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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

Page 14

by Nikki Brown

  “Stop by my crib, hell it’s on the way. You got shit there.” We all kept clothes at each other’s house just in case some shit went down. “What the fuck you do anyway?”

  “I went and fucked that nigga Roger up. I told that nigga to stay the fuck away from Jenacia, but all of a sudden that nigga got balls and shit. He did say some shit that fucked with me though.”

  “What?” Me and Omari said at the same time.

  “He was talking about some shit storm coming and I was in the middle of it.”

  “The fuck? We ain’t even got no enemies.” Omari said.

  “Exactly, I didn’t know what that shit was about so I was gonna talk to Unc about it.”

  “Man, this better not have shit to do with Denari’s ass.” I threw out there and I heard O suck his teeth.

  “Yo, why the hell you kill Jizzy anyway?” Omari asked me.

  “Think about it, the only one that knew about the stash was us and Jizzy. Denari told me that he told that nigga where we kept our stash. When I went up there, the shit was empty. How the fuck they know to look in the back of the TV for money? Somebody had to tell them that shit, and it wasn’t any of us.” I said, and we were all quiet. “Exactly I—” I stopped mid-sentence when I noticed Denari’s car in my fucking driveway.

  “You got to be shitting me.” Omari said under his breath.

  I jumped out and headed to the door. I stuck my key in just in time to see Krista jump the fuck up from between Denari’s legs. I saw nothing but fucking red.

  “THE FUCK?” I yelled and grabbed my gun from my waist band.

  “Jaako nooooooooo!!!”

  Click! Click! I pulled my gun out and had it trained at Denari and Krista so fast that not even I knew what I was doing. I was flooded with emotions and I had no handle on the situation. On one hand, this was the push that I needed to get the hell away from Krista. I didn’t love her, nor did I want to be with her, but that didn’t mean that it was okay for my brother to fucking smash her. How long had they been doing this behind my back? And why in the fuck did Denari think this shit was okay. He knew that my heart was with Yameka, but damn he also knew I cared for Krista too. If he could do something like this what else was his disloyal ass capable of? I just wanted to cause pain; I was hurt by this shit. This shit was mad disrespectful. I kept waving the gun back and forth between the two.

  “Bruh, don’t do this man.” I could hear the fear in Omari’s voice as he watched my finger inch closer to the trigger as I waved the gun around recklessly. “This shit ain’t even worth it my nigga.”

  “He right Jaako, chill.” Kayson butted in and took a step closer to me.

  They were right, I took a deep breath and got my mind right then I lowered my gun and placed it on the bar that was to the left of me. I looked at Krista who was standing there shaking like a fucking leaf. The level of betrayal was out of this fucking world and the smug look on Denari’s face was elevating the level of anger that was fueling my body. It was like his ass didn’t give a fuck.

  “Jaako, it’s not what you think please let’s just talk about this,” Krista pleaded.

  “It looks like you were swallowing my brother’s dick.” I yelled at her and slammed my hand down on the bar where my gun was sitting. I was tempted to pick that muthafucka up, but I knew if I did someone was going to leave here in a fucking body bag. “But shit I could be wrong.” I glared at the both of them.

  “Damn chill bro.” Denari said nonchalantly. “You act like I had her ass bent over the couch or something she was just wetting the whistle, you know how we do.” He laughed and shrugged his shoulders like what he was saying made sense. That shit took me over the edge. I jumped over the couch and punched him in the fucking mouth. It was like the more I hit him the madder I got. He tried to fight back but I was too strong for him. I hit him over and over until I felt myself being lifted off him. “All that over some pussy yo’ ass don’t even want?” Denari yelled from the ground, through a bloodied mouth. “Fuck you Jaako.”

  “No bitch, fuck you! It doesn’t matter whether I wanted her or not, that was my bitch and you are my fucking brother, which means this shit ain’t supposed to fucking happen.” My chest heaved up and down as I tried to get the hell out of Kayson’s grasp and fuck him up some more. I was so fucking mad I was shaking. “You a disrespectful piece of shit, you stay the fuck away from me nigga.” I was pissed. I wanted to send a bullet through his fucking skull, but I knew that Mama would have my ass for it and even though that nigga had me on ten right now, I would eventually regret it. He was still my brother. “Mama just saved yo’ life bitch boy.” I pointed at Denari and he just glared at me.

