The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 31

by Nikki Brown

  “He still being a dick?” Was the first thing out of her mouth when she answered.

  “Yeah, he came straight home and went right up to his office. It’s like he doesn’t even care about me or this pregnancy. I don’t know what to do.” I whined and reached for the tissue that I kept beside the bed. I blew my nose into the tissue. “I was so scared that this would happen and that I would be left all alone in this and he’s proving me right. I can’t do this, all this stressing ain’t good for the baby.”

  “You right it ain’t, so chill out before my nieces or nephews come out all jumpy and stuff, then I’ma kick yo’ ass.” I giggled, she always knew what to say to make everything better.

  “I just want my man back, Zemia.” I whined.

  “I know, and I can’t imagine how that shit feel and you pregnant. But right now, they trying to make shit right, so we can live good.”

  “I knooooowwwww.”

  “Well you just gonna have to give him a minute. In the meantime, I’m here to listen to your spoiled ass.”

  “I’m not spoiled.”

  “Yes the hell you are.” Kayson said from the room door, I hadn’t even realized he was there. I wonder how much he had heard. “You can hang up now.” He said calmly.

  “Umph, Daddy has spoken.” Zemia said giggling.

  “Shut up hoe, I’ll call you back later.”

  I hung up the phone and just stared at the sexy ass man that I had the pleasure of calling mine. He had his dreads up in one of them man buns but his was masculine as hell, it brought out his facial features, especially those lips that I secretly wished were wrapped ‘round my clit right now.

  “Why didn’t you just tell me you were feeling like that?”

  I don’t know why but I just burst out crying, not a little whine I mean full-fledged bawling, snot bubbles and all. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight enough for me to know that he didn’t mean to hurt me but not enough to cause harm.

  “I di—didn’t wan—want to nag you.” I got out between sobs.

  “You ain’t nagging me by telling me how you feel. I would never want you to feel like you are alone in this, because I will always be by your side. If you need me, I’m never too busy for you just say it.” He lifted my chin so that I was facing him. “Okay?”


  “Good, now go clean ya face, I know what yo’ problem is. You need some dick.”

  I tilted my head like I was offended but, in all honesty, I was jumping for joy inside. It had been a couple days and I needed some TLC. I went in the bathroom, slammed the door and locked it, and then I walked over to the mirror to get myself cleaned up all while doing a little happy dance. I swear my hormones were all over the place right now, one minute I’m crying my eyes out and the next I’m happy as shit.

  “Bring yo’ ass out of there.” Kayson yelled from the other side of the door.

  I opened the door, pretending to have an attitude. Kayson grabbed the helm of the gown the I had on and lifted it over my head and threw it to the ground. He grabbed me by the waist and laid me on the bed. I was starting to get a little bump, it wasn’t huge, but you could tell it was there, he looked down at it and smiled.

  “I don’t want you to ever think that I don’t love you or have time for you and my kids. Everything I do is for y’all.” He leaned down and kissed my little belly. “I love you, Jenacia.” He slammed his lips against mine. The electricity that flowed through that kiss was enough to bring me to my first orgasm.

  “Uhhhh I love you too.” I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips

  He kissed me again, but this time a little more rough and nasty, getting my juices flowing, and I honestly don’t know how much foreplay I could take. Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I swear my sex drive was through the roof, and if I didn’t get it I was mad as hell. I was liable to take over if I didn’t feel that pressure soon.

  Releasing the hold on my lips he traveled to my neck and sucked like he was looking for blood. Once he was satisfied with the passion marks he left, he landed on my nipple where I wouldn't let him stay long because they were sore. Normally they were my pleasure spot, but not now, them things hurt too touch.

  “Damn Jen, I can’t even kiss ‘em?”

  “Noooooo, they hurt,” I whined, and he laughed. He already knew what it was, so I don’t know why he was tripping.

  “Fine, there’s something else I wanna lock on anyway.” He looked up and smirked at me and dipped his head in between my legs and feasted away.

  “Fuck, baby.” I cried out, he was making circular motions with his tongue around my clit that was sending a tingling feeling through my toes. Kayson always knew how to handle my body and that was one of the many reasons I fell for him.

  The sounds of him slurping and sucking on my center heightened every feeling in my body and before I knew it, I was releasing my nectar into his mouth.

  “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” Was the only thing I could get out.

  “One more.” He said coming up for air.

  “No!” I hurried and said which made him laugh, but I didn’t see anything funny.

  “Fine.” He lifted up and released himself and placed his dick at my opening. I closed my eyes in anticipation of him entering me. When it never happened, my eyes popped open and I looked at his ass like he was fucking crazy.

  “Kayson why you gotta play?” I was getting pissed because my hormones were raging, and I needed to feel him in the worst way and he was playing with me.

  “Tell me you want it.”

  I looked at him like he was fucking crazy, leaned up, and put his dick in myself. He laughed and shook his head, but he definitely got the picture. Spreading my legs as far as they could go to give him all the access he would need to fuck this attitude right out of me.

