Off the Map
Page 71
Clearwater, River 202
Clements, Francis 88, 89, 94, 95
Clerke, Lieutenant Charles 162, 165, 168, 169, 170
clocks see timepieces
coal 14, 73, 80
Coca, River 66, 67
Cochin 50
Cochlearia groendandica see scurvy grass
Coelho, Nicolau 46, 50
Col du Géant 177–9
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 123
collections 293
Collinson, Captain Richard 275, 277, 280, 281, 283–4
Colombia 63, 70, 139, 187
Colonial Office 249
Columbia 124
Columbia, River 200, 202, 203, 205
Columbus, Bartholomew 30
Columbus, Christopher 6–7, 30–41, 45, 53, 63
said to be devout 30
westerly route to China 31
Ferdinand and Isabella sponsor him 33
discovers San Salvador 34
Cuba and Hispaniola 35
annoyance with Pinzón 36
meeting with Guacanagari 36
loss of Santa Maria 37
Atlantic crossing 39
reaches Azores 39
1494 voyage 40
sights mouth of Orinoco (1498) 41
Columbus, Ferdinand 30–1
Committee of the Company of Merchants Trading to Africa 245
Commonwealth Bay 433, 434, 435, 438, 441, 442
Company of Adventurers to the New Found Land 83
Company of the Merchants Discoverers of the North-West Passage 96
Concepción (ship) 53, 56
Condamine, Charles-Marie de la 138–48, 181, 183, 190
lands in Ecuador 141
journey up the River Esmeraldas 142
goes to Lima 143
scales Pichincha volcano 143
expedition falls apart 144
erects pyramids 144
leaves for the Amazon 145
mentions curare 145
champion of vaccination 148
Congo, River 292, 343, 348
Cão travels to mouth of (1483) 42
British expedition sent to mouth of (1816) 228–9
Stanley travels down 348–51
Stanley explores basin 351–2
Foureau reaches 399, 403
Congo Free State 352
conquistadors 7, 64, 68
Constantinople 17
Cook, Dr Frederick 290, 291, 420–1
character description 418–19
gets to North Pole 420
goes to Axel Heiberg Island 420
feted as hero 420
authenticity of diary questioned 421
last words 421
Cook, Captain James 120, 121, 123, 124, 137, 149–70, 264
takes command of Endeavour 149
contrast with Joseph Banks 149–50
concerned with health of crew 151
arrives at Tahiti 153
takes hostages 155
searches for the Great Southern Continent 155–6
arrives New Zealand 156
rounds bottom of South Island 157
reaches Van Diemen’s Land 157
sails into Botany Bay 158
lands at Cape York 159
reaches Batavia 159
illness among crew 159
congratulated by Admiralty 160
takes command of Resolution 160
second visit to Tahiti 161–2
heads for Antarctic 162
halted by pack ice 163
Cook’s analysis of Southern Continent 164
discovers the Sandwich Islands 165
irratic behaviour 166–7
sails to Hawaii 166–7
death 169
national hysteria 170
Cooper’s Creek 297, 298, 299–300, 301, 303, 304, 306
Depot LXV 300, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307
Coppermine River 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 227, 276
Cornwallis Island 275, 279, 282
Coronado (explorer) 7
‘Corps of Discovery’ expedition 195–206
Cortés, Hernán 7, 63–4
Cotopaxi volcano 143
Couplet, M., 139, 142
Courmayeur 174, 177, 179
Covilhan, Pedro de 44–5
Coxcomb, The (on Matterhorn) 320
Crean (member of Imperial Trans Antarctic Expedition) 453, 456, 457, 458
creoles 141
Crimea 9, 11, 22
Crocker Land 417
Cross Island 77, 81
Croz, Michel 322, 323, 324
Crozier, Lieutenant Francis
on Antarctic expedition (1839–43) 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270
