The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 30

by Nikki Brown

  “You wanna put your hands on a woman put your got damn hands on me, Denari.” She said, and I didn’t even realize that she had made it over to where I was sitting until I felt her slap me in the back of the head.

  “I’m sorry, Mama.”

  “You damn right you sorry, I don’t know what the fuck happened to you. You doing too got damn much.” She hit me again. “All this shit yo’ fault, my brother ain’t here right now because you wanted to be a fucking idiot.” She screamed and then broke down where she stood.

  I lifted my head and I could feel the blood trickle down the side of my face from where she hit me and for once I didn’t give a fuck about what happened to me, my heart was hurt for my mama. I fucked up and it’s causing her pain and I couldn’t take that. I jumped up and went to grab Heaven.

  “Denari, don’t leave man, she didn’t mean that shit.” Omari tried to stop me.

  “Yeah she did, and she was right. All of this was because of me.”

  Kayson let us know about the conversation he had with Tate about Roger being hooked up with Ortiz. I knew right then they were gonna blame Unc’s death on me. I was just waiting to hear it. For once in my life, I take full responsibility for this shit and I was going to make sure that the nigga paid for all my family’s pain, even if it cost me my life.

  “I’ma make this right, Mama.” Was all I said before I hit the door and I meant every single word.

  After I left Mama’s house, I drove around trying to get information on where Ortiz’s bitch ass was hiding. I needed to find that nigga something serious. My phone rang, and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this shit.

  “Look Perry, now ain’t a good time, my uncle just died and shit ain’t right.”

  “Sorry for your loss, but work don’t stop because someone died.”

  “I tell you what, go find another fucking supplier then, bitch.” I yelled.

  “Aight, aight look. You know when shit gonna be back up and running, because shit getting tight around here.”

  “I don’t know, soon.”

  “Maybe I need to talk to your brothers and see if I can move things along.”

  “Nah nigga, I say what goes!” I yelled. This nigga was getting out of hand and he was starting to piss me off. He was getting too pushy and that was sending up red flags.

  “Just hit me up when you ready, but don’t leave me waiting too long.”

  “Nigga, I ain’t.” I hung up the phone and continued my search to find Ortiz’s bitch ass. Niggas on the streets were saying his ass pushed it up 77 north near me. Perfect, shit shouldn’t be too hard then, right?

  Chapter Fifty-Four


  With everything going on I had completely forgot about my sister calling and asking for money. Shit was starting to make me wonder if Chelley put her up to it. I would hope not, but I was damn sure going to see. Mama kept telling me to be careful because Chelley wasn’t everything she pretended to be. I knew Mama was just looking out for me, but I didn’t want to find out for myself which was the main reason I was pulling back up at her house.

  Knock knock knock!

  “Who is it?” I could hear Kaylin yell.

  “Kayson.” I could hear her running through the house to open the door. When she did the look in her eyes wasn’t the same as it had been when I first met her. She was sad and looked a little lost. “You good?” I asked and then hugged her, and she collapsed in my arms.

  “I need money.” she cried into my chest.

  “What the hell is going on, Kaylin?”

  I would give her whatever she needed, but I needed to know what was going on. I wasn’t just gonna be out here dropping stacks and not know what the hell was going on.

  “Mom is really sick, and I don’t have any money to get her medicine and take care of her.”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “We found out that she had Breast Cancer a few years ago, she beat it once but now it’s back and has spread. She has Medicaid, but they won’t pay for some of the medications that she needs to keep the pain away.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me when I was here before?”

  “That’s why she was so hell bent on telling you who she was, she wanted a chance to know you before she—before she—you know.”

  She couldn’t get the words out of her mouth and I don’t blame he, I don’t know if I would ever be able to come to terms with Mama dying like that. Hell, I can’t even deal with Unc not being here, that’s why I was blocking that shit out. I didn’t know how to handle the situation, so I just didn’t deal with it, so I knew what she was going through. Her situation was worse because she had to sit there and watch her mother slowly die. Unc’s death was sudden and unexpected.

  “I’m sorry, Kaylin.” I hugged her again. “Just know that I’m here for you with anything you need. I’m just a phone call away aight?” she just nodded. “How much y’all need.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Tell me.”

  “Her medicine is $267, and I need money to pay the bills, her check paid the rent but that’s it. She usually works part time at the stadium, but she can’t since she’s been sick. I used the money you gave us last time on bills.” She dropped her head. “I’m sorry I have to ask you again.”

  “Don’t you ever be sorry to ask me for anything. That’s what big brothers are for.” I scolded her. “I hate that we are just meeting, but now that I’m in your life you will never have to want for anything.” She dropped her head again. “And stop doing that, don’t drop your head when you’re talking to people, it makes you look weak.”

  “It’s just been so hard, I take care of her and go to school. I get money from my friends to help out around the house.” That pissed me off because it made me remember the first time I saw her half naked in that trap house.

  “That shit ain’t gonna happen again.” She looked at me because she knew what I was talking about. “If you need anything you get it from me, do you understand?” she nodded. “I don’t want to ever see you hanging around people like that, they mean you no good.”

