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Witch Indeed (A Mackenzie Coven Mystery Book 2)

Page 10

by Sonia Parin

  Instead of sifting through people’s reaction to her news, Lexie felt overwhelmed and more confused than ever. Someone had triggered this avalanche. As a diversion?

  Chapter Eight

  “I’m hungry,” Luna wailed.

  “Can we go back to you talking in my head? I can’t get used to you coming through loud and clear. And you’re not even moving your lips...”

  “I’m hungry,” Luna insisted.

  “We just had dinner.”

  “I nibbled. Your remarks made me so self conscious, I swear every time I tried to eat something everyone held their collective breaths waiting to see what sort of mess I’d make.”

  “You’re a cat. You’re not supposed to care. For goodness’ sake, you spend you days licking yourself.” She set Luna down and closed her bedroom door.

  “Do you really want to spend the night locked up in a room with a hungry cat?”

  “Are you threatening to eat me?”

  “I can feel my stomach shrinking.”

  Lexie looked around the room and seeing the bowl of fruit, she strode toward it. “How about a banana.”

  Luna shook her head.

  “An apple? It’s good for you. You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

  Luna rolled around the floor wailing. “I’m hungry.”

  “I’m not surprised your previous companion drank. You drove her to it.”

  Luna flopped on her belly and spread her legs out. “I’m too weak to answer or argue.”

  Lexie picked up her bedside phone.

  “Don’t get anything crunchy. I don’t have the energy to chew.”

  “Yes, hello. Could you please bring up some cat food, please? Oh, and a cup of hot chocolate and a bottle of rum for me.”

  “You’re being overly dramatic,” Luna said, “And don’t think I didn’t see how much you drunk at dinner.”

  Lexie went over to the window and unlatched it.

  “What are you doing?”

  “They’re going to make their move tonight. I’m sure of it. I’m trying to make it easy.”

  “Make what easy?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m going to pretend to fall asleep, but I’ll be awake and ready to pounce on them.” Hearing a light rap on the door, she went to answer it. “That was quick. Thank you.”

  “My apologies, I would have been here quicker but one of the guests stopped me along the way.” The butler strode in and set a tray on the table by the window. “Will there be anything else, Miss Mackenzie?”

  “No, thank you. Have a good night, Grayson.” Lexie closed the door but didn’t lock it. She then strode over to the table and poured herself a cup of hot chocolate adding a dash of the rum. “Well? Aren’t you going to eat?” Luna hadn’t moved.

  “I don’t have the strength. Can you... maybe... please carry me to the table?”

  “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Luna made a feeble attempt to move. “I suppose I could drag myself over. It would be so kind of you to... you know... carry me.”

  “You’re pushing your luck.” She pressed her lips together. “Or you’re playing the role to the hilt.” Like her previous owner? She could think of one other person who enjoyed role-playing. No. Impossible. Luna and her mom? Her mom didn’t drink to excess and she would have remembered Luna. Unless... Luna was a true master of disguise and changed her coloring. Lexie picked her up. “There are ways of making you talk.”

  Her body went limp. “I’m sorry. Did you say something? I think I’m fading.”

  “I suppose you also want me to hand feed you.”

  “Would you?” Luna asked, her voice faint.

  “You really are pushing your luck.” Setting her down on the table, Lexie picked up her mug of hot chocolate. Luna gave her a woeful look. When Lexie didn’t respond Luna nearly fell into the dish. Lexie sipped her drink and watched Luna wolf down her meal.

  Belatedly, Lexie realized she hadn’t actually fed her that day. The few nibbles she’d fed her at dinner could not have gone far. She should have said something, Lexie thought.

  “Dante O’Rourke.”

  “I thought you’d never call. What’s happened?”

  “Nothing yet.” Luna gave her a raised eyebrow look. “How’s it going up your end? Have you been following any leads?”

  “I should be so lucky,” Dante said. “So far, I haven’t found a shred of scandal or dubious activities.”