  “Jaako, I just think we need to talk about this.”

  “Ain’t shit to talk about. If you can do this shit with my brother, ain’t no telling what the fuck else yo’ ass been doing, so you can go to hell with that shit.”

  “You can’t leave me, I’m pregnant.”

  I looked at the bitch like she was crazy, she was out of her rabbit ass mind if she thought that I was about to stake claim on a baby and I had just walked in on her sucking the gristle off my brother’s dick. As far as I knew she was fuckin him too. I knew something was up at Kayson’s house that day. I asked both of them muthafuckas what was up and they both stood in my face and lied through their muthafucking teeth. Omari.

  “You knew nigga?” I turned to face Omari.

  “Man look, I didn’t want in the middle of that shit, bruh.” He shook his head. “Either way it went, I was gonna be fucking somebody over.”

  “Bruh, this shit is past fucking wrong, and you didn’t think to tell me that shit was going down like that? I would have never kept something like that from you.”

  Omari shook his head. “Don’t take it there bruh. I told that nigga to tell you, this shit has been eating me up, but I just couldn’t be the one to cause this.” He waved his hand around the room.

  “Damn,” was all Kayson said with a sympathetic look on his face.

  “That’s fucked up,” I said. “I can’t trust no fucking body, huh?” I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Kay, you knew too?”

  “Nah, I just heard that shit O said at the cookout. I asked him about it and he said it wasn’t shit, so I left it at that.” He shrugged.

  “Fuck all that, Jaako I just told you that I was carrying your baby.” Krista said with her hands on her hips like she ran something.

  “The fuck you telling me for, wrong brother.” I grabbed my gun and turned to walk away.

  “Jaako you know we don’t use condoms, me and Denari do.”

  Kayson was still standing in front of me, blocking me from getting around him. If his big ass didn’t get the fuck out of my way, I was gonna scoop his ass.

  “So how long y'all been fucking?”

  “The fuck does that matter?” Denari scoffed.

  “Bitch, because I asked.”

  “I ain’t gonna be too many more of your bitches though.”

  “The fuck you gonna do about it? Huh nigga? Get yo’ ass beat like you just did?”

  “Fuck you, nigga.”

  “I tell you what.” I turned my attention back to Krista. “When the baby born call me and I will get a DNA test done. If it’s mine, I’m taking it and killing you.” I pointed at her and I meant every single word I said. The fresh tears that were now rolling down her face let me know that she knew that I was dead ass. “I’ll be back to get my shit and you better not fuck with any of it. If a got damn sock is missing, I’m slitting ya throat.”

  “Jaako this is ya baby,” she tried to reason with me.

  “How the fuck do you know? I know that nigga and he nasty as fuck. So, you not about to tell me that he used a got damn rubber every time.” I hit her with the yeah right nigga face. “And if you’ll fuck my brother, there is no fucking telling who else you’ll lay with. You heard what the fuck I said. Don’t call me for shit; don’t ask me for shit until that fucking baby is born, you got it?”

; “Please Jaako.”

  “Fuck you bitch.” I tried to walk around Kayson and he looked at me as if he were asking if I was gonna do anything else. “Man, I’m done with this shit. After we meet with Unc, I’m coming to get my shit and that’s the end of it.” He nodded his head and moved out of the way.

  I looked at them one more time, grabbed my gun off the bar and headed out the door with Kayson in tow. I could hear Omari going off on them when I was getting in the car. When he walked out of the house he was mad as fuck. I knew the shit wasn’t his fault, but I still felt betrayed by him because as my brother he should have told me, but I understood that Denari was his brother too.

  “I was wrong as fuck bruh, I can’t take that shit back either. I just didn’t wanna be the reason for the fall out. I told both to back the fuck off, but as you can see they didn’t listen worth shit.”

