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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

Page 9

by Michelle Woods

  Sin didn’t know how she’d ended up wearing only her large sleep shirt and nothing else. Had she stripped, or had he stripped her? She didn’t know, but she really should slap him in the head and jump out of the bed to kick his ass out. She rested her head back into the pillow beneath her looking at the ceiling fan—that she refused to sleep without—spin round and round. She was much too comfortable.

  She must have fallen back to sleep because when she woke for the second time her whole body was on fire again. His mouth was between her legs and his tongue was buried inside her soaked pussy. Holy fuck that felt good! She almost couldn’t breathe she was so turned on and this time she was absolutely sure he was awake. His big hand held her stomach firmly and he looked up at her with those gemstone green eyes filled with dark desires.

  “What are you doi—,” she began only to be interrupted by his darkly handsome command.

  “Hush and be a good girl, baby doll. I need you to come on my tongue. I haven’t had near enough of your sweetness yet.” Phoenix growled, his eyes darkening as he returned them to her pussy. Sin could almost feel the hunger his eyes portrayed as they devoured the sight of her wet open core. He dove forward holding her still when she squirmed, his mouth covering her again. Sin wanted to scream out a protest that he was an arrogant fuck who needed to get the hell out of her house, but with his tongue thrusting inside her she couldn’t even form a coherent thought, much less speak.

  Her heart pounded inside her chest and her hands gripped the bedsheets as her moans threatened to wake the whole damned neighborhood. He let out a little growl of satisfaction when her hips raised and a gasp escaped her. He sucked her clit into his mouth and his fingers buried inside her throbbing pussy as her moans increased.

  “That’s it, baby doll. Come for me. Come for me right now.” He commanded.

  As if his words were all she needed to get her there, her body started to tremble and her legs felt shaky as she began to come, her head spinning as her orgasm ripped through her like a hurricane. She lay with her head rolling back and forth on the pillow trying to find her footing while he crawled up her body kissing her from the mound of her pussy to the hardened tips of her breasts. She felt the hard nudge of his cock and knew she should protest, but she felt too damned good to bother.

  Phoenix sank into her hot wetness in one hard stroke seating himself fully with a loud groan. His hands held her hips hard and his eyes looked almost desperate as he stared down at her, his body twitching inside hers likely commanding him to move.

  “Fuck, condom. Do you have a damned condom?” He asked as his hips pulled back and he seemed to war with himself before thrusting back into her pussy with a harsh growl of, “So fucking hot.”

  “Don’t have any.” Sin whimpered, expecting him to pull out and leave her on the edge of another orgasm.

  “Fuck, fuck. I—I can’t fucking stop. You on birth control?” he demanded, his body moving inside her slow and hard. His hands gripping her hips hard enough to leave bruises.

  “Yes,” Sin managed to get out minutes later when his thrusting body hit a heavy rhythm that left them both nearing climax.

  “Thank fuck.”

  He grunted as he began to pump into her like a man on a mission. He likely was on one. One that would end with them both leaving the earth in a cloud of orgasmic bliss. Sin let out a high keening wail that made Phoenix speed up and the sound of his grunts as he pounded in and out of her were enough to send her over the edge. Sin watched his face as her world exploded, seeing the way his lips parted and his rhythm arrested for a moment as his own orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks. He let out a loud groan and she was flooded with his come before he collapsed on her chest panting. Sin was still seeing stars when he lifted off of her and pulled his cock free of her spasming pussy. He rested beside her, his hand caressing her stomach as he gazed down at her with a strange look on his face.

  Sin couldn’t read his face as she tried hard to figure out why he was watching her like he was. As if he were trying to solve a puzzle that he just couldn’t put his finger on.

  “I shouldn’t have fucked you bare. I’m clean and right now I don’t even know if I fucking care if you’re not, which is fucked up.” He finally said his hand running over her goose bump covered skin. Sin wanted to tell him to shut up and get out, but she was too content with his heavy leg over hers and his limp cock resting against her leg as his hand caressed her from stomach to breast and back again.

