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Organized for Picnic Panic (Organized Mysteries Book 6)

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by Ritter Ames

  Table of Contents

  What reviewers say about the | Organized Mysteries by Ritter Ames:

  Organized for Picnic Panic

  Labor Day, Hazelton, Vermont

  Day after, 1st day of school, ahead of trip to Boston


  Picnic Tips and Tricks

  Picnic Food Ideas

  What reviewers say about the | first book in the new | Frugal Lissa Mysteries | Frugal Lissa Finds a Body | by Ritter Ames—


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  What reviewers say about the

  Organized Mysteries by Ritter Ames:

  "A DELIGHTFUL NEW COZY mystery series starring an intriguing heroine—Kate McKenzie. Twists and turns abound, entertaining the reader throughout! I loved it and look forward to the next installment. Ritter Ames is a new star on the cozy set!" ~ Michele Scott, bestselling author of the Wine Lovers Mystery Series, featuring Nikki Sands

  "Organized for Murder is a very enjoyable first in a new series. Ritter Ames really hit it out the park with this debut, and with her organizational tips included (throughout the book and at the end), I know this is one book I will be hanging onto. If you haven’t discovered this series yet, I highly recommend picking it up." ~ Cozy Mystery Book Reviews

  “RITTER AMES KEEPS RATCHETING the suspense until I started skipping sentences just to find out who murdered Amelia and another woman. It was thoroughly enjoyable with well-developed, 3dimensional characters." ~ BookTalk with Eileen

  "IF YOU ENJOY COZY TYPE mysteries, I think you'll enjoy this light fast read." ~ Murder Most Cozy

  "THE CHARACTERS ARE well written and stay true to who they are from the beginning to end of the book, and they feel real as if you could meet the in real life." ~ Hiding from My Kids

  "Organized for Murder by Ritter Ames is the first in a new cozy mystery series, Organized Mysteries. This is a quality cozy mystery. The story is well-written and the mystery kept me guessing. This is a great start to a new series, and one I am looking forward to revisiting. Great characters, fantastic writing, and a clever mystery all combine to make a really wonderful book." ~ Brooke Blogs

  "I AM A HUGE LOVER OF cozy mysteries, and this by far is one of my favorites. I loved the premise of the main character Kate being an organizer and I loved all the organizational tips that I picked up throughout the story." ~ Doctor’s Notes

  "THE PLOT WAS WELL PACED and I enjoyed the way Kate followed the clues in a very organized fashion. The author added some great twists, I was surprised by the actual murderer. I enjoyed all the organizational tips that started each chapter. Several will be introduced into my own household." ~ Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book


  by Ritter Ames


  by Ritter Ames

  ebook Edition

  Copyright © 2016 & 2019 by Ritter Ames

  Cover design by Lyndsey Lewellen


  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  Organized for Picnic Panic

  Labor Day, Hazelton, Vermont

  “HONEY, DOES THIS SHIRT look okay?” Keith McKenzie called before he’d even made it down the stairs.

  Kate smiled and spoke over her shoulder, “Come into the kitchen and let me see.”

  Her handsome husband came into the room grinning, his wavy brown hair still mussed from pulling the golf shirt he was talking about over his head. “I guess it would help if you could see what I’m asking about, before you have to answer.”

  “Sometimes I just guess,” she said, reaching up to twist straight the navy blue collar of the shirt with the WHZE radio logo, then used her fingers to return his hair to a more managed state. “But on the whole, yes, I prefer to see ahead of commenting.” She patted his chest and added. “It’s all fine now.”

  Keith waved a hand toward the items she had set out on the countertop and asked, “Is this everything for the picnic?”

  “I think so.” Kate looked over the assortment and finished checking off a mental list. “I’m putting all the non-refrigerated food into the basket and loading the big carryall with the blankets, plates and utensils. Meg is bringing the tea and soda, and I have juice and water bottles frozen to use as cold packs around the food that goes into the cooler. Since your radio station is furnishing the sandwiches, and there will be snacky stuff for the kids to eat before we settle down for lunch, I think we’re set.”

  He looked at his watch. “I can help you—”

  “No, you can’t.” Kate rose on her toes to give him a kiss. “You need to leave right this minute to get to the park on time. You’re on grill duty, and charcoal waits for no man. Plus, you have to go by your parents’ house and pick up the girls. Meg will help me get this loaded into her car.”

  “Are you going to have room in her Camry?”

  “The boys are riding in with Gil,” Kate said. “He’s covering the picnic for the paper. We’ll have the trunk and the whole backseat. Now go.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  “I am. See you later. And save me a juicy burger,” she said. “Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.”

  “Will do.”

  They shared a goodbye kiss, then he grabbed his Jeep keys and left through the garage.

