Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1)

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Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1) Page 28

by Karen DuBose

  Cicero joins the conversation. “We have, in a way. That’s why we can hear each other. We’ll have to do the ceremony to make it complete. The bond will be stronger when that’s done.”

  “This is all so confusing. I don’t think I’ll ever get it right. That’s why I need all of you. You guys are my information hotline,” I say, laughing

  We all end up laughing and cutting up. It might not be the best of times to do that, but what else can we do? We need to bond this way and make the best of what we have. The stress is getting to everyone, and we need a break from it, in any way we can get it.

  The vision hits so fast that I’m knocked into Kiernan.

  Everything is black. I can’t see anything. There’s no light anywhere. What the hell is going on? It’s like I’m buried or something. I can’t move. There’s no sound. I close my eyes to figure out what’s going on. I try to feel around for my body, but I can’t. I’m paralyzed. What the hell? I try talking, but all I could do is whimper. I hear other noises like the sound I’m making. I try looking around again, but I still can’t see anything. I fight against everything, but I just can’t. I have to figure out what’s going on. I need to relax and let it all come to me. I think fighting it is making it worse.

  I relax my mind and open all my senses. Slowly, there’s light, and I can see. I’m seeing things in a weird way. Everything is becoming sharper and more defined. I look around and see all my dragons in their dragon form. They’re in a circle around me. I look down and see myself in dragon form as well. I can’t get my attention to focus on anything else at that moment. I’ve never seen myself as my dragon. I’ve always seen my dragon in the sky from afar. I try to focus. It takes me a few minutes to do that.

  I need to know why we have shifted, and what’s coming for us. I look at my dragons. They’re all looking in different directions. So, I have to figure out where the problem lies. I look around, but I don’t see anything. I open up my hearing.

  There’s screaming and yelling. I can smell fire and death. Kiernan is to my left, and Bruno is to my right. They look at each other and nod. Why can’t I hear what they’re saying? I’ve only had one vision where I couldn’t hear what people were saying. How can I hear the screaming and yelling but not them?

  I need to figure out what’s going on. I try talking to them. It’s like I’m being blocked from speaking. I must be here to watch what is to come so that I can change it.

  Out of nowhere, Jamel is charging us with all of his followers. He has more than we thought. There are so many shifters and non-shifters⸻on both sides. We are so screwed! We can’t take on thousands of shifters and non-shifter. They’re closing in on us, and I’m prepared to defend myself and my dragons. To my surprise, the new shifters and non-shifters are going after Jamel, not us. I can’t even fathom how there could be this many Hybrid’s.

  Before I know it, I’m back in the cave, lying down on Kiernan’s lap. There’s silence. I look around. They’re all staring at me with worried looks.

  “What did I do this time?”

  Taz clears his throat. “Your eyes changed. Your dragon was pissed off, and it took all of us to hold you down. I don’t know what you did to calm her down, but it was like she just went to another realm. She was calm as could be. It was weird.”

  I sit up from Kiernan’s lap. “What do you mean? Did I turn into my dragon?”

  “No, love. Your dragon was fighting to come out, but you calmed her down and made her obey you. That’s never happened before. When our dragons want out, they don’t listen to us. They have a mind of their own.”

  “That makes me feel… I don’t even know what to say to that, because my vision was completely different. I was in my dragon form in the vision. I fought for control, but I couldn’t. I was so shocked to see myself as my dragon. I couldn’t focus right away. By the way, there are a lot more half breeds then we expected. I mean, they were there by the thousands. Jamel is going to try and ambush us. I think we need to make a plan and introduce ourselves to the other half breeds. We will need them. Jamel has more followers than we thought as well.”

  Oceana’s weak voice caught my attention. “We need to begin, Dariya. We’re running out of time.”

  I turn to her. She’s not looking like she’s ready to preform anything. She’s paler than she was a few minutes ago, and she’s hunched in on herself.

