The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 18

by Nikki Brown

  “Yeah the shit just affects people in different ways.”

  “Well it’s got me on one.” She said as she relaxed in the seat with her bare ass. She better be glad that I had leather seats, or I would have slapped her ass. She was gonna clean my shit too.

  “I see.” I focused back on the road until I heard her playing with herself. I looked over and she had reclined in the seat and had her leg up on the dash, you could hear how wet she was, and that shit was turning me on. For a second there, I forgot I was driving until I heard a horn and I looked up and I was half way in someone else’s lane.

  “You should pay attention. Ummmm ssshittttt!” she moaned out. My dick was so hard it was about to burst through the zipper of my khakis. “Don’t worry baby, I got you.” She reached over and unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick and started jacking me off while she played in her wetness. I tried my best to pay attention to the road, but that shit was hard as hell because all I wanted to do was ease into some pussy.

  We were almost to my condo in Charlotte and I was glad about that. I put a little more weight on the pedal to speed up the process. When I pulled up, I threw the car in park and didn’t even bother getting out. I slid my seat all the way back and motioned for her to come and sit on me. She did as I asked her and eased down on my shit. I grabbed her by the neck and leaned her back, her feet were flat on the chair and her pussy was in plain view, and what a view it was. I took my free hand and applied pressure on her clit and she started bouncing on my dick. She laid on the horn a couple times, but I didn’t give a fuck because this shit was feeling good as fuck.

  “Bounce that pussy, baby.” I said between gritted teeth. Right as I was getting in to it, I heard a knock on my window which I had rolled up when I parked. “Fuck,” I yelled when I realized that it was Omari. I forgot that quick that I told him to meet me here.

  “The fuck is you doing, bruh?” I could hear him say on the other side of the glass. Heaven had yet to stop moving, I don’t even think she knew that Omari was standing there. I rolled the window down enough for him to hear me. “You gotta be shitting me!” He said once he fully realized what was going on. My tint was dark as shit and you couldn’t see shit from the outside.

  “O man, what’s up? You gotta key, go on up and I’ll be up in a minute.” I yelled through the crack. “Fuck, Heaven.”

  “Ummm shit, I’m ‘bout to cum baby.” I released her neck and grabbed her nipple and squeezed it and she moaned out.

  “So, you just gonna keep fucking while I’m standing here?”

  “Hell yeah, nigga you would too. You’ve done that shit, so what you saying?” I bit my bottom lip because I could feel my nut rising. I swear I’ve never came this fast on some coke before, but the way Heaven’s pussy was hugging my dick I couldn’t help it.

  “Whatever nigga, I’m out; call me when you get a chance.”

  I didn’t respond because I was about to nut and needed to concentrate on that. Right as I was releasing in her womb, I heard tires screech, and Omari yell fuck. I looked back, and I saw a black SUV roll down the street with a nigga hanging out the window with AK.

  “Oh shit, Heaven get the fuck down.” I yelled as I threw her in the passenger seat and reached for my gun that was under my seat but before I could open my door, I heard gun shots rang out and I saw my brother go down right before my eyes. Tears immediately started flowing and I jumped out and started busting back until they were no longer in sight. “Fuck, O you good bruh? You gotta be good.” Tears were rolling down my face and they wouldn’t stop. “Heaven call 911.” I yelled, I could hear her talking to somebody so I assumed it was the operator.

  “Fuck D,” Omari got out as blood spilled through his lips. I can’t believe this shit was happening. I couldn’t lose my brother; there was no way in hell that I would be able to keep going if my brother wasn’t here with me.

  “Hang on nigga, they coming to help you. I can hear those muthafuckas, just hang on.” I could hear the sirens already. I don’t know whether they were close by, or the neighbors had already called.

  “I love you, nigga.”

  “Nah, fuck that. Don’t talk like that, you gonna be good. Hang on O, shit.” I yelled trying to cover the hole that was leaking in his chest. This shit was my fault; I knew that Ortiz had something to do with this.

