The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 1

by Nikki Brown

  The Rise and Fall of The Barnes Brothers

  Parts 1-3

  Nikki Brown

  Copyright © 2020 by Nikki Brown

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Kayson

  2. Omari

  3. Jaako

  4. Jenacia

  5. Denari

  6. Krista

  7. Kayson

  8. Omari

  9. Heaven

  10. Denari

  11. Jaako

  12. Kayson

  13. Omari

  14. Yameka

  15. Uncle Ray

  16. Denari

  17. Krista

  18. Jenacia

  19. Kayson

  20. Omari

  21. Denari

  22. Jaako

  23. Uncle Ray

  24. Denari

  25. Krista

  26. Jenacia

  27. Jaako

  28. Omari

  29. Denari

  30. Kayson

  31. Zemia

  32. Krista

  33. Omari

  34. Jenacia

  35. Yameka

  36. Denari

  37. Kayson

  38. Uncle Ray

  39. Ortiz

  40. Omari

  41. Ann Barnes

  42. Kayson

  43. Jenacia

  44. Uncle Ray

  45. Krista

  46. Jaako

  47. Kayson

  48. Denari

  49. Ortiz

  50. Ann Barnes

  51. Kayson

  52. Jaako

  53. Denari

  54. Kayson

  55. Jenacia

  56. Denari

  57. Tate

  58. Jaako

  59. Omari

  60. Perry

  61. Denari

  62. Brayla

  63. Kayson

  64. Jenacia

  65. Jaako

  66. Kayson

  67. Perry

  68. Denari

  69. Omari

  70. Jaako

  71. Kayson


  Chapter One


  “How many times you gone count that shit, Kayson?” my brother Omari said with a blunt hanging from the corner of his mouth.

  “As many times as it takes to make sure this shit right, nigga.” I glared at him.

  “If yo’ paranoid ass would just use the money counter you wouldn’t have to go through this shit.”

  “I don’t trust that shit and you know it.”

  He shook his head and focused his attention on the last of his blunt. I was sitting in the trap on Beaties Ford that me and my brothers ran. We were slowly but surely making a name for ourselves in the drug game. We started out as corner boys in our Uncle Ray’s organization and now we ran the house on Beaties Ford. This shit was just the beginning and we knew it. Patience was everything, so we made the best of everything.

  It was me and my brothers Jaako, Omari, and that ignorant ass Denari that made up our little crew. We didn’t do too many friends because the one thing that Uncle Ray taught us was that friends can turn to enemies real quick, especially if money was involved. Uncle Ray made sure that we worked for everything we had because he didn’t want people to think that we were just handed shit because they wouldn’t respect us. Me, I didn’t give a shit about what people thought but I understood where he was coming from.

  Even though we didn’t come out of the same pussy, blood couldn’t make us any closer. I loved my brothers and would give my life for them. With that being said, me and Denari didn’t get along for shit. I just didn’t have patience for his nonsense. The rest of them niggas liked to baby his ass because of what he witnessed as a kid, but hell we all went through some shit, which is why we ended up with Ma, so that didn’t work for me. I treated him just like I treated the rest of them muthafuckas.

  Hell, my ass was born a fucking crack baby, my mother was on that shit bad and the fact that she was pregnant with me didn’t change shit about how she lived her life. When I was born, they tested my blood and found so much shit they took me right away and I was grateful because I was placed in the hands of a fucking angel.

  Ann Barnes worked at the neonatal unit at the Children’s Levine Hospital inside of CMC Main, where I was housed for the first four months of my life. My egg donor was 33 weeks when she went into labor with me. I was only three pounds when I came into this world. Ann cared for me from the moment I took my first breath and when she found out that I was a ward of the state she fought for me. She used to tell me all the time that me being her son was fate.

  Mama wasn’t able to have kids on her own. She was attacked when she was a teenager and the man did some horrible shit to her. She was infertile after that. So, she found happiness in helping others which is why she became a nurse and adopted four bad ass boys. We would forever be grateful for her love.

  “Nigga, yo' ass don’t trust shit.” Jaako said laughing.

  “Do you blame me?”

  He didn’t say anything because we had been through some shit in our day. All of us were fucked up in some form or fashion, but we were making it and that’s all that mattered.

  I flung my dreads out of my face and looked in Jaako’s direction. “Where in the hell is yo’ brother?” I asked referring to Denari. His ass was never anywhere to be found when it was time to handle business, but let someone say party or club and his ass was on the way.

  “Nigga, that’s yo’ brother.” Jaako said snatching the blunt out of Omari’s hand.

  “Y’all chill; you know how that nigga do so I don’t even know why y’all keep talking about it.”

