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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

Page 5

by Nikki Brown

  “Jenacia you better not—”

  “Would you shut up and let me finish.” I smacked my lips and gave her the floor. “I gave in to his advance just to see what he would do. Just like I thought we got back to his hotel and he couldn’t do it. Gave me this story about not wanting to ruin our friendship.” She laughed. “So, me being me I came out and asked him if he was gay and he finally told me the truth. I always knew and like I told him, I would never think of him any less but he can stop all the acting around me.” She glanced at me for a second. “So, that’s what’s up with my little boyfriend.”

  “So, that nigga like the same shit you do huh?”

  “Yep! So, no action there for me.”

  “I got some action for you.” I threw out there.

  “Nope I already told you what the deal was. Hell, I feel dumb as hell sometimes for sitting around waiting on you to get your shit together. Well, kinda waiting.”

  “The fuck you mean kinda, Jenacia?”

  “Exactly what I said, I mean you know I was with Roger for over a year. Before him I was seeing people, but I feel like I never give men a real chance because in the back of my mind I know they’re not you and my heart only belongs with you and I hate that.”

  “Why do you hate that?”

  “Because I know who you are Kayson and I know that you will never change.”

  “You don’t know that Jen.”

  “Kayson I do, you are 25 years old and moving up in the drug game. There is no way that you are gonna tell me that with all the pussy that’s gone be coming at you, you’re gonna be able to settle down with me and be happy.” I looked at her shocked. “Don’t look at me like that I just want you to keep a buck and you know I’ma do the same.”

  “Honestly, I done fucked so many bitches out here looking for something that’s been in my life all along. I will never be able to give another woman my heart the way you have it. I love you and you know that. I’m just scared that I won’t be able to live up to person you have in your mind.”

  “Kayson, I love you the way you are. I just want the loyalty with the love. That’s all I ask.”

  “That’s some deep shit Jenacia,” I said just above a whisper.

  I understood what she was asking of me, and I knew exactly what she wanted. I just didn’t know if I could fully give her that. But like I said, I done fucked plenty bitches and I swear there was no one out there like Jen. Our chemistry was out of this world. My biggest fear was disappointing her and I think that’s where my hesitation was.

  “Don’t be trying to get all deep in this shit so you can get mad and push me off this got damn mountain.” I said to lighten the mood of the conversation.

  “Kayson, I get it. You don’t want to fail.” She said noticing what I was trying to do. “But you can’t expect me to wait around forever.”

  I let that shit sink in, we rode the rest of the way to the mountain in silence, and both lost in our own thoughts. She wanted me, all of me and I wanted to give her that but in the same sense I was scared.

  When we got to the mountain and got out the car, the mood lightened a little and we started up the mountain. I had never been hiking before but I must say that the scenery was beautiful and watching Jenacia with her camera in her element drew me to her, just a little more. The look in her eyes and smile on her face when she caught just the right picture made me smile. I knew right then that I needed to get my shit together before she made good on her little threat.

  Chapter Eight


  I walked through the Oak Room with a Crown shot in my hand as the bass of Bounce Back by Big Sean resonated through the speakers. I was feeling good. After that shit I saw the other day I wasn’t even in the mood to deal with anything but some liquor, a blunt and hopefully some pussy.

  There were a few bad bitches in here half fucking naked throwing ass like they were trying to get paid, but I didn’t want that tonight. I wanted something that I had to work for. I wasn’t really one for relationships, them muthafuckas was too much work and I didn’t have the patience. So, I just had fuck buddies and it would stay that way until I got old as hell or I found someone who was worth changing all of that.

  “Heeeyyyy Omari,” I heard someone sing from my right. I looked in their direction and threw my head up and kept it moving. I wasn’t in the mood to entertain a fan club tonight.

  I walked around a little more before I found me a table, I knew when Kayson and Jaako got here they would flip shit about why I didn’t get a VIP but I liked chilling with the people. Hell, even when I got a VIP I still spent more time out of it than I did in it.