  About two minutes later the EMT’s were piling out of the truck and coming to help my brother. I grabbed my phone and called Unc and told him what happened. He said that he was on his way to the hospital to meet them. They were taking him to CMC Main because it was the closest hospital and the best. Once they had him loaded up, I jumped in my car that was now full of bullet holes in the back and without a few windows. Right now, I didn’t care about all that shit, I just needed to make sure that my brother was gonna be okay.

  Chapter Thirty


  Jenacia thought she was slick, trying to find a house behind my back. Sshe should know by now that I know everything and the fact that the realtor that she is trying to go through is my realtor and a really good friend of the family. Tracey knows all about Jenacia and the fact that she was looking for a place prompted her to call me.

  Tracey used to try and get with me back in the day, and I was all for it until I found out she was one of Unc’s many women. When he told me that shit, I cussed her ass out for trying to fuck in the family and then I told Unc, who cut her ass off too. We still kept in touch with her because she knew our family and she knew that when we came looking for houses, we came with cash and she knew how to handle that. We didn’t have to worry about anybody looking at it or anything like that, so we kept her around for that purpose. I still think Unc hit that from time to time but that was his business, and he didn’t have shit to worry about when it came to me.

  Tracey told me the other day that Jenacia reached out to her to find her a place that was nice, yet affordable, and I wasn’t having that shit. Her ass wasn’t going anywhere and the quicker she understood that, the better.

  I was currently on my way to the apartment that Tracey was showing her today. I told her to go ahead and act like she was gonna help her but let me know where they were gonna be. I pulled up to the apartments that she was looking at and they were cute, but they didn’t have shit on the house that we currently lived in. I walked up the steps and into the apartment that Tracey told me about.

  “So, this how we moving though?” I asked startling the both of them.

  “Kayson, what are you doing here?”

  “No, the question is what are you doing here?”

  “I’m ju—just looking at—”

  “What you doing is being fucking sneaky.” I said louder than I anticipated. “I thought we talked about this shit?”

  “No Kayson, you talked I listened,” she said in a defeated tone, at least she knew this shit was a no go.

  “You didn’t object.”

  “You didn’t give me a choice.”

  “Because I love you Jenacia and I ain’t about to be living in two separate places. I refuse to sleep without you, so that means I’d be living out of a fucking duffle bag, and that ain’t it for me.”


  “Kayson nothing, I told you let’s add your name to the deed so that you will feel like it’s yours. Hell, if that don’t work we will have your realtor here find us a house that we pick out together, but the end result for whatever you choose is gonna be me and you together in the same got damn house.” I said in one breath.

  She didn’t say anything, just rolled her eyes in the back of her head and smirked. I don’t know why she was trying to play hard ball. It had been damn near two months since that shit happened and I honestly thought that she was over it, but here she is still trying to move out and shit. The more I thought about it, the more pissed I got.

  “If you fucking move out Jenacia, I’ma make yo’ life hell. I just want you to know.” She looked at me all shocked.

  “You really love this one, huh?” Tra
cey words dripped with envy. I had forgotten that she was even standing here until she opened her mouth.

  “Wait, y’all know each other?” Jenacia asked starting to put two and two together. "What, you fucked her too?”

  “Hell no I ain’t fuck her.” I blurted out. “She was one of Unc’s women.” I said not thinking about how it sounded coming out. “I ain’t mean it like that I was just saying that she and Unc had a thing.”

  “So, she called you to tell you that your girlfriend was looking for a place?” She had a questioning tone and I didn’t like it. It was like she was trying to say something without saying it.

  “You can stop right there with whatever crazy ass story you got floating around ya head. I ain’t fucking her or nobody else. For the first time in my life, I’m only giving one woman the dick. I use her as my realtor. Everyone knows who you are and that you’re mine, so if they see some shit like this they are gonna tell me. That’s just how this shit works.” I shrugged my shoulders but before she or I could say anything else my phone rang, and it was Unc.