  Omari was frustrated with some of the shit that Denari did because he and Denari had the same genetic makeup; they were blood brothers, so he in a sense felt responsible for him. He felt like Denari’s fuck ups were his fuck ups, but that was far from the truth. Denari did whatever the fuck he thought that he could get away with and expected everyone to be okay with it. They accommodated him; me on the other hand would get in his muthafucking ass. Denari was the youngest out of all of us and he played that part so well, but we all had to grow up at some point.

  “Yeah, O, but that shit is not a fucking excuse, we gotta get this shit straight so we can show Unc that we good.”

  “I know man, but—”

  “No buts O, you need to talk to his ass before I do.” I warned and he nodded his head. He knew I gave no shits when it came to the business. It was a time for work and a time for play, and right now we needed to work our asses off, so all this shit could be ours.

  “Fuck,” Jaako yelled out and looked at his watch.

  “Fuck wrong with you?” I asked.

  “I was supposed to meet Krista for lunch and I fucking forgot. I’m never gonna hear the end of this shit.” He shook his head.

  “She bout to beat yo’ ass nigga.” Omari laughed.

  “Fuck you, O.”

  “You betta be saving all yo’ fucking energy for Krista.” Omari laughed and I laughed with him. “You know what happened last time you forgot to meet her for lunch.” Omari was referencing the time that she showed up on the corner showing her ass thinking that Jaako was with some bitch, when he really was out making money for them.

  “Man, shut the fuck up, I don’t have time for this shit.” he said already frustrated. “I go
tta roll man.”

  “Aight, hell I’m the only person around here doing shit anyway.” I said and knocked Omari’s feet off the table. “Hell, I’m bout done anyway, then I’m headed to go and help Jenacia move her shit out of that bitch nigga’s house.”

  They both looked at me like I was crazy. Jenacia and I were best friends, we tried the dating thing before and the shit backfired like a muthafucka. She was ready for something that I wasn’t but instead of telling her that, I hurt her. She didn’t talk to me for years and I hated that shit. Deep down I knew I loved Jenacia, I would do anything for her and eventually I planned on making her Mrs. Barnes. I just hoped that she would wait around on a nigga.

  “You may as well marry that girl.” Jaako said shaking his head.

  “I will but you know what happened last time.” He smirked because it was his got damn fault she caught me anyway. “So, when I get my shit together you already know what it is.”

  “If she ain’t skipped off in the sun with another muthafucka.” Omari chuckled.

  “And we all know what would happen if she did.” I tilted my head.

  When Jenacia finally started talking to my ass again, I explained to her that I wasn’t ready to settle down and I was just trying to get my shit together. She told me that she understood and that until I did we would just remain friends, friends that didn’t fuck. I was cool with that because I understood that sex complicated things. I just made her promise that when the time was right that no matter who we were with that it would be us.

  “Man, let me go Krista’s ass is blowing my shit up.” Jaako shook his head and headed out the house. I looked on the monitor to make sure that crazy bitch wasn’t outside ready to show her ass. She was known to act a fool so I needed to make sure that wasn’t the case. We didn’t need the attention.

  “Hello.” Omari answered his phone and listened to the other person on the other line. He looked at me and I could already tell that it was some bullshit and I could bet my life it had to do with Denari’s ignorant ass. “What the fuck, D?” Omari listened intently trying his best not to look me in the eyes. I wasn’t even about to get upset, he could deal with that shit on his own. “Aight man, I’m on my way got damn.”

  He hung up the phone and started collecting his shit to leave. I didn’t even bother to ask what the fuck was up, because I was sure that it was something dumb as hell. He walked to the door and turned around. I held up my hand and shook my head because I didn’t want to know, he nodded his head and headed out the door to fix whatever the fuck Denari had done.

  “I don’t have time for the shit Roger.” I could hear Jenacia yell as I pulled up in my truck so I could help her move her shit. “I just wanna get my shit and go. You didn’t give two shits about me when you were lying with the city whore.”

  I told her ass not to fucking move in with this clown, “but he’s good to me,” was her favorite line, not once did she say she loved him and I was happy about that. She had just found out that he had twin girls on the way by the hoe of the Ford, better known as Beaties Ford Road. Now here she was moving her shit out of his place.

  “You just trying to be laid up with that nigga that’s all that is, this is just an excuse to be with his ass. You never loved me, you saving yo’ self for a nigga who don’t give two shits about you,” he pointed to my decked-out Silverado and I jumped out of it and ran right up on that nigga.

  “I’ve stayed out of y’all shit even though I knew you wasn’t nothing but a bitch from the beginning.” My chest heaved up and down. I wanted to rock his shit so bad I could fucking taste it, but I didn’t need the fucking attention. “I ain’t got shit to do with what you got going on so don’t bring me in it. You fucked up nigga and that’s on you. What I got with Jenacia is none of your fucking concern. If I ever hear about you even attempting to mention my name again you gone wish ya mama would’ve swallowed your ass. Now Jen go get your shit and let’s go before I bury this bitch.”

