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Sword of Light (The Four Keys Book 1)

Page 10

by J. C. Lucas

  I rubbed my temples, frustrated. I needed to decide, but I also needed to make sure I made the right one. We couldn’t leave this kid here with them.

  Rolling my shoulders back, I tried to ease the tension that had bundled there. In doing so, I knocked Charlie off, but he didn’t seem disturbed by it. Instead, he fluttered to land beside Emric. His little bird body vibrated before changing into a black panther. Not to be outdone, Emric’s body rippled and rolled until an identical panther sat beside Charlie. They smiled at each other, satisfied with their transformations.

  I couldn’t let the boy stay with the trolls. He needed us, and maybe we needed him.

  “I’ve made up my mind.”

  I looked at both guys, who had been patiently waiting on me to decide. “I’ll agree to his terms and figure out the rest later. Whatever comes, we can deal with it. We just can’t leave this kid with them.”

  Their posture was stiff, and their jaws clenched. Rubbing the back of my neck, I was self-conscious about my choice, but I knew it was the right one.

  Finally, Teagan relaxed and smiled at me. “I'm sure this wasn’t easy, Andie. And our feelings haven’t helped you come to this conclusion. We’re just concerned about the outcome and what they may call you to do in the future. I agree, though. We’ll figure it out when that time comes.”

  Emric and Charlie purred before running ahead as I motioned the soldiers back to us.

  They trudged over, one of them pushing the boy hard to get him moving. He looked at me with hope in his eyes as he walked closer. His shaggy blonde hair was dirty and hung over blue eyes. His skin and clothes were also filthy, and it looked as if he hadn’t had a shower in weeks. He had to be around the same age as the rest of us, but his body looked malnourished and bony.

  Tinock stood tall in front of me, his eyes glinting, knowing I would take the deal. He radiated eagerness as I walked over to the boy.

  “What’s your name?” I asked him.

  “Killian,” he replied, evading my eyes.

  “Killian, I want to help you. Do you understand?” He silently shook his head, quickly looking at me and then away again. “I need to make sure that you understand what I expect of you if I do.”

  He looked at me again, his face unreadable, and I continued.

  “If we help you, I need to be sure you’re on our side, that you’ll stay with us and help us on this journey. Once we return home, we’ll take you wherever you want to go. But this is an important mission, not something to take lightly. okay?”

  He agreed, and I swung around to walk back to Tinock. Feigning more bravado than I felt, I stopped directly in front of him, so close I smelled his stench, a rotting, horrible sulfur that made me want to wretch. Somehow, I held it in and stuck my hand out for him to shake. “You’ve got a deal.”

  Tinock rocked back on his heels, puffing his chest out and yelled over his shoulder at the soldier holding Killian. “Release the laddie!” He grabbed my hand roughly, pumping it up and down, and I had to bite my cheek to keep from wincing at the pain it caused. “Dontcha be forgettin’ our deal, and I expect you to come whenever we summon you.” He sneered before stomping off to gather with his group of nasty soldiers.

  Killian walked over to us, looking behind him as if he expected to be grabbed by the trolls again. Emric met him halfway, winding himself around the boy’s legs as he stopped to listen to what Emric said. It was probably something nonsensical, meant to impart wisdom. They made their way over to our small group as the trolls took off back over the hills without a backward glance.

  Letting go of the breath I had been holding, I realized how exhausted I was. Hunter was beside me in the next instant with a granola bar and some water.

  “Here, eat this. Your body is not acclimated yet to using your powers, and you’re drained. This will help some. Sit for a minute and rest.”

  My jaw must have hit the ground at his sweet gesture. This was more like something Teagan would do—not Hunter. I blinked at him, and he grunted, lifting his hand, and with one finger he closed my mouth, his eyes sparkling with laughter.

  “Uh-huh... I hate to break up this lovely little scene, but we need to introduce ourselves to Killian. Or he needs to introduce himself to us. Either way, let’s introduce!” Emric proclaimed as he flopped down in front of me and laid his head on his paws, giving me a chastising look. Ignoring his attitude, I tore into the granola bar and stuffed it into my mouth before I said something I’d regret. Teagan and Hunter introduced themselves, and they all waited for me as I swallowed the last hunk of the bar and washed it down with water.

