The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 19

by Nikki Brown

  “Fuck you, nigga, you betta hope I don’t fuck her ass.” Jaako laughed and Denari balled his fist. We all knew that he was no match for Jaako so Unc stepped in front of him to keep him from getting his ass whooped. “I’m good Unc, where we find this nigga at?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?!” I raised my voice. “You got niggas gunning for you and you don’t know where they are? You fucking up, D.”

  “I’m on it; I gotta go. Y’all keep me updated on O.” Unc said and walked off but before we were out of site he turned to look at me. “Speaking of the trap, I need to talk to you about some shit Kay.”

  “Bet,” was all I said because that shit would have to be later, I wasn’t leaving here until I saw my brother and I guess he understood that because he nodded his head and took off toward the elevators.

  We all sat around and waited for our turn to go back. I waited ‘til last because I knew if anyone could get him to stay calm long enough for him to get that shit out of his throat it would be me.

  I walked in the room where he was laying on the bed hooked up to all that shit and I swear I ‘bout lost it. Even the toughest thug couldn’t handle this shit. My heart was in my fucking stomach seeing my little bruh like this. I sat down beside his bed; I made sure that I was able to come by myself because I didn’t want anybody to see me like this.

  After a few minutes the door opened and in walked a nurse. “We’re gonna give him the medicine to wake him up, so if you could just stand near his head so that he can see someone he knows when he wakes up, it may keep him calm.”

  “Aight cool.” I wiped my face as best I could before all the doctors and nurses filed into the room. I had never seen so many fucking people at one time before. I know good and damn well it didn’t take all of them to hold his ass down, but then again that little nigga strong as hell, especially when he mad. They put the medicine in the IV and a little while later O’s eyes popped open and landed on me and he immediately began to fight with the doctors because they were holding him down. “Aye nigga, chill man, so they can take that shit out ya throat. Don’t make me get Mama.” I yelled, and the nurses looked at me like I was crazy. Omari chilled out a little, he looked at me and then down at his hands. “Aye yo, let his hands go he ain’t gonna flip out, but if you don’t let them shits go you bout to meet the fucking Hulk.”

  “Sir, it’s for his safety and ours.”

  “I’m telling you he will work better with you if you let his hands go,” I looked down at O’s hands and this nigga was counting. I guess that was the countdown for him to show his ass. “Y'all already got his ass strapped down, let go of his fucking hands.”

  Finally, they let go and Omari let them do what they needed to do so he could get that fucking tube out of his mouth. Once they got it out Omari mugged all their asses. I couldn’t do shit but laugh, I knew his fucking throat was sore because if it wasn’t he would have laid in on all they asses.

  After they got him cleaned up and shit I let Unc know that he was up. They ended up moving him to another room where we could all see him. I was happy as hell that bruh was gonna be good. Now it was time to fuck some shit up.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  They thought I didn’t see that little shit with that hoe that came to see Omari. I knew we weren’t together and all that, but damn I thought we was trying to figure some shit out. I guess not, 'cause he was clearly on some other shit. I was gonna stick around long enough to make sure that he was okay, but then I was out of here. He could call that ghetto rat to wait on him hand and foot.

  I knew all that shit he was telling me was some bullshit. I mean I guess I couldn’t blame him because I did tell him that I wanted to take shit slow. I mean we were young, I’m only 23. I knew that I had trust issues because of the shit that my dad did to my mom and the fact that he has never been in a relationship made me hesitant.

  With all the red flags, I was still falling for him, how could I not? He was sexy as hell; his dreads were just scrumptious, his lips and eyes kept me in a trance. The way he walked, legs slightly bowed let me know that he was working with a monster. As sexy as he was that’s really not what drew me to him. It was more his carefree personality. He was funny as shit and never let anything get him down.

  Thinking about all of this had me thinking that maybe I should fight for him. Like I said we aren’t together and it was my choice to just remain friends and see where things went. So it was kind of an open invitation to continue doing him. I just didn’t think that he would, but his ass proved me wrong. I just needed to make sure that I wasn’t about to get played, fuck that. If he still wanted to fuck with hood boogers, then he could do that shit by himself. Before I made any rash decisions, I needed to calm the fuck down and at least have a conversation with him.

  “Girl don’t you let that hot thot bother you.” Mama Ann said beside me.

  “Man get out of my head lady.” I had started to fall in love with his mother too, especially after knowing their story. That woman was truly heaven sent.

  “She just one of them women who thinks that just because she spreads ‘em it means that she has rights to his life and that’s not true. My son really cares for you, I can tell.” She smiled.

  “Oh yeah, how?”

  “Well first off you met me, if he just thought that you were just some butt then you would have never stepped foot into my house. Second, you got this man calling his mama for ideas on dates for you.” She laughed. “Omari ain’t never took a woman out on a date or brought a woman home. I always told him to take his time and when the right one comes along that he would know. It looks like he found you.”

  I was speechless, so I didn’t say anything. I just sat there looking at her until Kayson came out and told us that he was transferred to a regular room. We all hopped on the elevator and went to his new room. I was happy to walk in and not see him all hooked up to them tubes and shit. I took the chair on one side of the bed and Mama Ann took the chair on the other side. Everyone else filed in and settled.

