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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

Page 36

by Nikki Brown

  “Hello.” The guy that was driving answered the phone. He started looking all in the rearview mirror and shit like he was looking for something, he had me checking too. I noticed a few cars that were behind us but nothing out of the ordinary.

  All a sudden, the driver slammed on brakes and we were hit from behind. I jerked forward and we all screamed.

  “Get down.” He yelled and we all listened and jumped in the floor. Only thing that could be heard was screams and gun shots. I prayed that either Kayson would come or the guys that were supposed to be following us would show up. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew it wasn’t good.

  Once the gun shots, ceased I stuck my head up to only be pulled back down by Zemia. I looked at her and she shook her head. I looked around to make sure that everyone was okay, and it seems as though everyone was. Heaven was in tears, I think she knew more than we did.

  “Get them out and let’s go before someone sees us.”

  “Oh God, no!” Heaven whimpered.

  “Who is that?” I whispered.


  My heart sank to my chest because I already knew it was about to be some shit. I didn’t know him, but Kayson made sure to tell me about any beef he had with anybody just in case I was ever caught off guard. I prayed that someone got here soon.

  The car door opened, and two guys climbed in with guns pointed. I just knew this was the end for me.

  “Get the fuck up.” They said, and we slowly got up off the floor. “Give me all ya shit.” We handed over our purses and phones. Zemia was hesitant, I could look at her and tell that she was about to flip out, but I touched her shoulder to remind her that these niggas had guns and shit and we didn’t. Once they had our stuff, they got out of the car and hopped into the front.

  “Heaven baby, did you miss me?” The guy looked through the rearview mirror. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, but I could tell that he wasn’t a nice guy either.

  “Just let them go and take me; I’m the one you want anyway.” She tried to reason with him.

  “Sorry, I can’t do that love.”

  “Why not Ortiz, please.” She begged.

  “Because I said so!” he yelled and caused us to jump.

  “It’s gonna be okay.” I whispered to her.

  “Will it?” Ortiz and his partner laughed from the front seat. I sat back and rubbed my belly. I knew my man would be there to save me in no time. It felt like we were driving forever and then we stopped at a house in the woods. I was trying to follow my surroundings just in case I needed to make my way back here with Kayson.

  They removed us from the truck and took us into the house. When they opened the door, I got so pissed I didn’t know what to do. There stood Roger and his bitch. Why the fuck was they here? Why in the fuck was I here?

  “Sit the fuck down and don’t say shit.” Me, Zemia and Yameka all sat down on the same couch and slid in close together.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Roger walked over and stood in front of me. I was sitting in the middle and he moved my hair out of my face. “Where yo’ man at now?” He laughed.

  “I can’t wait for him to put a bullet through your skull.” I hawked and spit in his face. He cocked his hand back and hit me in the face and Zemia punched him in his.

  “Get the fuck back Roger, why the fuck you worried about her and you got my sister over there.” Ortiz grilled him, and Roger walked over to sit down with his bitch. I smirked and shook my head because she was definitely a downgrade from what he had.

  “So, you’re the bitch he was cheating on me with.” The dumbass sitting across from me tried to say. Roger whispered something in her ear that made her roll her eyes and I laughed; there is no telling what he told this girl.

  “I’m sorry, but you are mistaken.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “I mean not that it matters because finding about you and your babies was the best thing to ever happened to me. Me and Roger were together for over a year and we were living together, so I was not the side chick, you were.” I shed some light on her little situation and she was not happy about that.

  “Shut the fuck up, Jenacia.” Roger gritted.

  “No, keep talking Jenacia.” The bitch said but she was looking right at Roger.

  “I don’t even care anymore; I just want to go home.”

  “Well that’s not happening any time soon.” Ortiz said walking over to Heaven who had yet to sit down. “I thought I told yo’ ass to sit the fuck down.” He said through gritted teeth.

  “No Ortiz, just let them go and you can do whatever you want to me.”