  I lift my eyebrow at her. “I think we can wait until you’re better rested and have your energy back.”

  “We don’t have time. I saw what you saw. Your dragon is going to make an appearance quicker than I thought.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you more.”

  “I am well enough; no amount of time will make me better. I have been sick for a while. I need to guide you before it’s too late, so please let me do that.”

  We all look at her. Bruno looks guilty. So, do most of them, including my mom. I’m sure if they had known, they wouldn’t have forced the oath. I feel bad now too. She should have said something.

  I stand up from the ground. “If you’re sure, let’s go.”

  She takes my hand and we walk to the middle of the cave and sit down. Everyone else backs up to the cave walls. I look at Kiernan and give him my best smile. I’m nervous as hell. I have no idea what to expect⸻well, besides pain. Other than that, I’m clueless.

  “So, explain the process. I have never done this before, and I need to know what to do so I don’t screw this up.”

  “First thing you’re going to do is lay down on your back and lie still. Close your eyes and open your mind. I’m going to cleanse you and get rid of any negative energy that has latched itself onto you.”

  I go over to the middle of the room and lie down and do as she instructed. There’s some noise like a lighter being lit. After a few moments, I can smell sage being burned.

  It’s extremely strong in such a closed space. She starts a chant. I don’t recognize the words or the language she’s using. Since no one is stopping her, I guess she isn’t trying anything funny. I start feeling like I’m floating. It feels so weird I almost open my eyes to see if I am actually levitating.

  “Don’t you dare open your eyes. Keep concentrating and opening your mind,” she mummers.

  How did she know I was about to open my eyes? I swear she can reads minds… oh wait, I’m sure she has seen this, and she knew I was going to do it. She chants more and gets louder. The rhythm is hypnotic.

  “Ad deos desuper, et infra inter. Peto ab omni malo defendat, qui experiri vos ut in nobis transitum nocere nobis. Benedicti” (The Source from above and below. I ask you to defend us from every evil, who might attach themselves to us as we bind our souls. (Mote It Be.)

  “I’m about to make the transformation. Do you have any questions?”

  “I think I’m good. I know about the pain, and you trying to explain what you are saying is going to take too long. So, let’s just get this over with.”

  “I need you to let your soul float. I will see you and merge with you. Once that happens, our souls will fight us. You will have to hang on. No matter what happens, don’t let go. This is where the pain comes. Bruno please place the candles in position: North, East, South and West. When I tell you to light them, please do so, starting with the North, going clockwise, ending with the West.”

  I’m so not looking forward to the pain, but I’m excited to get my training started. Does that make me a bad person for wanting to kick some butt? If it does, well I’d rather be able to do something than let any more people get hurt or killed.

  “Please light the candles. I’m ready.”

  I hear him lighting the candles. I relax and open my mind even more. I let all the outside noise drown away. I look for the magic and keep my focus on it.

  “Septentrionalis sunt, Orien, Occiden et Meridionalis. Ego in hoc circulo a malo defendat. Ad didigendos pedes nostros in animabus peto deorum inter se, ut si iungi. Si mori pro aliqua causa, in ipsa ejus vita. Rogas tu me ut mihi guide her
usquam fieri potest per illam atque optimis possum. Interrogabo vos et ego unum nostrorum animaeque revocanda. Beati eritis.”

  Once she says the last word, I can see her soul coming to mine. It’s a beautiful sight. The glow that surrounds her is eternal. She stops in front of me and nods. I nod back, telling her that I’m ready. All I remember is a bright light, and the pain gets so intense that I almost let go. I was not ready for this pain. It feels like I’m in a volcano and I’m lying in the hot lava, being ripped apart. How does she expect me to hold on to this pain? I want it to stop! I can hear people talking, but I can’t make out what they’re saying.

  All I can think about is the pain and how I wish it would go away. It feels like my bones are being broken over and over again. I have to deal with this for three days? What the hell was she thinking? How can she deal with this? She’s in a weakened state!