  “Sorry, Killian. I’m Andie, as I'm sure you gathered before the fight started.”

  Reaching into a pack, I grabbed another granola bar and water and handed it to him. The kid had to be starving. Who knew if the trolls fed him, and if they had, was it something terrible? I can only imagine the grotesque food they might have, and it made my body shudder. He ate the bar within seconds and was still hungry, but we had to ration as much as possible. Balwyn had only packed enough for three people, so we would no doubt have to forage in the coming days.

  “So Killian, how did you get taken by the trolls? We’re all curious,” Teagan said.

  The boy wiped his dirty hair back from his forehead and stared at the ground. He did that quite a lot. Clearing his throat, he looked back up at us, and his blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

  “The Fomorians raided our village a few days ago and killed everyone except me. I was out in the woods when I heard the screaming. From the edge of the trees, I saw our homes burning, and the Fomorians were killing everyone!” His voice trembled, and he clenched his fist, biting his lip to control his emotions. “I stayed there until they left late that night, and when I went in search of my family, there were bodies and blood everywhere. My parents were dead when I found them.”

  My heart went out to this kid. The terror he must have experienced at seeing all of this happen and then finding his parents dead had to be traumatic.

  “It wasn't long after when the trolls came into our village, pillaging homes that weren’t burned down yet, and taking everything, including me.”

  Teagan leaned down, resting his hand on Killian’s shoulder. “I’m sorry that happened. This is proof the Fomori are trying to gain power and take over. We must complete this mission and stop them. Do you think you can help us with this?”

  Killian looked at him, his eyes glacial, and his jaw tense. “I will do whatever it takes to end them. Just the way they did my mother and father,” he spat, full of hatred.

  Chapter Eleven

  We trekked through the sparkling snow, on high alert for any other sneak attacks. In the distance, I could make out trees. I don’t think I’d ever been so happy to see them before. The cold, barren landscape we had spent hours in was wearing on me. Though beautiful, it was empty besides the rolling hills. It was like one of those lovely little snow globes, with only the glittering snow to be seen.

  Killian peppered Hunter with questions of all different varieties. There was no rhyme or reason to his questions, but I could tell that he was genuinely curious. Hunter curtly answered the first few, but as there seemed no end in sight to them, he became annoyed and his answers more abrupt. Seeing his frustration and his patience waning, I took up the task of asking Killian questions instead. Hunter gave me an appreciative glance, and I held back my laughter.

  As we moved closer to the trees, lush green colors shone in the moonlight. The snow abruptly stopped at the tree line, and a wide path showed the way into a jungle. I was thankful for the width of the trail and not having to walk single-file like we had before. Although Emric and Charlie stayed behind me, protecting my flank while still in their panther forms, Teagan and Killian walked beside me. Hunter took the lead.

  Noises were all around us. Birds chirped, bugs skittered, and somewhere, water bubbled. Small and large flowers of every tropical color grew in the trees and all around them on the floor of the jungle. The s
mell was cloying and robust.

  Glancing up as we trudged down the path, I noticed something swinging on vines high above us. I couldn’t make out what they were, but as I strained to see, one of the things squealed, flipping through the air and landing on the path ahead of us before running off into the vegetation. It was a fairy-sized monkey!

  “Oh my gosh! I want one of them!” I laughed, and Killian looked at me strangely.

  “I don’t think you do, Miss Andie.”

  “What? Why not? It was so cute, like a little baby monkey!” I admonished.

  Hunter chuckled as he listened to our banter, while Teagan just shook his head at me like I’d gone crazy.

  “No, miss, it is NOT cute. Those pests would rip your fingers off one by one, followed by the rest of your appendages, and then feed them to each other. Pintars are not to be messed with. The good thing is that they will leave you alone if you do the same,” Killian stated matter-of-factly.

