Obeying Daddy

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by Kelly Dawson

  Obeying Daddy


  Kelly Dawson

  Copyright © 2020 by Stormy Night Publications and Kelly Dawson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.


  Dawson, Kelly

  Obeying Daddy

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Shutterstock/Puppy 4, Shutterstock/SkyImages, and Shutterstock/Studio Lucky

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  More Stormy Night Books by Kelly Dawson

  Kelly Dawson Links

  Chapter One

  “Damn, he’s cute!” Jilly Watson stage-whispered across the small lunchroom to her work colleague, Vanessa. The two women were the only females under thirty in the entire law firm and spent their days surrounded by old fuddy-duddies who wouldn’t recognise a stud if they fell over one and it turned around and kicked them.

  “I thought you’d sworn off men?” Vanessa asked, one eyebrow raised in question.

  “I have,” Jilly confirmed. “But I can still look, can’t I? There’s no harm in looking.”

  “No, guess not.”

  The lively younger women were a far cry from their stuffy older legal secretary colleagues who’d spent so long working for formal old poncy lawyers they’d forgotten how to bend the rules, push the limits, and break out of routine. The older women were exceptionally good at their jobs, handling the heavy workload easily, and were very professional, but Jilly had struggled to warm to them. And the older ladies firmly believed that there was absolutely no place at all in a law office environment for gossiping, wasting time, tardiness, or ogling the man-candy.

  Not that there’d been much man-candy to look at. Until recently, the law firm had been made up solely of the older male partners—men in their late fifties who had been lawyers forever. The young man who came on board just last month had been the talk of the office. Well, the talk of Jilly and Vanessa, anyway. The older secretaries treated the younger man much as they did the older ones—with respectful politeness.

  Talk was the young man was the son of one of the partners, although nobody seemed to be certain which partner, exactly. Nor were they certain what role this young man was going to be filling. Was one of the partners retiring? Was the firm expanding? Or had the younger man been brought in simply to break up the monotony of ‘The Establishment’ as Jilly and Vanessa called it?

  This legal office was one of the biggest in Auckland, and the lawyers themselves were highly respected corporate and criminal lawyers, but they were snobs. All of them. This office was for the elite. For ensuring smooth completions of million-dollar business transactions. Defending billionaire businessmen and their dodgy dealings. Conveyancing happened here. Property deals. Protecting investments. Suing businesses. Legal wrangling that Jilly couldn’t even begin to understand. She hadn’t been on the job long enough to understand in any detail exactly what these great legal minds did. She was the office junior and mostly filed piles of papers, did photocopying, and typed up invoices, letters, and contracts.

  But there was certainly no legal aid here, no defending the poorer side of society. There was no money in that. Or maybe it was about appearances. Maybe a millionaire businessman criminal was different to the standard run-of-the-mill criminal? A better calibre of criminal, perhaps? Or maybe less guilty by virtue of their success? More deserving of leniency because of their wealth? Jilly didn’t know. But she did know that this office didn’t defend people living on park benches.

  Vanessa nodded. “He’s definitely cute,” she agreed, coming closer so she didn’t have to whisper as loudly. “Still haven’t figured out what he’s doing here, though. He doesn’t look posh enough to defend the types that come here. Look, his tie is askew, his cufflinks aren’t studded with diamonds, and I’m sure his suit is from Hallensteins. That’s definitely not an Armani suit he’s wearing.”

  “But hot damn! He wears it well,” Jilly said. “Look at the way those pants cling to his hips and how huge his shoulders are under that jacket.”

  The man in question finished the conversation he was having out in the hallway and entered the lunchroom, glancing at the big gold watch he wore at his wrist.

  “I believe lunchbreak is over, ladies,” he rumbled in a deep, authoritative voice. “Janice is on the warpath,” he warned. “You’d best get back to work.”