  I pray to the Source to help me through this. The pain just gets worse as time goes by. I don’t know how much more I can take of this. I start thinking of anything other than the pain. How I wish I could see Kiernan’s green eyes and kiss him. You know what? We forgot about his birthday. How could we forget his birthday? I need to make it up to him.

  I wonder what his plans are when we finally end all of this. Does he want to go away just the two of us? Does he want to get settled in? Does he want to have younglings, and if he does, how many? I have always wanted four younglings: two boys and two girls. That would be perfect. The boys will look like him, and the girls will look like me.

  When will Jax be here? Will he be here when we wake up? How are my mom and Kira holding up? I hope they aren’t trying to rip someone’s head off. I can just see it now. My dragons trying to hold them back from Oceana, so they don’t rip her head off. How is Kiernan doing⸻and the others? I can’t hear anything anymore. The pain is getting worse. How can anyone survive this?

  Chapter Thirty

  Kiernan the Dragon

  “She’s shifting to her dragon. We need to leave and give her room. I’ve never seen this before,” Eimear says.

  I take a step closer to her. “I’m not leaving her. She didn’t leave me when I changed. She needs me.”

  “We understand. I don’t want to leave either. We’ll be out in the other part of the cave,” Eimear says.

  Kira plops down close to the entrance. “I’m staying right here.”

  Looking at Dariya is breaking my heart. There is nothing I can do to take her pain away. What have you gotten yourself into, love? Please survive this. I can’t lose you. I get as close as I can to her. She’s shifting way too much. Her body won’t be able the handle it. Please, Source, let her get through this.

  “I wish I could make your pain go away, love. I hate seeing you like this. We’ll go somewhere, just the two of us, when you come back to me. I love you more than words can even describe,” I say as loud as I can, hoping she can hear me.

  Tears are falling from Kira’s eyes watching her best friend go through this. “How is she even taking all of that pain? I would have let go.”

  A small chuckle escapes me. “She’s stubborn and hardheaded. You should know this by now Kira. Once she has her mind set, there’s no changing it.”

  Kira sniffles next to me. “I know, and that will get her hurt one of these days. I wish I was as strong as she is. I’ve always stood up for her, but I knew if someone would have tried to hurt me, she wouldn’t have even thought twice before she went after them.”

  “Has she always been this way?” I ask.

  “No. When we were younger, she was this shy and quiet little girl. Things changed when her dad got murdered though. We almost didn’t get her back. She didn’t talk, she didn’t want to be around anyone, and she didn’t want to eat. One day, she looked at me and her mom and said ‘I will not let anything happen to you guys. I swear on this day, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you.’ After that, she wouldn’t let anyone in. She didn’t even go out of her way to talk to anyone. Her mom and I were the only people she wanted to be around her. I think she was scared to let anyone in. I’m surprised she let you in so quickly.”

  “I am too. I’m happy she did. I love her more than anything. She’s mine to protect, and I will lay my life cycle down for hers,” I vowed.

  “Don’t let her hear you say that. She will do anything to protect you. She will not let you lay your life cycle down for her. She has it in her head that she has to protect the ones she loves. She’ll stop at nothing.”

  I can already see that argument happening. “She needs to accept that we’re here to protect her. We have already taken part of the oath.”

  Kira brings her Jade green eyes to mine. “It won’t matter to her. She’ll never let you get hurt.”

  “I will remember that,” I say, laughing.

  “I’ve been wanting to ask you something. How did you know that she was your true soul mate?”

  “She was all I could think about⸻her smell, her looks… everything always brought me to her. She was all I could think about. My dragon didn’t want anyone but her. Well, I knew my shifter didn’t want anyone but her, I should say. I didn’t know I was going to be a dragon until a few months ago.”

  “That’s interesting. My shifter wants Bruno so badly that I swear I’m about to shift any second. Do you think he feels the same pull?”

