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Bullies Love and Lies

Page 17

by liberty freer

  Chapter 23

  Wanting to avoid Rachel, I hung out at Robbie’s with Lucy and Ben after school until I received a message from Arden asking me to come home for dinner. I was going to decline, when a text from Ryan—saying I better be there by six—followed a few minutes later.

  It’s strange walking into the dining room and seeing it so full. Ryan and Brent are in their usual spots, but the other side of the table isn’t empty; Rachel’s in the chair next to Arden, and Sully’s at the other end of the table. Rachel’s wearing a black business skirt suit and is going on and on about how great California is as I take a seat next to her.

  “How was school today, Emma?” Arden asks.

  “It was great. It always is,” I reply, my stomach rolling with nausea like it seems to do when I’m less than a few feet away from Ryan. I expect him to pull a stunt that has negative consequences for me even though he’s upheld his end of the truce so far.

  “I was just telling Arden how much your parents must miss you,” Rachel says. “Unfortunately, I can’t have children, so I can only imagine how hard it would be to be away from a daughter. Daughters need their mothers.”

  My eyes shift to Arden because I don’t know what to say.

  “Emma’s an adult,” Ryan says. “Her parents are happy that she’s happy. That’s all parents want, right, Dad?”

  Arden smiles. “Yes, Ry. That’s right. We just want our kids to be happy.”

  “Did you get tired of living at home? Could you not be happy there? Sorry to be so intrusive. I just can’t imagine leaving my family at only eighteen. I have such a close bond with my parents,” Rachel says in her light and airy voice.

  Again, I look to Arden for help. He looks as uncomfortable as I feel. I hate that I’m putting us both in such an awkward position. “I…”

  “Rachel, I was thinking about my next scheduled trip to California. Do you think the chef will be hired by then?” Arden asks, changing the subject, but I’m sweating.

  She’s going to keep bringing it up, and I’m tired of lying. “My mom moved back to England when I was twelve, and my dad’s an addict. I haven’t lived with him since I was fifteen. I don’t have a home,” I blurt out, and the table goes silent. My gaze finds Arden’s, and the look he’s giving me makes me want to cry.

  He gets up from the table to wrap his arm around my shoulders and kiss the top of my head. “This is your home, Emma,” he whispers in my ear. “This will always be your home.”

  I instantly look at Ryan. I’m sure the way Arden’s hugging me will piss him off. He is staring at me, but he looks more curious than mad.

  With one more kiss to the top of my head, Arden releases me to take his seat just as Mary begins to serve our meal: some type of fancy chicken with roasted vegetables and a roll.

  “You said your mom moved back to England?” Rachel asks me. “Is she from there?”

  “Yes, she and my dad met when he was in the military,” I reply, using my fork to push the meat around the plate.

  “A military man. Did you move around a lot?” she asks.

  “No, he got out when I was a toddler,” I reply.

  “That’s too bad. Traveling is such a treat. I’ve always wanted to go to England. What’s it like?” she coos.

  I swallow a sip of water. “It’s cold and rainy but pretty,” I say, keeping my eyes on my plate.

  “When was the last time you were there? You didn’t want to live with your mom?” Rachel asks.

  “I visited for a week when I was fourteen, and no,” I mumble, not wanting to explain that while my dad’s a physically abusive addict, my mother’s a mentally abusive drunk.

  “Oh, if I had the opportunity—”

  “Rachel, how do you like the chicken?” Arden asks. “It’s Romero’s famous Caprese. It’s a hit here, but how do you think the people in California will like it?”

  Rachel takes a bite, her whole face lighting up. “It’s wonderful, Arden. I can see why this dish is so popular: tasty yet low in calories. All the food at Romero’s is fabulous, but this was a dish I hadn’t tried yet.”

  “You mentioned that the other day, so I asked Mary to make it,” Arden says, and he sounds so formal when he talks to her.

  Rachel is soft-spoken and polite, but she’s constantly smiling flirtatiously and leaning close to touch him.

  “How many more trips will you be making to California, Dad?” Ryan asks.

