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Charming: The Coast Book 9

Page 5

by Hart, Eve R.

  “The fuck!” Charming yelled and for some reason, his body started to vibrate more.

  It no longer felt good. Between the blood in my head and the weird movement against my stomach…

  “Barf!” I yelled out.

  I was on my feet in less than a second. Charming held onto one side while Blade held my other.

  I took in a deep whiff of fresh air and felt much better. It was a close call but thank the twinkling stars, I didn’t puke. How embarrassing would that have been? This situation was already bad enough.

  “Hey,” I said pointing my finger at Charming. “You ruined my night! I was having fun.”

  Something that looked like hurt flashed across his face.

  “Get her home,” he said as his beautiful eyes left mine to give the order to Blade. Then he turned around and walked off like it was no big deal.

  “Come on. You want some pizza? Tacos?” Blade asked as he pulled me into his side and started to walk off in the opposite direction.

  “What did I do?” I asked feeling suddenly sad.

  “Nothing,” he said and it sounded like he sighed. Weird. “He’s just got a lot on his mind.”

  “Pizza, please,” I said after a long moment.

  “You got it.”

  So much for my fun night of dancing.

  At this point, I was just ready for bed.

  But first, pizza.



  “Oh!” Abigail’s shocked voice filtered into my ears causing my eyes to pop open instantly.

  Now that they were opened, I realized that the brightness I’d seen behind my lids wasn’t from my impending orgasm. It was from the bright light that was on the outside wall next to my door. If I had been in my right mind, I would have realized that the chick I was buried inside wasn’t all that great. There was no way I would have been seeing stars.

  My body froze. I was mid-thrust and though I tried not to, I turned my head and took in the sight of a wide-eyed Abigail standing in the doorway.

  Her eyes bounced from me, down to the woman I was fucking from behind, then wandered even further down to take in Blade and his turned around position. Her eyes seemed to pause a good long second, frozen to Blade’s cock that had slipped out of this chick’s mouth. Abigail didn’t even blink before she moved her gaze away, following the line of his body to the spot where his head was between her thighs.

  This was bad.

  Very bad.

  But could I tell you why?


  First of all, Abigail was a little innocent. I wasn’t sure just how much, but right now, it was pretty clear she’d never taken in a sight like the one she was currently looking at.

  Second, well, maybe it should have been first, but she was Dade’s sister. Which put her somewhere around sister level for me. Or it should have.

  “I-I… Sorry!” she said as her body jolted out of its frozen state. She turned without another word and the door slammed closed and then there was the sound of her feet slapping against the concrete walkway, fading until I couldn’t hear them any longer.

  “Fuck!” I roared as I pulled myself free from the chick that I was still half-buried inside.

  She made some kind of pouting sound but all I could think about was getting to Abigail.

  “Did you know she was there?” I growled at Blade as I yanked my pants up my legs.

  His face looked at me from between the chick’s spread legs. He seemed a lot less freaked out than I was at the moment. Which didn’t sit easy with me.

  He said nothing but I could tell in his eyes that he’d seen her before I had. Or at least known that she was there. That irritated me beyond words for some reason.

  “We have to go after her,” I said as I punched my arms through the appropriate holes in my shirt, then practically ripped the thing down my torso.

  “No we don’t,” he stated coolly. Then like the asshole that he was, he wrapped his hands around the chick’s thighs and went back to town licking her.

  She let out a loud moan which hit my ears sounding like a knife scraping over glass.

  Blade jerked his hips up and she got the hint right away. As her head lowered back down and her lips wrapped around his cock, I let out a frustrated huff.



  Yeah, I had to go after Abigail.

  As I wrenched the door open, I wondered why she had been here in the first place.

  I stepped out of my room and my eyes instantly landed on the drips of fresh blood on the concrete.

  She was hurt.

  Double fuck.

  Suddenly, Blade wasn’t the only asshole.

  And I was maybe the biggest one.

  It had been a few days since I’d gone crazy at the club. I wouldn’t even try to say it was something else. When I heard that she was going out, I started to lose it. I called one of the prospects that were watching them and found out where the hell they were. I should have just stayed home but I couldn’t. I fucked up that night. It seemed like I was real good at that lately. And instead of standing up and saying I was sorry, I had been avoiding her for the last three days.

  I hit the landing of the stairs and vaulted over the side, not bothering to stumble my way down the bottom half.

  My feet pounded across the lot and I dashed up the stairs to the second building.

  “Abigail,” I yelled as I banged on her door. I paused and listened but there wasn’t any kind of sound indicating she was in her room.

  After a quick peek in her open window, I turned and rushed to the kitchen. Finding it empty, I continued to search the rest of the clubhouse.

  “Have you seen Abigail?” I asked Tripp when I saw him sitting there playing with his phone.

  “Yeah,” he responded with a nod. “She cut herself and was looking for you like five minutes ago.”

  Where would she go then?

  The med room.

  I pushed open the door to the front of the compound with more force than necessary causing it to bang against the wall behind it. My stride was wide and quick as I headed to where I thought she might be. When I reached the door to the med room, I hesitated for a split second.