  “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.” I said before I hit send on my phone. “What up Unc I was just ta—”

  “Yo, get to CMC, O has been shot.”

  “WHAT!??!!” I yelled.

  “You heard me, get here now!” He hung up the phone and it was like time stood still for a minute and I couldn’t get my thoughts together. I let a lone tear slide down my face and I said a prayer to God to let my baby brother be okay.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Jenacia’s voice brought me out of my trance.

  “We gotta go, O’s been shot.”

  “Oh my God.” She said and threw her hands over her mouth before she headed to the door and I was on her heels. I could hear Tracey calling out from behind me asking questions, but I didn’t have time to play twenty questions with her, I had to go check on Omari.

  Walking through those hospital doors did something to me. I had to stop and get my thoughts together. The eerie feeling that I was getting wasn’t making this shit any better, but I needed to get in there to check on my baby brother though. How in the hell did this happen? I hope like hell it didn’t have anything to with a bitch.

  “Oh shit, Zemia.” Jenacia reached for her phone but as soon as we turned the corner, I could hear her crying and I guess Jenacia did too because she headed her way.

  The minute I saw Denari pacing back and forth covered in blood, all I saw was red. If he was there when Omari got shot, then I could bet my life on it that he had something to do with this. Fucking talking about this bullshit I rushed his ass and threw him up against the wall.

  “What the fuck yo’ dumb ass done did now? Huh? What did you do?”

  “Bruh, it wasn’t me, I didn’t do shit,” he cried. For a second, I felt bad for him, but deep down I knew that whatever happened to Omari was his fault. “They just shot him Kay. They shot my fucking brother, man.”

  He started sobbing and I dropped him to the floor and Mama went over to check on him. I had to attack the wall, so I wouldn’t hit anybody else. I was so mad that I didn’t know what to do, say, or think.

  I felt Jenacia’s arms circle my waist and for that brief moment, I felt calmness, but it didn’t last long when I heard some bitch come around the corner with her mouth. I looked, and it was that Jernisha hoe that he was fucking with. She was loud and hollering and I got to her before she got any closer.

  “Ohhhh Lawd, why didn’t y’all call me, who shot my baby?”

  “Bitch, O hated yo’ ass. You wasn’t nothing but pussy to him so it’s in yo’ best interest to hit the fucking door before your ass end up in the basement.” That straightened her up real quick.

  “I just wanna see him, I love him.”

  “Bitch, I ain’t in the fucking mood, so you literally got three seconds before I disrespect my mama by putting my fucking hands on you.” I growled.

  “Is there a problem?” I heard Mama walk up and say before I had a chance to diffuse the situation.

  “I just wanna know if my baby is okay that’s all. I didn’t come here to cause trouble.” Jernisha said. I told O to stop messing with these dumb ass broads, but his ass don’t listen.

  “I don’t know who you are, but I know for a fact that you are not in a relationship with my son.” Mama was about to turn up because she put her hands on her hips. “Number one, I don’t know you, and if you were any more than a piece of cat for my son he would have introduced me to you. Seeing as though I don’t know you from a hole in the wall lets me know that my son used you as a dump for his, what’s that y’all young folks call it nowadays, oh yeah seeds.” Jernisha went to say something but was stopped by the hand. We all knew what the hand meant, but clearly, she didn’t, but was damn sure about to find out.

  “Just because we haven’t got to the point where we are making family introduction, don’t mean I’m nothing to him. He cares for me.” She yelled and put her hand over her chest all dramatic. I was about to punch this broad all in her forehead in two seconds.

  “That’s a got damn lie and you know it. He just told me that you were tripping because he told yo’ ass that you weren’t shit but some pussy again.” I was mad because I didn’t know the status of my brother and this bitch was in here trying to show her ass. “Like I said before I’m not in the mood for this shit so it’s best you get your delusional ass out of here. My mama raised me not to hit a female but bitch you tempting me.”

