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By the Sword

Page 27

by Christian Kachel

  “Why Cassander? Tell me about him.”

  “He was with Alexander at the beginning, studying and training with him and the rest of the boys from noble Macedonian houses. The two never liked each other, however, and Antipater was unable to convince the King to take his son with him on the great Persian conquest. Alexander’s heroic deeds bred greater animosity within Cassander, who remained with his father in Pella, watching his nemesis’s name glorified throughout the world. Antipater was finally able to arrange for Cassander to join Alexander in Babylon upon the completion of the eastern campaign. It is whispered Alexander intended to replace Antipater with Craterus and Cassander was sent to establish an ally of Antipater in Alexander’s court. Cassander was by this time no more than a distant unpleasant memory to Alexander, yet Cassander had little choice but to hear Alexander’s name spoken daily. His father is now an old man and Cassander fully intends to remove all Argead threats to his rule of Macedon. Orontes came to hear of Cassander’s contempt of Alexander and searched him out upon returning to Babylon after the eastern campaign. The two united their twisted motivations into a joined purpose and have been waiting for Cassander’s succession to further their goals. It is even alleged they were behind Alexander’s death in Babylon.”

  “And you. Why are you a part of this sinister plot?”

  “I was a lowly staff officer with General Ptolemy when Nikandros first approached me. I do not hold the hatred of the Argead line as Orontes and Cassander do, but Alexander is dead and we all must choose our sides wisely. What does it matter to me if Alexander IV or that imbecile assumes the throne? Men like Ptolemy, Antipater, and Antigonus are the real seats of power now and I’m not going to hitch my fortunes to an infant and an idiot. If I serve the leaders of my faction well, I will be rewarded accordingly. Nikandros spoke of your faction. He said you were all blind fanatics, doing the will of a dead man, being led by his secretary. I chose my side and thus worked hard to ensure its success. Killing me now won’t change the logic of my chosen path, nor those of my colleagues.”

  I could see Vettias was infuriated by all he had been told but made sure not to take out his anger on the captive lest he become hesitant in divulging more about our adversaries. “You’ve done well, Pirus, and you withstood my initial questioning honourably. We’ll get to your colleagues a little later. Right now I am going to tend to your wounds under the assumption that your initial stubbornness has ebbed and we will talk as comrades. If I determine you are attempting to be less than completely truthful with me, however, the gag will be placed back in your mouth and I will graduate to crueller methods of pain. Am I making the correct choice in doing this?”

  Pirus gave a weak nod in the affirmative. “Good. Andrikos, give him some strong wine while I dress his wound.”

  Chapter 28

  The next two hours were spent dressing Pirus’ extensive wounds and plying him with strong wine. Pirus was in too much pain to eat the food offered, but he continued to be cooperative by giving a detailed list of known operatives within Orontes’ network. Davos scribbled down each name, shaking his head when he did not recognize the individual, which prompted Vettias to ask for more identifying information. After divulging about eight names, Vettias ceased his interrogation and re-bandaged Shifty’s wound while allowing him to continue to eat and drink. The morning lull caused me to begin daydreaming about my ability to succeed in this underworld of dark arts when a rap at the door startled me back into the situation at hand.

  I turned quickly to see Ox barge unceremoniously into the room. His stout physique made the wooden planks of the floor eek with each brazen step. He took a quick inventory of our morose guests and called Vettias into the opposite corner of the room. His lack of reaction led me to believe this was not the first torture den he’d walked into. After whispering a few words, Vettias halted him and called me to join the two of them outside in small alley jutting away from our apartment building. Davos remained to keep watch over our prisoners.

  “Start from the beginning; I want Andrikos to hear this.”

  “Everything is set for you to meet with the Queen later this evening,” Ox stated proudly. “She is residing in the main palace within the grounds- the same palace where our young girl is currently working. I can get you into the palatial harem as a personal friend to someone from the battle staff but it’s going to cost you. From there Mara will guide you to the central garden where you will be met by one of the Queen’s entourage. You will know her by the white Jasmine in her hair. You will approach her and ask directions to the palatial bath house. She will guide you there and utilize a little known corridor that links to the Queen’s palatial suites. Now, you will need to look the part if you are to enter and move about the palace unmolested.”

  “We have proper garments,” Vettias assured.

  “And this one?” Ox asked, looking at me. “He looks like he is straight from the stables.”

  “The lad’s been conducting some pretty dirty work the past twelve hours; we’ll clean him up.”

  “You could have Davos,” Ox offered, not convinced of my abilities.

  “We’re going to need Davos’ special talents to search out and eliminate Pirus’ network. Besides, I have faith in the boy.”

  “Suit yourself,” Ox relented. “Be ready to go at the small tent near my headquarters two hours before dusk. That will give you enough time to clean yourselves up and look presentable. There’s a bathhouse that has been set up near our encampment.”

  “I’m going to need two of your men to watch our guests,” Vettias added. “Give Davos what he needs to strike the network while we are away.”

  “Are we ready for such a bold action?” Ox asked doubtfully. “Such an attack will no doubt rile the survivors, forcing us to go to ground.”

