The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 32

by Nikki Brown

  “Anyway, shit at the precinct been weird. They are going over my head doing shit, they transferred all my men out from under me last week and now IA in the building.”

  “Oh shit, so they looking at you?” Kayson asked.

  “I can’t be for sure, but I think so.”

  “What you gonna do?”

  “I’m going to talk to my daughter to get her advice. I got people in high places that can make certain stuff go away if they are making a case against me. I might have to turn in my shield but I’m good with that, I’m ‘bout over this shit anyway. I just need to fall back so they won’t tie us together.”

  “What if they already have?” Omari asked.

  “That’s a good possibility.” I said and then looked around. “Y’all need to move as carefully as possible. Keep shit tight and don’t fuck with nobody you don’t trust.” They all nodded. “Shit gonna work out and Kayson you got everything in that shit ya uncle left you to keep shit going the way you need it to. I’ll keep the burner but only call if you absolutely have to.” he nodded again. “Shit gonna get back to normal real soon.”

  We chopped it up a few more minutes, and then I asked to see Jaako for a minute to talk about my daughter. He was hesitant, but he agreed. I knew they were grown and it was really none of my business who she dated, but I didn’t want her mixed up in all this shit either.

  “You probably already know what I wanted to talk to you about.” He nodded his head. “When I first found out I was pissed as hell. I won’t lie, I told her that she had to stop seeing you, but she pretty much told me to kiss her ass.” We both chuckled.

  “I love Yameka, more than you will ever know. She makes me a better person. I don’t know what I would do without her.”

  “I see.” I put my hands in my pockets. “I just want to make sure that you keep her away from all of this. If shit go bad, I don’t want her career and shit in jeopardy. She worked too hard for it.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that Tate, I already know that. I would never put her in a situation that would cause anything bad to happen to her.”

  “What if you can’t help it?” I let that question linger a little and he didn’t have anything to say back he just kinda stared off into space for a minute. I just wanted him to know that sometimes things happen that are out of our control and maybe them being together could cause more problems for her than they are ready to realize. “Just think about that. I gotta go though, so y’all take care and be careful. When shit die down, I’ll be in touch and if the shit pop off, I’ll reach out. Other than that y’all won’t hear from me.” He nodded and then turned to head to the back of the warehouse and I headed out the door. My next stop was Yameka’s office.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight


  I never thought about shit that way. I mean, what if some shit went down and I couldn’t make sure that she was out of harm’s way? What if some shit popped up and it fucked up her career because she was with a drug dealer like me? Maybe I needed to talk to her and see where her head was in all this because I didn’t want to put her in a situation that she may not be able to get out of.

  “What the fuck he want with you?” Kayson asked walking up on me while I was thinking about the shit he just said. “He still on that bullshit with you and Yameka?”

  “Yeah man, but the nigga starting to make sense.”

  “The fuck you mean? You love her, and she loves you, end of fucking story. Can’t shit he or anybody else say change that shit Jaako, so stop letting that muthafucka get in ya head.” He was right, hell he always was, but I still needed to have a conversation with her.

  “You right, bruh, I’ll talk to her about what he said when we have dinner tonight.”

  “Nigga, don’t be causing unnecessary issues in ya relationship.” He warned.

  “Who the fuck are you, Dr. Phil or something?”

  “Fuck you, nigga.” He laughed. “I’ve fucked up enough for all of us and if I can help y’all niggas not make the same mistakes I’ve made, then I will do that.”

  “I feel ya.”

  We headed to the back to do counts and make plans for the upcoming week. We ran this drug business like a legit business, which is why we were so successful. We had plans and goals and shit and we stuck to them. Just like a normal business would.

  “Shit looking good on my end.” Omari said rubbing his hands together. “Oh, and I think I found a building for the smoke shop.” He beamed.

  I loved that he was excited about something other than the drug game. I knew that he was going to use the shop to sell his THC, but eventually he would just focus on the legal side of things.

