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Obeying Daddy

Page 13

by Kelly Dawson

  They went for a walk down the beach, Jilly and Matthew hand in hand, with Lily skipping merrily ahead of them. At some stage, Jilly wasn’t sure exactly when, Matthew had taken to calling Lily ‘princess’ and the little girl’s eyes shone with pleasure whenever he said it. Lily looked up at him adoringly and Matthew smiled back and Jilly’s heart melted. This afternoon could not get any more perfect, she thought.

  At the far end of the beach, when they turned around to walk back to the carpark, Lily announced her legs were too tired to go any further. Jilly sighed, ready to cajole her daughter to carry on, preparing to bribe her with whatever necessary, but Matthew stepped in and swung the little girl up onto his shoulders, giving Jilly a wink. And he carried her effortlessly the whole way back. By the time they got back to Matthew’s car, the little girl and the tall, strong man were the best of friends. Jilly’s heart was ready to explode with happiness. Matthew ticked all the right boxes, and now that she had seen how easily he’d built a rapport with her daughter, she was convinced that moving in with him was the right thing to do.

  That night, Lily insisted on Matthew reading her a bedtime story and Jilly smiled as the two of them snuggled up on the couch together to read. The same couch he sat on to spank me, she thought.

  Matthew related to Lily with a natural ease and when Jilly tucked her into bed when the story was finished, Lily reached up and put her arms around Jilly’s neck. “I like Matthew, Mummy. Is he going to be my new daddy? I’m the only girl in my class without a daddy. Sometimes the kids tease me because I don’t have a daddy.”

  Fury welled up inside Jilly at the thought of her daughter being teased for something that was completely outside of her control. Is that why Lily hadn’t wanted to go to school recently? She forced back her emotions and returned Lily’s hug. “Would you like that?”

  “Yes! He’s nice,” Lily said.

  Relief flooded her. If Lily had been resistant to Matthew being in their lives, she would have had to rethink things. As it was, it couldn’t be any more perfect.

  After she left Lily’s room, Jilly went back and snuggled up next to Matthew on the couch. It was nice, sitting there next to him, having his arm around her. She enjoyed his company. But insecurities and fears, perhaps irrational ones, were still nagging at her.

  Matthew squeezed her. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

  Jilly shook her head.

  “No hiding things from Daddy. Remember? Do you want to go back over my knee?”

  “I’m scared,” Jilly admitted. “Lily and me, we’re a package deal.”

  “Of course! And she’s adorable. I fell in love with her today.”

  “But what happens when she’s not adorable? She’s not, always. She can be a brat. She’s got an attitude on her sometimes, she can be a real miss sassy-pants. She can get into mischief and be naughty. She’s not always going to be on her best behaviour. She’s going to get sick. She might throw up on you, and in your car. She makes a mess. She spills juice on the floor and sometimes traipses mud through the carpet. She even throws tantrums, especially when she doesn’t want to eat her vegetables.”

  “Why would any of that bother me?” Matthew asked.

  “Does it not?”

  Matthew shook his head. “No, it doesn’t. Not at all. She sounds like a perfectly normal little girl. Look, messes can be cleaned up. We will take care of her when she’s sick. I’m not worried about vomit or mud or spilled juice. And I have a good growly voice when it’s needed. Our little princess and I will get on just fine.”

  His words set Jilly’s mind at ease somewhat, but still, there was that little niggling fear still lingering inside of her, that he would up and leave when it got hard, that he would leave her when she needed him most. She wanted to just hope for the best, but she couldn’t. She had to know. She couldn’t bear it if Matthew left her like Cameron did. She took a deep breath and forced out the words she didn’t want to voice. “But what will happen if you decide you don’t want her anymore, when you see that side of her? What will happen to us? I mean, her own father decided he didn’t want her. What makes you think you will? Because it’s easy to say the right thing now, when she’s tucked up in bed asleep. It’s much harder to keep your temper in check when she’s being defiant and naughty.”