  I observed everything that was going on around me. All the thirsty niggas out here buying drinks and shit trying to get the next bitch that’s willing to go home with them and the bitches sucking it all up knowing good and damn well they would be sneaking off with the next nigga. It was all amusing to me because I wasn’t that guy. I didn’t do all the buying drinks and shit just for some pussy. Either you were gonna give it to me or you wasn’t, it was up to you.

  “O” I heard Denari yell and my mood completely went left.

  “The fuck you doing here Denari?”

  “Shit I called to see what Jaako was up to and he said he was meeting y’all here so I decided to invite myself since this was a brother thing and all.” He said sounding somewhat offended.

  “Nah nigga be real, you called Jaako to see if I told him your disloyal ass is fucking with his girl.”

  “Who girl you fucking now bro?” Jaako asked as he walked up, I didn’t even see him coming.

  “Yeah who girl you fucking bruh?” I smirked and Denari looked at me like he wanted to kill me but I didn’t care, that nigga was wrong on so many levels it wasn’t even funny.

  “That nigga Ortiz girl, Heaven. I been sticking her for a minute.” He laughed it off and I shook my head and walked off toward the bar. I wasn’t with Denari’s shit tonight and if I wanted to have fun, I couldn’t be around him.

  I sat at the bar and downed three more shots of Crown and just chilled for a minute. I looked around for my brothers and I spotted them in VIP, well Jaako and Kayson anyway. I got up and started off over in that direction but I noticed Kayson’s first love Jenacia heading my way with this sexy ass woman with her.

  I mean baby girl was stacked like a muthafucka, but she didn’t have no waist and her thickness wasn’t excessive or fake. Her light skin glowed under the club lighting and the red crop top she had on brought out the red hues of her skin. Her slanted eyes, small nose and mouth let me know that she was mixed with something and I swear it was a deadly combination. She had her hair in them twist shits that all the black girls were wearing so I knew she had some kind of black in her. I was hoping by the end of the night she had this black dick in her but I could tell that she was different from the hoes in the club.

  “Hey O,” Jenacia said and hugged me; I hugged her back but kept my eyes on her friend. “Kayson told me my favorite Barnes brother was here and I just had to come and find you.”

  “What’s been up sis?” I asked still not taking my eyes off the beauty that stood before me.

  “Well if you cared you would not be staring a hole through my Zemia.” I finally looked her direction and she had an amused look on her face and I flipped her off. “Omari this is my friend and coworker Zemia, and Zemia this is the crazy ass Omari I was telling you about.” She laughed.

  “I’m only crazy when I need to be.” I smirked and I guess Zemia knew what I was talking about because she returned the smirk. “How you doing Ma?”

  “I’m good and it’s nice to meet you. Jenacia has told me a lot about you.”

  “Don’t believe that shit, sis a hater.” Jenacia hit me on the shoulder and laughed.

  “I’m sure.” She said and then turned around and gave me a nice view of her plump ass. The nigga in me wanted to reach out and grab a handful, but if she was friends with Jenacia I already knew she wasn’t about that shit.

  “Aight O, I just came to holla at you. Me and Zemia about to explore the club a little bit. You going to VIP?”

  “Yeah, that’s where I was going when you came over.” I said and then looked over to Zemia. “You may not want to explore too much because you wouldn’t want to get a nigga fucked up, would you?”

  “Excuse me?” She was taken aback by my forwardness but I didn’t give a fuck. I meant what I said.

  “You heard me, I don’t like to share and I think you just stepped on my heart a little bit with them big ass heels.” I chuckled. “I get territorial, you know what I mean.”

  “I’m sorry but I don’t even know you and you are not my man to be dictating my moves.” She put her hands on her hips.

  I shrugged my shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “You got one of two choices in the matter. You can fall in line and respect that you just walked into a trap called my life. Or you can go out here thinking you can do what you want, and then get mad and leave when I show my ass. It doesn’t really matter to me, but the choice is yours.”