  “I’ll be gone most weekends from now on and a few days during the week until the restaurant’s ready,” Arden replies. “We’re hoping to be up and running by November.”

  “You boys should check Cali out,” Rachel says. “USC is a wonderful school. There’s so much to do. And the beach—” She makes a sound that sounds like the moans I’d hear Jessa make while she and her boyfriend were having sex. “I spent many weekends at the beach when I was in college.”

  “The beach is overrated,” Ryan says.

  “Skiing is where it’s at,” Brent says.

  “There’s nothing like Colorado living,” Sully agrees.

  All three boys look at me. Ryan nods and silently mouths, “United front.” I'm supposed to say something. I scoff. “Right, California sucks. All the people… and… palm trees. Sharks and killer bees.” Cringing, I pick at my food, but I can feel eyes on me and hear Brent snicker.

  “I've been to California. I could barely breathe the polluted air. I don’t know how you do it, Dad,” Sully says, taking everyone's eyes off me.

  I watch Rachel, wanting to see how she’ll take our outright hatred of her precious home. It feels wrong to gang up on her like this. Rachel's brows and mouth are dipped down just slightly, like she’s upset but trying to hold it together.

  Arden stifles a chuckle. “California isn’t all bad, guys.” He shifts his focus to Brent. “How’s training with the new coach? I've heard mixed reviews.”

  We eat while listening to Brent and Ryan talk about sports. Rachel seems as bored as I am. The guilt I’m feeling makes me want to reach out and start a conversation with her, but Ryan’s warning overrides it. She seems pushy, but maybe she just wants to get to know us. If she truly cares for Arden, it would make sense that she’d want to get to know his kids and me. Ryan can’t know for a fact that she’s only interested in Arden’s money.

  And now that I’m thinking about it, that doesn’t make sense. Arden’s attractive, nice, caring, and rich. He’s the whole package. Of course she’d want to start a relationship with him.

  After dinner, Arden asks me to stay behind as everyone shuffles out. Arden slides into the chair next to mine.

  “Your school called. They wanted to apologize for the mix-up about you and the other student.”

  My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Ryan must have called, but why would he do that? “Oh, they called? That’s great.”

  “I’m betting that day was awkward for both of us, and then I had to leave so quickly for the airport.” He shakes his head. “I wasn’t mad at you. I thought about it afterward and was worried you might think I was mad. I tried to call you the next day, but you didn’t answer.”

  “I’m sorry,” is all I can think to say. I had purposely ignored Arden’s calls.

  “You can talk to me about anything, and I won’t judge you. You’re an adult, and sex is normal. It shouldn’t be uncomfortable to talk about, but somehow it is.” He chuckles. “Seems easier talking to the boys about this stuff. I wanted to ask if you were on birth control or maybe needed some?”

  My eyes widen and my first reaction is to say no, but I pause. “I think I might, just in case.”

  “I’ll schedule an appointment with our physician.” He smiles at me. “I’m proud of you for saying what you did at dinner. I know it can’t be easy for you to talk about your family or life before here.”

  “It’s not easy, but I didn’t want to keep lying or have you lie for me.”

  “Just know that the things you share about your past won’t leave this house if you don’t
want them to. You can trust me and the boys.”

  I swallow to clear the lump in my throat. When Arden goes all Full House on me, it makes me want to cry. This is what it's like to be a part of a real family: the siblings’ gang up on the evil stepmom, and then you have a heart to heart with Dad.

  “Knock, knock. Sorry to intrude,” Rachel says from the entryway. “I wanted to let you know I’m going to call it a night. Was there anything you needed to get from your room, Emma?”

  “I’ll grab a few things to bring downstairs.”

  “Can I give you a hug?” Arden whispers.

  I nod, and he wraps one arm around my shoulders. I lean into him, my throat bobbing as I push my emotions down. Why does a hug from Arden make me want to cry?

  “Emma, honey, I’ll come up with you in case you need help. Night, Arden. See you in the morning,” she says with a small wave and a gorgeous smile as she turns on her heels.