  “How you feeling?” I asked as I reached over and placed my hand over the bandage where he was shot.

  “Better now.” He smiled but that was short lived because Mama Ann went in on him.

  “So, you good son?” he looked in her direction and nodded. “Well, who in the hell was that fire crotch heffa that rolled up here talking about she here to see her baby and shit, I mean stuff.”

  “Kayson already told me, and I promise I’ma handle that.”

  “You better because if I have to handle it, I’m getting in yo’ ass too. Got this beautiful woman right here and you out here dealing with hot thots and shit.”

  “Ma what the fuck is a hot thot?” Kayson asked between laughing.

  “Hell, I don’t know, that thang that rolled up in here. You shut up; I got a bone to pick with you too.” She pointed at him and I heard Jenacia laughed.

  “Jen, you a damn snitch that was so long ago.” Kayson looked at Jen and she shrugged.

  “It don’t matter when it happened. If you ever put your hands on her again, I’m gonna chop them thangs off ya hear me?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Back to you,” she turned back to look at Omari. “You gonna mess around and lose this girl, and then what?” Omari dropped his head and then turned to look at me.

  “I’m sorry, it wasn’t nothing like that, she doesn’t mean shit. She was just someone to pass the time with until your stubborn ass came around and gave us a chance. I know I should have went about it a better way, but ain’t shit I can do about it now.” He shrugged.

  “Nigga that ain’t no damn apology.” Mama Ann yelled getting up. “Lawd, I ain’t never cussed so much in one day. Please forgive me, Lord. All y’all need to get to church.”

  “Ma, I got this, I’ma take care of it, I promise.”

  “You better, I gotta get out of here and get some oil on me. Sitting around with you devils for damn near eight ho
urs is enough for me.” She grabbed her purse and was about to head out the door and then she turned around. “I don’t want no shit out of y’all, ya hear me now?” they all nodded. “Don’t give me that, I can see it in ya eyes it’s about to be some shit.” She shook her head and grabbed the door handle. “Just be careful, I don’t want to have to deal with this again.” She pointed at Omari and no one said anything.

  Once she left, we all talked for a minute before they asked for me, Jenacia, and Heaven to step out. We said that we would go down to the cafeteria and see what they had to eat. I didn’t care to be in there while they talked about what happened next anyway. I wasn’t green to the shit, but I damn sure didn’t want my hands in it.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “So, you telling me that this punk ass nigga put his hands on you and killed my seed.” Perry stood over top of me in my mother’s living room.

  “Yeah,” was all I said. Perry didn’t know that I was messing around with Denari, he knew about Jaako because I didn’t want him to pop up whenever he wanted to.

  “What the fuck were you doing with him?”

  “I wasn’t with him Perry,” I whined. “He showed up to my house to talk about how he wanted to see his brother and he wasn’t leaving until he did. When I tried to push him out of the house he snapped.” I lied.

  “So, what are you gonna do about it? If you can’t protect my daughter then I don’t think she needs you either.” My mom interjected. I loved her to death but sometimes I just wish that she would mind her own damn business.

  “Ma, I got this.” She threw her hands up in mock surrender and headed for the kitchen. My dad was out back in his building as usual. When I told him what happened to me he didn’t even seem surprised. If I didn’t know any better I could have sworn I saw a smirk form on his face. All he said was I’m sorry baby and then left to go out back.

  “Is there anything else that I should know about this and please don’t lie to me? Just tell me the truth because regardless he should have never put his hands on you while you were pregnant.”

  I thought about just telling him what was going on. I mean what could he say, he’s doing his thing I’m sure. I wasn’t committed to him and we were just fucking around so it wouldn’t mean shit if I was fucking both brothers or not. Before I could say anything, my mother stepped in, AGAIN.

  “If you don’t believe her then you can leave.” She said as sweetly as she could then she gave me a look that said keep your got damn mouth shut.

  “Ma'am with all due respect, it’s my life and freedom I’m putting on the line to protect your daughter, so if I wanna ask questions I got every got damn right to do so. Now if it’s alright with you, I’d like to talk to her please, alone.” My pussy jumped from the way he talked to my mother. “Now if there is nothing to hide why in the hell did you wait until now to tell me about the baby?”

  “Because I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t know how you would feel about it.”

  “And now?”

  “I thought you had a right to know.”

  “Or you on some get back shit and need my help.” He raised a brow waiting on me to come clean. “Yo keep it real with me or I’m out of here.”

  “Okay okay damn, I wanted to tell you about the baby either way, but I do want to get back at Denari for killing my baby. He deserves to pay for what he did.”

  “I agree.” He said and then got quiet suddenly, he was thinking of something and I wanted to know what.

  “What’s up, what you thinking?”

  “Don’t worry about it; I got this I just need you to stay out my way. I’m about to take care of all of them.” He smiled. “I need to get close to him alright, and he can’t know that we know each other. Just trust me, when I’m done you won’t have to worry about anything aight?”