  “No one delving into things they shouldn’t meddle with?” Lexie asked.

  “No. We’ve even checked everyone’s on-line activities and found nothing out of the ordinary.”

  Lexie yawned. “Does this mean the killer is a first timer?”

  “Either that or they’re very good at what they do.”

  “If this is their first time, chances are they’ll make a mistake.” She nibbled the tip of her thumb. “Have you looked into Bebe Brown? Her cat has an eye patch. I wouldn’t mind knowing how that happened.”

  “Do you think Stewart tried to kill her cat?” Dante asked.

  “It’s a possibility and it would give her a perfect motive or two. Revenge. Retribution.”

  “Are you going to let me in on your plans?”

  “No.” There had to be a reason why Mirabelle and Catherine had abandoned her to her own devices. Besides, what could Dante do? “You can stand by and wait for me to holler for help. Have a good night.” She poured herself more hot chocolate and again added a splash of rum.

  “Are you trying to make a point?” Luna asked.

  Lexie gazed out the window. It was a perfect night with twinkling stars and a sliver of moon rising over a canopy of trees. Her smile froze. She frowned and slid her gaze back toward Luna.

  “What?” Luna asked.


  “You have a serious frown on your face and you’re looking at me.”

  Lexie sat up and leaned forward. “The rum must have gone to my head. I swear your eyes just changed color.”

  Luna licked her paw. “Yes? So?”

  Lexie pointed her finger at her. “There it is again.”

  “Duh? You’ve only now noticed?”

  “You’ve been doing it all along?”

  “It’s not something I think about. Especially since I can’t actually see my eyes. What do they look like?”


  “I could say the same about yours.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Luna leaned in, her eyes, which were still changing color, focused on hers.

  Lexie swiped her hand across her face. “Are you saying my eyes do the same?”


  “Can you stop saying duh?”

  “I will when you stop saying huh.”

  “I don’t ‘huh’.”

  Luna nodded. “Duh! You say it all the time. You just don’t notice.”

  Lexie sprung to her feet and rushed to the mirror. “My eyes are normal.” She peered closer and thought she saw something sparkling.

  “Look closer.”

  “I don’t need to because there’s nothing there to see.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Luna gave her a kitty snort. “Denial is your natural state of being.”

  She swung away from the mirror only to sneak another look. And then she saw it. Her eyes were changing color, just like Luna’s. “What the hell does this mean?” She stumbled back to her seat and slumped down. When she looked up, she nearly jumped out of her chair.

  “What now?”

  She couldn’t speak. Couldn’t form any words. So she let her fingers do the talking by pointing at Luna.

  “What? Did I grow another head?” Luna swiped her paw across her face. “Stop that. You’re freaking me out.”

  “Me?” Lexie waved her hands in the air. “You’re not... You were gold and now... Now you’re black.”

  “Oh, that. I’ve always been black. You just wouldn’t... couldn’t see it.”

  “Would you mind expla
ining what’s happening here?”

  Luna sprawled across the table. “I guess we finally connected. It’s probably all this sharing and caring... not.”

  “Could you at least move your lips when you talk?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’d look stupid. And stop looking at me as if I’m a circus freak.”

  She polished off her hot chocolate and set her mug down. No one had said anything about her eyes changing color. “Does this mean I’m stuck with you?”

  “Are you being deliberately snarky?” Luna rolled onto her back. “I’m still deciding. It all depends on me making it back home in one piece. If you manage that, I’ll give it serious consideration. But I’m not promising anything.”

  Lexie yawned. “Amazing. You’re still black.”

  “I was always black. Just be grateful. Think how you’d look if I shed blonde hair on you.”

  “Huh?” Lexie brushed her hands across her dress. “Hang on.”


  She tapped her chin. “What did Ramona say about you?”

  Luna snorted. “That I made a great accessory. You could at least have jumped to my defense. It’s so demeaning.”