  Jilly froze as Matthew’s hands clenched into fists for a moment then relaxed around her. She heard him take a deep breath. Felt the breeze on her neck as he exhaled against her. Then he cupped her face in his hands and made her look up at him before he spoke. Anger still flashed in his eyes. “I will never decide I don’t want her. I will never hurt you and Lily the way that mongrel did, I promise,” Matthew growled softly. “Nor do I expect perfection from Lily. She’s a child, and I expect her to be one. I know she will misbehave from time to time and I will love her regardless. Just like I will love you, no matter what.”

  “But how do you know?” Jilly cringed at the desperation in her voice.

  “That’s something you’re just going to have to trust me on, baby girl. I like a challenge. I just took on one of the toughest cases of the year. Do you think I shy away from difficulty? We’ll work out the hard parts together.”

  “Thank you.” She knew, right then, that he was telling the truth.

  “You don’t need to thank me, baby girl. You just need to believe me.”

  “I do believe you.”

  “Good girl.”

  He dropped a gentle kiss on her forehead and she relaxed completely, leaning against him, savouring his strength. And he was strong, she knew. Not just physically, but mentally. He wasn’t weak like Cameron was. He didn’t run at the first sign of trouble. If he did, he wouldn’t be here now, her rational voice pointed out. She could trust him.

  She slipped her hand inside his t-shirt and ran her fingers along his abs and across his muscular chest. “Take me to bed, Daddy,” she whispered.

  In one swift movement he stood up, lifting her in his arms as easily as if she were a doll. “Take me to your bedroom, little girl.”

  Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and directed him to her bedroom. It felt so right, him being here with her.

  He laid her gently down on her bed and straddled her, smothering her in kisses. He eased her clothes off her, sliding her shirt up her arms and off over her head, unfastening her bra and slipping that off too.

  “Not fair,” she protested. “You still have clothes on!”

  Matthew caught her eye and chuckled. “That’s easily rectified. But first...” He leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue around the hard nub, kissing down the side of her breast. His hand played with her other breast, tweaking the nipple, stroking, caressing, his magician’s touch sending waves of pleasure through her.

  “More.” She arched her back and moaned and he obliged, coaxing whimpers from her as he expertly sucked, kissed, licked, and stroked.

  Slowly, he trailed his hand down her belly, his long fingers reaching lower and lower until they reached the apex of her thighs. He followed his fingers with his mouth, kissing his way down her torso, one hand fondling her breasts, the other delving deep inside her most private of places, leaving her breathless and panting, squirming with desire.

  “I want you,” she begged. “I want to feel you inside me.”

  Matthew shifted, positioning himself between her legs, licking her pussy, focusing his attention on her swollen clit, sucking her pussy lips into his mouth, kissing her, tasting her.

  “Come for me, baby girl,” he commanded, and she did, crying out as he ripped the orgasm from her, her whole body shaking as the earth shattered and her vision blurred and she rode the wave of pleasure as it crested again and again, as he flicked her clit once more.

  She lay there, spent, a stupid smile on her face, as Matthew shed his clothes. His body was beautiful: perfectly sculpted, long and lean, with a fine smattering of dark hair across his chest and running in a line down his well-defined abs, past his navel. She watched, brea
thless still, as he slid his boxers down his thighs, revealing muscular legs, a mottled scar, and his cock glistening with pre-cum.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he slid on a condom and lowered himself to her, entering her slowly, gently, making love to her languorously, lifting himself up off her to kiss her collarbone and throat as he did so.

  “Now I have a question to ask you,” he said, wrapping her up in his arms and pulling her close to his chest as they lay down together.

  “Mmm?” she asked lazily.

  “Would you be open to having more babies one day?”

  A little thrill of happiness shot through her and she smiled, twisting her head to kiss him. “Yes,” she admitted. “If I could afford it. I love babies!”

  He kissed her back. “Money is not an issue, darling. I make more than enough to support us. All of us. Even if we were to have a dozen babies.”

  Her smile deepened. “So I could stay home with them when they are small? I had to put Lily in care straight away and I missed so much. She was only four months old.” Her voice took on a wistful tone and trailed off, as that ever-present guilt welled up within her.