  “Night, Arden,” I say as he releases me. “See you tomorrow.”

  I catch up to Rachel, who’s already made it to the stairs.

  “Thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your room. You’re so sweet,” Rachel coos.

  “It’s no problem.”

  Entering my room, I see it’s a disaster. There are several suitcases, and all of them are overflowing with clothes, shoes, and purses.

  Rachel blushes. “I know it’s messy.” She laughs. “I wasn’t sure what to bring with me, so I brought everything.”

  She really does look embarrassed. “Don’t worry about it. I totally understand,” I lie. I’ve never owned half as many things as she’s brought. I guess when you have so much stuff, it could be overwhelming.

  I grab a tote from the closet and fill it with things I’ll need for the week.

  “I’m sorry if I offended you during dinner. I see how much Arden cares for you. I wanted to get to know you,” Rachel says, confirming what I was thinking.

  “It’s okay. Well, I better head downstairs.”

  Rachel stops me with a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Maybe we could do something together. Have a girl’s day before I leave,” she says, picking up a strand of my hair. “Such a pretty color. I can never get mine like this. Who does your hair?” She lets the strand slip through her fingers.

  “Oh, nobody. I’ve never dyed it.”

  She laughs. “I just assumed because your eyebrows are so dark. You know you can wax them down. I know thick brows were a thing, but that trend is basically over. With just a little shaping, you’d have the perfect brows.”

  I run my finger along one of my brows, feeling self-conscious. I’ve never thought about my eyebrows. They’re there to keep sweat from dripping into your eyes. “I… okay…. Thanks for the advice,” I say, backing toward the door.

  “You’re welcome. So, what do you think about a girl’s day?”

  I want to say no thanks, but instead, I say, “Sure.” I shouldn’t have come up here. Ryan was right; I can’t be mean to her.

  “How about facials? My skin isn’t acclimating well to the weather. I could use a facial. We could have coffee after. I’d love to get to know you better, Emma.”

  “Just let me know when. My schedule is pretty flexible after school.”

  “K, night.” She blows a kiss my way. “See you tomorrow, and thank you for being so understanding.”

  “Night.” Smiling, I shut the door behind me. Rachel doesn’t seem so bad. I don’t have anything in common with her, but that doesn’t mean I have to hate her. I head downstairs and drop my stuff into the guest room. The layout is a lot like my room upstairs. Even the colors are the same.

  Hearing my name being called from the den, I walk in, finding Ryan, Brent, and Silex. I sort of remember being in here when I was drunk. At the back of the room, Brent and Silex are sitting on a white sofa. I guess that explains the polar bear I remember lying on.

  A pool table sits at the center of the room, but besides that, the couch, and a mini-fridge, the room’s bare.

  “Eat breakfast at school tomorrow,” Ryan says, aiming his pool stick at the cue ball.

  “My school doesn’t serve breakfast,” I say.

  He shoots a ball into the side pocket. “Then don’t eat.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Do you feel like being interrogated by Rachel again? ’Cause she’ll be up there eating breakfast.”

  I shift uncomfortably. “Oh, I talked to her. She apologized for asking me so many questions. I think she’s nervous. Some people talk a lot when they’re anxious.”

  Ryan rolls his eyes. “She’s manipulating you, Emma. Just listen to me and stay away from her.” He lines up another shot but misses.

  “I kinda agreed to get a facial with her. I’m not even sure what that is or if I need one. She mentioned something about her skin not liking it here.”

  Setting his stick down, Ryan crosses his arms. “She thinks getting close to you will help her get my dad, and she’s going to try to get information out of you that she can use against us.”

  “Is it my shot yet?” Sully asks, walking into the room. He spots me and winks, making me blush.

  “It’s your shot, and I was just getting ready to tell Emma that she needs to make up an excuse not to hang out with Rachel. Seems the manipulator upstairs is trying to sink her talons into this naive one,” Ryan says.

  “Have you seen the way Emma reacts to confrontation? Rachel’s gonna know she’s lying.” Brent laughs.

