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Distilled Duplicity

Page 10

by Louise Furley

  He hadn’t stopped thinking about it for a second. Even while conversing with others he still tasted her on his tongue, his lips, and he couldn’t wait to do it again. He had almost convinced himself it had been a fluke, but no, he wasn’t even inside her mouth and his body burned.

  “Open your mouth,” he breathed against her lips. He licked at them, sucked the upper then the lower, they remained stubbornly closed. “Do as I say, little lamb or I will rescind our compromise.”

  Naithon was perplexed that he wanted to kiss her so badly, he seldom kissed other women, to him it was more intimate than sticking his dick in her. He pressed against the side of her mouth with his thumb, she reluctantly parted her lips and he dove in like plunging from a high wire.

  The more voraciously he kissed her, ate at her mouth, the more she squirmed. Naithon clutched both sides of her head, slanted his head and drove deeper, a diabetic on a sugar rush. Kiri was soft and so tasty if he could literally eat her he would. If she knew what her squirming was doing to him she’d lay still as a board.

  Those lush tits pressing into his chest, rubbing, smearing across his pecs, her rounded hips writhing against his in her distress. In her innocence she didn’t realize they were basically dry humping. Nothing but his thin pajama bottoms separating them, she wore no panties, he could be inside of her in a flash.

  Needing to catch his breath, and cool a degree or he would shoot off like a rocket, he licked across her mouth and panted into her neck. Still she squirmed, he sucked her neck hard enough to make her whimper, then he leaned back to take her in. Breathless herself, Kiri gasped and pushed at him.

  A smile drifted across his face, she was so inexperienced she wasn’t even aware how his kisses had affected her. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes half closed, the green glimmering in decadence from under the thickened lids. She licked her lips and he about went over the edge.

  Feeling the way that she looked, dazed, over the top aroused, he grasped at the top button on her shirt. Clumsy in his haste and searing lust, his big fingers moved awkwardly opening the buttons. Then she realized what he was doing and grabbed his wrists.

  “Stop! What do you think you are doing?”

  He blinked eyes swimming in turbulent arousal, and kept at the buttons. Accent so thick she could barely understand him, he muttered with a rasp, “I want to see what is mine,” and he tugged open another button.

  “Wait! No, wait, you said kiss, you said only a kiss! You said you wouldn’t force me, you wouldn’t have sex with me!”

  “Darlin’,” eyes gleaming in lusting fever, his mouth lifted in a lopsided grin. “I said I wouldn’t fuck you, I didn’t say anything about looking at you, touching you. That is all part of kissing.” He spread apart the halves of the blouse he’d gotten open almost to her navel, and leered down at his prize. Her chubby breasts were well more than his big handfuls.

  “See, your pretty tits want my attention, see how your nipples are hard for me?” Naithon dropped his head and sucked a pebbled nipple into his mouth.

  “No!” Kiri shrieked and hit at him. “You promised me you wouldn’t!” She resumed her struggles, fighting him off.

  It was hard for him to enjoy what he was doing with her little fists pounding at him. “Dammit, Kiri,” he groaned. Lifting his head, he tried to drink in his fill of his gorgeous collateral, but she punched at him. That only made her breasts jiggle and fan the heat of his desire to touch her. Holding both her wrists above her head, he slipped his hand in her shirt and went to clutch a breast, she shrieked, wrenched a hand loose and hit him in the head.

  Laughing, it was kind of funny. The most feared man in the state, and beyond, and the tiny chit was hitting him, trying to fight him off her. He could have his pick of a million women, they were always throwing themselves at him. Sometimes they just dropped to their knees, exposed their tits to him then proceeded to undo his pants. Without a word, well, they simpered and such, but total strangers, just did their bloody best to please him. Because they wanted more. Sometimes he gave it, sometimes not.

  It was ironic really, the only woman he had ever wanted with his entire body and soul, and she couldn’t bear his touch. But she would. She would learn to want him, do as he ordered. But she was almost in hysterics now. Naithon grasped her wrists, “All right, stop, little lamb, no more.”