  “You mean people like you?”

  “Yes, people like me! Stay the hell away from them. You go to school and prepare to go to college. That’s all you should be worried about. I’ll talk to Mama about possibly getting someone to help with Chelley, she’s a nurse so she knows a lot of people in the industry and she will point us in the right direction.”

  “Thank you so much.” She hugged me.

  “I don’t need thanks, just don’t be afraid to ask me for anything.” She nodded her head. The first time I met her, her little sassy ass had so much to say, but now she was quiet as a church mouse. “Let me step out and call Mama.”

  I stepped outside and reached for my phone to call Mama. I knew that she was gonna talk shit, but I needed her help. I don’t know why I was so eager to help Chelley, I think in my mind I made myself believe that I was helping Kaylin, and that’s how I rationalized it.

  “How’s my big baby?” Mama said on the first ring, I swear even in the worst situations she could brighten my day with just the sound of her voice.

  “Hey Ma, I need your help.”

  “Anything for you.”

  “It’s Chelley she—”

  “Now got damn it Kayson Barnes, I done told yo how I felt about her, just because you wanna get to know her, don’t mean I do.” she started going off. Every time I brought up Chelley’s name this is what happens, and I always laugh. I don’t care what this woman said, she was worried about being replaced and I thought it was cute even though she didn’t have anything to worry about.

  “Mama she got cancer, and Kaylin been taking care of her by herself. She’s a kid, Ma.”

  “Well Lawd, lift her up in the name of Jesus.” She said and I shook my head. I was convinced Ann Barnes was crazy. “What you need son?” That’s what I loved about her, if someone was in trouble she was always down to help. She just didn’t play that taking advantage of people, it brought out the Hulk in he

  “Can you come over here?” I held my breath.



  “Fine, I’m on my way.”

  She hung up the phone and I waited on her outside. I knew she would be right over because that’s the kind of person she was. She didn’t care for Chelley, but because she was in need she put those thoughts aside. I met her at the car when she pulled up about an hour later.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “Anything for you.” She kissed my cheek and we went in the house. By this time, Kaylin had helped Chelley out of the bed and into the living room. She looked very different than the first time I saw her. I could tell that something was wrong with her.

  “Hey Kayson.” She said with a weak smile.

  “Hey Chelley, how you feeling?”

  “I’m making it, I told that girl not to bother you with this mess.” She looked over at Kaylin. “Hello Ann.”

  “How long have you been sick?” Ma wasn’t about all the pleasantries, so she went straight into nurse mode.

  “I’ve known for a while.” She started to cough, and Kaylin brought her water. “I beat it last year and thought I was in the clear. I never thought it would come back this fast.”

  “Cancer is a sneaky bastard, you never really know what’s going on with it.”

  “Tell me about it.” they shared a laugh.

  “What stage?”

  “A very aggressive 3.”

  “Radiation? Chemo?”

  “Both, but it doesn’t seem to be working.” She sounded so sad.

  “Well, I got some people that are very good at what they do. I’ll call in some favors. In the meantime, we need to get you some help.”

  “Kaylin helps me, don’t you baby?” She smiled, and Kaylin joined her at her side on the couch.

  “But that baby needs to be a baby. Let us get you somebody in here to help you out and take some of the load off this baby?” Mama was asking but there was force behind her words.

  She was hesitant, so I butted in. “We’ll let you choose who and I’ll pay for it. Kaylin needs to be in school, not home taking care of you.” The words came out harsher than I intended. “I’m sorry but I want nothing but the best for her and I think this would be best. Plus, you need the medical help so you can get better.”

  I could kind of tell that she was not gonna get better, but I wanted to give Kaylin a little hope. I could tell that she was bothered by this. I just wanted her to have a good life and I was going to make sure of it.

  “So, it’s settled?” Mama asked and Chelley nodded her head. “Okay, well let me check you out really quick.” She grabbed her nursing bag that she carried everywhere and checked Chelley over while I went and picked up the medicine with Kaylin.

  During the ride, I learned a lot about her. She loved math and wanted to be an accountant. I told her all about Jenacia and the twins and she was excited to be an auntie. I told her once we got a nurse in place for her mom that I would bring her to the house to spend some time with us and she was excited. We talked for the rest of the day while my mama made a few calls to start the process and got Chelley back to bed. I promised that I would visit more often and made her promise to call or text me at least once every day.. Once everyone was situated I headed back home. Today turned out not to be so bad. Now it was time to get back to business.


  It’s been about a month since Unc died, and shit just wasn’t the same. He was the one that we all looked to for shit, and now we didn’t have that. Kayson was trying to be that for us, but he had so much shit on his plate that he was stretched thin as fuck. I felt bad for bro, because he was trying his best to keep everything together for us. He was working day in and day out to get the operation running, plus dealing with his home life, on top of trying to find Roger and Ortiz. He never complained, but I could tell he was going through it.

  “Bruh, let me know what I can do to help you. You ain’t got to do this shit by yourself.”