  Jilly groaned. Janice had been here since the beginning, and although she had no authority over anybody officially, she was the big boss’ favourite, having been a loyal staff member for so long, so she held a lot of sway. She’d used her influence to get the last staff member fired—the woman Jilly herself had replaced.

  Vanessa thrust out her chest and struck up a flirtatious pose, leaning sexily against the water cooler, but Jilly didn’t. She needed this job. She couldn’t afford to make any trouble for herself. So she put her head down and did her best to hide the fact that the baritone voice had done wicked things to her insides. “Yes, sir,” she mumbled, scurrying back to her desk.

  For the rest of the afternoon, Jilly worked her way through the huge pile of filing on her desk. As the youngest, and the newest to the job, she got dumped with all the menial tasks, but the salary here was still better than anything she could make elsewhere, and with it, she could actually afford a decent place to live, proper childcare, and clothes for her daughter. She didn’t have to scrimp and save anymore, or try to somehow stretch every dollar into five. She was making enough to live on, for the first time ever, and she wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardise that. Even if it meant sucking up to Janice and following all the rules.

  As she flipped through the papers, filing them in the appropriate places, her mind kept drifting back to the new lawyer. The light reprimand he’d given them had turned her insides to mush. You don’t want a man. Remember? her inner voice taunted her. Her face flamed remembering the way she’d reacted. The submissive demeanour she’d taken on, the way ‘yes, sir’ had left her lips so easily.

  She was still thinking about the way his deep voice had made her squirm just the tiniest bit and how, up close, the smallest hint of stubble shadowed his chiselled jaw, when the sound of soft footsteps on the carpet behind her desk made her look up.

  It was him! Coming this way! Jilly’s heart skipped a quick, panicked beat and she froze, her feet stuck to the floor.

  He was right there, at her desk. No doubt he would expect to be acknowledged. She couldn’t just pretend to not see him and wait for him to go away. She took a deep breath, trying to slow her wildly racing heart.

  “Matthew Stevenson,” he introduced himself. “Newest partner to the firm. And you are?”

  “Jilly,” she mumbled shyly, taking his outstretched hand, wincing as he squashed it in his strong grip. “Jilly Watson.” Forcing herself to look up instead of at the floor, she met his eyes. He smiled, showing perfect white teeth. She smiled back, but at the same time, she wanted to sink through the floor. None of the other lawyers ever took the time to come
and speak to her, and that was the way she preferred it. Being singled out for attention like this made her nervous. Had she done something wrong? Besides going overtime on her lunchbreak... she wasn’t in trouble for that, surely? It had only been a couple of minutes. Had Janice complained?

  Dropping her hand, Matthew stepped forward and picked up the silver-framed photo off her desk. “Your little girl?”

  She nodded, a proud smile creeping across her lips. “Yes. Lily. She’s six.”

  “She’s gorgeous. Like her mama.”

  Jilly’s mouth dropped open and she felt her face heat up with an obvious blush.

  “I look forward to working with you, Jilly,” Matthew said. Then he put down the photo, winked, and was gone.

  Oh, wow. Oh, wow! Jilly’s heart pounded. Had he really said that? Or had she just imagined it? He didn’t speak to all the secretaries under this roof like that, did he? She couldn’t imagine Janice or any of the other ladies tolerating that sort of talk. They ran a tight, respectable ship here. There was no room for flirting, no time for casual conversation, outside of breaks. Professional appearances were everything.

  Across the room, Vanessa was staring at her, her mouth dropped open. On the other side, Janice was glaring over her glasses in disapproval. And in between, the secretaries who weren’t tied up on the phone or talking to clients were watching her too. Had they all heard what Matthew had said? I hope not! she groaned inwardly. I’m just here to do a job. Nothing more.

  Matthew stayed out of sight for the rest of the day, but later, when Jilly went to refill her coffee cup, Janice made it plain that fraternising with the lawyers, even if it hadn’t been her doing, was against the rules of the office. Not in so many words, of course, but her body language had made it clear. There was to be no more conversation with the new lawyer. Not about anything other than work. That wasn’t the way things worked, here in ‘The Establishment.’