  “Ummmmm,” I moaned as he started to move in and out of me with precision.

  “Shit, Jen.” Kayson bit his lip and gripped my hips for a little more leverage. “Pussy juicy as fuck, got damn.”

  “Ummhmmm,” was all I could get out.

  “Whoever said pregnant pussy is the best pussy wasn't fucking lying.” He grinded into my pussy hitting shit that wasn’t supposed to be touched. Whether he was supposed to touch it or not, it was igniting things in me that was sure to drive my ass crazy if he kept it up.

  I don’t know if it was the connection between the two of us or if it was my hormones, but it was like I was having an outer body experience. The way he moved inside of me and the way he bit down on his juicy lips made everything so much better.

  “Shit I’m ‘bout to cum baby.”

  “Fuck I’m cummin with you.” He moaned in my ear.

  He sped up the pace and within seconds we were both exploding. My body was so relaxed that I didn’t know I dozed off, but I woke up to Kayson lowering me into a tub full of warm water. He slid in behind me and we talked about our babies, and then headed for round two.

  Chapter Fifty-Six


  I can’t believe that I was the cause of all the shit that my family was going through right now. Just sitting back and thinking about all the shit that I had done, I see why them niggas ain’t want nothing to do with my ass. I needed to make this shit right and fast.

  “Why ya face all scrunched up?” Heaven asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Man, shit all fucked up.”

  “Yeah this has been a fucked up month.”

  “And this shit is all my fault.”

  “Why would you say that? It’s not your fault. Who knew that Ortiz would do something so crazy?”

  “Because he said he would, he told me that if I didn’t return what was his, then he would keep coming after me and my family.”

  I looked down at her and she had the saddest expression on her face, which made me feel some kind of way. I wasn’t good with the mushy shit, but I didn’t want to make her feel like I blamed her or anything like that because I didn’t. I k
new this was all on me and I fucked up.

  “Why didn’t you just send me back?” She asked in a faint voice. “Looks like I just made your life harder than what it should be if you ask me.”

  “Do you know what he would have done to you if I would have sent you back to him?” She just looked off into space. “Exactly, Heaven I would never be able to live with myself if some shit like that happened to you.”

  I don’t know where all this shit was coming from but for some odd reason I meant that shit. I didn’t show that shit all the time, but I did care about her something serious. I could almost say that I loved her, but I would never let that come out of my mouth.

  “But he killed your uncle because of me.” I wiped the lone tear from her eye.

  “Stop crying and shit, you know a nigga ain’t good with that kind of shit. There is more to it than that.” I stopped.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing, just know that a lot of shit went down, and Ortiz just wrote a check his ass can’t cash.”

  She didn’t say anything else, she just sat there looking all crazy and shit. I didn’t want her to think that any of this was on her because it wasn’t. I made the decision to go after her, I made the decision to go and get her and I made the decision not to send her back. That shit was on me and I was gonna make sure that the nigga paid for all the heartache he caused my family, especially my mama.

  I had been keeping my distance from everybody because I didn’t know what to say to them. They never flat out said they blamed me, but I could tell they did. Even Mama blamed me, and that shit was a hard pill to swallow. Speaking of family, O was calling me right now.

  “What up, bruh?”

  “Not shit, where the hell you been? Ain’t nobody seen yo’ ass.”

  “Just been chilling trying to get my shit together, you know?”

  “No nigga, I don’t know, at a time like this we supposed to be rocking this shit out together.”

  “I know, but that shit eating a nigga up, real talk.”

  “This shit ain’t on you D, there is only two niggas to blame and they are Roger and fucking Ortiz. We need to be getting at them niggas and separating ain’t a good look right now.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, get yo’ retarded ass down here then before I come and find yo’ ass. Just ‘cause you moved to that country ass town don’t think we don’t know how to get to you.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” I laughed for the first time in about a month.

  “Nah, real shit though, Tate need to holla at us about something.”

  “Ah shit, that ain’t never good.”

  “You know that nigga don’t talk over the phone, so just get ya ass down here, we gotta be at the new spot at seven sharp, nigga.”

  “Man, I’ma be there.”

  “On time nigga, you know how yo’ ass do and shit. We ain’t got time to hear that nigga mouth about you being late.”

  I laughed again because he was right, I was on my own time, always had been. My biological mother used to tell me all the time that I thought I owned the world. She would always laugh about me coming late then getting stuck and them having to cut her open to get me out. I don’t know why I remember that, but I do, and I’ve been living by that for all my life.

  “Aight, man.”

  “Oh, one more thing, that nigga Perry stopped us at the store talking about getting into business because yo’ ass dodging him.”

  “Oh word?” I could feel my blood boiling, I told that nigga not to go over my fucking head with that shit. “I told that nigga to fall back.”

  “Kayson having him checked out to see if he legit, if he is I think he gonna make yo’ ass run point on that nigga.”

  “Oh, so it’s okay to work with the nigga now?” I said sarcastically.