  I stood right in front of his bitch ass while Jenacia got all her shit and filled up her car and started putting shit in my truck. And just like I thought he didn’t address her again. He just stood there chewing on his bottom lip like that shit meant anything to me. He knew like I knew that he wasn’t gone do shit but stand there like the fuck he was doing.

  “Kayson.” Jenacia grabbed my arm and attempted to pull me away, but I didn’t move. “Kayson enough, I’m good let’s go, my mom is waiting for me.”

  “You’re not going to your moms; I got room in my crib. You can just stay there.” I said more to piss him off. I didn’t know how the fuck that shit was gonna work, but the offer was out there.

  “Kayson, we can talk about that later, let’s just go.”

  I looked at her and she was pleading with her eyes for me not to do anything crazy. Too bad, I was pissed off. I took a step back and hit that muthafucka with the haymaker of a lifetime. Sent his ass swirling to the ground like a fucking clown.

  “Stay the fuck away from her and I mean that shit, now try me.”

  I walked away and got in my truck. I watched as that nigga mugged the hell out of Jenacia’s car as she backed up when his eyes met mine his bitch ass turned away. He knew better.

  I followed Jenacia and I realized that she was headed to her mother’s house. I knew she hated her mother with a passion and I didn’t blame her. The bitch was money hungry something serious. She would do anything for a buck and she used Jenacia every chance she got.

  Jenacia was an up and coming photographer and she had already made a damn good name for herself. She was trying to open her own studio, but for right now she did freelance work for different websites and the local magazine, “The Word.”

  When we pulled up I hopped out of my truck and headed over to where she was. I looked at her with the meanest look and she knew that I was pissed because she refused to look me directly in the eye.

  “Kayson, don’t, okay?”

  “No, you don’t.” I pointed at her. “What the fuck did I tell you to do?”

  “That would just complicate things with your women.”

  “Shut the hell up, you know well as anybody I don’t bring hoes back to my house so don’t even go there.” I shook my head because she was thinking of another excuse as I was shutting this one down. “You hate your mom and she just wants you here so you can pay all her got damn bills. Come to the house you can have the spare room and save up your money and get your own shit if you want to.”

  “If I want to?”

  “Yeah, you might wanna make this shit permanent, I don’t know.” I smirked and shrugged my shoulders.

  She looked down at her shoes and then back up at me. While she was thinking about it I was admiring her beauty. Jenacia was average height about 5’5”, short compared to my 6’3” frame. She drew me in with her sexy ass gray eyes and those pouty lips that she kept shining. Her real hair was beautiful and swept past her shoulders but she insisted on wearing that bundle shit. Hell, she could be bald headed and still be beautiful to me. I could see her booty poking from the back, I didn’t know how her little self could carry that much ass, but I didn’t mind it.

  I licked my lips and had to focus my attention somewhere else because my other head was making some decisions that my big head may not be able to deal with. She smacked her lips and I looked her way and she was staring at my semi erect dick.

  “Really Kayson? That’s why this wouldn’t work.” She pointed at my dick.

  “Shut up. You know how I feel about you and you knew I was coming, why you out here in those little ass shorts if you didn’t want me to look?” she rolled her eyes. “I thought so, come on.”

  She rolled her eyes again and then walked off in the direction of her car. I watched as her ass fought to stay in them shorts. I licked my lips and hopped in my truck. This shit was about to be hard as hell. I needed to call one of my freaks. I was gone need some pussy, and bad.

  Chapter Two


  I was headed
to go and get my brother from jail. I was so tired of him fucking up; I always felt the need to make his shit right because I was the one that knew the shit he went through as a kid. They knew what happened but they weren’t there, they don’t know how that shit affected us. Denari dealt with his shit in different ways then I did. I just closed myself off and didn’t give a fuck.

  I mean fuck, our dad made us watch as he raped and killed our moms. I still see her face when I sleep. Hell, I can’t get that shit out my head for nothing. Shit I remember that shit like it was yesterday.

  It was the last day of school and I was so excited to be out for the summer. We had just moved to Charlotte with our mom. She left our dad because he used to beat her ass daily. Originally from Key West, Florida, trying to adapt to Carolina’s ways was difficult. Things were so different but I liked it, mainly because I was away from that monster that went half on creating me.

  My dad was always puffed up on coke and if mom would pay the bills before he got his stash he would flip out and beat her ass. He never hit us but he never missed a chance to tell us how much he hated us and wish we were never born. I guess when he had kids that cut into his get high money.


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