  Feeling thoroughly chastised, even though Janice hadn’t actually said a word and she hadn’t really done anything wrong, Jilly kept her head down, concentrated on her filing, and made that one cup of coffee last for the rest of the afternoon. She wasn’t taking any risks. If someone had something to say, they could come to her to say it.

  * * *

  “What did he say? Come on! Give me the goss!” Vanessa was at her desk at thirty seconds after five o’clock. “I want to know everything!”

  Jilly just shook her head. “He just introduced himself, that’s all. He didn’t say much else.” Just that you were gorgeous, she reminded herself. “But I’ve got to go. Have to pick up Lily. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  The rest of the day was a blur as Jilly battled rush-hour commuter traffic on the way to pick up her daughter from after-school care, went to the supermarket to pick up groceries for dinner, fed and bathed her little girl. But later, when Lily was sound asleep in bed and Jilly had the house to herself, the quiet wasn’t peaceful like it normally was. Now all she could hear was Matthew’s voice in her ears, the sexy baritone telling them to get back to work. The softer tone complimenting her daughter’s photo. Telling her that he looked forward to working with her.

  His face flashed into the edges of her consciousness, making her heart skip a beat. There was something about him that filled her with excitement, something she hadn’t felt in a very long time, but she pushed it away. She was done with men. Never again would she let another man get close enough to her to break her heart.

  You don’t have to worry because he’s not interested in you anyway, the sensible part of her insisted. He was just being friendly. What could you possibly have to offer a man like him?

  Jilly topped up her wineglass and picked up the TV remote. Maybe there’d be something interesting on the telly, something to take her mind away from Matthew Stevenson. Reality television, or even a decent cooking show. Mindless entertainment that would make her smile and steal her thoughts. Anything would do, really. Anything to make her forget about the handsome new lawyer at her office.

  Flicking through the channels, she decided on a gameshow, propped the pillows up behind her, and settled back to watch and answer as many of the questions as she could.

  Getting four questions right in a row, she sighed contentedly. She liked quizzes. If only it would be as simple to distract Vanessa from the grilling she knew would be happening tomorrow as it was to answer the general knowledge questions the telly was throwing at her.

  * * *

  “So what’s the goss?” Vanessa was at her desk first thing, fishing for information. “I saw him here, talking to you. Hell, everyone saw him here talking to you! What did he say? I want to know everything!”

  Jilly shrugged. Replaying her conversation with Matthew yesterday was the last thing she wanted to do right now, but if she didn’t, Vanessa would be hurt. And she also wouldn’t leave. Which would be a bad thing. Already, she could feel Janice’s disapproving eye peering this way.

  “He didn’t actually say very much at all,” she said. “Just introduced himself, really. And looked at my photo of Lily.”

  “So he didn’t tell you who his father is? Who’s retiring? Or whether or not he’s single?”

  “Sadly, no. It was a perfectly ordinary, innocent chat. Nothing interesting to tell at all.”

  Vanessa pouted. “Shame. I was looking forward to a bit of entertainment this morning. God knows nothing interesting ever happens in this place.”

  Jilly inclined her head toward Janice. “The old bat is watching, you know. And she doesn’t approve. You’re going to get yourself in trouble,” she warned.

  “Nah, she’s just jealous. Thinks she’s missing out on the scandalous gossip.”

  “I wouldn’t mind hearing some scandalous gossip myself,” Jilly admitted. “Things are a bit dull around here. But the gossip will have to come from someone other than me, unfortunately. I’m a single mother. I don’t get up to anything scandalous these days.”