  Charlie yawned before adding, “I’d eat them for breakfast before they could even lay one of their puny hands on Andie.” Emric nodded his smooth feline head in agreement.

  The hilarity of the situation hit me, and laughter bubbled up. I don't know if it was because I was tired, stressed out, had finally cracked under the pressure, or all the above, but I let that laughter roll out of me. It came out in waves, louder and louder until tears ran down my cheeks. I bent over, with my hands on my knees to catch my breath as it finally subsided. Wiping my cheeks, I looked up, my mouth still split in a wide grin. Everyone stared at me like I had lost my mind, and I doubled over in laughter again at their expressions.

  “Ohhh, boy. Ha... ha! You guys have got to lighten up!” I exclaimed, getting myself under control again. “Don’t look at me like I’m crazy. I just found them funny and had to let off some steam,” I said, giggling at the two panthers rolling around on the ground like house cats.

  I felt more settled, my heart a little lighter as we began our trek through this tropical place. It fascinated me that there were so many different and dramatic landscapes in this world, each one a stark contrast to the next.

  I was lost in thought when Killian broke off from the group, running off the path and into the dense jungle.

  “Killian!” Teagan shouted after him as Hunter, Charlie, and Emric sprinted to catch up.

  What was going on? Where was he going?

  Hunter shifted mid-stride, tearing a path through the thick vegetation. Teagan and I glanced at each other before taking off after them. A path they had trampled through was our only guide.

  Breathing heavily, I jumped over a fallen branch and pushed large leaves and flowers out of the way as I ran. Voices came from ahead, and the sound of running water was closer now. When we burst into a clearing, Killian was waist-deep in a clear blue stream with three ladies swimming around him. Their long hair floated in the water as they swirled around, laughing and teasing him. Killian sported a big, goofy grin, and his eyes appeared dazed.

  They had to be the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Their faces and bodies were perfect; not one flaw showed. Even more fantastic was how their hair didn't appear wet at all as it floated on the water. One of the ladies moved closer to Killian, running her hand along his arm and laughing.

  Hunter growled from the edge of the stream, staring at the women, and Emric tried to get Killian’s attention as Teagan and I walked closer.

  “Don't touch the water, Andie,” he whispered. “The Naiads will lure you in if you do. Killian is under their spell. They must have sensed us nearby and found the weaker one of the group, calling to him.

  “We have to help get him out of there! What can we do?” I asked, desperate to save Killian. I didn't save him once, only to leave him here in this stream with these creatures.

  “We have to attract his attention, my dear.” Emric purred. “The three of them are weaving their magic, and it winds tighter and tighter on Killian the longer he is here. Before long, they’ll take him to the bottom of this water, to never come up again.”

  Killian was just a kid. I wouldn’t let anyone come to harm on this journey if I could help it. I wouldn’t lose anyone again; I swore to myself. I was determined to find a way to get Killian out of the water and away from these creatures.

  “Killian!” I shouted.

  All three of the Naiads’ heads snapped up in uniform, looking at me with eyes as black as midnight, their facade fading away. Gone were the beautiful, enticing ladies, and in their place floated ghastly wraiths. Bone thin, with skin hanging off their bodies. Soulless black eyes stared from gaunt gray faces. The long beautiful hair was stringy and white, patchy in areas where clumps had fallen out. It was horrifying.

  “You do not stand a chance of taking him from us! He is ours now,” hissed one of the ghoulish visions. “If you try to take him from us, we will take you too.”

  Goosebumps ran up and down my arms, and terror at the thought of these nasty things taking me into the depths to kill me made my heart beat faster. I watched as they drew even closer to Killian, crooning something in his ear as they ran their hands over his face and arms. There was no longer a grin on his face. Instead, his mouth was slack, and his stare blank.

  No! I won't let this happen!

  My spine straightened as anger flared out of every pore in my body. I wanted these sick creatures to die just as horrible a death as they planned for Killian. I imagined the evil in them disintegrating, returning to wherever it had come from, their bodies turning to dust to float away on the current and never harm anyone again.