  “I’m good O, just make sure you get the shit for the smoke shop settled.”

  Ever since the day me and Zemia talked about me opening a smoke shop, I was on that shit. She wanted me to do it so that I would have a business to fall back on and I wanted that too, but right now I needed it to help me clean up my THC vape business.

  “I got that shit under control, now let me help you.” I put my hand on his shoulders and he took a deep breath.

  “Aight, get everybody at the new spot tonight so we can let them know what’s going on. I know they are freaking out about not knowing shit.”

  I laughed because I couldn’t count the number of text messages that I’ve gotten from our guys wanting to know when they were getting back to work.

  “I can do that, anything else?”

  “Nah, I got the traps set up and this shit straight,” he said talking about the new warehouse his ass had set up. “Oh shit, some of that shit you had for the THC got broke cause them niggas was careless as fuck so you need to go and see what you do and don’t have.”

  “Got ya, I can damn sure do that.”

  “Bet! A nigga hungry as shit, I could go for some Cheddars.” He rubbed his stomach.

  “Nigga, yo’ ass always fucking hungry you gonna be fat as shit by the time Jenacia have them got damn kids.” I laughed.

  “Who the fuck you telling, her ass almost four months and I already gained ten pounds, I need to get my ass in the gym ASAP.” He shook his head. “But right now, I want some got damn food, you in or what?”

  “Yeah, man.”

  We finished up what we were doing and then hopped in his Silverado and headed to Cheddars. About half way there, Kayson pulled in the gas station to gas up. He walked in the store and I climbed out to pump the gas. I noticed this nigga kept fucking staring at me; I patted my back to make sure that my piece was there and looked toward the door to make sure that my brother was straight.

  “Excuse me.” the nigga with the eye problem called out.

  “I know you?”

  “No but I know your brother, Denari.” I pulled my gun from my waist band and tapped it against my thigh. Dude laughed like he wasn’t worried but the perspiration collecting on his forehead was saying otherwise.

  “I don’t know you.”

  “I know, and I want to change that.” He said walking closer like his ass was invited.

  “We got a fucking problem?” I turned to look, and Kayson was quickly approaching with his gun in hand.

  Dude threw his hands up, but he still had that dumb ass smirk on his face. “Nah, no problem, I just wanna talk business. I had been working with Denari and shit was booming but I can’t get that nigga to answer for me and when I saw y’all pull in I figured I may as well holla at the head, you know?” he shrugged.

  “Nah, I don’t know shit.” I said replacing the gas nozzle and walking around the other side of the truck in case he tried some shit with my brother. “The fuck you want, dude?”

  “Shit dried up and I ain’t trying to let muthafuckas come in and take over my shit and you know that’s what will happen if I don’t produce.”

  “What’s ya name?” Kayson asked. I could see his ass wheeling and dealing in his head.


  “Perry?” we both said at the same time.

  “You that nigga from South Carolina?” dude nodded. “Oh yeah we shut that shit down and quick. We don’t know shit about you and as far as we know yo’ ass could be the Feds.” I said with a mug on my face.

  “What you mean shut it down?”

  “Exactly what the hell he said.” Kayson barked.

  “We had a deal.”

  “You ain’t had no deal with us. Denari ain’t in a position to make deals like that homey.”

  “Ain’t this some shit,” he rubbed his hands down his head. “What I gotta do to make shit right?”

  “Desperate niggas usually come with an agenda.” Kayson narrowed his eyes. “Know what I mean?”
br />   “You got shit wrong, I can get work anywhere, but everybody around know the Barnes brothers got the best shit this side of the country ever seen.”

  Kayson didn’t say anything he just glanced up at me and shrugged. This was the part that Unc usually handled. We never really had any dealings with setting up business deals and shit, but seeing as he ain’t here, we didn’t have a fucking choice.

  “Let me get ya info, if you check out we will call you.” Kayson said pulling out his phone.

  “How long is that gonna take?”

  “You ain’t ‘bout to fucking rush me. If you had done yo’ research, then you would’ve known that Denari ain’t got shit to do with the business like that.” Kayson threw out there.

  “Aight man, you right, you right.” He nodded and then headed back to his car.

  “If you on some shit, I promise I will kill everything you love.” I threatened, and he didn’t say anything, just got in his car and burnt out.

  We got in the car and headed to Cheddars to eat. Something about that meeting didn’t sit well with me. I needed to hit the streets to find out about that nigga. He was too eager, and that shit is always an epic fail.

  Chapter Fifty-Five


  Kayson had been so occupied with what he had going on that he barely had time for me. I don’t know if it was my hormones acting up or what, but I swear all I did was cry over the lack of attention he was giving me. Like tonight, he called and told me that he had a meeting with his crew and he would be home after, but when he walked in the house the first thing he did was grab his laptop and head to his office. I was starting to feel so alone in all this and this is what I didn’t want.

  One person that I could always call on was Zemia. She has listened to me cry about this for weeks now. I picked up my phone and I called her. Before she even answered the phone, I was already bawling.


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