  “I don’t have anything. I’ve always made the guys who fuck me wear a damned condom.” She finally muttered closing her eyes. She felt his hand on her hip dig in and she could feel the tension in his body as his growl of displeasure burned the air between them.

  “How many men do you allow to fuck you?” He commanded sounding angry.

  Sin opened her eyes and stared at him where he’d raised up to glare down at her.

  “None of your business.” Sin grunted, not willing to allow him to demand answers she wasn’t willing to give. He needed to learn she wasn’t a damned door mat and he wasn’t about to rule her like he did the whores who likely frequented his clubhouse.

  “Are you fucking kidding right now? I own this pussy and you damned well better not be fucking around on me with a bunch of other men, because if you do I will fucking murder them.” Phoenix grunted. Sin’s mouth fell open as shock roared through her. It wasn’t like she was running around fucking anything with a dick, but had he actually just told her she couldn’t? Who the fuck did he think he was?

  “You can’t be serious?” Sin demanded, her eyes narrowing on him.

  “I’m very fucking serious. Would you have let that fucker last night screw you if I hadn’t shown up? Cause you and I both know that little fucker wouldn’t have satisfied my pussy as well as I did.” Phoenix arrogantly replied, his hand again cupping her swollen mound.

  “Did you just call my pussy yours?” She asked her mouth still hanging open in shock.

  “Sin, we both know I own it so why deny it,” he grunted.

  Sin couldn’t believe the stupid son of a bitches arrogance. She sat up shoving him off when he tried to pull her back down. Getting off the bed she stood naked glaring at him and pointed to the door, her anger beyond compare. This stupid bastard had just ruined what could have been a good morning afterglow by being the dumbest man alive.

  “Get the fuck out of my house.”

  “What? I’m not leaving. We’re not done.” Phoenix had the nerve to say as he lay there looking at her like she was crazy. Nope, just no. Sin didn’t bother with anymore words because she knew he wouldn’t listen, instead she pulled the 9mm from her bedside table and pointed it at him.

  “Get out.” She commanded.

  “Whoa, chill out dollface. Put that gun down. Is that thing even loaded?” He asked standing up on the other side of the bed watching her now like she was a bomb waiting to go off.

  “It’s loaded and I want you out of my fucking house, now.”

  “Baby can’t we talk about this?” He asked as he grabbed his jeans off the floor next to the bed, his hand grabbing his cut after pulling his jeans on.

  “No, I want you out.”

  “Alright just be careful with that thing. I don’t want you to shoot one of us accidentally,” he had the nerve to say as he grabbed his boots off the floor and started putting his feet into them.

  “I’m not going to shoot you by accident. If I shoot you, trust me, it will be because I fully intended to do so. Now get out.” Sin demanded her growl harsh.

  “This isn’t over Sin.” Phoenix said as she followed him to the door with the gun still trained on him. Rolling her eyes, she motioned with the gun for him to leave.

  “It’s over for the moment and I don’t think you should come back anytime soon to sort this out because I might be tempted to shoot your sorry ass if you do.” Sin said as he opened her front door and gazed back at her.

  “Not over, baby doll. And don’t let another man near you or you will f
ind out I’m not a man to trifle with when I bring you his severed head.” Phoenix grunted glaring at her.

  “You’re seriously still trying to tell me how I can use my own body? Do you want me to shoot you?” she demanded.

  “No, but I’m warning you that I won’t be allowing another man near you because I am not nearly close to finished with you, doll,” he said, his hand holding the door frame. He turned to go, but paused as he looked out at the drive and frowned before turning back.

  “I don’t have my bike.” He said like he expected her to care.

  “That’s not my fucking problem asshole.” Sin muttered before shoving him the rest of the way out her front door, slamming it shut behind him and locking the three dead bolts.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Please just give me a chance.” Phoenix begged, feeling like an idiot. How the hell had she managed to twist him around her finger so easily.