  Energy pulsed through my body. My arms lifted, not of their own accord, and my palms faced the Naiads. My anger was palpable, directing the energy that was burning in me to explode from my fingertips and slam each one of the vile things away from Killian. Their bodies bowed backward until it appeared as if their spines would snap. Their mouths opened wide, wider than anyone’s mouth could open. An oily black mist exploded out to curl into the air above them, twisting and turning before disappearing completely. Once the blackness dissipated, their bodies crumbled, white dust sinking into the water.

  Killian fell face first once the hold on him was released. Hunter splashed into the water in his wolf form, clamping his teeth gingerly around the belt loop in Killian’s pants and pulling him to the safety of the shore. Charlie ran off somewhere. I wasn’t even sure when he left, but he wasn’t nearby.

  Hurrying over to where Hunter had laid Killian on the ground, I kneeled down and took his hand in mine. It was freezing cold, and his skin was blue, but he was breathing. Slow and faint, but it was there, and I was so thankful. Teagan settled on the other side of him as Charlie returned with Hunter’s clothes in his mouth.

  “We have to keep him warm. Help me with a warming spell, Andie. Just lay your hand on his arm and repeat after me,” Teagan advised.

  I nodded as Killian’s color looked worse.

  We chanted the spell over and over, and the warmth radiated from my hand into Killian. After a few minutes of doing this, his color became more regular, and his hand in mine was no longer icy cold. His cheeks now had a rosy glow.

  But he didn’t open his eyes. “Why isn’t he waking up, Teagan? He looks better, but he isn’t opening his eyes!” I cried out as emotion welled up within me. Biting my lip to keep from bawling, I shook my head and wiped my eyes. Teagan gave me a sympathetic look; I didn’t want his sympathy!

  “He will be fine. I promise, Andie. The Naiads drained his energy, so he needs sleep to recover it. We can help him with our spells, but we can’t give him strength. That would take too much out of us, and we can’t let ourselves fall into any more of a weakened state than we already are.”

  Hunter came to stand beside us, now shifted back and in his suit. Holding out his hand to me, I silently took it, and he pulled me to my feet. He turned and did the same for Teagan, stunning us both. Teagan stared at the outstretched hand, and I saw the inner turmoil running through his head. Deciding, he grasped it, letting h
imself be pulled up.

  My eyes watered at this profound moment. The emotions from everything that had just happened boiled up again inside me. Hunter slapped him on the back and then turned to me. He looked so much older at that moment.

  As if he sensed my need for comfort, he pulled me to him and wrapped me tightly in a comfortable hug, his chin resting on top of my head. I closed my eyes and sniffled, tears running freely. In his arms, I could let them fall with no one else seeing. After a few minutes of blubbering, I was all cried out. Hunter pulled back, holding me at arm’s length, and reached out to wipe stray drops that lingered on my cheeks.

  “Feel better?” he asked in a gravelly voice, concern shadowing his eyes.

  “Yes, I actually do. Thank you. I’m sorry about that. I’m not usually very emotional,” I said. I could hear snickering in the background, and looking over my shoulder, Emric and Charlie stopped when they saw my glare. I could tell they were holding in their laughter. I shook my head and looked back at Hunter gratefully before pulling away.

  “Hush, you two,” I stated, biting my lip to keep from laughing at how silly they looked rolling around on the ground with goofy looks on their fierce feline faces. Sitting down next to Killian, I pulled my knees up to my chest as Hunter and Teagan also took a seat nearby, all of us taking a break while Killian rested.

  “So what else can you two change into?” I asked Emric and Charlie. “So far, I’ve seen Charlie as a parrot, a raven, and now a panther. Emric, you’ve been a Phooka and a panther. Can you change into whatever you want?”

  Charlie rolled over onto his stomach, stretching, his sleek fur ruffled. “Yes, we shift into whatever form suits our situation. We’ve been many things in our lifetimes and can adapt very quickly.” His voice was raspy and rough, but it didn’t bother me.

  “That’s pretty cool. Too bad I can’t do the same. I imagine it comes in handy in situations like this.”


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