early this morning, I don’t really remember what time it was, but anyway, we’d had a little snack because we were both starving. We’d just finished and were just snuggled up together, and he told me what it was like for him to watch me out on the dance floor. How it drove him wild. I asked if that was the case, why he never came out and danced with me. He chalked it up to not wanting to make the wrong impression with all our friends there. He reminded me he is a one-night stand kind of guy, which kind of stung. But then, this morning, he actually asked me if we could do it again, so I have no freaking idea what to really think,” I word vomit all over her.

  “Did you get any sleep?” she prods before taking a sip of her wine.

  “Nope,” I say, popping the p. “Well, not until I went home. I shit you not, we probably had sex ten times, and he fucking came every time and made me come. As I said, that man is fucking talented in the bedroom.”

  “Sounds like a fun night.” She bounces her eyebrows at me. “Glad it was mutually satisfying.”

  “I’ll be thinking about it for a long time, that’s for sure. I also don’t know how I’m walking today,” I say, laughing.

  “So, from the sounds of it, he wants a friends with benefits situation? Are you game for that?” she asks.

  “I think so, maybe for a little while. I mean, the sex was phenomenal. I’d be a fool to pass that up.”

  “Sex isn't everything. I don’t want to see you get hurt,” Lindsay says.

  “I know, and if we do end up with an FWB, I’ll go into it with a completely open mind and hopefully not develop any feelings past the attraction I already have for him.”

  “That’s a good plan; I just don’t want to see you get hurt. FWB situations tend to never work out, someone always catches feelings, and they end up broken-hearted and lose a friendship, as well.”

  “I know, but what if he changes his mind. What if he realizes that what we have is real and he wants to give it a shot?” I question.

  “Then you ride off into the sunset madly in love, but you might also be drowning your sorrows in wine while eating your weight in ice cream.”

  “I know. Being an adult sucks,” I say, downing the rest of my wine.

  “Oh, before I forget, I ran into Tucker at the grocery store today, and he invited both of us to a football and bonfire party next Saturday. I told him that I wasn’t sure if I could make it since I told Betty I’d cover her shift if she needed me to.”

  “Sounds like fun,” I tell her; I don’t know that I’d show up for the football portion, but a bonfire sounds fun.

  “Tucker said Lee will be there.”

  “I figured that.” I laugh. “Those boys don’t do much without one another. Kinda like us,” I quip.

  “Yep,” she agrees with me before we fall into a fit of giggles.

; 8


  Lee: Are you off today?

  Allison: I am; what’s up?

  Lee: Lunch?

  Allison: Are you asking me out on a date?

  Lee: Can’t friends grab lunch together?

  Allison: Of course they can; I was just trying to determine what kind of lunch this was. If it is just two friends grabbing food together, I can meet you in ten, but if it’s a date, I’ll need an hour to shower and get dressed.

  Lee: No need to get dressed up for me, sweetheart. To be honest, I’d rather just strip your clothes off of you and feast on you.

  Allison: Such a charmer.

  Lee: You know you like it. {winky face}

  Allison: {eye roll}

  Lee: So that’s a yes to lunch?

  Allison: Sure, when and where?

  Lee: The deli in fifteen?

  Allison: Okay, see you then.

  I slide my phone into my pocket, laughing and shaking my head at my text conversation with Allison. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love her sassy attitude. She isn’t afraid to put me into my place or call me on my bullshit. I’ve never been with a woman who was like that. Maybe that is what was always missing with the few women I’ve attempted to date.

  I snag my keys off the hook and head for my truck. It’s been almost a week since she left my bed after the best night ever. We fucked like rabbits that night, neither one of us seeming to get enough of the other. I’ve had some wild nights before, but that one took the top spot. Hopefully, we’ll have a repeat of it sooner than later.

  The idea of more with Allison has my head spinning. I don’t usually think like that when it comes to women, but she has me thinking all sorts of things that I wouldn’t usually think about.

  I crank up the volume of the radio once I’m in my truck. An old Garth Brooks song is playing, one I loved growing up, so I blast it as I sing at the top of my lungs while I make it the few miles to the deli I’m meeting Allison at.

  It doesn’t take me long to find a parking spot. Small town living and all that, plus, it isn’t quite noon yet, so the rush hasn’t started.

  I head inside and grab a small table along the wall of windows. It won’t take long for this place to fill up once the noon hour hits, so snagging a place for us to eat will come in handy.

  I scan over the specials menu, picking out what I want while waiting for Allison to get here. Each time the bells above the door chime, alerting everyone that someone new is walking in, I look towards the door in search of her. A few people trickle in, heading straight for the counter to place their orders before taking seats.

  I pull my phone out, playing one of the many games I have downloaded for moments like this when I’m bored and passing time. I look up when the door chimes and can’t help but smile when I see Allison come walking in. She’s in an oversized sweatshirt, leggings, and some boots. My mouth waters as I drink her in. As she gets closer to me, I’m able to take in more details. She’s got her hair up in a messy bun, and it doesn’t look like she’s got a stitch of makeup on. If I could pick the way she looked all the time, this is the exact look I’d go for.

  “Hey,” she says, waving a little awkwardly as she stops next to me.

  “Hey, yourself. Glad you could make it. Want to head up and order?” I ask, standing from my seat.

  I place my hand on the small of her back as we walk up to the counter. We both quickly place our orders and head back to the table to wait for our number to be called.

