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White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8)

Page 33

by Mary Rundle


  “Fionn!” Jackson called.

  “What?” Fionn snarled.

  “Fi,” Kieran said, his voice low, “You have to come back now.”

  “No, I have to protect my mate.”

  Increasing his Alpha power, Jackson demanded, “Fionn, come back now!”

  Forced to obey, Fionn left his mate, then opened his eyes, furious with Jackson for making him leave Hunter. “He’s my mate and…”

  “Fi, fire was shooting out of your nose,” Kieran said.

  Looking down at the scorch marks on the blanket, Fionn realized why his Alpha pulled him back. Raising his head, he gazed sorrowfully at Kieran. “My uncle has my mate.”

  “How do you know?” asked Dylon.

  “Because I saw the fucking asshole hurting Hunter,” Fionn sobbed.

  “Ian?” asked Jackson.

  “Hunter’s pulse is normal,” Ian said.

  “So he didn’t receive an overdose from the attackers?” asked Jackson.

  “No,” Ian replied. “Considering what his heart rate is right now, I would say he was just knocked out, but it won’t be for long.”

  “Okay, Ian, is Fionn cleared to get dressed?” asked Jackson.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Good. Mac, please round up your brothers and have them meet me in my study in ten minutes but don’t mention anything about Hunter to them. Dylon, coordinate with Zane…make sure you tell him Fionn’s uncle is behind the attack and I need a rescue plan asap…Kieran, Fionn, meet me in my study right away,” Jackson ordered.

  Before anyone had a chance to move, Fionn’s phone rang. Hoping it was his mate, he jumped off the bed, grabbing his clothes from Colton. Digging into his pants pocket, he pulled out his phone, looking for, but not finding the caller’s number. Nevertheless he answered, just in case it was Hunter.


  “I see you are awake…that’s more than I can say about your mate,” Eideard MacDùghlas said.

  “If you hurt him, I’ll kill you,” Fionn snarled.

  “Now, is that any way to talk to someone who has the power of life or death over your mate?” he taunted. “I think not. Your father always said you were stupid…”

  Taking Fionn’s phone from him, Dylon put it on speaker, then gave it back, mouthing to him, ‘keep him talking’.

  “…but then he underestimated you, didn’t he?” asked Eideard.

  “What do you mean?” asked Fionn.

  “Oh, come on now, nephew. Don’t think I’m as stupid as your father…because that would be a fatal mistake…especially for your mate.”

  “I’m warning you…” Fionn growled.

  “Let me give you a bit of advice…never threaten the person who holds all the power.”

  Moving close to Fionn, Kieran placed his hands on his friend’s back, helping him to calm down. “Easy, Fi…find out why he called,” he whispered in Fionn’s ear.

  “What do you want, uncle?” asked Fionn.

  “What are you willing to give to get your mate back?”

  “My father’s hoard?”

  “That’s a good start, but isn’t nearly enough for a mate…even if he is only a wolf.”

  “I’d take a wolf over a dragon like you, any day,” Fionn retorted, angry at the insult.

  “That isn’t a surprise. I always told your father you didn’t inherit anything from the MacDùghlas’ side because if you had, you never would have mated with someone so inferior. It’s a good thing your father isn’t alive to see his only son take a mongrel as a mate.”

  Closing his eyes, Fionn concentrated on controlling his anger, knowing if he didn’t, it would only put his mate at a greater risk. With the help of Kieran, he felt it subside. Then he said, “You can have my father’s estate in exchange for my mate.”

  “Well, what do you know…I might have been mistaken about you.”

  “Do we have a deal?” asked Fionn.

  “Hmmm, tempting…so tempting…but no. That isn’t nearly enough.”

  “Then what the fuck do you want?” Fionn snarled, tired of the games his uncle was playing.

  “The rarest thing on earth, nephew…you.”

  Stunned, Fionn stared at his phone, unable to understand how his uncle knew he was a white dragon.

  “What’s the matter, nephew? Do you really think your father didn’t know you were a white dragon?”

  Shaking his head, Fionn thought back to his childhood and how his mother always made sure no one was around when he shifted.