  Matthew kissed her nose. “Darling girl, you can stay home forever, if you want to. How much you work, or even if you work at all, will be entirely up to you. Even before more babies, if you want to just work school hours so you can be home with Lily, that’s absolutely fine by me.”

  Jilly melted. “Really? You’d let me do that?”

  “Of course.” Matthew sounded surprised at her question. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re mine. Now snuggle in close to me, baby girl, and let me hold you all night long.”

  Chapter Ten

  “My office, please, Miss Watson,” Matthew ordered sternly the second Jilly arrived at work. She hadn’t even sat down when he was there, all strict and commanding, giving the order. He was so different than he’d been the night before, kissing her body so tenderly. Now he was all business-like and bossy, a far cry from the attentive lover who made her scream in ecstasy into her pillows.

  Numbly, she followed him down the corridor. It didn’t matter that she knew her job was secure; his ruler was waiting for her in his office, and goodness knows what else. Shame and humiliation, probably. Would Mr. Hutchings be there? Would Janice?

  They both were, and they both looked at her as she walked in. She felt herself tremble. This was not going to be good.

  “Good morning, Miss Watson.” Mr. Hutchings stood up to greet her. He indicated the chair on the other side of the desk by the window, next to Janice. “Please, take a seat.”

  Matthew sat behind the desk, next to his uncle, making a very formidable pair. Both had the same dominant presence, both wore severe frowns, both wore navy pin-striped suits and cufflinks closing the sleeves of their immaculately pressed shirts. But that was where the similarities ended. Matthew’s hair was slightly scruffy, his tie was skewwhiff, and once again, his cufflinks didn’t match. But considering he’d left her house this morning in his jeans and t-shirt and gotten dressed in his office into the spare suit he kept there, she guessed he didn’t look too bad.

  Jilly avoided Janice’s gaze as she sat down and focused on a spot on the carpet at her feet, instead. Mr. Hutchings launched into a stern lecture but she tuned him out. She didn’t need to listen to his words to know what he was saying and none of it really mattered anyway, because she already knew. Instead, she let her mind wander to Matthew and his magical fingers and tongue and the amazing things he could do with them.

  Mr. Hutchings must have finished his lecture a good several seconds before she realised it, because Matthew cleared his throat and she jumped, startled, to find them looking at her expectantly.

  “Well?” Matthew prompted. “Are you going to apologise to Janice?”

  “Yes.” Jilly nodded and turned to her work colleague. “I truly am sorry, Janice,” she said, hoping she sounded sincere. “I was in a pretty bad space and I let it get to me. I am ashamed of the way I spoke to you. It will not happen again.”

  Janice patted her hand in a very grandmotherly type way. “Thank you, dear,” she said. And then she leaned forward and gave Jilly a conspiratorial smile. “These men of ours,” she confided in a stage whisper, “are easiest to deal with if we tell them everything.” She stood up. “Excuse me, gentlemen, but I must get back to work.”

  Mr. Hutchings stood up too. “So we’re clear?” he asked Jilly sternly.

  She had absolutely no idea what he was talking about but she returned his steady stare and nodded. “Yes, sir,” she said.

  Mr Hutchings guided Janice out of Matthew’s office with his hand in the small of her back, the same way Matthew so often walked with her. She smiled dreamily.

  “I don’t know why you’re smiling, little girl. You have no idea what Mr. Hutchings said, do you?”

  “Uh, no, sir,” Jilly admitted.

  “So not only will you be feeling my ruler for breaking work rules and checking your personal emails during work time and then abusing poor Janice, you are also in trouble for tuning out an entire lecture about your behaviour. I’m disappointed in you, baby girl. I expected better of you than that. Completely tuning out my uncle like that when he’s given you a second chance is rude. Very rude.”

  Jilly hung her head. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” And she was.

  “You’re only sorry you got caught,” he corrected but she shook her head.

  “No. I really am sorry. It was rude. I just got distracted thinking about what we did last night.” She grinned, hoping to distract him, but it didn’t work.

  “Well, I’ve give you something else to think about.” He got up from his desk and walked to the door, flicking the lock then tugging to check it was secure. He pointed to his desk. “Bend over this.”