  “Yeah, I’m not one of those sit back and let a man handle everything for me type chicks, I like to be in the know.”

  “Well this time you don’t really have a fucking choice now do you?”

  I didn’t say anything I just stared at him. Perry was handsome, but he wasn’t Jaako. I would let him handle the Denari situation, but I’d be damned if I sit back and watch Jaako live happily ever after with some other bitch. That was not gonna happen at all.

  “Okay I hear you.”

  “No, I need for you to be on the same page as me.” He looked me in the eyes and I nodded. I didn’t give a shit what he said.

  “Stay away from them.” He pointed at me and I just looked at him.

  Without another word, he left out of the door and slammed it. I didn’t know what his problem was, but I was glad that he agreed to get at Denari for me. I just needed to make sure that none of this could fall back on me because if they thought that I had anything to do with anything happening to him the rest of them would end my life no questions asked.

  I was starting to regret what I had just set into motion and then my hand touched my stomach and I remembered what he did to my baby and that was all that it took for me to throw caution to the wind.

  “Now that’s the kind of man you need to be with.” My mama came out of the kitchen wiping her hands. “Your biological father was just like him.” I could see the smile in her eyes. She was in love with the man that helped create me.

  “Why couldn’t you just be with him?” I asked curious as to how she ended up with my daddy.

  “Because my parents were hell bent on me marrying a man that made an honest living. They didn’t care how much money Raymond made, they didn’t want me with a drug dealer.”

  “Raymond?” I asked and looked at her with squinted eyes. It damn well better not be the Raymond that I think she is talking about. Because if so we were about to have a big fucking problem. Even though I knew that Jaako was adopted, it would still be weird that his uncle was my biological father. “Raymond Barnes?”

  “Yes.” She said and dropped her head. “He was my first love.” She smiled. “And I never got over him. I was forced to be with your father by my parents, but I’ve never loved him.” She looked at me like she had just remembered something. “You can’t say anything to him because he doesn’t know about you. Raymond hates me because I was forbid to be with him and instead of being honest with him , I just stopped talking to him. I never told him why or anything like that I just stopped talking to him and when I popped up pregnant with you he automatically figured that I was sleeping around on him. I let him think that and went on to marry your father. To this day if that man sees me he still mugs me.”

  “Wow!” was all I could think to say because that was a lot.

  “Yeah, I know, my mama always said that a man like Raymond would only end up in jail or dead. She wanted me with a man that would take care of me and someone that I could mold into basically my father. I didn’t want that though. I wanted Raymond and to this day I still do.”

  “That’s why you wanted me with Jaako so bad.” I started thinking about when I first told her about me meeting him. At first she was mad because I told her that he was a drug dealer but then when I described who he was she was okay with it and actually pushed for a successful relationship.

  “No, I just knew that he was the kind of man that could give you the finer things in life and you wouldn’t have to live all middle class like me.” She looked around the house like there was something wrong with it when in reality, this was a nice ass house and my mother wanted for nothing.

  “Well, all of that is gone now thanks to you.” I rolled my eyes at her.

  “I was a little mad that he didn’t stick up for you, regardless of what was going on as your man he should have had your back.”

  What she was saying was true, he should have had my back. It didn’t matter the situation, I was lying in a hospital bed, and he should have been there for me.

  “I’m gonna have to do some damage control, and I know just the thing to do it.” I smiled as I thought of a great plan to get Jaako to talk to me again. That bitc
h better enjoy him as much as she could because he was gonna be back in my bed and my life sooner rather than later. And with Denari dead and gone, things were going to work out just great.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Sitting in this fucking hospital was driving me fucking crazy. I hated these people with a passion and every time they came in here to say something to me I cussed them the fuck out. I don’t why they still found reasons to come in this bitch. Now they were talking about some got damn therapy, yep I need some therapy alright and that shit came right from my got damn vape. I called Denari three fucking hours ago and told him that he needed to bring my shit up here and he said that he was on his way, but I hadn’t seen that nigga yet.

  “How are you Mr. Barnes?”

  “The same muthafucking way I was when you asked 30 minutes ago.”

  She laughed because she thought the shit was cute I bet if I whip out my dick again and piss everywhere she won’t think that shit is funny. If I was a nasty nigga I would shit in the floor and call them to clean that up.

  “I need to get your vitals.”

  “Nah they good.”

  “How do you know that if we haven’t taken them?”

  “Because I feel that shit but if you keep pissing me off I’ma give you a reason to come in here. Why can’t y’all just leave me alone and let me do my bid.”

  “Bid?” she looked confused. “This isn’t jail.”

  “Shitting me if it ain’t, got this nasty ass food, no privacy and niggas wanting to wash my ass and shit. This is muthafucking jail.” I yelled thinking about that male nurse they sent in here that time talking about he was gonna help bathe me, I flipped on his fruity ass. They had to call security on my ass and hoped and prayed they kicked me out of this bitch. The only reason I stayed is because Ann Barnes worked here and threatened my ass daily. Her ass was off today, and I planned to do what I needed to do to get kicked out.


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