  “And before that. She said you reminded her of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

  “She actually said I had Audrey Hepburn eyes.”

  Lexie clicked her fingers. “Yes.” But what did it mean? She yawned again. In the opening scene of the film, Holly Golightly wears a black dress...

  Lexie rested her head on her folded arms.

  “Hey, don’t fall asleep on me. Remember, you’re supposed to keep watch.”

  “I’ll keep talking. That’ll keep me awake. What was I saying? Oh, yes. Ramona...”

  “Maybe Ramona can see my true color.”

  It was Lexie’s turn to snort. “I doubt it. It took me long enough. You made me jump through hurdles. Okay, maybe she’s extra sensitive.”

  “Maurice looks well fed. I’m sure she’s tuned in to his needs.”

  “Are you accusing me of negligence?”

  “If the shoe fits,” Luna said.

  “You didn’t say anything about being hungry today.”

  “It must have been the traumatic experience you put me through,” Luna purred. “I could barely think straight.”

  “Is that the only reason? Admit it. You’re in love with Jack. You’re moonstruck.” Lexie wagged her finger at her. “You two know each other from way back. Did you maybe live near him? Did your previous companion visit with Aurora?”

  “You should read the Mackenzie Coven Rule Book. I’m sure there’s something in there about being the keeper of all coven secrets. By association, that includes me. It’s a common courtesy we offer in exchange for being well cared for.”

  “You made that up,” Lexie chided.

  “How would you like it if I moved onto someone else and told them all about you?” Luna asked.

  “You wouldn’t have much to tell because... hey, does me seeing your true colors and your weird eyes mean I can finally tap into my ‘gifts’?” She clicked her fingers but nothing happened. “Guess not.”

  Luna groaned. “I cannot believe you did that.”

  “Why? Did I do it wrong?”

  Luna rolled her eyes. “You don’t make things happen by just clicking your fingers. You have to put something into it. An intention. You have to focus.”

  “Hey, did you ever find out anything from Jack?” Lexie asked.

  “How did we go from you clicking your fingers to... never mind.”


  “We had other things to talk about.”

  “I asked for one little favor.”

  “If memory serves, and it does, you didn’t ask. You told me. You might want to brush up on your social skills. I’m not your lackey.”

  “You knew how important it was. Couldn’t you have let your grievances go?”

  “I don’t want to encourage your bad habits.” Luna inspected her paw and then looked up at her. “He told me about this wonderful place they go to for the summer. There’s an orchard and lots of places to roam around in and trees to climb. It’d be really great if we could go.”

  “Orchard? As in apples?” Did that implicate Aurora Smithson?

  Lexie tried to sit back up but her body refused to respond. It felt so comfortable to lay her head down and close her eyes. She’d indulge in a couple of more minutes. Then she’d splash some water on her face and walk around the bedroom. She needed to stay alert and on the lookout for a cat snatcher...

  Lexie rubbed her eyes. She’d fallen asleep. Not for long, she thought. Her body still felt sluggish, her mind foggy. After this was over, she’d sleep for a week. She rolled over and nearly fell off her chair.

  “Hey. It’s morning. Why didn’t you wake me?” She pushed off her chair and groaning, she stretched. It felt both good and bad. Rubbing her fingers against the stiffness on her neck, she went in search of a glass of water. “I’m going to order breakfast, grab a quick shower and then, you and I need to talk.” Something had happened the night before. Lexie ran the conversation she’d had with Luna through her mind, or at least what she could remember of it.

  Smiling, Lexie remembered she’d seen Luna in her true colors. She hadn’t lost any of her gorgeousness, not something she’d willingly admit because it would only go to her head. Since coming to Chelsea Manor, Luna had been the center of everyone’s attention and she’d lapped it up.

  Lexie stepped into a pair of black tailored pants and buttoned up her black blouse. She didn’t dare look at the labels. Knowing her mom, she’d splurged on haute couture clothes. Lexie took a moment to appreciate the perfect fit.