  “Look, I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re like a bad habit that I need to kick. Having sex with you the first night was stupid enough without compounding that mistake with me letting you stay here the night you were drunk. Now you want me to go out with you? No, just no.” Sin said, making him bang his head back into his headboard trying to knock some sense into it.

  He should just let her go. He’d been eating his words for three days now, but she still refused to see him. He’d apologized profusely for acting like the possessive asshole he was, but she didn’t want to hear it. Sin wasn’t the type of woman to put up with a man telling her what to do. He should have realized that a lot sooner than he had. It wasn’t until he was standing on her front lawn with the neighbors eyeing him suspiciously that it had sunk in that he’d really fucked up.

  He was going to have to figure this shit out because if his begging her to take him back was any indication he was hooked—damn near obsessed with her. Great, just fucking great.

  “Sin, please. I have my reasons for acting like I have to you—just give me another chance.” Phoenix said, his hand gripping the phone hard as he stared at the poster of a half-naked woman in a bikini sitting on a Harley that Hemp had given him a year or so ago.

  “Really? What could possibly have made you such an asshole that you actually asked me if I fucked anything with a dick?” Sin demanded.

  Fuck, what was he supposed to say to that. How could he explain to her so she’d understand? He knew how, but he didn’t want to tell her the story. It was something he’d buried deep a year ago because he never wanted to think of Tasha ever again.

  “I guess you don’t have an answer so I’m going to hang up now.” Sin said.

  “Wait. Sin, this isn’t a pretty story and I’d like to tell it to you face to face, not on the damned phone.” Phoenix grumbled, finally admitting to himself that he’d do whatever it took to get back into her good graces. If he wanted to keep her then telling this story was the price. He grimaced, hating the feeling that ripped through him as he closed his eyes and waited.

  “Too bad. Tell me or I’m hanging up and I will be blocking your phone number when I do.”

  “Damn it, dollface. Why can’t you cut me a little slack here?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, Phoenix. Maybe it’s because I’m a stupid cunt who sleeps with any man with a dick.” Sin snarled, hurling the name he’d called her the night they met back in his face. Shit, she was really pissed off.

  “I’ve already said I was sorry for saying both of those things to you, Doll. I shouldn’t have said either one of them to you. I can’t say that this is a good excuse, but it’s the only one I have to give you.” Phoenix sighed, he really hated telling anyone about what happened with him and Tasha. He should have known better than to trust a woman who’d fucked around on her husband with him.

  “It was about two years ago that I met her. She was working in a diner in the next town over and we shared a night together. She was married so I figured one night would be the end of it, but she would call me when her husband went out of town and I’d go over. She left her husband and we moved her into my apartment. I didn’t patch her thank fuck, but it was known that she was with me. I was seriously considering patching her when I found out she’d been fucking three other brothers. When I confronted her about it, she just laughed and said she didn’t want to be tied down to a man and that was why she left her husband.” Phoenix paused because that conversation was just the tip of the iceberg. It wasn’t even half of what went down. He heard Sin take a deep breath about to speak, but he needed to get this out or he wasn’t going to tell her the rest. The part that nearly killed his heart.

  “It was a week later that I found out she’d been pregnant and from the timing it was likely to be mine. She didn’t fuck around when I was in town and I’d been home for two months around the time it would have been conceived. I was stoked, and I even bought some baby shit. Rage sent me on a run about three weeks after I’d learned she was pregnant. I planned to petition to give her my patch when I got back. I rolled back into town a few days later. I was a day early, but I wanted to make sure she was alright. I went straight home to find her in our bed with Legs fucking her.”

  “What a fucking bitch.” Sin said, her harsh voice soothing, something he hadn’t realized needed soothing. He shifted on the bed trying to get comfortable, but this story wasn’t helping him relax and he wasn’t finished telling it.

  “I was pissed and told him to get the fuck out. He did, but she was pissed off because he hadn’t made her come. She screamed at me and threw some shit around before she stormed out of the apartment. I didn’t see her for five days. When I finally got a call from her, it was from some clinic she asked me to pick her up at. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was an abortion clinic.”