  Soon, Meg Berman, her next-door neighbor, best friend and part-time coworker, parked her silver Camry in front of the house. The rest of the morning flew with the packing, loading, and the eventual unloading of everything at the park. As the women finished setting their picnic supplies under a sheltering tree, Meg used a hand to raise her red curls from the back of her neck and off her t-shirt saying, “That gave us a good workout. Enough to make me warm and build an appetite.”

  Kate smiled, grateful for the light denim jacket she wore. While her neighbor was a lifelong Vermonter, Kate was still acclimating to the much cooler temps than she was used to as a native of Portland, Oregon. She looked up and said, “Would you check out the gorgeous sky? That light marbled blue is positively gorgeous.”

  “Yep.” Meg nodded. “Perfect temperature and humidity for New England. We couldn’t have ordered a better day for our yearly town wide picnic.”

  “Got that right,” Kate agreed. “And park center is the perfect venue.”

  Meg shaded her eyes and scanned the crowd. “I need to make sure my boys are beh
aving. I’ll meet you back here to set up in about half-an-hour. Okay?”

  “Sounds perfect. I need to find my girls, too.”

  Kate wandered around, talked to people she knew, and got a feel for the annual event. This was the first year the family had attended. Keith had come to picnics years ago when he’d still been living in Hazelton with his parents, but it had been over a decade and a half since then.

  All of Hazelton, Vermont turned out for this end-of-summer extravaganza, sharing food, playing games, and making plans for upcoming events heralding the arrival of fall. A table on the north side of the square, manned with volunteers, was busy cajoling and signing up more volunteers for upcoming community and tourism activities. Before the leaves changed and the tour buses descended on the picturesque southwestern Vermont community, the townsfolk wanted to enjoy this last hurrah for mild weather, and revel in each other’s company before the first round of autumn tourists arrived.

  One of the Hazelton councilmen even strapped on his intricate one-man-band apparatus and strolled throughout the park playing tunes and letting children operate different instruments in his repertoire.

  The picnic’s games were the biggest draw, especially for kids and teens, with prizes awarded from the generosity of local merchants. There was a good mix of individual and team games, with imaginatively decorated cornhole sets on one end of the area sharing space with spectators watching the thrilling relay races, along with those ringing the stakes for the horseshoe competitions. Vying for attention at the basketball hoops, two-, three-, and four-person teams dared each other in challenging games of H-O-R-S-E. Also popular were the carnival fish pond games for the younger children, and the water balloon tournaments for kids—and adults—of all ages. It gratified Kate to see there was something for everyone; even people like her who preferred to just stand and watch.

  But everyone focused on the food, of course.

  It wasn’t long, however, before she was at the three-legged race, cheering her own eight-year-old, blonde pigtailed daughters, Samantha and Suzanne, as they moved in a synchronized hobble toward the finish line.

  “Go, Sam and Suze,” Kate yelled and clapped in support. She brushed her own too-long blonde bangs out of her eyes and grinned so broadly that her face hurt, as the girls operated with unexpected teamwork to lead the field in the race for kids ten-and-under at the annual Hazelton Labor Day Picnic. Despite the fact there were older kids in the pack.

  “And a lot taller,” as Suze had complained when they’d taken their place on the starting line.

  The blonde pigtailed duo, nevertheless, stayed more than a foot ahead of the nearest competitor, and their legs moved in perfect rhythm. The McKenzie twins had pinned their hopes on gaining winter movie passes for winning the elementary-age three-legged race, and they were strong contenders against a competitive field of focused entrants. The girls stayed ahead of the pack until the last second, when two boys of similar height put on a burst of speed and passed the twins. In a superb show of coordination, the boys crossed the finish line a half-second ahead of Kate’s daughters.

  She stood back and watched, clapping when her daughters received their red ribbons. They shouted and used hand motions to indicate they were heading for the bean bag toss.

  “Good luck!” Kate called.

  But the twins hesitated a moment and huddled for a quick conversation, their heads close together.

  Those girls, Kate thought, I’ll bet they will challenge the boys to a rematch.

  She smiled and turned away as Meg, strode up with a bouffant-shaped pink cotton candy from one of the vendor trucks parked along the perimeter of the park.

  “Did they win?” Meg asked.

  “No. They were a close second, however. Had the race won until Jamey Hendricks and Bobby Collins turned on the steam right at the finish. Ah, the power of winning movie passes.”

  “Tough break,” Meg said, wordlessly offering to share her spun-sugar confection.

  Kate smiled her thanks and pulled off a bite. The pastel cotton melted in her mouth. “My girls won’t be too heartbroken, though. Jamey still holds the key to their hearts. They’ll be convincing when they congratulate the boys on their win.”

  Meg pointed with her cotton candy to the other side of the park. “At least your girls are dry. My brilliant sons did the water balloon toss. It ended up being an aqua Armageddon. After everyone hurled balloons, the boys dove into the reserve bin to grab reinforcements. There isn’t a dry head, chest, back, or butt to be found over there.”