  “Oh, so these are your little friends, what are y’all some type of sister wives or some shit?” He laughed but he sounded stupid because the sister wives fuck the same man and we don’t do that. “I said sit the fuck down.” He yelled a little louder while pointing to the chair that she was beside, but she shook her head no. He walked over and pulled out a gun and put it to Zemia’s head.

  “Nooooo,” I yelled and pulled her closer to me.

  “Sit the fuck down or I blow her head off.”

  She sat down in the chair and just stared at him. It was like no one else was there but them two. I could see the hatred she had for him and the feeling was definitely mutual. I don’t know what he had planned but I was ready to get the fuck out of there. I looked down at my belly and let the tears that I was holding go. When I looked up again Roger was staring at me and I flipped his ass off, closed my eyes and said another prayer. I didn’t want my life to end like this, and if I knew my man, it wouldn’t.

  Chapter Sixty-Five


  To hear some muthafucka may have their hands on my woman had me on fucking ten. I knew I needed to call Tate, but that’s the last thing I needed right now was for him to say I told you so. With all the shit he had been saying, it was all coming to light and I felt fucking sick.

  I busted that fucking U-turn so fucking fast, I was ready for fucking war. We headed in the direction we told the men to go. As we were riding, we saw some shit in the road that was alarming. We pulled up and jumped out, it was the men we sent with the girls.

  “What the fuck!” Kayson yelled.

  “Where the fuck is the truck?” I looked around. I headed back to the car and pulled that bitch Brayla out of the car and forced her on her knees. She was crying and pleading and shit, but I didn’t hear none of that shit. Until I had Yameka back in my arms every fucking body was expendable. “Where the fuck he at?” I had her by the hair.

  “I don’t know.” She screamed. I jammed my gun in her mouth and asked her again and she started mumbling something.

  “Say what?” I pulled the gun out.

  “I know where he lives, but I don’t know if that’s where he went.” She cried.

  “Take us there.” I yelled and pulled her up by the hair. I was pissed, and I wanted to kill a muthafucka with my bare hands.

  “Aye, throw that other bitch out.” Kayson yelled, and I threw Brayla’s bitch ass in and pulled the other girl out on to the road and Brayla cried as she watched me.

  “If something happens to my woman, I swear I’ll make you watch me kill your whole fucking family.” I gritted.

  “77 North,” was her answer. I thought the bitch would see shit my way.

  Security had followed us there and we told them to follow us. We didn’t know what the fuck we were walking into, so we needed as much backup as we could get. We hit the highway with Brayla giving us directions. She didn’t know it but after she showed us where he lived, I was deading her ass.

  Once we got off the exit she told us to take a left. I looked at her like she was crazy because all you could see was woods. She told us that his house was in the country. We went down a few winding roads before she told us to turn and the house was at the end of a dirt road. I wondered how in the hell he found this shit. It was way the fuck out there. We parked at the top of the road, off in the woods. We didn’t need anyone knowing
that we were coming.

  “Aye, here go the address right here!” Kayson said pulling out her phone.

  “She lie?” He did something on the phone.

  “Nope, shit is showing at the end of this fucking street.” He looked back and smirked.

  “See y’all can let me go now.” We all laughed.

  “Nah bitch, you’re a liability.” I said before I put my hands around her throat and squeezed with everything in me, I was so mad that I blacked out and started beating the shit out of her. It wasn’t until she started screaming that I realized where I was, and I put my hands back around her throat until she stopped moving. “Dumb bitch.”

  “How yo’ ass know I didn’t wanna do that shit.” Kayson laughed. “I’m convinced yo’ ass is fucking crazy.” He shook his head and I shrugged.

  “Let’s go.” I said and we all got out. Kayson went back to holla at the two cars that were with us. About ten of us headed for the fucking house. We sat in the woods for a minute, I knew they were in there because the truck was in the driveway and you could see muthafuckas walking back and forth in front of the window.