  “Cool, that would be good for you to wash up some of that money coming from the THC.” Kayson said. “What y’all think about the shit Tate said?”

  “I don’t know what the fuck to think, I mean shit is weird as fuck. One minute everything good and then suddenly shit all fucked up. We been easy though, outside of Unc getting killed, we ain’t had no issues.”

  “Right, but that’s what them muthafuckas be wanting you to think.”

  “That’s true Kay, but we been doing this shit, if the FEDS were watching don’t you think they would have been rushed us?” I gave him a questioning look. “We don’t need to start playing scared now, that’s how muthafuckas get caught. Yeah, we need to move silent but keep doing what the fuck we are doing. Just need to keep an eye on who the fuck we deal with.”

  “Speaking of that.” Kayson said and turned his attention to Denari. “What’s up with ol’ boy? His ass seems desperate as hell.”

  Denari shrugged, “Shit you tell me I heard that you were taking over that deal for me.” Here we go with the shits.

  “I ain’t taking over shit, I was just trying to see what was up with him seeing as though you were sneaking behind everybody back dealing with him. We need to make sure he ain’t on no bullshit. Hell, it looks like he ain’t about to stop pushing and we need to find out why and if he is legit we need to make this deal.”

  “Aight, so I went about it the wrong fucking way big fucking deal, I was—” his selfish ass started but was surprisingly cut off by Omari.

  “Big fucking deal?” He scrunched his face up. “It’s shit like this that puts you on the FEDS’ radar D, you can’t just go Rambo with this shit. You gotta let us know what the fuck going down. I ain’t trying to go to fucking jail for nobody, nigga.”

  “Y’all wouldn’t have listened to me anyway.” He waved him off.

  “If you would have come correct, we would have.” I chimed in. “Find out who the nigga is and what he about. Bring that shit to us so we know it’s good. Don’t just up and meet some nigga and do business with him without knowing who he is. All money ain’t good money and we only want that good shit.”

  He rolled his eyes like a bitch and just stood there looking dumb. I shook my head because no matter what we said it was never gonna get through to him.

  “So, am I back in or what, because if not there is really no reason for me to be here.”

  “You are one selfish son of a bitch.” I was getting amped. I hated his attitude. “I’m so sick of your fucking entitled attitude; we don’t owe you a got damn thing.” I pointed at him. “We worked for this and to get where the fuck we are right now, and you just want us to hand a part over to you and you not have to work for the shit?” I was so confused with his thought process.

  “So, you saying I didn’t work for shit?”

  “Denari, nigga what the fuck have you done to contribute to this shit besides get us robbed?” He gritted his teeth like that shit meant something to me.

  “You just mad ‘cause I fucked yo bitch, that’s what this is all about.” He smirked, and I wanted to punch that nigga in the mouth, but I laughed instead.

  “Says the nigga that’s running around putting his hands on women like a little bitch.” I spat, and his nostrils flared. “What you thought, talking about fucking Krista was gonna piss me off? Nigga, I�
��m so over that bitch, and have been for a while. I actually owe you a thank you. That was just the push I needed to get that bitch away from me.” I smiled.

  “I bet I could get ya new bitch too, nigga.” Kayson stepped up in front of me, I guess thinking I was gonna whoop his ass or something, instead I continued to laugh.

  “Denari, you going too got damn far.” Kayson warned him.

  “Nah, he good because I know for a fact that my lady would never go for a fucking coke head.” That got his attention because he started wiping his nose all paranoid and shit. “Just fucking pathetic.” I shook my head and went over to where my desk was.

  I honestly wasn’t bothered by anything he was saying because I knew how childish he could be, but the fact that he thought it was okay to brag about something like that made me look at him in a whole new light. When the shit first went down I told myself that I should just let it go because that’s just how he was, but he didn’t even deserve my forgiveness.

  “Man, I’m sorry, bruh.” He tried to say.