  He let her go and her fingers gripped the sides of the shirt and she yanked them closed covering her breasts from his sight. Hell, he hadn’t even gotten a good look at them. Again, the thought crossed his mind of just stripping her, splitting those young legs apart and slamming inside. It would be easier if he bound her, then he could look and feel his full without her interfering.

  As if seeing the bold, burning lust in his eyes and reading his mind, she whispered, “Please,” her voice wobbled, huge eyes filled with tears. “Please don’t.”

  His sigh laborious, Naithon shifted to lie down on his side. Speaking quietly, he said, “Okay pigeon, calm yourself. Lie on your side, face that way,” he motioned for her to turn her back to him. “Go on, I won’t hurt you.”

  Buttoning her shirt, lips bunched, Kiri scrutinized him with suspicion through low lashes, he appeared sincere. Huh, that attribute would never be used to describe him. Yet, he wasn’t touching her when clearly he could do as he pleased to her. She rolled on her side, pulled her knees up.

  “Okay,” he shuffled a bit, then curled his arm around her and pulled her to his chest. She jumped and tried to move away from him, he tightened his arm. “Hush little lamb, I promise I won’t attack you tonight, I’m just going to hold you.”

  Naithon bent his knees to settle under the curve of her legs. Trying to keep his erection from touching her and freaking her out all over again, his nose in her hair, he contentedly inhaled her fresh scent. She smelled irresistibly amazing, like no other woman, there must be some truth to those pheromones the scientist spouted.

  It took a long time for her breathing to slow again, for the rigidity to leave her body. When it did, he moved his hand under the front of her shirt and cupped a breast. Ja, like pillows of silk, she felt like home. He was lowered to copping feels while his captive slumbered, yet, for the first time in his life he felt good, felt right with the world. Finally, he had her in his house, in his bed. Then, although his dick was hard as cement, he fell asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The dawn’s light peeking in around the curtains woke him. At first Naithon was confused, a woman was curled up in his arms, he never allowed a female in his room, much less to actually sleep with him. Then, he inhaled, ah, and relaxed. It was his little collateral.

  During the night they had moved around, he was now flat on his back and she was curled up on him, her top half on his chest, arm flung across his stomach, a leg tangled in his. Her naked sex pressed on his hip; his hand clasped a bare butt cheek. Okay, this was the way he wanted to wake up every day for the rest of his life.

  Squeezing the round, firm cheek, Naithon stroked a hand up her side to palm the side of her breast. She snuggled into his embrace. Nice. It was time he saw what he had stolen from Rueford Montoblanco.

  Carefully, he rolled her onto her back, started on the buttons again, the shirt almost all the way open he impatiently pushed it up fully exposing Kiri’s top half to his complete viewing pleasure.

  The sheet still covered her lower body, he’d examine that next. He’d been semi-hard from waking up with her in his arms, her lying on him. Now, he was like granite. Granite that wanted inside that little girl. Ja, right the fuck now.

  Studying the sight laid out beside him, Naithon moved to his knees to get a better look. Delicious fat breasts, perfectly round, perfectly tipped with gumdrop nubs. His hand started to move to feel them when his gaze lowered. He moved the sheet down. “Ah, fuck, little beauty,” he moaned. So young, so painfully gorgeous. Slender legs joined at the sweetest pussy he’d ever seen. He leaned towards her and cupped her mound.

  And she turned rigid, eyes shot open, with a sq
ueal she jerked away from him. Kiri managed in one movement to land on her hands and knees a foot away from him, the shirt fell down over her hips.

  “What do you think you are doing!” she shrieked so loud it hurt his ears. The sight of her took away the pain though. The shirt was mostly open, those hot breasts dangled like fresh fruit, nipples hard from the cool air. Bad thing was the shirt bottom covered her lower parts.

  He said, “Listen, sweetheart,” and pushed some pillows against the headboard and shifted to half lie on them, one arm bent under his head. “You were the one that was lying on top of me, not the other way around. I kept my word, you on the other hand,” he wriggled an eyebrow at her open blouse. “Well, I guess I’m the one that’s not safe, eh?” He almost burst out laughing at the appalled look on her face.