  I shifted where I was sitting. This is not the conversation I want to have with her. I may know things, but that is for Bruno to discuss with her. “I have no idea. You’ll have to ask him yourself.”

  Kira stops looking at me and looks back to Dariya. “I don’t know if I can. If he says he doesn’t, I don’t know if I could handle it.”

  “Would you rather not know and miss the chance or know and find your true soul mate?”

  Kira looks down in her lap. “I’m just scared. I’ll have to think about it.”

  I look back to Dariya “Stand back. She’s about to shift again.”

  We stand up and move back and watch her. I am thrown to the back of the cavern where Oceana is laying. I grab her before she’s flattened by Dariya. I have never seen a more beautiful dragon. I can’t take my eyes off her. I can’t believe how huge she is. No wonder the Source chose her to defeat the Elders. I have a feeling she will be a force to be reckoned with. There is no telling how powerful she is until she uses her powers. I will have to remember not to piss her off. She could take me with her eyes closed.

  “I’ve never seen a dragon so beautiful and huge before. I can see why my dragon loves her more than itself.”

  I hear Kira mummer from behind Dariya. “She is huge. She’s bigger than the Elders. Are you ok over there in the corner?”

  “It’s a little tight, but I’m good. I had to pull Oceana to the wall.”

  “Do you think the change is causing more pain?” Kira asks.

  “Yes, it’s adding to the pain. That I’m sure of.”

  I feel so helpless and that makes my dragon become restless. The only thing holding him back from shifting is because he knows he would hurt her to shift right now. The anger rolling off him is causing me to shake. I know what he is going through. I want to tear this place apart as well.

  There is nothing we can do but wait and even that is a task all on its own.

  “I am going to kick her butt when she wakes up. She should never have had to go through with this. Stubborn fool. I love her, but sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of hers,” Kira says, sounding just as pissed as my dragon.

  “I wonder that sometimes, myself,” I huff out.

  “Have you ever met any of the Elders?” Kira asks.

  “No. Why do you ask?”

  “You know so much about them. Where is all this information coming from and can we believe it?” Kira asks.

  I let out a sigh. There is so much we all don’t know yet. “All the information has come from other dragons that have been in the presence of the Elders. They’ve passed down information to our dragons⸻the ones who want to take them down.
Only a select few have read what has been written. Bruno has been one of them. He knows more than any of us. He has sworn to protect the information with his life cycle. If it got into the wrong hands, we would all die.”

  “That is crazy! They need to all die. We are not their playthings!” Kira yells.

  “We all couldn’t agree more,” I grumble.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I don’t know how long it’s been⸻hours, days. I can’t tell you. I’m living in a nightmare of pain. If I survive this, I’m going to take Kiernan somewhere, just the two of us. I need to be with only him to get my mind back, because I’m losing it right now.

  If anyone ever suggests another spell in which pain will be involved, I will rip their head off. At least the breaking of bones has stopped. That’s one less morsel of pain I have to deal with. My body still feels like I’m in lava. I hope this is over soon. I don’t know how much more I can handle. I can’t think of anything else. I just want to go to sleep, and I want this stupid pain to go away. Why did I even agree to this? What the hell was I thinking?

  “I think the worst is over. Her breathing is almost back to normal,” Kiernan says.

  “I hope so. I can’t take any more of the screaming,” Kira says.

  “Me either, I feel so helpless right now. I just want to protect her, but I can’t protect her from herself,” Kiernan says.

  I was screaming? Wait I can hear them again! The pain finally lessening. It’s still there, but I can function around it. I’m so glad. I don’t think I could have held on much longer. I was on the verge of letting go. How long has it been? It feels like a thousand cycles have past.

  “Do you think she is ok? She didn’t let go, did she?” Kira asks.

  “I sure hope not. I don’t want them to start from the beginning again. I don’t think they could handle it. Oceana is really pale over here. I hope she makes it through,” Kiernan says.

  “Keep an eye on her. She’s the reason they’re going through this,” Kira says.


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