  With that I walked off, there was nothing else to say. I could hear her trying to go off but Jenacia stopped her and explained that it was no use that’s just how we were, and she was exactly right. When I got over to the VIP section, Kayson was staring at me with a smirk on his face. I guess he was watching or he sent her over there.

  “What the fuck you cheesing at nigga?”

  “You.” He laughed. “She bad as fuck though.”

  “Hell yeah, how long Jenacia been knowing her?”

  “They work together at The Word, that local magazine shit. I just met her ass today when she came to the house. I invited Jenacia to come out with me and she said that she didn’t want to be around all of us and be the only female, so she called her friend.”

  “Well she just got her friend in a lot of fucking trouble.” I smiled.

  “Don’t be out here beasting nigga, I know how you do.” Jaako chimed in, until that moment he was on his phone and shit smiling and keekeeing.

  “I already told her if I catch her in a nigga face I’m showing my ass.” I sat back and threw my arms over the of the couch that I was sitting on and just watched as my future prospect move around the club like she owned that bitch.

  “You can't be doing that shit O.” Jaako laughed.

  “I can do what the fuck I want, who in the hell gonna stop me.”

  And I meant that. I was a boss in every sense of the word. I was just waiting on my chance to show the world what I was made of. Me and my brothers had all proved ourselves but the decision was Uncle Ray’s so we were just waiting on him to make his move.

  We were just chilling and drinking, just enjoying life and shit. It felt good to just live with no got damn bullshit, and then I remembered that Denari was here and I hadn’t seen him since earlier.

  “Yo, where the fuck is Denari, I don’t want no shit tonight.”

  “If you don’t want no shit, don’t even talk his ass up.” Kayson said sitting up from the couch. I followed his eyes and seen that Jenacia and Zemia were dancing with some dude. I stood up and Kayson followed me. “Nigga that’s Uncle Ray ass.” Kayson laughed and I had to join in because all we were seeing was red so we didn’t even notice that it was him.

  We walked up and I jumped in his face, “Nigga you dancing with my woman?”

  “Young blood you wouldn’t know what to do with this beautiful woman right here.” He grabbed Zemia’s hand and spun her around and she was just a smiling.

  “Nah yo’ old ass wouldn’t know what to do with her.” He looked to me and furrowed his brow and then we all busted out laughing.

  “I got yo’ old nigga, my old ass will fuck you up.” He pushed me. “My ass is tired, y'all wore me out.” He said headed to where Jaako was still sitting.

  “Told you yo’ ass was old.” I said under my breath and Kayson laughed.

  We all sat down, Zemia sat on the other couch across from me while Jenacia sat beside Kayson. I wondered what was going on with them two now. Whatever it was I just hoped like hell he didn’t fuck up because she was good for him and she was down for him.

  “Why the fuck you all the way over there?” I mugged her and her pretty ass mugged me back which made me smile. “Come here man.”

  “I like it over here.”

  “I really don’t give a fuck what you like, I’m asking you nicely.” I licked my bottom lip.

  “Why the hell y’all young niggas so rough? Damn y’all don’t know how to caress women anymore. Y'all niggas be all aggressive.” Uncle Ray shook his head.

  “Because that’s what they like.” Kayson answered for me.

  “Who said?” Jenacia and Zemia said at the same time.

  “Come here sweet thang.” Uncle Ray said and Zemia got up and walked over to where he was sitting and cuddled up beside him. I knew that shit was just to make me mad so I played along.

  “Unc I will fuck you up in here, you know you ain’t got yo’ inhaler so you won’t be able to keep up with me.” Jaako and Kayson laughed.

  “I’ll just shoot you nephew, problem solved.”

  “Yo’ old ass gotta get to it first.” I said as I pulled out my gat from my waist band and he smiled at me.