  Kiri lowered her head and saw her shirt wide open exposing her breasts to him. Red flamed up her face, she snatched the shirt closed. “I most certainly was not lying on- on you. You are a degenerate, a- a depraved monster! Stop laughing at me!”

  He couldn’t help it. Damn she was hot. Hair all bedroom mussed, cheeks red with mortification, lips still puffy from his aggressive kisses last night. Bosom heaving, she could have tumbled right out of a romance novel. And, he wanted her so badly his body ached. But, not yet, he couldn’t take her yet. Blink an eyelash at her and she’d be all screaming and fighting again.

  Besides, he had a meeting he needed to get to and he was already running late. He’d take the time later to tame his wild lamb. Teach her, show her who was the boss, and how to please him.

  Naithon rolled off the bed to his feet. She made a small defensive sound, he turned around. Kiri looked like a sensuous tiger, on her hands and knees, tousled hair fluffing around and over one eye. If only he had time right now to play with her, start some lessons on how she would behave with him. Alas, he sighed. “I am taking a shower. I will be out for a meeting. I will have a servant bring you clothes and retrieve you for breakfast.”

  Unmoving, she eyed him with suspicion.

  The corner of his mouth nicked up. “Unless you’d rather be naked, I’m up for that. Or,” his lids levered down like that hunting crocodile, “you may join me in the shower if you’d like.” He almost laughed out loud at her mouth opening astounded then flatten in repulsion. Hmm, she’d better adjust that attitude, and soon. “I’ll leave the door open if you change your mind.”

  As he expected, he showered and shaved alone. Naithon exited the bathroom with a towel around his waist. First thing he noticed was the bed was empty, his ears and senses automatically fine-tuned. He could feel her presence, hear her rapid breaths behind the door. He kept moving towards the bed, letting her play out her plan. Quick pads of bare feet rushed at him.

  Kiri ran up behind him and held a knife to the front of his throat. Stupid him, leaving it out on the table. He’d put his other weapons in the lockbox under the bed. How unexpected of his brave little lamb. She had to stand on tiptoes to reach around and up, she was more likely to hurt herself than him.

  “O- okay, now, Mr. Adranokov, you- you are going to go to the front and unlock the door and then the steel one. I’m go- going to stay behind you, if you try anything, I’ll have to- to hurt you,” her voice shook and raced with apprehension. He was too tall and too broad shouldered, she couldn’t hold the pose. Lowering to her the soles of her feet she moved the knife to prod his back.

  A flash, and Kiri found herself lying on her back on the bed and Naithon straddling her. He held her hand and was forcing her to hold the knife at her own neck! “No! How did you- Mr. Adranokov, please-”

  “Please what, my pet?” He leaned over her, his wet hair flopped in his eyes. He held the knife firmly against her skin. “You were going to kill me, my sweet lamb. Maybe you’re not so sweet, eh?”

  “No! No, I wasn’t going to harm you, I just wanted to leave.” Big frightened eyes batted at him, she lay not moving a muscle, only her chest rose and fell with her terror.

  A hint of a smile, the attacker was more frightened than the victim. He tossed the knife onto the dresser with a clatter of metal on wood, and lowered his body closer to her. Still on his knees, he straddled her but didn’t touch her.

  “Let this be a lesson for you, lamb. I lived with a vicious gang and survived hellish prison. There are very few that can take me on, and tiny delicate females are certainly not in that league.” The towel stretched across his thighs, a blush colored her cheeks. Well, he was a man, it wasn’t like he was used to sitting in a skirt.

  “Please, Mr. Adranokov, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  “Ja, you are correct. You will not do something so foolish again. You could have been seriously hurt. You pull a weapon on a man you better be sure you are in complete control of it, the man, and the situation. Or they will do to you what I just did, only they may carry through with the deed. We on the same page here?”

  Kiri nodded silently. Her gaze traveled the length of his bare chest, over the rocky pecs covered with surprisingly dark hair. Tattoos ran down his arms and part of his neck to his back. Her lips pulled in, they were not pretty tattoos. He watched her studying his body.

  “You can touch anything you want, my curious pigeon.” A grin threatened at her appalled gasp.