  “Just don’t get used to it because...” She tried to come up with a reason but couldn’t. “I guess I should try to remain true to myself, but I know Morg would argue that changing outward appearances have nothing to do with what’s inside.” And that, she knew, was a first step toward bending to her mom’s will.

  Moments later she opened the door to the butler.

  “Good morning, Miss Mackenzie.”

  “Good morning, Grayson. This smells delicious. Thank you.”

  She closed the door behind him and settled down to have her breakfast. “Dante O’Rourke.”

  “I’ve been waiting for you to contact me. How did last night go?”

  “Dead end. Nothing happened. I fell asleep.” She made a sandwich out of her bacon, egg and toast and munched on it. Frowning, Lexie swallowed and cleared her throat. “Hang on, something weird did happen. Luna and I had this moment. Hard to explain how it came about but I think I finally connected with her.”

  “You both probably let your guards down.”

  “Yeah, that could be it. Or we probably just wore each other out.” Smiling, she remembered Luna trying to wrap her round her little paw. She might have everyone else under her spell, but Lexie... well, she’d never been one to cave in easily to people’s charms. A cat’s charm was no different. “Did you know she’s black?”

  “Um. Yes.”

  “Was I the only one who couldn’t see it?”

  “What color did you think she was?”

  “Never mind that.” She took another bite of her sandwich and stared out at the pretty scenery.

  “She probably made it difficult for you to see her on purpose when she sensed your resentment.”

  “My what?”

  “When your cousins appeared to remind you of your obligations and rightful place in the coven, you didn’t exactly jump for joy. Your resentment hung over you like a dark cloud.”

  “Does everyone know about that? And how did you find out?”

  “I don’t know. One hears things. A whisper here. A comment there.”

  “Jonathan.” Lexie grumbled. “Have you spoken with him recently?”

  “I might have had a word or two with him. He seemed to be in the middle of something but he wouldn’t say what.”

  Lexie had a good mind to say exactly what he’d be
en doing. Her ironing. It would serve Jonathan right for spreading gossip about her.

  She lifted the sandwich to her mouth only to drop it. “OMG.”


  “I remember what we talked about last night. Jack told Luna about an orchard Aurora takes him to during the summer.”

  “Apple seeds.”

  “Precisely. Do you need special knowledge to make cyanide?”

  “No, only access to the internet and determination. But...”


  “If you’re pointing the finger at Aurora Smithson, are you prepared to also throw in a motive?”

  “She had an affair... ongoing... with Stewart. While she says she’d been happy to turn a blind eye, in my opinion, that’s a whole lot of bull. No woman likes to share a man.”

  “Jealousy. I like that. Nice and simple.”

  “But wait, there’s more.”

  Dante chuckled.

  “No, I really mean there’s more. Who’s to say she wasn’t also after Luna. She must have known about Stewart’s plans to stuff Luna and add her to his macabre collection. So far, her cat has been the only one Luna has spent any real quality time with.” She sprung to her feet and strode to the window. “Aurora lives in New York. I’ve been thinking she knew Luna’s previous owner and I’m willing to bet she also knows the truth about Luna.” Aurora probably knew more about Luna than Lexie did.

  “I think I have enough to bring Aurora Smithson in for further questioning,” Dante said, “Best of all, I’m going to be able to get a warrant to search her belongings.”

  “And Bebe Brown. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am she had it in for Stewart. He must have made an attempt on her cat’s life. I think if you come down hard on her you’ll be able to get something.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Did I tell you about Luna’s eyes?”

  “No, but I guess you’ve now seen them.”

  Lexie’s arms shot out. “Am I really the last to know?”

  “You wouldn’t be, but from what I hear you spent ten years in denial. That’s a lot of catching up to do.”

  “She says my eyes are the same as hers.”

  “Wow. You really did make progress last night. Wait till you see what she can do. I’ve heard stories about her. You’ll have to let me know how it all turns out.”


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