on Arctic expedition (1845–8) 271, 273, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 336
Crusaders 7
Crystal Palace 289
Cuba 35, 40–1, 63, 186, 187
Cuenca 143
Cumaná 183, 186
Cumberland House (depot) 219, 220
Cumberland Sound 86
curare 145
currency, paper 14
Daily Mail 291
Daily News 462–3
Daily Telegraph 290–1, 348, 351
Dalton, George 152
Damascus 19, 27
Danenhower (officer) 370
Danes Island 393
Danish Literary Expedition 292
Dar al-Islam (‘Home of Islam’) 18, 19, 21, 27, 29
Darién 63, 64
Darjeeling 463
Dark Ages 4
Darling River 297
Darwin, Charles 189
On the Origin of Species 189
Das, Sarat Chandra 329
Dauphine 175
Dautray, Jean Bourdon 108
Davis, John (10th century explorer) 86, 87, 88
Davis, John (19th century American sealer) 165, 264
Davis, John King 459, 461
Davis Strait 96
De Long, George Washington 290, 369–73, 385, 387
Jeannette imprisoned in ice 369
crew do not get on 370
coal consumption 370
names Henrietta and Jeannette Islands 371
journey to Siberia 371
lands at Lena delta 371
in Siberia 372
Melville finds remains of De Long party 373
Dedrick, Tom 413, 414
deforestation 183
Dehra Dun 193, 326, 327
Delhi 24
Sultanate 19, 21, 24
Delicola 66
Delisle de la Croyère, Louis 130, 131–2
Denham, Major Dixon 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 238, 239
Denmark 125, 149
Deptford 257
Derwent River 267
Désolation 86, 88
Dezhnev, Semen Ivanovich 127
Dias, Bartolomeu 42–3, 44, 45, 46
Diaz, Bernal 7
Digges, Sir Dudley 88
Digges Island 92
Discovery (ship on Arctic expedition, 1610–11) 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96
Discovery (ship on Arctic expedition of Middleton, 18th century) 102
Discovery (ship on Arctic expedition, 1875–6) 361, 362, 363, 365, 375
Discovery (ship on Cook’s expedition) 165, 168, 169, 170
Discovery (ship on Scott’s Antarctic expedition) 423
Disko Island 379
Disraeli, Benjamin 361
Dnieper River 9
Dolphin (ship) 153
Dôme du Goûter 174, 175, 176
Dominican Republic 35
Don, River 4
Douay, Anastase 111, 113
Douglas, Lord Francis 322, 323, 324
Drake, Sir Francis 8
Drummond (naturalist) 227
Duhaut (member of La Salle’s expedition) 112–13
Dumas, Alexandre, 176
Dumont d’Urville, Jules-Sébastien-César 124, 264, 270
Durban 351
p; Eagle (balloon) 393–4, 395
East Indies 6, 18, 19, 53, 157, 159 see also Indies
Easter Island 162, 164
Ebierbing (Inuit) 337
Ecuador 63, 139, 141, 187
Edinburgh Review 234, 241
Edison, Thomas 369
Edward Bonaventure (ship) 73
Egypt 5, 9, 18–19, 22, 44, 48, 180, 233
Eiffel Tower 485
Eiger 295, 316
El Dorado 65, 66
El Kanemi, Sultan 232, 233, 235, 236
electric eels 184–5
Elephant Island 452, 457, 458–9
Elison (member of Greely’s Arctic expedition) 381, 382, 383
Elizabeth I, Queen 75
Ellesmere Island 290, 337, 420
Aldrich explores (1875–6) 363, 364
Greely’s expedition on (1881–4) 377, 378, 379, 380–4
and Peary’s expeditions 413, 414, 415, 417
Ellsworth, Lincoln 477
Emin Pasha 352
Emma (ship) 458
Empire Day 448
Empire of the Great Khan 11–16, 17
Endeavour (ship) 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158–9, 160
Endeavour Strait 159
Enderby Brothers 165, 264
Enderby Land 264, 445
Endurance (ship) 445, 447, 448, 449, 451, 453, 456
England 7, 73, 83, 86, 88, 103, 109, 115 see also Britain
English Channel 159
Enkhuisen 75
Enlightenment 119, 120, 122, 138, 181, 189, 294
Enrique (Magellan’s slave) 53, 58, 59