  “No worries son, that’s what Mama is here for.” She stepped in front of me. Mama was a feisty thing and would reach out and touch you in a minute then turn around and pray for you. “Interrupt me again,” she pointed at Jernisha. “Now, secondly, you see that pretty thing right there with the braids?” Mama pointed at Zemia, who was looking dead in our direction with the look of fire in her eyes. “That’s the woman that he’s gonna marry. That’s who he spends his time with and the one that he brought home to meet his mama. So, you see you don’t know my son, you just know his anatomy.”

  “He’s never told me he had a woman.” She rolled her neck.

  “You little bitch, that’s because you ain’t nothing to my son. Now this is a family situation and you are not and never will be a part of that. So, I need you to take yo’ ten-dollar pack hair wearing ass on up out of here before these here hands come out of retirement.” I smiled for the first time since I got the phone call, Mama was a G when she needed to be.

  I guess Jernisha realized that everything she was saying was true because she turned on her heels and high tailed it out of there. Didn’t have to say anything else to her. I looked at Mama and she hugged me tighter than normal and we walked back over to where everyone else was. She sat down beside Zemia.

  “When he wakes up out of this I’m cussing his ass out.”

  It seemed like forever before someone came and told us anything. We were all antsy and getting fed up with the half ass answers from the hospital staff. About four hours into our wait, the doctor came out.

  “Family of Omari Barnes please.” We all stood and went in front of him. He looked at all of us, which was a good sign right? “Omari is a lucky man; the bullet missed his heart by barely an inch. We were able to get the bullet out. He lost a lot of blood, but he’s gonna be fine.”

  “Oh, thank you, Jesus.” Mama said and did a mini shout in front of the doctor who just smiled. “Can we see him?”

  “You can but only two at a time. I need to tell you though, we had to intubate him because he coded on us twice, but we brought him back. He woke up for us and we tried to take the tube out, but he started to fight us, so we had to sedate him again. We’ll try again in about two hours to see if we can keep him calm enough to take it out.”

  “Thanks, Doc.” I said and nodded toward him.

  “My pleasure. You all can go back two at a time please.” He waited on us to decide who was going back. It ended up being Mama and Zemia. The only person that had any objections was Denari’s guilty ass, but I shut him down
real quick. Jenacia said that she was going down to the cafeteria and the Heaven chick went with her. I needed to talk to my brother anyway and find out what happened to O. I was gonna try my best to keep my composure.

  “Denari, what the fuck happened?” Unc asked before anybody could say anything.

  “I was going to clean out my fucking apartment; me and Heaven were messing around outside when O walked up to the car fucking with me. He said he was about to go and walked off from the car. I finished my shit with Heaven when I heard gun shots, and I jumped out right when I heard that shit.”

  “So, you mean to tell me that you were getting some pussy while your brother was getting shot? Typical fucking Denari, don’t give a damn about nobody but your fucking self.” Jaako spoke up for the first time since he walked in shortly after me.

  “How in the hell I know niggas was gonna try and shoot shit up? If I had of known that I would have been right there with that nigga going to fucking war. I do some fucked up shit, but I’m there when it fucking counts, Jaako.”

  “Says fucking who?” Jaako barked.

  “Aight aight chill, both of you niggas, we need to find out who did this to O. Fuck all that little girl arguing shit.”

  “Word on the streets is Ortiz and his boys are the ones that hit the house.” I said looking directly at Denari. I knew it was true because he couldn’t even look me in the eye. “So, I take it this was him too?”

  “Man, I’ll handle it.” he said like we were gonna go for that shit.

  “Yeah nigga, we know how you handle shit.”

  “Look, he’s pissed that Heaven’s with me. He calls and threatens me all the fucking time but fuck him.” He waved it off like it wasn’t nothing.

  “So, all of this because of a bitch?” Jaako said loud enough to get a few stares. “The fuck y’all looking at?”

  “Don’t fucking disrespect her like that man, real talk.” Denari gave off a warning.


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