  “How long have you known?

  “I walked in on them at his house a few months ago, I flipped on them and they promised that it was over, but I guess they lied.” I could tell that he was sincere, and it wasn’t his fault, so I guess I couldn’t hold that shit over him. “Don’t think I’m on no snake shit because y’all know that ain’t me. I was just put in a fucked-up position.”

  “You good bruh, this wasn’t on you, just remember I’m ya brother too.” That was all I needed to say about the situation and those few words spoke volumes.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Uncle Ray

  “I don’t know where the fuck them niggas at.”

  “You know how these youngins are.” Tate, my friend who was also the police chief, said as he sat back on the couch puffing on a Cuban cigar.

  “They know I don’t play that shit.” I fumed, but before I could get another word in the front door came busting open. Kayson led the pack as usual. “The fuck y’all been?”

  “My bad Unc, we had a…” Kayson’s words dragged off as he looked back at his brothers, I knew something had happened. I could tell by the look on Jaako’s face, ”anissue.” Kayson finished.

  “What the fuck kind of issue?”

  “Jaako, you take this one.” Kayson said and came around and sat on the couch. “What up?” Kayson threw his head up at Tate.

  “Well?” I said waiting for someone to say something, I didn’t really care who it was. I just needed to see if this was gonna be an issue for the organization. “Talk, muthafucka.”

  “Walked in on ya nephew with his dick down Krista’s throat.”

  “Oooooooo,” me and Tate both put our hands over our mouths.

  “Damn nephew, you good?”

  “Yeah, it was some disrespectful shit because it was at my house, but I don’t love that hoe anyway.” He shrugged, and I believed him.

  “Well shit, if that’s the case, let’s get down to business.” I waved for the other two to sit down. I already knew who he was talking about; there was no need to ask because the only one that was disrespectful enough to pull this off was Denari. “So, what the hell happened?”

  “Shit, we gotta call that a nigga ran into the spot on the Ford but when we got there Denari wasn’t there. We searched the damn house and even the stash was gone. The only person besides us that knew that shit was Jizzy, so I shot his ass.” Jaako said shocking me because he was usually the level headed one, always willing to give folks a second chance, but not today and for that I was proud. Some people weren’t deserving of that and in this case, he did the right thing.

  “Did they say where the fuck Denari was?” I asked then just remembered what they said and then threw my hands up. “My bad,” Jaako chuckled. “So what y’all thinking, and before you answer that Chief Tate got something he wanna tell y’all.”

  Me and Deshon Tate went back as far as the playground in elementary school; we called him by his last name because he hated his first name. We ran the streets together for as long as I can remember even after he took the oath to serve and protect. He served alright; helped me serve the best coke, heroin, and weed that Charlotte and surrounding areas has ever seen. I helped him get to his Chief of Police position and he made sure that my crew stayed clear. We had a system and it worked for us.

  Tate stopped by to let me know that Denari’s fuck up has put him on the radar at the station and people are watching. That’s what I needed the boys here for today to tell them that Denari was gonna have to step back until shit calmed down because we damn sure didn’t need the heat right now.

  “So ya brother has been a little busy bee.” Tate started. “And the streets are talking and so is the station.”

  “So, what does that mean?” Omari sat up in the chair.

  “It means that he gonna have to fall back before shit gets real.” Tate broke it down really simple for them. He told them about all the charges that Denari had accumulated over the last six months. I could tell that they all were shocked because I didn’t even know about some of them. I couldn’t do anything but shake my head because I should have known.

  “Nigga just keep fucking up.” Kayson shook his head and Omari sucked his teeth.

  “Look Omari, we got one of two choices.” I started but waited until I had his full attention before I continued. “We can sit Denari down for a minute until he gets his shit together and get his nose clean.” I gave him a look to say that I knew he was snorting that shit. “Or we can all go down for his fuck ups and I ain’t going to jail for nobody.”

  “Who gonna tell him?” Kayson asked.