  I could hear that someone was in there rummaging around. It had to be her, so I didn’t get my guard up right away.

  “Abigail,” I said softly as I pushed open the door.

  “I-I just need some gauze. I’ve got it,” she said but didn’t turn around to face me.

  “Let me look at it,” I said, making sure to keep the tightness out of my voice.

  Her arms jerked and a roll of gauze fell out of her hands, unraveling a little as it rolled across the floor.

  Then I was there, inches away from her back and gently wrapping my fingers around her elbow.

  Her shoulders sagged, telling me that she was giving in simply because she didn’t see a way out of it.

  That made me feel like crap.

  She wouldn’t meet my eyes as I guided her to the table and gently lifted her up. I had no idea of why I’d helped her, the table wasn’t all that tall and she could have done it herself.

  Maybe I just wanted an excuse to touch her some more.

  “What the hell did you do?” I asked with a little shock in my tone as I pulled the bloodied paper towel away from her hand.

  “I was organizing the kitchen and dropped a glass bottle. I must not have been paying attention when I went to clean it up,” she said softly.

  She still wouldn’t lift her head to look at me. Her cheeks were pink and I had a feeling there was more to the story.

  Or it could be because she saw you naked and fucking some chick with Blade.

  I tried to ignore my inner thoughts for the time being. I had to take care of her and I definitely didn’t want to talk about what she’d walked in on.

  It was a bad cut. More like a slice along the heel of her palm. I couldn’t even begin to think of how it had happened.

  “Oh, no,” she s
aid suddenly drawing my attention up to her eyes. “I-I can’t do blood. I might—”

  Her words cut off as she snapped her mouth shut. Oh, shit. She looked a little green and I felt a little worried that I might end up with puke on me.

  “Hey,” I said softly. “Look at me, okay. Don’t look at it. You’re fine.”

  “I can’t do that,” she said, her head shaking back and forth.

  “You can’t look at me?”

  “Nope,” she said firmly.

  I held back my chuckle. It was funny, but it also wasn’t. Because I had a good idea of why she couldn’t look at me. And no, it wasn’t something I was going to address. Not ever.

  “Okay,” I said patiently. “Then look at something else.” I moved away to wash my hands, glove up, and grab supplies. I didn’t really think I needed gloves with her but it was kind of a habit. When I turned back around, her attention was on something other than her bloody hand. I saw the heat hit her cheeks as she got caught staring at my ass. But I wasn’t a big enough dick to say something about it.

  Neither one of us spoke while I cleaned her wound and inspected it. It was deeper than I had expected, making me think that there had been some kind of pressure behind it. Like she could have slipped and fallen onto the glass. It did kind of seem like something that would happen to her. For some reason, one that I wasn’t going to address right now, it bothered me that I hadn’t been around to help her right away.

  I wondered what she’d been doing up at this time of night and out of her room. It wasn’t typically like her. A million things ran through my head as to what could have been wrong.

  “You know,” she said so quietly I barely heard her and my ear was inches away from her lips. My eyes darted to look at those lips, just to make sure I knew the words that followed. “I’m not as sheltered and naïve as everyone thinks I am.”

  I cleared my throat and quickly dropped my gaze back to her wound. It was best to act as if I hadn’t heard her, right? Because I couldn’t think about her like that. I couldn’t think of Dade’s sweet, shy sister and sex at the same time. No.

  “I know what you guys do when I’m not around,” she kept going. Her voice was shaky but with each word she pushed out, it was like she gained some kind of power. “And I’m aware of what you and Sketch and Blade like to do with each other.”

  I couldn’t stop the snort at her wording.

  “No, wait! Not like… I mean, with a woman,” she quickly said. Then she let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m just saying that I know. I might not have seen anything like that before today and yeah, I wasn’t expecting it, but it was kind of my fault for not knocking. I just saw the blood and I panicked and went looking for you.”

  “Abigail,” I said and had to clear my throat again. Her eyes danced up my chest until they settled on mine. “We don’t have to talk about this.”

  Please don’t. Just drop it, for the love of God. Please!

  What? You want me to say that I’d never thought of Abigail in that way? I couldn’t do that without lying. I said I couldn’t think of her that way. So yeah, as wrong as it was, I’d let her slip into my mind a few times. It felt wrong every time and even more so now that Dade was gone.

  She huffed out a breath.

  “Fine. But I just want to say that you don’t have to be ashamed.” She winced as I smoothed the tape down over her palm. “I know what sex is. I’ve even had it a few times. I mean, it was a while ago. But still, I’ve done things before. And Bridget bought me a vibrator and I know how to use it. Actually, she’s bought me four now. I’m not sure why they keep giving up on me.” Her voice trailed off as she spoke almost like she forgot I was in the room with her.

  Yep, I definitely had blood flowing down south now. Once those thoughts were there, well, it wasn’t so easy to get rid of them.

  I didn’t know any of that. I shouldn’t have known, not before and not now.

  I still hadn’t said anything. Honestly, words were quickly fleeing my brain at the moment.

  “Wh-what’s it like?” she asked snapping my attention away from her chest. I hadn’t even realized I was looking there.