Enterprise (ship) 275, 277, 280
Erebus (ship) 265, 268–9, 271, 273, 282, 283, 284
Erhardt, Jacob 308, 310
Ericsson, Leif 3
Esmeralda 186
Esmeraldas, River 142
Espaniola see Hispaniola/Espaniola
Espinosa, Gonzalo Gómez de 59, 60
Etah, 124, 207, 209, 293, 337, 412, 419, 420
Ethiopia 44–5
King of 7, 45
Etoile (ship) 153
Europe 4–5, 7, 8, 122–3, 293 see also Alps; names of countries
Evans, Edgar 427, 428, 429
Everest 193, 295, 462–76
Everest, Lieutenant George 193
Experiment (boat) 195, 197, 201, 204
Falkland Islands 86, 151, 153, 268, 269, 453, 458
Far East 4, 41, 50 75, 119, 194
Marco Polo in 11–17, 18
Columbus aims to reach 30–1
Columbus believes he has reached 34, 38 see also names of countries
Felix Harbour 258, 261
Ferdinand, King of Spain 31, 33, 40
Fernando Po 241
Fez 29, 254
Fiala, Anthony 292
Finch, George 465, 466, 467–8, 469, 470, 471, 472
Fitzjames, James 271, 273, 282
Flatters, Colonel Paul 398
Flinders, Matthew 217
Flinders River 300
Floeberg Beach 362
Foggy Island 227
Fontano (voyageur) 224
Fort Chipewayan 219, 220
Fort Clatsop 203, 204
Fort Conger 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 383, 414
Fort Enterprise 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226
Fort Franklin 227
Fort Frontenac 106, 109
Fort Providence 220, 224, 226
Fort St Louis (Gulf of Mexico) 111, 112, 114–15
Fort St Louis (Starved Rock) 108
Fortuna (ship) 127, 128, 129, 130
Foureau, Fernand 398–403
leaves Biskra with 381
men 399
gets to Hoggar 400
reaches Ténéré 400
rests in Iférouãne 401
reaches Agadez 401
encounters storm 402
gets to Lake Chad 403
back in France 403
Fox (ship) 282, 283
Foxe, Luke 97, 99–100, 102
account of necessary supplies 97
descriptions of nature 99
gets to Foxe His Furthest 99
goes home 100
Foxe Basin 99, 213, 214, 217, 226
Foxe Channel 99, 102
Foxe His Furthest 99–100
Fraenkel, Knut 393–7
Fram (ship) 385–7, 391, 414, 426
France 6, 7, 122, 123, 124, 149, 187, 249, 335, 352
and colonization of America 103–15
expeditions sent by Academy of Sciences 138–48
sells Louisiana 115, 194
expedition to Timbuctoo 250–5
exploration of Sahara 289–90, 398–403
Franciscans 11
Franco-Prussian War 353
Franklin, Benjamin: Memoirs 184
Franklin, Lady Jane 274, 281, 282
Franklin, Sir John 262, 325
description of Franklin 217–19
explores Canada (1818–25) 123, 217–27
temperature 219–20
tries charm on Akaitcho 220
journey home 221
faints from hunger and exposure 222
reaches Coppermine River 222
swollen with oedema 225
in Fort Enterprise 224–5
leaves Fort Enterprise 226
renown at home 226
returns to North America 227
reaches Foggy Island 227
as governor of Tasmania 265, 267
Arctic expedition (1845–8) 122, 270, 271–3
First Lord tries to dissuade Franklin 272
1,700 volume library installed 273
leaves England 273
disappearance 273
search for 273–85, 336, 361, 362, 422
John Ross looks for Franklin 274
Edward Belcher sent 274–5
McClure searches 275–80
Belcher court-martialled for loss of ships 280
account of Inuit on Franklin’s fate 281
skeletons found 282
note 282
later forensic science on findings 284
inspires new generation of polar explorers 124, 285, 426, 488
Fransz, Jan 81
Franz Josef, Emperor 359
Franz Josef Land 292, 375, 484, 485
discovered by Weyprecht and von Payer (1872–4) 291, 355–8
Nansen’s plan to retreat to 387, 388
Nansen and Johanssen on (1895–6) 389–91