  We surrounded the house with the four of us in the front; I raised my foot and broke the door down. I heard screams and a whole bunch of fucking movement. When everything calmed down that nigga Ortiz had Heaven in a head lock with a gun to her head.

  “Let her go, muthafucka.” Denari yelled with his gun trained on Ortiz.

  “Fuck you bitch, make me.” Ortiz laughed. I noticed movement to my right and I turned my gun that way but one of the guys that was with us already had that handled. It was that nigga Roger that killed my uncle, I was going to make sure I killed him with my bare hands, he didn’t deserve anything less.

  “You okay, baby?” Kayson asked Jenacia with his gun trained on the man that was beside Ortiz.

  “Damn, y’all didn’t waste any time.” Ortiz taunted.

  “You had to know we were coming, nigga. I mean you came back to where you lay yo’ fucking head.” Kayson said.

  “Hell, I thought you would kill the bitch.”

  “Oh, I did.” I growled.

  Click click! Guns were at the back of Ortiz and his little friends’ heads and the guys were waiting on our go ahead.

  “Shoot me and I shoot her, I gotta hair trigger on this bitch.”

  “Let her the fuck go, Ortiz.” Denari sounded like he was on the brink of tears.

  “Or what?” He laughed.

  “Fuck it.” Denari ass took a shot and it landed in the middle of Ortiz skull and his body slumped but as he was hitting the ground his gun went off and hit Heaven and she went down. Kayson slumped the other nigga that was standing beside him.

  “Nooooo my brother!” The bitch that was sitting beside Roger started screaming. I noticed that she was pregnant, and I knew that I wasn’t gonna be able to do that.

  “Heavvvveeennnnnn!” Denari ran to her and cradled her in his arms. He rocked back and forth and even released a few tears. “Baby, wake up. Baby, talk to me baby.” He didn’t get a response. “Noooo, baby I love you, wake up.”

  I had never heard my brother confess his love to anyone, or even pretend to care about anyone but himself, so to see this was something. I felt so bad for him. I couldn’t imagine if that was Yameka laying on that ground bleeding from her head. I didn’t even know how that shit could happen but it did, and I hated it.

  “O, get them out of here.” I yelled to my brother to get the girls out of here. They didn’t need to see that shit. He ushered them out the door and they were all in tears, looking back at Heaven.

  “You killed my brother.” The pregnant bitch yelled in Denari face once she made her way.

  “Fuck you, bitch.” Denari raised his gun and shot her in the head and she slumped beside her brother. I was stuck for a minute, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn, so much shit was going on right now.

  “Muthafucka you wanna put yo’ hands on females, huh?” When I heard that it snapped me out of my trance. I looked over and Kayson was beating the shit out of Roger. “You hit my wife while she pregnant with my seeds, huh bitch?”

  He hit him over and over until he was no longer breathing but that wasn’t good enough for him, he grabbed his gun and shot him repeatedly in the face until you couldn’t recognize him.

  “Bitch ass nigga.” He looked around and then at the men that were with us. “We gotta torch this bitch.” They nodded and went to get what they needed out of their cars. These were men that worked with Unc, so they knew to always be prepared.

  “Denari,” Kayson approached him covered in blood.

  “Naw bruh, I can’t leave her like this, what if she wakes up.” He looked up at Kayson and I could see his heart break because mine did.

  “She gone, baby bruh.” Denari just dropped his head and sobbed. What I wouldn’t do to take this pain away.

  “Nah man, nah.” He cried.

  “I’m so sorry.” Kayson grabbed him up in a hug for a few minutes until he calmed down. “Damn baby, I love you.” He said and then grabbed the necklace that was around her neck. He slowly slid her out of his lap and just looked down at her before he slid the necklace into his pocket. “I’m sorry, baby.” He said and then we walked out and let the men do what they did.

  When we got back to the car Denari broke down, and the girls comforted him the whole ride home. Tonight was something that was gonna change a lot of stuff for all of us. I hated that shit for my brother. We were all going to Mama's house; we needed to be together at a time like this. This family has taken enough hits, hopefully this shit was over.