  “We need to have Orontes’ network off balance when the Queen makes her move.”

  “Just know you will be hunted after tonight. I’ll see you in a few hours. Two of my men will be here soon. After tonight you’ll need to move your little dungeon over to the kid’s apartment to be safe. Go get cleaned up; you two smell like vomit and gore.” Ox departed without being persuaded in the likelihood of our chances of success, yet remained earnest in his willingness to do all he could on our behalf.

  Vettias and I returned to the apartment, where Vettias instructed Davos to spend the rest of the day locating the individuals Pirus identified and learning where they slept, where they ate, and where they screwed. “Don’t begin the cleansing until three hours after dusk. Make sure Ox provides you competent men to carry this plan out. When it’s over, release your comrades and make your way towards the kid’s apartment. We’ll meet you there after we finish our audience with the Queen. Make sure your help knows to take extra precautions after tonight.”

  “You know this is going to set off a war in the shadows of this place,” Davos replied indifferently.

  “Nothing you can’t handle,” Vettias answered with a smile. “You should see the overt war I’m going to start tomorrow.”

  Davos disappeared into the now sunlit streets, busy with staff running around preparing all manner of tasks for the day’s palatial functions. Vettias and I sat in the apartment waiting two hours for Ox’s prison guards to arrive. Shifty, still tied to his chair, had dozed off with his head lurched over, resting on one side of his chest. Pirus, who by now was more than a little drunk, sat calmly in the opposite corner, letting out a quiet whimper of pain every few minutes. A loud rap at the door alerted us to the guards’ presence.

  “Hey,” Vettias called over to Pirus. “No questions for you today; we’re going to let you recover a bit. I’m going to leave you two with these guards for a while. I’m going to instruct them to go easy on you, redress your wounds periodically, and make sure you are eating and drinking. I don’t have to do this but I am keeping my word regarding your cooperation. Don’t mistake my newfound kindness as weakness, understand? When I return I may have some more questions that I expect answered immedi
ately. Alright?”

  “Yes, th-thank you,” Pirus responded weakly as Vettias and I exited the apartment and made our way to the makeshift bathhouse.

  “Ox is right, however; you smell of piss and vomit,” Vettias chided. “Let’s get cleaned up and changed. Mara will probably want to see a familiar face. Because my face is too well known by many of the people inhabiting the main palace for this summit, I will be travelling in the guise of a local slave tending to my master within the grounds. You will be playing my master- the son of a wealthy merchant here to trade with the world’s most powerful men. You are taking me to the palace harem because you like to watch and are willing to give large amounts of coin for your fetish to be enacted. You will ask for Mara because her name has been ringing the grounds of Triparadeisus this morning.”

  Vettias pushed a heavy purse into my hand as we arrived at the makeshift bathhouse.

  “Do you think you can pull this off?”

  “You’ve taught me all you could in the short amount of time we’ve had together, if I can’t rise to the occasion here, I’ll never be able to. Better to find out now. Besides, this purse will alleviate anyone’s hesitance to believe me.”

  “Very well, go get cleaned up in there and change- I want you looking the part. I too will be looking the part and will don the local attire, allowing me to have a reason to cover much of my face. I’m also going to forgo bathing, so I’ll be waiting for you just inside the bathhouse in the character of your loyal servant. My name will be Roda- I heard it uttered by a local slave boy yesterday afternoon and sounds as good as any. You will retain the name of Raman to make it easy for you. When you emerge from your cleansing, we will both have assumed our new personas, understood?”

  “Yes Roda, now sit in that corner and wait until I emerge,” I ordered sarcastically. Vettias deferentially obliged.

  My enjoyable experience lasted about ninety minutes, which gave us two hours before the appointed time to meet at Ox’s tent. Vettias and I took a leisurely dinner in a tucked-away food stand under a small tent to keep Vettias’ face out of public view from unseen agents of Orontes. Vettias passed the time reiterating our plan and going over several ‘dos and don’ts’ of potential situations that may occur. When the hour approached, we made our way to Ox’s side tent, where we found him waiting for us inside.

  Ox looked us over with a sceptical examination and asked again if Vettias was sure our little ruse would succeed.

  “I have faith in the kid; does he not look like he belongs?” Vettias asked.

  “Until he opens his mouth,” Ox replied. “It’s my ass that will be exposed if one of you finds yourself on the other end of a conversation with Orontes, Vettias. You think this kid is going to keep my name out of his mouth when they start making him bleed?”

  “I don’t think I would,” Vettias retorted. “That is why we are taking such care to ensure we don’t get caught.”

  “Just remember others are depending on this. We are going to stir a hornet’s nest after tonight. Alright kid, your rich merchant father is managing a large deal with the army for the acquisition of needed equipment. I am doing him a personal favour by getting his little shit of a son laid by the most beautiful women in the world at the palace harem. Look at me… You ready?”

  “Yes,” I answered confidently.