  “Huh?” I asked in a daze.

  “To share a girl? Well, woman. And Blade’s head was… down there. I mean, I get what he was doing, but wouldn’t some part of him be touching you too at some point? Or like, did his tongue, like, swipe over your balls or something sometimes? It seems like it would happen.”

  Holy fuck!

  No, I was not going to be the one to explain any of this to Abigail.

  “And when that happened, did you like it? I’m not judging! I just want to know.”

  “You’re all set,” I nearly yelled out.

  “Oh, right. Um, sorry. Just forget… I wasn’t thinking. Thanks, Charming.”

  The shy, embarrassed Abigail was back. Her head dropped as she hopped off of the table. But I hadn’t taken a step back yet and her body was now flush with mine. I swallowed hard and prayed she wouldn’t say anything about the obvious bulge I had in my pants.

  Her mouth dropped open as she tilted her head back to look at me.

  Those lips…

  No, not those lips.

  Don’t think about those lips.

  But I couldn’t help it. Suddenly, I wanted to know what they felt like.

  With a shake of my head, I stepped back.

  I had been so close to giving in.

  Hell, maybe I should have.

  But it wasn’t right.

  Not for so many reasons.

  And I’d never disrespect her by kissing her while I had the scent of another woman on me.

  “Charm?” her voice was a sweet whisper and I knew what she was thinking.

  My head dropped, my eyes going to the floor.

  “You should go, Abigail,” I told her in a tone that sounded strained and harsh. I hadn’t meant it to, but maybe it was for the best.



  “Oh, my…” I panted out in a panic. “Stupid, stupid. Why couldn’t you just shut your mouth? Oh, no.”

  I had cleaned up the mess from the broken bottle and its spilled contents. Thank goodness I somehow managed to do it and not cause myself any further harm. Honestly, that felt like a win. I was now shoving the rest of the stuff I had pulled out of the cabinets back in. Only, it was a little more organized than before. That was what I’d come down here to do, so I wasn’t going to quit until it was done, injured hand or not.

  “Are you okay?” Bridget asked causing me to freeze in the middle of the kitchen and clench my chest, which was beating wildly.

  “No,” I snapped. I was half scared because I didn’t expect her to be here. Obviously, I had been talking to myself like a crazy person. And maybe my heart was still beating wildly from the embarrassing verbal diarrhea I had in front of Charming.

  I didn’t bother asking why she was here. I knew Lake was away on some kind of club business or a run or something, and that she preferred staying at the compound when he was gone.

  Bridget laughed letting me know that she got that I wasn’t snapping at her.

  “What happened?” she asked coolly as she walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer. “And how come you’re up so late? Not that I mind. I wouldn’t say no to some company right now. But you’re usually tucked away by this time.”

  “I know and I was in my room, I should have stayed there,” I said with a sigh and slumped against the counter. “I couldn’t sleep and I figured since it was a weeknight, it might be okay if I came down here. I needed something to do and I had it in my mind to organize the kitchen.”

  “You know it doesn’t really matter to these guys what day of the week it is?” She raised a brow at me.

  “I know,” I told her with a roll of my eyes. “Once word got around that I was down here, everyone fled like the place was on fire.”

  “They’re just trying to be respectful.”

  “I feel like a leper. Heaven forbid Abigail know
anything about sex. Oh, no, not sweet, innocent Abigail.” I added a mock gasp of shock.

  “I have a feeling that’s not all of it though. What else happened?” she asked between sips of her beer.

  “I’m going to need one of those if I’m going to talk about it,” I said and stomped my way over to the fridge. So what if I was underage. And I dared anyone to say something to me about it. I had no plans to leave the compound and it wasn’t like I was going to get drunk, though I kind of needed to with the way my night had gone. “So my clumsy butt dropped the friggin’ olive oil. The good one in the glass bottle.”

  Bridget cringed and I had a feeling she knew what was coming next.

  “Of course I go to clean it up and I slip in the stuff. Yeah, I cut my hand up real good.” I held up my poor injured hand to show her.

  “That blows. Are you okay? I see you got it patched up. Did Charming help you with that?” She winked at me and it was all I could do not to roll my eyes.

  “Oh, that’s not even the bad part, just wait,” I said and mentally kicked myself as I thought of everything that had happened. “I panicked because there was blood everywhere— okay, not everywhere, but you know I’m not good with blood. So, I’m running around like a crazy person. Charming isn’t in the med room, right? I don’t know what I was thinking, it’s not like he just hangs out in there all the time. Anyway, I take off for his room and bust through the door without even knocking.”

  “Oh, shit. No,” she said with a gasp.

  “Yeah, I did. And there is Blade and Charming and some woman I’ve never seen before, just going at it.”

  Bridget was laughing so hard at this point that she had to set down her beer so she could grab her stomach.

  “I’m like frozen watching. Blade… well, he sees me first. But it’s only like a flash of a second before I can’t see his eyes anymore. And I can’t look away but it was like I could feel him burning a hole through me though I couldn’t see him. Oh, this is so embarrassing.”

  “Please keep going, this is too good,” she said trying to quell her laughter.


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