  “Who was officiating?” Kate asked, laughing.

  “That’s the best part.” Meg giggled. “It was Valerie. She’s now as soggy as everyone else. She’d win a wet t-shirt contest if she entered, but I don’t think our gal Val is at all pleased with the outcome.”

  Valerie James, a local interior designer, tended to cause trouble, and Meg was not a fan.

  “Who hit her with balloons?” Kate asked.

  Meg wiggled her left eyebrow. “I might have pulled Mark out of the pack and whispered how the game official needed to be involved in the free-for-all. You know, like when Gatorade gets poured over a coach’s head? All good-natured fun, naturally.”

  “That is nothing like a Gatorade game-winning deluge.”

  “And Valerie is nothing like a good-natured official either.” Meg laughed.

  Kate couldn’t help smiling. “You are so bad.”

  “I accept that crown,” Meg replied, grinning. “Along the same line, Ben lost another tooth yesterday. This one was really stubborn.”

  Meg’s six-year-old had worried a front tooth for almost a week, shying away whenever anyone offered to extract it. Kate did not understand how this related to her neighbor’s streak of orneriness, so she asked, “Did you pull it or what?”

  “No, it fell out. The relationship to the crown comment was in regard to what happened when I slipped in early this morning to trade the tooth for money.”

  “And...?” Kate prompted.

  “Ben roused a bit. When his eyes opened, I said, ‘Shh, it’s just the Tooth Fairy, go back to sleep.’”

  “Did he? Go back to sleep, I mean.”

  Meg nodded. “Yes, but when he came down to breakfast to show us his loot, he said, ‘The Tooth Fairy wears a bathrobe just like yours, Mom. It’s lavender and everything.’ I told him to keep it a secret from his classmates. I explained we don’t want to let everyone in on where the Tooth Fairy shops.”

  “Oops.” Kate laughed. “Guess you’ll have to tear up your application to be a spy. No one will want to hire you once they hear you got caught by a first grader.”

  Meg slapped her hand over her heart. “Can you believe it? And here I thought I was imbued with superpowers. Instead, I’m just a typical mom.”

  “Nothing typical about you,” said Gil Berman, Meg’s husband, as he walked up and slipped an arm around his redheaded wife’s shoulders. Kate loved the way they looked together. Both tall, Gil’s dark hair and coloring set off Meg’s auburn curls and ivory skin tone. Although his regular beat covered politics for the Bennington paper, he was working that day as an event reporter.

  In the distance, Kate noticed the photographer assigned to work with Gil was headed for her girls, who were still chatting with the boys. He obviously hoped to get a picture of the winners of the three-legged race. She made a mental note to order a copy and get it emailed to her.

  “Saw our boys took an impromptu shower,” Gil continued.

  “And you hurried over here so they didn’t have a chance at convincing you to take them home to change clothes?” Meg asked.

  “Only Mark wanted a dry shirt. Ben is like a Labrador retriever. He’s happiest when he’s in water or mud,” Gil replied, smiling.

  “Getting good end-of-summer picnic stories for the paper?” Kate asked.

  Gil shrugged. “The photos will be the biggest draw. Nothing exciting ever happens at this kind of thing, but they’re always fun.”

  “Well, I hat
e to start sounding all self-absorbed—” Meg said.

  “Start?” Gil teased.

  “As I was saying,” Meg drew the phrase out and gave her husband the evil eye. “I feel the freckles under my skin cheering for the sun. I’d better move into the shade.”

  “We need to get lunch ready anyway,” Kate said. “Let’s go set things up under the tree.”

  Gil left to circulate and get impromptu interviews, while the women moved to their chosen picnic spot to set up the food. They were under a huge white pine that they’d staked out earlier by depositing all of their supplies to reserve it for their families. The women spread out two shower curtains, before placing picnic blankets on top.

  “I’m so glad you had this great picnic hack,” Meg said. “There’s nothing worse than getting up from sitting on the ground and realizing the grass was damp enough to leave a calling card on your clothes.”

  “It makes for more bulk to carry, but it pays off when you want to picnic in the shade,” Kate said. “The sun doesn’t dry out the grass under a tree like this one.”

  “Those hamburgers smell great,” Meg said, turning toward the nearby grilling area and inhaling deeply. “When should I tell the kids to line up? I am ready for a burger with a little sauce and cheese.”

  More than a dozen portable grills had been set up about a hundred feet away. Local radio station WHZE had agreed to contribute grilled hamburgers and hot dogs to the festivities. Personnel from the station—including Kate’s husband Keith, who was an on-air anchor—wielded barbecue forks and spatulas. When the women glanced his way, Keith raised his spatula and saluted. Sam and Suze took places in the food line, giggling and waiting for their daddy to serve them. The glowing coals in the grills delivered the best kind of smoky fragrance across the park. Kate’s stomach started to rumble as the aroma wafted their way.


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