  Not hearing a response, Eideard chuckled mirthlessly. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Well, your father knew, but was ignorant about your powers. He took your color as a weakness…that you’d never be a formidable dragon since you weren’t black. Shortly before you killed your father, he and I had dinner and, after a few glasses of wine, it came out. Naturally, I immediately knew the importance of it, but didn’t let on to your father that his son was his ticket to absolute power within the dragon world. I decided to keep that little piece of information to myself.”

  “How do you know I killed my father?” Fionn asked, wondering how it was possible since he and his father were alone.

  “That’s a neat little trick you have, nephew. Who made you the portal? I owe them my thanks for getting rid of my overbearing and, I might add, selfish brother.”

  “How do you know about my portal?” Fionn whispered, his fear for his mate beginning to consume him. His uncle was evil, mad for power and if he knew about Fionn’s white dragon, then he knew about the supernatural power it had… Oh nooo, does he also know about my mate’s power?

  “After I received word of my brother’s death, I went to his chateau in France to retrieve his will…”

  “The one in which he was supposed to leave everything to your son,” Fionn murmured.

  “Oh, you know about that. Well, as usual, my brother screwed me, but it wasn’t a wasted trip because I discovered the hidden cameras he had and the videos he made…including the one of you tricking my brother to enter your portal where he was killed.”

  “I didn’t trick him…” Fionn whispered, aghast someone might believe his uncle’s false claim.

  “Yes, well, it doesn’t really matter, now does it? You asked me what I want for the life of your’s simple. You have one hour to appear before me. For every five minutes that you’re late, your mate will pay a price…I’m sure you can imagine what it will be. Understand?”

  “But I don’t know where you are?”

  “Five minutes before the hour is up, you will receive the location of where I am.”

  “Five minutes? How can I possibly get there in time?” asked Fionn, horrified about what would happen to Hunter if he was late.

  “By using the portal, nephew…see you shortly.”

  Chapter 40

  Taking the phone from a shell-shocked Fionn, Dylon ended the call. “Zane tried to trace it,” he said, “but your uncle used a landline and blocked the number.”

  Kieran wrapped his arms around his friend. “ aren’t alone…we’re all going to help rescue Hunter.”

  “Kieran’s right,” Jackson said. “Fionn, I swear we will bring Hunter home…before your uncle can hurt him.”

  “No, you won’t. My uncle will kill him first. I need to do as he says,” Fionn replied.

  “Fionn, listen to me, please” Dylon said, “Even if you follow your uncle’s instructions to the letter, it still won’t guarantee Hunter’s life. Think about it…why would your uncle want Hunter around when he poses a threat?”

  “You said my mate also got drugged…so obviously my uncle wanted both of us.”

  “Maybe…” Dylon said, “But I think it was because he decided Hunter was too dangerous to be left behind. He knew your mate would never give up searching for you so it was better to take him, use him as bait, and then once he had you, kill him.”

  As Dylon’s words sunk in, Fionn began to shake in fear. There wasn’t any wa
y to save his mate—or himself. The only solution was to throw himself at his uncle’s mercy, swearing to do his bidding in exchange for his mate’s release.

  Sensing Fionn’s dilemma, Jackson placed his hand on his neck, smothering him in comforting Alpha power. “We are stronger together, Fionn, than your uncle is by himself. Will you trust us to rescue Hunter?”

  Kieran then added, “Fi, please…don’t make a rash move,”

  Between Jackson and Kieran’s efforts, Fionn’s fear receded until he could once again think rationally. Inhaling deeply, he held his breath for a moment, then exhaled. “So what is it you want me to do?” he asked, anxious to hear Jackson’s response.

  “While Dylon is devising a plan, I must tell Hunter’s brothers he’s missing. I’d like you to be there since, as his mate, you have the final say as to what will be done. Right now, I don’t want anyone doing anything that will result in Hunter getting hurt.” Then, shifting his gaze to Mac, he continued, “And I’m counting on you to keep your brothers in line, even though they’ll want to get involved in the rescue, because, believe me, they’ll only hinder the effort...we won’t be able to use our powers in front of them.” Nodding, Mac said, “I’ll speak to Mason privately before we meet with you. I won’t say anything about your powers, but he needs a heads-up before the meeting. With Hunter missing, my brothers should follow Mase’s lead.”