  “I’ll have to take you out then, have a bit of fun! Or teach you how to flirt with Mr. Delicious a bit. You had your chance yesterday and you blew it!” Vanessa admonished. She cocked her head and looked Jilly up and down appraisingly. “You’re pretty good looking, you know. When he was standing here, chatting in your space, you should have been working it!”

  Jilly didn’t have the heart to tell Vanessa she had no interest in ‘working it.’ She had no desire to attract the attentions of men. She didn’t want them. Men broke hearts. It was what they did. Her life was busy enough, and full enough, raising her daughter. Throwing a man into the mix would only complicate things.

  Suddenly Vanessa straightened up and tossed her head, intentionally flicking her dark hair back over her shoulder. “He’s coming! Now’s your chance!”

  The same little knot from yesterday tightened in the pit of Jilly’s belly as soft footsteps on the carpet came up behind her.

  “Good morning, ladies,” Matthew rumbled in his deep voice. He was wearing a navy suit today, and it looked spectacular on him. Especially with the purple tie that stood out against the white shirt. A matching purple fabric square poked out of his jacket pocket.

  “Morning,” Jilly squeaked, as Vanessa met his eye and smiled provocatively. Even to Jilly’s inexperienced eye, the flirtation was obvious.

  “Jilly, can you do this photocopying for me, please? I need it done before morning tea. Janice told me you were the person to ask.”

  I bet she did, Jilly’s subconscious snarked. That’s all she thinks I’m good for. But she looked up at Matthew and took the pile of papers he proffered, smiling sweetly. “Sure thing. I’ll get onto it right away.”

  “Thank you. If you could bring it to my office when you’re done, I’d appreciate it.” He looked at Vanessa, then back at her, and winked. “Don’t you ladies be talking for too long,” he warned. “Janice is watching, and she’s not happy.”

  Vanessa snorted. “Nobody cares what Janice thinks.”

  Matthew frowned. The knot in Jilly�
��s belly tightened and a spark of heat shot to her core. Geez, he was handsome when he frowned! She crossed her legs under her desk, pressing her thighs tightly together. God, what was wrong with her? Why were her knickers getting damp over a man frowning?

  “My uncle does,” Matthew stated. “Janice’s opinion is very important to him.”

  He turned back to Jilly, a stern expression fixed to his face. “So if you could get that photocopying done for me, I’d appreciate it.” Then he turned and walked away.

  Vanessa whistled softly through her teeth. “Man, he’s hot!” she gushed. “A bit on the stuffy side, though. The last thing this place needs is another stickler for the rules. Janice has got enough carrots up her ass for everybody.”

  Jilly bit her lip nearly hard enough to draw blood to stifle her giggle, but she couldn’t stop her grin. “He seems nice. I like him.”

  Vanessa looked at her like she had two heads then shrugged. “He’s obviously not a son, then. I wonder who his uncle is?” she mused. “Janice is the pit bull for all the partners so it could be any one of them. So many questions.” She tapped her finger against Jilly’s desk, glanced in Janice’s direction and stiffened.

  Seeing Janice still peering at them over the top of her wire-rimmed glasses with her lips pursed, and keen to avoid trouble, Jilly stood up and grabbed the pile of Matthew’s photocopying, flicking through the pages, her eyes lingering on the sticky neon paper flags that told her how many copies of each he needed. It would be boring work, but easy enough, and it would keep her out of the way of Janice. She clutched the pile of papers to her chest and veered around her friend. “Best I get onto this,” she announced. “Keep the boss happy.”

  The photocopying, stapling, punching, and filing as per the instructions on the neon sticky notes took her most of the morning. As she worked, she couldn’t get him out of her mind. What was it about him that attracted her? Was it the way he wore his suit so well; the way the pants hung off his narrow hips and the way his shoulders looked so huge under the jacket? Was it his eyes that seemed to pierce right into her very soul? Was it his voice that rumbled over her and caressed her, the stern tone he’d adopted once or twice making her squirm? She didn’t know. But whatever it was, she wanted more of it.


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