  “No. She fucking didn’t ask you to pick her up after having an abortion,” Sin screeched.

  Phoenix appreciated the support, but Tasha had done just that. She’d fucking called him to pick her up, so she could tell him she’d killed his baby. It had been the one and only time when he’d been tempted to hit a woman in anger. The cruel way she’d told him, like it didn’t matter was bad enough, but proceeding to ask him to pay for her to move out right after was the last straw for him. He’d left her in the parking lot without a penny to her name and nowhere to go.

  “She did. Then she told Legs that I forced her to get one and told her that she couldn’t have anything she’d left at the apartment. After that, things got ugly. I was angry and didn’t want to tell anyone what she’d done to me because it was fucked up and embarrassing, but it caused a huge rift in the club for months until Rage got shit sorted out.”

  “Phoenix, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you’ll go out with me. All I’m asking for is a chance to redeem myself,” he replied, feeling drained by the story he’d just shared with her. He basically just handed her his balls, and he was really hoping that she didn’t reject him again.

  “Fine, one chance. You blow it and I’m done, so don’t be a dick again. Pick me up at seven.” Sin said, before letting out a little huff and hung up without saying goodbye. He pulled his phone away from his ear feeling the smile that was spread across his face. He really was turning into the balless wonder, but right now he didn’t give a fuck. Sin had agreed to go out with him. Now all he had to do was keep from screwing it up again.

  Phoenix knocked on the door again waiting on Sin to answer it. He rubbed the back of his neck and resisted the urge to bang on the door as he shifted from foot to foot hoping she wasn’t going to stand him up to teach him a lesson. Not that he’d put it past the little witch. Fuck, why was he even putting up with this bullshit? He’d never been an ass kisser, but he was standing here gritting his teeth to stop himself from doing what came naturally to him. He rubbed his chin letting out a little growl. He didn’t like having to rein himself in, but he’d realized over the past three days that if he didn’t work it out, he wasn’t going to get to keep Sin.

  That’s why he was currently waiting
on his woman’s porch like a fucking puppy. Damn, when had he started thinking of her as his? Oh, right. When he’d decided he liked her pussy best and that none of the girls who hung around waiting to be plucked like ripened fruit turned him on even half as much as Sin did without even trying. He had to admit that telling her she wasn’t allowed to fuck another man was a bit cave man like. It hadn’t been one of his finest moments. After some thought he’d realized that he was an idiot for disregarding the fact that his woman had balls of steel. I mean hell, she’d walked into a warehouse full of bikers and said whoops, thought I knew him and then proceeded to do whatever she liked.

  Phoenix heard the locks on the door begin to open, reminding him of another worrisome fact about his Sin. Something was up with the locks, the tranquilizer darts, and the guns. He needed to get to the bottom of that mystery soon. He was still contemplating how to broach that subject when she pulled the door open. Phoenix felt his cock stand to attention as he took in the black leather tank which pushed her tits up like an offering. His hands gripped the door frame to stop himself from grabbing them as his eyes moved down taking in the tight as fuck jeans that were tucked into high heeled leather boots. Have mercy. He almost swallowed his tongue when he finally took in the whole ensemble. Seeing her look so damned good, his cock felt like a lead pipe, reminding him why he was hooked.

  “You going to move so I can lock up?” She asked grinning.

  Damn her sexy ass, she knew exactly what this outfit was doing to him.

  “Maybe we should just stay in?” He asked, hearing the whimper in his voice as he stepped back just enough for her to exit.

  “No, you promised me dinner.”

  “We could eat after I made you come a dozen or so times.” Phoenix pleaded, feeling desperate.

  “No,” she replied.

  He growled beneath his breath and took another step back allowing her to turn towards the door. He crowded her until he was pressed along her back with his hard dick resting against her ass. His hands clenched at his sides, so he didn’t jerk her towards him and fuck her against the side of her house. He didn’t fucking care who saw him fuck her, but he knew she would and that meant not grabbing her and shoving her against the wall.


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