  Chapter Sixty-Six


  6 months later

  Shit was finally starting to look up for us, after getting rid of Ortiz, shit just started falling into place. Only thing that wasn’t right was Denari. Watching Heaven die did something to him, he wasn’t himself. He was quiet and reserved, he didn’t crack jokes, he just kind of existed. I hated to see him like this, I couldn’t imagine if that was Jenacia and because of that we just let him be.

  The funeral was something; I had never seen Denari that emotional about anything. He was a cold hearted, selfish son of a bitch and to see him crying out for someone else broke my heart. For a good two months he wouldn’t talk to anyone but Mama. I guess she finally got him to open up, after that he started coming around again, but it was just different. His drinking had picked up, he wasn’t getting high anymore, I knew that much.

  “Yo, how Chelley doing?” Omari asked.

  We were sitting in the warehouse getting shit prepared to distribute. Chelley and I had really gotten to know each other over the course of the last few months. She was really a different person than what Mama told me about. We were connecting in ways that I didn’t think were possible. She would never hold the spot in my heart that Mama did, but I loved her. Even she and Mama had started to build a relationship and I was grateful for that because I didn’t want to feel like I had to choose between the two. Her condition had not improved, and the doctors said there wasn’t much they could do for her but keep her comfortable so we all just surrounded her with as much love as possible.

  “Shit don’t look good, but she is living her last few days to the best of her ability, you know?”

  “Yeah, shit gotta be hard for Kaylin, little sis holding up like a champ though.”

  “Her ass is in heaven having four big brothers she can mooch off.” We laughed because ever since I introduced them to Kaylin, she been eating they asses up even more than she did with me. Jaako was the worst, he couldn’t tell her ass no for shit. She got in trouble at school and I told all of them not to give her ass shit and found out that he was still sneaking her ass money. We loved her little ass, so it was understandable. “But yeah, she trying to stay strong, but it hurts more than she says.”

  “How she liking the house?”

  “Her ass is in love with that got damn pool.” I laughed again.

  Jenacia and I bought a six-bed
room, seven-bathroom house to accommodate the twins and Kaylin. I promised Chelley that when the time came that I would keep Kaylin with me, and I wanted to make sure that she was comfortable. In the back there was a big ass three-bedroom mother in law suite that her and Mama moved into. Mama didn’t want to stay in that big ass house she shared with Unc, so we moved her in and she was in heaven. I knew she wanted to be near when the twins came, so it was perfect.

  “I’m glad everything is working out my nigga.” Omari dapped me up. “Now we just waiting on my little niggas.”

  “Any day now, bruh.” I smiled. We went to the doctor today and they said that her cervix she was thinning out and had already started to dilate. So we were just waiting on them to want to come out. “I’m ready.”

  “I bet yo’ ass is,” he paused and looked at me. “Zemia’s ass is pregnant, she doesn’t think I know but I’ma give her time to tell me herself before I confront her ass about it.”

  I grabbed him in brotherly hug. “Good shit, nigga.”

  “’Preciate that, bruh.” He smiled, and I knew that he was happy because he really loved that girl and I was happy for them. “What time that nigga Perry supposed to fucking be here?” He looked at his watch. “I’m tired of waiting on his ass.”

  Omari still didn’t like Perry worth a shit, even after he proved himself to be legit. He just kept saying it was something about him that he didn’t like. About a month ago, we had a meeting and we decided to finally bring him in on that. Perry was pushing numbers like it was no tomorrow. His ass was working, we hadn’t seen that kind of money since Unc died.

  “Why you don’t like that nigga?”

  “I just fucking don’t, something about that nigga rubs me the wrong way.” He had a mug on his face.

  “He doing his thing though.”

  “You right he is, but I still don’t like his bitch ass.” I laughed and then we heard the warehouse door open.

  “What’s good my niggas?” Perry walked in with a duffle bag.


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