  “Don’t go there nigga, you know why the shit was an issue.” Here he goes with the bullshit. “You know good and well that ain’t how we do fucking business. You gotta do ya fucking research and shit and you can’t just go taking shit without talking to us. You should have done the shit the right way and it wouldn’t have gone down like that.” He fussed.

  “Yeah, aight nigga.”


  “I said aight, I’ll see y’all at seven.”

  I hung up the phone. I was so mad that I had smoke coming from my ears. I hated shit like that, and they could throw all that bullshit on it to make themselves believe that all they wanted. They didn’t want to work with Perry before because it was something that I came up with, a deal that I did. That’s all that was, and it was fucked up but now all of a sudden Perry approached Kayson, and it was all good in the hood. This was the kind of shit that made me resent his ass, he thought that he was somebody important and now that we found out he was Unc’s real son he thought he ran shit. He needed to calm the fuck down. He ain’t the only one that can make shit happen.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven


  Some funny shit been going on around the station the last few months or so, I told Ray about the shit before all that shit went down and he told me that he would investigate it because he had a connect in the DA’s office too. I don’t know what the fuck was going on, but I could feel that something wasn’t right.

  I had a few guys that worked under me and knew what kind of shit I was into. They were with it because it put extra money in their pockets. Just last week they were all transferred out and a new set of officers were assigned to the precinct. That shit was weird on its own because I was the one that did the hiring and transferring, but that shit was done over my head and when I asked them about it, they played the shit down.

  I was careful with my shit and how I handled it. There was no way that they could tie me to anything that I could think of, but I was meeting with the fellas to let them know that I was falling back for a minute until I knew what the fuck was going on.

  “Chief Tate.” The police commissioner knocked on my door and I motioned for him to come in.

  “Sir.” I nodded toward the chairs that were in front of my desk.

  “I won’t be here long.” His tone was condescending and the look on his face had me ready to shoot his ass in the face, but I smiled and remained cool. “I know you have noticed the changes that have occurred around here lately.”

  “Yes, I have, and I would have appreciated a heads up.”

  “Well they were under my instruction not to say anything to anybody.”

  “And why is that?” Now I was getting upset. I sat up in my seat so that I could see exactly what he was going to say.

  “We got word that there is some corruption amongst the precinct and we need to get down to the bottom of it. Internal Affairs will be combing through some things trying to get things sorted out.” he warned. “Is there anything I should know?” He asked like he already knew something.

  “The question is, is there something I should know?”

  Instead of answering me he looked around the office and smirked, then turned around to walk out. Pompous bastard, he never liked the fact that a black man was in this type of leadership position anyway. He probably been doing everything in his power to knock me off my shit. I wasn’t about to let him.

  I sat outside of my car for a minute just to think, I must say that Kayson is really stepping up to the plate with everything. I didn’t expect anything different seeing as though he had Ray’s blood flowing though his veins. He was born for this; this is what he was meant to do. I just hoped that he took it well that I was gonna have to fall back from everything for a minute but I trusted that he would be able to handle it all.

  I got out of the car and walked in the new spot they found on the north side of Charlotte. When I walked in I swear I was impressed with what they had done. Kayson had upgraded some stuff including the security. That shit was perfect.

  “Tate, my nigga.” Kayson came out from the back to greet me. I swear he reminded me so much of Ray it was crazy.

  “Youngblood, wha
t’s good?”

  “Shit ain’t been right you know.” I just nodded my head because I hated that they were going through that, I knew how they felt though. Ray was my nigga.

  “I feel ya, but you got shit looking good right now.” He smiled and looked around.

  “Unc taught me well.” He looked up and then put his hands in his pockets and looked at me. “What’s up Tate, you didn’t sound too good on the phone.”

  He could read people like Ray too. Shit was starting to freak me the hell out. I could already tell that he was expecting bad news, and I hated to give him that shit, but I had to do it.

  “Where everybody else, I need to say this shit one time.”

  “Yoooooo.” I heard Omari come through the doors followed by Jaako and to my surprise Denari. His ass was never on time, but here he was. The only thing that I didn’t like was that he had his girl with him and he knew that was the number one rule, don’t bring your women to work. Before I could say anything to him he spoke up.

  “I know she ain’t supposed to be here and that’s my bad, but I wasn’t leaving her all the way down there and not be able to get to her if something happened.”

  I was shocked as hell that those words came out of his mouth. First, he took responsibility for his actions, and second he actually gave a damn about someone other than himself. I couldn’t even scold him I just nodded my head.

  “Ah shit, look at you lil nigga.” Kayson said giving him dap. “Sound like you trying to grow up.”

  Denari didn’t say anything he just told his girl to go and wait in the back and he would be done soon. She put her head down and did what he asked her to do.

  “Aight, now that y’all here, we got a problem.”

  “Fuck, I knew this wasn’t gonna be good.” Jaako said and I glared at him. I still didn’t know how I felt about him fucking with my daughter, especially now that shit was getting crazy. We still needed to have our talk and I had to remind myself to do that before I left there today.


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