  “Do it and then have everyone join me in my study.” Jackson then asked Ian. “Any idea when Hunter will wake up?”

  “Everyone responds to phenobarbital differently; I don’t know how much they gave him, but my best guess is in an hour or so.”

  Nodding, Jackson said, “Okay, everyone…get going…an hour will be up before we know it.” Removing his hand from the Fionn’s neck, he said, “You and Kieran, come with me.”


  Taking Cody’s hand, Dylon headed down the hallway to Zane’s computer room. An initial rescue plan was already forming in his mind but before it was finalized he needed more information. Knocking before entering, Dylon smiled at David who looked up when the door opened. “Zane, got a minute?” he asked.

  Nodding, Zane gestured to two chairs near him. “Have a seat…be right with you.” After clicking ‘print’ on his computer screen, he swiveled his chair to face Dylon and Cody. “I was able to find the area where the uncle’s call originated, but as you know, it’s impossible to narrow it down.”

  “Did Jackson fill you in on what happened?” asked Dylon.

  “No, but after tapping in to Fi’s call with his uncle, I know Hunter’s a prisoner…and I assume the shifter whose photo you sent me was involved.”

  “He and a whole lot more. I figure there are at least twenty members of the pack who are dead courtesy of me, Cody and Hunter. What I need is know now is how many are left?”

  “Actually, there are now twenty-three dead members,” Zane replied. “I intercepted an email between the pack’s Alpha and the dude leading the mission. Based on that, I’d say there are about a hundred and fifty in all, but only about fifty were sent here. The others are on different missions elsewhere. By the way, there’s something else you should know…the Alpha ordered an attack on us—the Blackwood Pack—to seize Fionn so they can complete their mission.”

  “Any idea when that will happen?”

  “The emails didn’t give any details about it.”

  Nodding, Dylon quickly messaged an alert to Jackson and, then asked Zane, “Do you know where the uncle was staying before the court hearing?”

  “I couldn’t find him registered at any of the hotels, so I checked rentals and found out he was staying here,” Zane said, handing Dylon several sheets of paper.

  Studying the information, Dylon discovered the house Fionn’s uncle had rented was near San Francisco. “Would this place be within…”

  “Yup,” Zane said, “it falls within the area where the call to Fionn was made.”

  “Have anything else for me?” Dylon asked.

  “Not right now, but I want to be part of the team that rescues Hunter. Fi is my friend and I know he’d do the same for me,” Zane said.

  “You’re already on the team,” Dylon said. “If you find out anything else about their pending attack on us, send me and Jackson a message immediately.” After getting an affirmative nod from Zane, he and Cody left the room.


  Moaning softly, Hunter looked at the stone floor through slits, unable to open his eyes fully. Remaining still, he listened intently, trying to determine if he could hear someone breathing but was relieved to discover he was alone—other than for some he could hear scurrying about. Keeping his face down, he closed his eyes, trying to remember what happened, but the pounding in his head wouldn’t let him. Unable to think, he began to breathe deeply, letting his mind float in an effort to ease the pain. When it finally receded, at least to the point where it was manageable, he searched his mind, then snarled as the memory came rushing back to him.

  Opening his eyes fully, Hunter raised his head, surveying his prison and assessing the situation. Not great, but could be worse. His arms were cuffed behind him while his chest was bound to his chair by a chain. He could move his legs, but they were weak—as was the rest of his body…probably from what they injected me with. Checking his wolf, he found him lying down, looking as sluggish as he was; he’d have to wait until his wolf recovered before attempting an escape. Hearing a door open, he listened as someone descended the staircase he’d seen off to his right. Closing his eyes, Hunter let his head fall forward, pretending to be unconscious.


  Mason was working at his laptop in the dinette of the motorhome, when Mac slid into the seat facing his brother. “Hey, can we talk?”