  “You can save that shit, I’m good on you.” I didn’t even look up from my computer when I said it. “Kayson, so what we doing about this nigga, Perry?”

  “Shit I don’t know, we looked him up and took a ride out to his place of business and shit seemed legit. I asked around on the streets about him and he seems to be rocking the shit out of South Carolina.” He shrugged.

  “So, you think we can trust him?”

  “From what I see we can, but that’s what I wanted to talk to Denari about, because he’s the only one that has had any personal contact with the nigga, but seeing as though he got his ass on his shoulders, I say we hold off on it until we see what the fuck going on with Tate.”

  “I agree.”

  “Aight man look, the nigga cool as fuck and he had never sent up any red flags with me. We always did business, just the two of us. I’ll handle him.”

  “Can we trust you to do that without fucking up though, because with the shit going on with Tate, we can’t afford any fuck ups.”

  “I got this, man.” I chuckled and grabbed my phone I needed to go and pick up Yameka and I didn’t have time for this clown to be sitting up here telling us what he was gonna fuck up basically because that’s all his ass was good at.

  “You out, Jaako?” Omari asked.

  “Yeah, I told my girl I was taking her out, seeing as though we been busy as hell trying to get this shit up and running smoothly again.”

  “I feel you, I had to fuck the attitude out of Jenacia the other day. Her mouth was getting reckless on the phone talking shit about me like I wasn’t right in the house.” Kayson said, still feeling some kind of way.

  “Oh, I know she been had Zemia’s ass tied up in that shit, and then when they get off the phone she looking at me sideways. I’m glad you handled that, shit let me take my ass home and maybe I can have a good night with my lady.”

  “Well shit, we going to the EpiCentre if y’all wanna join us.” I suggested. Yameka had expressed wanting to get to know the girls a little better. They all text and call each other but they all had careers, so they rarely got to hang out and shit.

  “Let me see if Jenacia’s lazy ass got clothes on, if not count us out because I don’t be wanting to sit there and watch her ass try on 30 fucking outfits finding something to cover her got damn stomach.”

  “Leave my sis alone, she ain’t used to be pregnant yet.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “You just mean as hell, Kayson.” I laughed at him. He thought everything should happen when he wanted it to happen. He couldn’t tell that woman how to feel.

  “Whatever.” He looked down at his phone. “She said she still got on her work clothes, so I know she got on something decent ‘cause she doesn’t go to work in just anything so we’re in.”

  “Zemia do what the fuck I tell her to do.” Omari said grinning.

  “Aight, I’ll make sure to tell her that shit too.” Kayson said pulling out his phone and pretending like he was gonna call somebody.

  “Nigga, yo’ bitch ass better not.” Omari jumped and tried to get the phone out of his hands.

  “Nah nigga, you run shit remember.” We all laughed. I missed times like this where we just enjoyed each other and shit. I pray we can get back to this and soon.

  “Fuck you, we going too.” He said grabbing his phone and calling Zemia. “Baby whatever Kayson say he a got damn lie okay?” He hurried up and said. “Aye, you feel like going out for a bit?” I guess she said something because he was concentrating, I looked over at Kayson and he was texting away at his phone and suddenly Omari glared at Kayson. “Nah baby, you know I ain’t said no shit like that. Kayson just trying to start some shit cause Jenacia ain’t fucking with his ass like that. You know how we do.” He covered the receiver of the phone with his hands and laughed. “Aight baby, I’ll be there in about an hour.” He said a few more things and then hung up the phone. “You a bitch ass nigga, Kayson.” We all laughed.

  “Aight, well let me go pick up my woman, let’s meet at Strike City I know I said dinner but I’m in the mood to have some fun.”

  “Yeah, I don’t wanna sit and stare at y’all muthafuckas all night any got damn way.” Omari said as he walked out of the door but not before he shoulder bumped Kayson.