  “I taught ya well.” He laughed and Zemia looked worried when she seen the gun in my hands.

  All of a sudden, we heard this big commotion break out by the bar. Something told me to stand up and check it out and I’m glad I did because it was my brother getting jumped by three niggas.

  “Oh shit that’s D.” Jaako yelled and jumped the rope that tied off our section and I did the same thing followed by Kayson. I could hear Uncle Ray going off and telling the girls to stay put.

  We got through the crowd and they had Denari on the ground stomping his ass out. I swung on the first nigga that was close to me and hit him in the head with the gun that I still had in my hand.

  “Oh shit he gotta gun.” I heard someone yell and people started to scatter. But I didn’t stop beating the fuck out of ol’ dude until I felt someone pull me off and I turned around to swing and I realized it was Uncle Ray trying to get the gun out of my hand but I wasn’t letting that shit go. I tucked that shit back in my pants and turned around to see that my brothers were all standing over top of niggas beating the shit out of them.

  “Aight y’all that’s enough.” Uncle Ray said. Surprisingly there was still a crowd standing there even after someone said I had a gun. I guess being nosy was more important than muthafuckas lives nowadays.

  “Pussy ass nigga, who the fuck you thought we were?” Kayson said and spit on the nigga he had just fucked up. “Muthafuckas better ask about us, our names ring bells bitch.” He kicked the guy and headed back to where the girls were.

  I grabbed Jaako and we helped Denari off the ground and headed out the door and to the cars before the police came. I knew it would be just a matter of time before they got there. We got that nigga Denari in my car and Unc said bring him to his house.

  “Oh, my God Denari I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Some light skinned girl came up and said. She looked familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Denari was so sneaky you would never know.

  “Heaven let’s go!” Someone yelled at her and she jumped. “If I have to call Ortiz, it’s not gonna be a pretty sight.” He said like somebody gave a fuck.

  “Yo you alright?” I asked her and she looked at me and nodded her head but I could tell that she wasn’t. “You sure?”

  “Yes, just tell Denari I’m so sorry.” She said and then walked off to the guy that was yelling at her. He was standing there shaking his head at her and she was walking in his direction with her head down like a child that was being chastised.

  I didn’t have time to worry about that though. I needed to get Denari to my uncle’s house to get checked out by the doc. I watched as Jenacia and Zemia walked to Kayson’s car with him and Jaako hopped in his car. I got in my car and high tailed it out of the parking lot. I was hap
py as hell when I noticed that he was following me. I wasn’t ready to let Ms. Sexy out of my sights yet.

  I should have known that Denari was gonna be the one to mess this night up for everybody, which is why I didn’t want his ass to come. But Jaako, old peacemaker ass, just had to tell him where the fuck we were going. I was gonna cuss his ass out if he made me ruin any chances with Zemia.

  “Where’s Heaven?” Denari asked from the backseat.

  “Gone.” Was all I said because I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him about that shit.

  “He’s gonna hurt her.” He managed to get out between moans.

  “Well they could’ve killed you so I don’t know what the fuck you want me to do.”

  He didn’t say anything else probably because he knew I was pissed and how I got when I was mad. I kept driving until I got to Harrisburg, which is where Uncle Ray lived. I was pissed the fuck off because the more I drove, the more I thought about shit. I was gone lay into his ass once he was well enough to take it.

  Chapter Nine


  I sat in the back of Cello’s truck hating my life right now. I hated the day I ever met Ortiz. We had been together for the last two years and I honestly can’t ever say that I ever had a happy moment with him. He has treated me like shit from the moment I met him.

  Ortiz saved me from my father, who mentally and physically abused me every chance he got. My mother died from cancer when I was 14 and from that point on, he treated me like his own personal sex slave. Once I was 18, I left to never return. I was homeless, sleeping on the streets and in shelters. I got a job at Club Nikki’s, which is a local strip club. I made decent money and I was able to get myself a little apartment off Nations Ford.


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