  “Then follow me.” We departed the side tent and followed Ox past the guards and through the gate leading onto the Triparadeisus grounds. We followed the grand thoroughfare leading past the servant’s quarters to the main palace. As we approached, I began to notice the opulent details of the structure that I had not had the time to observe since my hectic time spent on the grounds. The dusty earth gave way to well-manicured green bushes, shrubs, bushes, trees, and exotic flowers. Docile game such as peacocks, giraffes and small monkeys wandered freely throughout the landscape. More dangerous predatory cats lay in comfortable shade chained to large trees.

  The foundation of the palace stood fifteen feet above the ground consisting of massive stones painted blue with numerous golden mythical Persian animals. Two immense stone staircases, lined with marble gryphons painted gold in the Persian style, bridged the foundation opposite each other leading to the grand entrance. Ox successfully used his rank to get us past the four guards posted at the staircase and we ascended to the columned entrance hall. The approximately fifty columns were twenty feet high and painted blue with gold capitals and pedestals. Sitting atop the columns was a vast white marble relief depicting epic scenes from Persian mythology. In the middle of the relief was a massive golden faravahar: the half-man, half-eagle guardian of the Achaemenid Royal Dynasty.

  The palace was a tiered structure with another level of manicured landscaping on the first roof, followed by another set of columns supporting a second large relief and third level with manicured gardens and trees hanging down onto the second. At the very top of the structure was an open-air, four-walled edifice covered in large relief sculptures brightly painted green and shining in the late afternoon son. Sitting atop each corner was a winged Persian sphinx. A green pyramid-shaped canopy sat atop the rooftop edifice, capping off the massive palace. Whereas several of the other conquered regions of Persia we entered were already adopting Greek architecture and customs, Triparadeisus and its mighty palaces retained their unmistakably Persian characteristics of extravagance. Uncle Argos would be at a loss for words in the presence of such a magnificent building.

  Entering the great entrance hall, my senses were overwhelmed by the elaborate marble patterns of the flooring and lavish ceiling inlaid with gold and jewels. The walls were ornately painted with Persian iconography and traditional art patterns. The front atrium held the largest eastern-style rug containing the most intricate design I had ever seen. Perceiving the bewilderment my surroundings were having on me, Vettias quietly reminded me of my character and to remain in control of my faculties. His nudge snapped me back into persona as a hairless, feminine-looking male attendant approached us.

  “Welcome to the Triparadeisus Palace gentlemen. What business do you have here?”

  “I am Ponteus of General Ptolemy’s battle staff. This is Raman, son of the powerful merchant Nashiram whose name is known throughout this land. The battle staff of General Ptolemy has granted Raman brief use of the palace harem as part of an agreed acquisition compact.” Ox completed his introduction by placing several coins in the attendant’s hand. “I trust we will have no issues here and you will personally lead us to the palace harem.”

  “But of course,” the attendant replied fairly nervously. “Please follow me.” The attendant motioned to his colleague that he would be escorting us and we followed him up a large marble staircase to the second floor. We were led down a long hallway adorned with rich tapestries and marble busts in the Greek style. Our emasculated attendant hurriedly rushed us to the end of the corridor which housed two large marble columns supporting a relief of various sculpted sexual positions similar to The Fair Peach. Two imposing wooden doors with extravagant carvings were opened, giving way to a room luridly decorated with white ceramic tile on the floor and ceiling contrasting the brightly-coloured Persian frescos on the walls. Several plush red couches and full sized-marble sculptures of naked women lined both walls and a marble fountain, calmly spouting cool water, lay in the middle of the atrium. The environment resembled that of The Fair Peach, only grander. Our guide scurried past thick red drapes and quickly returned with the facility’s caretaker. He was dressed in the finest eastern silk cloth I had ever seen and his skin was as fair as a newborn child. He had a dark complexion, eastern eyes, and well-kept teeth. He looked a little confused when he saw the reason for his unexpected summoning and immediately looked to Ox as the most important man in the group for an explanation.

  “How can I help you today gentlemen?” Ox retold his story to the caretaker who begrudgingly obliged after much coin was presented. Upon confirmation that we would be allowed in, Ox took his leave, escorted out by our attendant, as Ve
ttias and I shared a moment of awkward silence with our new handler. After several seconds I could feel Vettias’ thoughts seethe with my inaction and I finally blurted out, “I am here for a particular girl of yours.”

  “We have the world’s most beautiful women in Triparadeisus. Which one do you speak of?”

  “One known as Mara.”

  “Ah, one of our new acquisitions. And how have you heard of this one so soon after her arrival here?”

  “Word of her beauty and talents are circulating throughout the encampments.”

  “Of both I can personally attest my friend,” the caretaker stated with a depraved smile that instantly made me want to stab him in the throat. “But a woman of this calibre is quite expensive for men who are not part of the Greek leadership here in the palace.”

  “Money will not be an issue, assuming you name a fair price,” I interrupted, under the assumption that would be something my persona would do.

  “I see, and may I inquire to your slave’s presence in such a place of elegance as this?”

  “He will remain with me throughout my time here.”

  “Hmm, it was my understanding that the girl will be for you alone? There are plenty of women in the encampments that are better suited for such things, especially with dirty slaves. His very presence soils the character of this harem.”


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