  “In a minute,” Mason replied, not bothering to look up. With Hunter now involved with his mate, Mason was handling their clients’ accounts and, right now, that included hand-holding an investor who was getting nervous about his money. Finally, after calming him down, Mason glanced at Mac. “What’s up? Was that Hunter and Fionn I heard returning on the chopper?”

  “Ahh…that’s what I want to talk to you about,” Mac said, “Shit, there’s no easy way to say this…”

  “Say what? Dammit, spit it out.”

  “Hunter’s missing…well not really missing…he’s being held.”

  “You mean like a prisoner?”

  “Yes…Hunter and Fionn were attacked. Dylon and Cody saved Fionn but Hunter was taken.”

  “Fuck! Get Sawyer and Robin…we have to organize a rescue …but don’t tell Quin yet,” Mason ordered, slamming his laptop closed just as Mac gripped his arm, pinning him in place.

  “Stop, Mase. Jackson’s already doing that. He wants to speak to all of us in a few minutes about it…but I wanted to talk to you first because our brothers will follow your lead. Look, I know I’m asking a lot, but please, I need you to trust that Jackson will bring Hunter home.”

  “So you expect me to do nothing?” asked Mason in disbelief.

  “Basically…yes…and I need you to keep Sawyer and Robin from doing anything either.”

  Slumping back against the seat, Mason crossed his arms over his chest, studying his brother. He knows more than he’s telling me. “You better start from the beginning, Mac…and make it fast.”


  Twenty minutes had elapsed since Fionn’s uncle had given his ultimatum. Now, with just forty minutes remaining, the rescue plan had been finalized and Jackson watched as his cousins, brothers and their mates along with Theo and Norm and Adam filed into his study. After everyone was seated, he began. “Since time is of the essence, I’m going to make this brief. Hunter is a prisoner of Fionn’s uncle, who’s demanding Fionn in exchange for Hunter.”

  “No!” Quin shouted. “Hunter won’t agree!”

  Placing his hand on Quin’s leg, Kieran murmured, “Q, it’ll be all right.”

  “I also just learned the wolf shifters who attacked Fionn and Hunter are
planning to attack the Blackwood Pack to seize Fionn. This was planned before his uncle called Fionn, but we have to prepare for it even if he complies with his uncle’s demand,” Jackson said. Angry voices responding to the news filled the room until Jackson held up his hand. “In a minute, Dylon will explain our plan.” Then he looked at each of his cousins before saying, “I promise you we will rescue Hunter...”

  “Not without us,” Sawyer said. “He’s our brother.”

  “I do need you,” Jackson said, “here…to, help the enforcers fight the mercenary shifters when they attack.”

  “Fuck you! You honestly think me and my brothers are going to sit back, twiddling our thumbs, knowing Hunter’s in trouble?” asked Sawyer.

  “Sawyer, cool it,” Mason said. “Jackson, go ahead…what do you want us to do?”

  Staring at his brother, Sawyer couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A rarely-felt emotion washed over him and his laid-back persona disappeared as he exploded in anger. “I can’t…why you…who the fuck are you anymore, Mase? I know you’re pissed at Hunter, but really, this is taking it too fuckin’ far….turning over our responsibility to save Hunter to Jackson? Really, Mase? Don’t you think you’re carrying your grudge a little too far?”

  “That’s enough, Sawyer,” Mac growled at his twin. “You have no right to insult Mase. He’s putting Hunter first. Can you say the same when you haven’t even heard the plan to get him back?”

  Sawyer’s eyes widened at Mac’s rebuke—something his twin had never done before. They were inseparable growing up, always sticking up for each other no matter what the other had done, even though Sawyer was usually the mischief-maker. But Mac had never wavered in his support—until now. “Mac?” he said softly, “You, too?”

  Hearing the hurt in his twin’s voice, Mac immediately regretted chastising his brother, but there was nothing he could say to explain his position without exposing the secrets of the Blackwood Pack. Looking at his twin, he begged softly, “Please Sawyer, just trust me on this…please?”


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