  “Aight, one hour nigga, don’t be trying to get no pussy.” I yelled at him and he flipped us off and headed out the door.

  I didn’t bother to invite Denari, if he came he came if he didn’t he didn’t, and I was okay with that. I wasn’t his biggest fan right now anyway.


  Jaako had been on mind all day. I don’t know what it is about that man that has me so head over heels for him, but I am. Finding out that he was working with my dad had me in a bad head space, but the reality of the situation is, they were both grown men and could make their own decisions.

  I was excited about the date that I had with Jaako tonight. We need this time together. I had been so busy, I retained a few more clients and my workload was over the top but I was good at what I did so there was no use in complaining about it.

  “Baby girl.” I turned my head in the direction of my father who was standing in the doorway of my office smiling. For my dad to be in his late 50’s he looked damn good. His age only showed in his salt and pepper hair, but in my opinion it made him look that much more handsome, especially against his chocolate skin.

  “Hey Daddy,” I got up from my seat to greet him, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Well, I need some legal advice and I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  I didn’t like that last part because it appears every conversation that we had since that day at the restaurant has been about me rethinking my relationship with Jaako, and that was not an option with me. I knew the risk of dating a drug dealer and I was willing to take all responsibility for whatever happens, but I felt that this was worth it and if Jaako was the man that I knew him to be he would never let anything happen to me.


  “Okay, legal advice first.” He smirked so I already knew what the other part was about, and I was not about to sit and listen to it. He would just be sitting there talking to himself.

  “I’m listening.” I sat there while he told me about all the stuff that was going on in the precinct, and how the men that worked with him illegally had all been transferred out. He told me how they brought internal affairs in and how weird things were. He wanted to know what he should do. “Dad, that’s not legal advice.” I chuckled.

  “I know but you’ve dealt with this kind of thing before.” He was right, he was there when I defended this police officer when he was up on corruption charges and we won the case and the officer went on to sue the city of Charlotte and won. When I said I was good at my job, I wasn’t just blowing smoke, I knew what the hell I was doing.

  “That’s true Daddy, well number one don’t quit that is like admitting guilt. Just run the precinct as you h
ave been. Keep your nose clean and let them do their investigation. If something comes up, we will handle it accordingly. Don’t let them rattle you, they don’t know who they messing with.” I said with confidence.

  “That’s my girl, all that money spent on ya education was well worth it.” He smiled.

  “Really Daddy?” I folded my arms over my chest. “So, you put me through school so I could clean up your mess?”

  “No, I put you through school because your ass could argue that the sky was green and have people believing it.” He laughed. “I knew that you were gonna be something the day you came out hollering like somebody was trying to kill you. I swear that was the happiest moment of my life and you have been making me proud ever since.” He paused, and I knew that the Jaako speech was coming. “Baby, I just don’t want you involved in all this mess. If he is ever caught, and you are involved with him, then you can lose everything.”

  “Not if they can’t prove I knew anything about his activities. This is the reason we don’t live together right now, we don’t share anything of value, and we aren’t married. As far as they are concerned he is just someone that I’m sleeping with.”

  “Yameka.” My dad said sternly.

  “I’m just saying.” I giggled. “Me and Jaako have talked about this, and he don’t plan on doing this shit forever, but until he decides to chill out then this is what it is. I got this all figured out. “

  “I sure hope you’re right.” Was all he said. We talked a little more and then he said he had to go and meet someone and that he would talk to me later. I kissed my old man and told him to be careful.

  I needed to start coming up with a plan just in case shit hit the fan, because I refuse to live my life without my dad or the love of my life.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine


  We were all chilling at Strike City having a good ass time. I don’t think I have laughed this much in a while. Watching Kayson’s non-bowling ass cuss out the lane, because he swears it was crooked, made my fucking night. Zemia seemed to be zoned out and I didn’t know why, she was fine when I picked her up, but for the last hour or so she had just been staring at her phone.


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