  “I am. Y’all might be worried about that little nigga’s feelings but I ain’t. He did this to himself so it’s up to him to make the shit right. You can’t be a fucking boss running around the streets acting like a clown. He needs to grow the fuck up and until then that nigga gonna be looking in from the sidelines. If anybody has a problem with it, they can chill right along with him.” I opened the floor to objections and just like I thought there were none. “Now that that’s out of the way, Tate do you have anything else?”

  “Yes!” He smiled; I already knew what the fuck he was gon’ say. “Who in the fuck came up with that THC Vape shit?” I nodded at Omari who smirked. “That shit was fucking genius, you can barely detect it and you can’t tell that shit from the vape juice that’s supposed to be used. You putting us on the map nigga. Bra-fucking-vo,” he stood up and started clapping. Omari started wiping imaginary dirt off him. Cocky fucker.

  I had to laugh because it was true for that shit to just be getting started; I swear it was bringing in more money than regular weed. He had even found a wholesale nigga and was even selling the fucking vapes. Omari was smart; I don’t know what happened to his fucking brother.

  “’Preciate that, but who the fuck are you?”

  “Ah shit my bad this is the Chief of Police that I was telling y’all about. I thought it was time to meet the man behind the fucking badge.”

  “What up young bloods, the more low key y’all are the easier my job is just remember that and we will get along just fine.” Tate smiled and they all nodded.

  We talked about how shit would run, and we talked about everything that would have to be turned around now that Denari had fucked shit up. I needed to talk to that little nigga ASAP and that shit was happening today whether he liked it or not.

  “Where D?” I asked as the fellas were leaving.

  “Little bitch was at my crib but if he knows what’s good for him, he won’t be there when I get back over there.” Jaako said and I felt that shit.


  I walked the boys out and I picked up my phone and text Denari 911. He literally had thirty minutes to hit me back, if I had to go find his ass it wasn’t gonna be pretty.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Man, fuck!” I yelled.

  “What the fuck am I gonna do now?” Krista cried. “How in the hell am I going to support me and this baby? Denari you’re gonna have to help me.”

  “Fuck you, I told you to get rid of the little muthafucka.”

nbsp; “This could be your child, Denari.” She placed her hands on her hips and glared at me.

  “And you think I give a fuck? Shit, you see how fucked up I am. You think I wanna bring another fucked up nigga into this world? Hell no, go kill that shit.”

  “I can’t believe you. One of y’all gonna take care of this baby.” She said in a threatening tone. “Voluntarily or involuntarily, your choice.”

  “Bitch, threatening me is not good for your health.” I headed for the door. “Let me get out of here before that fool comes back, and I have to shoot his fucking ass.”

  “You ain’t gonna do shit but what you did just now, sit back and get ya ass whooped.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks and just stared at the bitch. Who in the fuck did she think she was? I was tired of her and her fucking mouth. She needed to be taught a lesson, and fast. I walked over toward her and slapped the shit out of her. I hit her so hard that she fell to the ground. I stood over her daring her to say something else.

  “You are nothing but a bitch, hitting women. I don’t know what in the hell I was thinking ever fucking with you. I definitely lowered my standards with you.” She just didn’t know when to shut the hell up.

  I raised my hand and I punched her in the face repeatedly, I got so mad that I blacked out. I was pissed that my brother walked in on this shit, that he fucked me over it when he didn’t even want the broad, mad that she wouldn’t shut up, that she was talking about keeping this baby, mad that my nigga Jizzy was dead, and that somebody had the fucking balls to rob me.

  When I finally came to, Krista was lying in a pool of blood and was barely conscious. I freaked out and grabbed my keys and ran out of the house. I jumped in my car and sped off, just as another car was pulling in to the drive way. I didn’t know who it was, and I didn’t give a fuck, I just knew that I needed to get away from there as fast as I could.

  It was a must that I get out of town for a minute, shit was getting crazy as fuck. I drove like a bat out of hell until I reached my condo. I jumped out and headed up the stairs. I opened the door and Heaven was lying on the couch looking beautiful as ever, made me wonder why in the hell was I still doing the shit that I was doing.


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