  “But I’m still sore from the spanking you gave me yesterday!” Jilly protested.

  Matthew merely raised an eyebrow in response and pointed to the desk again.

  “Can you take care of this at home? Please? After two weeks off work I’m sure I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on. This really isn’t necessary, Matthew.”

  Matthew’s face darkened as he put both hands on his desk and leaned forward to face her. “You will address me as ‘sir’ when you are being disciplined,” he growled. “And no, I will not be taking care of this at home. Disobedience at work will be punished at work. Maybe sitting on a sore bottom to do your work will help you to behave.”

  Jilly swallowed as he stood up and retrieved his heavy ruler from a drawer in his desk. He waved it at her then tapped it against his palm.

  “Slip off your underwear and give them to me. You won’t be needing them today.”

  Slowly, she shimmied her knickers down her thighs and let them fall to the floor. She stepped out of them and picked them up, blushing as she handed them across the desk to Matthew. She blushed even further when he slipped them into his desk drawer. What if someone found them? Did any of the secretaries fish through his drawers for things?

  “Nobody goes through my desk,” he assured her, seemingly reading her mind. He tapped the ruler on the desktop. “Get into position.”

  Slowly, with her heart pounding in trepidation, Jilly obeyed. She stretched herself out over the cold mahogany desktop and gripped the other side tightly. She heard Matthew walk around behind her and froze at the touch of his hand on her hip. “Give me your ass,” he growled as he folded her skirt up over her back, out of the way, baring her bottom.

  Jilly sucked in a breath as Matthew lay the ruler across her bottom, resting it there lightly. She held it as he lifted it away and she heard the whoosh a split second before she felt the line of fire as the ruler cracked harshly against her still-achy bottom. She yelped and sprang up, letting go of the desk, thinking of nothing but her need to escape.

  “Get back into position,” Matthew growled. “I will tell you when you can move, Miss Watson.” He placed his hand on her back, maybe to hold her in position, maybe to comfort her, she
wasn’t sure. In any case, it was easier with his hand there, and she derived strength from it as the ruler fell again and again, harsh swats that left blazing stripes in its wake.

  She danced on her toes and wiggled her hips frantically, desperate to escape the stinging ruler but her efforts were futile—Matthew held her firmly and his aim was sure.

  Over and over again the wicked ruler fell, until she was lying spent over his desk, sobbing, truly repentant, unable to fight anymore.

  She laid there, her legs like jelly, her body shaking, until Matthew slipped his hands under her shoulders and eased her up, guiding her to stand in front of him, cradling her head against his chest. She leaned on him, crying into his shirt, until all her tears were gone. It felt like hours that they stood there, entwined, and Matthew held her gently the whole time, crooning words of comfort in her ear.

  When her tears had stopped, Matthew pulled a tissue out of the box on his desk and wiped her face. He held another one to her nose. “Blow,” he commanded softly.

  Then he indicated his desk again. “Bend back over, Miss Watson,” he growled.

  She wanted to protest, to resist, but she did neither. Instead, she lay her torso over the desk again and stepped her feet apart at the urging of his foot between her ankles. She peeked around when she heard the rustling of foil to see him sheathing himself, then he sank deep inside her quickly, without warning. He grabbed handfuls of her scorched flesh and squeezed as he took her hard, rough. This was a punishment fuck. There was no doubt in her mind about that—this was for his pleasure, not hers. His thighs slapped against her stinging bottom as he pounded into her, bringing fresh tears to her eyes but still her traitorous body betrayed her, making her breathing ragged and sharp, tightening her nipples, making her breasts ache, sending pulses of energy to her core.

  She gasped as he slid his hand between her cheeks and pressed his thumb against the entrance to her tight virgin hole. “Daddy will fuck you here, one day,” he rasped, his voice husky with passion. The pressure against her bottom hole was uncomfortable, but not painful, as he pressed harder. She arched back against him as he thrust frantically, shuddered, then stilled. He withdrew immediately, stepping away from her, leaving her empty, bereft, wanting.


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