  “How’s your week been?” she asks once we’re sitting.

  “Pretty good; I got off yesterday. Went home and crashed after that shift. It was a brutal one with little sleep.”

  “Sorry to hear that. What happened? I didn’t hear about anything major going on.”

  “Nothing major, just a lot of little calls that kept coming in.”

  “Ah, so just not much time to sleep between calls then.”

  “Nope. I think the longest we had all night was an hour between calls. It was brutal.”

  “I can’t imagine that. My days are long in the ER, but at least I get to go home after twelve hours. I don’t know how y’all do it with working twenty-fours.”

  “It can be challenging at times, but then, there’ll be days we sit around all shift and don’t get anything.”

  “Does that happen often?” she asks.

  “No, we usually get at least a few calls every shift. Sometimes they’re minor, like an old woman with her cat stuck in the tree—”

  “Wait a minute, you actually get those kinds of calls? That isn’t just a metaphor people use?” she says with a laugh.

  “Not a metaphor. I’ve rescued my fair share of kittens over the years,” I tell her just as our order number is called. I stand to grab the tray, stopping at the counter to get us some napkins and silverware.

  I set it down on our table, removing my items from the tray as Allison does the same. Once it is empty, we get to work eating it all.

  We eat in companionable silence. I’m not sure if it's just me, or the both of us, but I can feel something crackling between us. I know from my end it is a sexual pull. I want nothing more than to take this woman back to my place and strip her bare.

  “What are you thinking about or contemplating?” Allison asks as she sets down her half-eaten club sandwich.

  “What makes you think I was contemplating something?” I retort.

  “Because you keep furrowing your brow and have pushed the same five fries around your plate for the last five minutes,” she says, and I look down and realize I’m doing exactly that.

  “You’ve got me there,” I state. “Honestly?” I say, but it comes out more like a question.

  “I only ever want the God’s honest truth from you,” she says.

  “I’ve been thinking about you constantly since you left my place the other morning. Not just in the mornings or when I’m lying in bed wishing that you were wrapped up in my sheets still, but all fucking day and night. It's like you’ve sunk your way into my subconscious, and I can’t get you off my mind.”

  “I don’t really know what to say to that.”

  “I can’t offer you anything more than sex right now. We both know how good that is, so why not explore that a little more?” I suggest, hoping like hell she’ll accept my half-assed proposal.

  “So, just sex?” she questions.



  “If I have my way with things, you won’t have time for any other man.” I smirk. “But if it would make you feel better about things, I can agree to those terms. No one else. If either one of us wants someone else, then we end our little agreement and move on with our lives.”

  “Okay,” she agrees, and I think my chin about hits the tabletop. I didn’t believe that it would be quite this easy, but I’ll be damned, it was.

  “What are you doing after lunch?” I ask.

  “You,” she states. My cock swells so fast in my jeans that I’m not sure I’ll be able to stand and walk out of here.

  “Fuck yes, you will be,” I finally choke out.

  She flashes me a fiery look that has my blood boiling and a desire to sink balls deep into her as soon as possible.



  I follow Lee out to the parking lot. I was able to park right next to his truck.

  “Your place or mine?” he asks.

  “I don’t care,” I tell him.

  “Mine’s closer, so I’ll follow you there,” he says.

  I unlock my car and slide into the driver's seat. I still can’t believe we meet up like this and end our meet-ups with a roll in the sheets. Don’t get me wrong, the sex is life-changing, but it still sometimes feels a little strange.

  I drive the few miles to Lee’s place, hitting the two lights green, so nothing slows us down. My body is already humming at the knowledge of what’s to come. I swear, this man can turn me on with just one smoldering look from across the room.

  I p
ull into his driveway and park to the side, allowing him to pull into his main spot. I cut the engine but wait a minute to take a few deep and calming breaths. When I open my eyes back up, Lee’s standing next to my driver’s side door.

  I open the door and swing my legs to the side so I can step out.

  “Everything okay?” he asks, the concern furrowing his brow.

  “Yeah, just needed a minute,” I tell him honestly.

  “You sure?” he pushes.

  “Yes,” I assure him. I stand to my full height, still nowhere near his height, seeing as how I just reach his shoulder. I dig deep, find some confidence that I don’t always have, push up on my toes, and plant a chaste kiss on his lips.

  He wraps his hands around my torso, pulling me in closer as he deepens the kiss. What I’d intended to be a quick peck, he’s turning into a full-on make-out session.

  He breaks our kiss, resting his forehead against mine for a few seconds. “Let’s get inside; we can get a little more comfortable.”

  I follow Lee inside his house, kicking off my shoes once inside his front door.

  He closes the door behind us. I startle when his hands slide along my sides, coming to rest on my abdomen. His lips find my neck as he moves my hair off my shoulders to give him better access. “Do you need anything before I strip you and have my wicked way with you?” he says against my skin.

  “No,” I manage to say. Lee’s lips against my skin are very distracting and turn me on.

  “Good.” He smirks before sucking on my neck. He starts to walk us toward the bedroom, tugging at our clothes as we move that way. By the time we reach his doorway, he’s got my shirt up and pulls it over my head. His hands cup my breasts, and I love the stimulation him rolling my nipples provides. My center clenches, and I can feel my desire as it dampens my panties. “Fuck,” he grits out when one of his hands slips down and finds me wet and ready for him.


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