  She jerked her gaze away and turned her head. She lay with her arms up, hands by her head in surrender. His attention was drawn to her still heaving bosom. Her shirt was bunched up, his neck heated at the awareness he was naked under the towel. His naked male parts were almost touching her naked female parts. He needed to go.

  Naithon hopped off the bed and stalked to his dresser. Pulled out underwear and let the towel drop. There was that gasp again, a chuckle tickled his throat. His lamb was so inexperienced the sight of a naked male butt shocked and embarrassed her. He should punish her for the knife attack. But, if it was him, he would have done the same thing. Only with success. His opponent would be bloodying the floor right now.

  When he was dressed, tie knotted, hair combed, he swung around. A sound escaped her throat, she’d been watching him, and he caught her at it. Instantly red flowed up her neck to blossom on her face. She turned her head from him, scowling at his chuckle.

  He trod to the door, put his hand on the knob. “Okay, as I said, I’ll be out an hour or so. Someone will bring you clothes and take you to breakfast then bring you back up here.”

  Her lips pushed out in a pout. “Must I stay locked in here, Mr. Adranokov? Can’t I at least explore your home?”

  A frown of irritation tugged his brows down. “Kiri,” he said coldly. “I have had my hands on your body, my tongue down your throat, you slept half naked in my bed, in my arms. We will be consummating our…relationship soon. I do not want to hear you call me by my surname.”

  “Hmm,” her murmur slight, she shifted up on her knees in the bed. Sitting back on her heels, her head tilted at him demurely, with a just a sliver of mocking, she said, “Okay, Boss.”

  The frown deepened. “Do not get smart with me, Kiri, it won’t bode you well.” Satisfaction firmed his mouth at the look of fear that pushed away her snotty expression. “You will remain secured in this room. The servant will bring you back up after breakfast.”


  “Kiri,” he sighed. “There are dangerous men roaming this building that will think you are there to do their bidding. And they won’t ask for permission or stop like I have. There are unknown people killing men in my crew and also your father’s. There is no way of knowing if they plan to dispose of you too. With all that, since my taking of you was so…let’s say dramatic, word will get out fast that you mean something to me. They may try to abduct you as a way to control me. And,” his lip quirked, “let’s not forget your boyfriend, that redheaded asshole will come looking to take you back.”

  “Oh, no, I don’t think Rueford would go to any trouble to come and get me.”

  His smirk humorless, Naithon informed her, “Yes he would. If someone stole you from me, tr
ust me, I would be stepping over their mangled bodies to carry you back home.”

  Ignoring the disbelieving shake of her head, he opened the door. “So, to answer your question, no, you cannot explore anything beyond this suite. You want a tour I will take you when I return. From now on, you won’t leave this room, or this house without me.”

  She scrambled off the bed to her feet. “But surely the grounds are secure-”

  “Kiri,” his sigh short of irritated. “Nothing is secure enough to ensure your safety. Now, you will do as I say. Make sure to eat breakfast, you didn’t touch the food last night. I will have a report on what you eat when I return.”

  She kept a dozen feet between them, her arms outstretched to the side. “You can’t really mean to keep me a prisoner in your chambers trying to control what I do, what I eat.” Her head tilted back, she gazed up at him perplexed. “I don’t understand this, any of it. Why? What happens if I just walk out the front door?”

  Eyes squinting, his voice roughened, “First, I have instructed you to stay here, do not attempt to leave. However, even if you try, you can’t get out of this suite much less the front door.” Frustration edged his words, “You do not want to see what happens if you disobey me. I’ve already let you get away with too much. I brought you here to please me, not to argue about you leaving.” At her angry, shocked expression, he stepped out and shut the door.

  Kiri fumed, groused out loud, “How dare he treat me like I’m his prized puppy? Keeping me locked up, ordering me around like he was my father.” She hurried to the window and peered out, looked down. A chauffer held a door open to a limo. There were several in the drive.

  It was quite some time before she saw Naithon moving from the house to the car. His blond hair shone in the morning light. He wore a trench coat that went to his ankles. The chauffeur nodded respectfully as Naithon slid into the back and the man shut his door. In seconds the car whisked away.


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