Andrée attempts to reach (1897) 395–6
and Abruzzi’s expedition (1899–1900) 404, 407, 408, 409, 414
Nobile flies over (1928) 480
Frederick (Inuit) 377, 379, 381
French Academy of Sciences 119, 125, 130, 138–9, 144
French Guiana 138, 146
French Revolution 119
Freshfield, Sir Douglas 470–1
Friendly Islands 162
Frobisher, Martin 85, 88, 336
Frobisher Strait 85–6
Frontenac, Count Louis 105, 109
Fuchs, Arved 454
Funk, Casimir 427
Furious Overfall 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96 see also Hudson Strait
Furnace (ship) 102
Furneaux, Lieutenant Tobias 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165
Fury (ship) 213, 214, 215, 261, 262
Fury and Hecla Strait 214
Fury Beach 215, 257, 261, 262
Gabriel (ship on Bering’s expedition) 128, 129, 130
Gabriel (ship on Frobisher’s expedition) 85
Galloway 257
Gama, Juan de 130–1
Gama, Paulo da 46, 50
Gama, Vasco da 7, 42–50, 51
arrives Cape Verde
Islands 46
South Africa 46
crew and scurvy 46
piracy 47
arrives in Calicut 47–9
reaches Africa on return voyage 49
casualties on voyage 50
Roteiro da primeira viagem de
Vasco da Gama 46
Gama Land 130–1
Gambia, the 245
Ganges plain 193
Gao 29
Gap Valley 365
Garden Island 268
Garling, Lieutenant James 191–2
Geneva 171, 176, 316, 317
Genghis Khan 9
Genoa 5, 30
Geographical Society of Paris 250, 255, 399, 403
George (ship) 73
George V, King 447
Gerlache, Lieutenant Adrien de 422
Germania (ship) 331, 333, 334
Germany 187, 331, 335, 353
Ghadames 246, 249
Gibbons, William 96
Gibbons His Hole bay 96
Giordano, Felice 322
Gjoa (ship) 426
Goa 44, 49, 50, 51
Gobi Desert 13, 14, 329
Godin, Isabella 146–8
Godin, Louis 139, 144
Godin des Odonais, Jean 139, 144, 145, 146
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 180
gold 35–6, 36–7, 38, 43, 64–5. 243, 327
Golden Age of Mountaineering 319, 324
Golden Horde 23
Khan of the 22–3
Goltzius 77
Gomes, Estevão 56, 61
Gondokoro 312, 313
Good Moor, the (pilot) 47, 49
Gore, Graham 282, 283
Graham Land 445, 449, 452
Granada 33
Grand Plateau 174, 176, 177
Grandmaison, Joaquin 147
Grant, James Augustus 312, 313, 345
Grant Land 337
Gravesend 88
Gray, Charles 300, 301
Great Barrier Reef 158
Great Bear Lake 227
Great Cataracts 185
Great Exhibition (1851) 289, 294
Great Fish River 43, 283
Great Lakes 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 194
Great Slave Lake 219, 220
Great Southern Continent 180, 267
Cook’s expedition in search of 149–70
Great Theodolite 191, 193
Great Trigonometrical Survey 190–3, 326–30
Great Wall of China 13
Greely, Adolphus 375–84, 414, 417
Fort Conger 376
rancour among group 377
sends out two expeditions 377
support ship does not appear 378
establishes station at Littleton Island 378
Pavy put under arrest 379
men consider mutiny 380
camp at Cape Sabine 381
Lockwood dies 381
Pavy dies 382
Greely has man shot 382
rescue ships sent 382
Captain Schley finds Greely 383
Elison dies 383
evidence of cannibalism 383–4
Green, William 149, 152, 159
Greene, Henry 88, 90, 91, 92, 93
Greenland 72, 73, 88, 96, 210, 273, 290, 324, 337, 340, 481
and Vikings 3
Frobisher in (1585–6) 86
Hudson travels up coast of (1607) 87
Ross discovers world’s most northerly inhabitants in 207, 209
Danish Literary Expedition to 292
expedition of Koldewey and Hegemann to (1869–70) 331–5
Beaumont in (1875–6) 363, 365, 377