  “Who cares what Rachel thinks, as long as Emma doesn’t go,” Ryan says, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

  “What’s that supposed to mean, Brent?” I ask.

  “First off, your ears turn bright red,” Brent says.

  “And you get all fidgety,” Ryan adds.

  “Maybe she should stay with me this week,” Silex offers with a sly grin.

  “Fuck off, Si,” Sully says. He grabs his pool stick and circles the table. “I’ll rearrange things to make sure I’m home when she is.”

  I meet his gaze. “I don’t think that’s necessary—”

  “And you thinking that is exactly why it needs to be done,” Ryan says. “I see her going the search and destroy route.”

  “I think so too,” Sully agrees as he steps next to me to line up his shot.

  He smirks as the pool stick brushes against my thigh. The stick slides back and forth between his fingers as he aims. He drives the stick forward, and the cue ball cracks against the three, sinking it into the corner pocket.

  He straightens and smiles at me. “I think you’re good luck.”

  I feel my stupid face turning red. Without taking his eyes off me, he walks around to the other side of the table to sink another ball. I’m squirming under his heated gaze. Smirking he licks his lips, still not taking his eyes off me until the last second. Another ball drops in, and then his gaze is right back on me.

  “Her asking Emma to hang out makes me think bond and manipulate,” Brent says.

  “She thinks she can get information out of Emma. Separate the weakest from the herd,” Ryan says.

  “What are you guys talking about?” I ask, pulling my focus away from Sully, who looks sexy as fuck when he plays pool.

  “What tactic Rachel’s going to use to get her way, so watch what you say around her,” Ryan snaps.

  “Is it so weird that she likes Arden?” I question. “They’re the same age, they work together—”

  “You don’t get it,” Ryan says. “It’s not that she might like him. It’s how far she’s willing to go to tie him down. She’s easy to read. Rachel is a vindictive, narcissistic whore who will do anything to get her way. She isn’t rational.”

  “I mean, you can’t know that,” I counter.

  “We’ve dealt with enough Rachels to know that,” Brent says. “Rachel’s a classic gold digger.”

  “Did you hear that bullshit she said about not being able to have kids?” Ryan asks. “She says that and then she’ll get Dad into bed and miraculously get preg

  “Eat breakfast down here tomorrow,” Sully says to me. “And I’ll walk you up after. I should be here when you get home from school most days this week.”

  “Breakfast down here every morning, Emma,” Ryan says. “Not just tomorrow.”

  “Okay, whatever,” I say, trying to sound aggravated when really, I’m feeling entirely too excited that I’m going to get so much one on one time with Sully.

  Just as I make it out of the den, Sully catches my wrist. He brings his lips to my ear, his breath causing tingles to slide down my neck. He strokes my hair before clasping the back of my neck and tilting my head to the side.

  “It’s only a matter of time,” he whispers.

  “Until what?” I whisper back, facing forward.

  He softly kisses the spot below my ear. “You forgive me and this friendship is over.”

  He disappears back into the den, leaving me breathless and needy.

  Chapter 24

  There are zero run-ins with Rachel on Wednesday, and it looks like my luck’s holding out on Thursday when I get home from school to an empty house and a text from Arden saying he and Rachel are working late.

  I’m sitting at the bar, working on a few math sheets that I picked up from school, when Mary walks in, her arms full of groceries.

  “Here, let me help you,” I say, hurrying to her side and taking a few bags.

  “Thank you, Emma,” she says as we set the bags on the bar. “I had to pick up a few extra things. I’m making two weeks’ worth of meals to freeze.” She grins. “I’m going to my niece’s wedding in Arizona and then taking a cruise with my sisters.”

  “Sounds like fun. Is your niece going on the cruise too?” I ask as we unload the bags.

  “No, just my sisters. My niece and her fiancé will be flying to Hawaii for their honeymoon. I haven’t seen my niece in three years. I can’t believe she’s getting married. I’m so happy for her.”

  I unload apples and oranges into the fruit bowl on the counter. “When—” The doorbell chimes, cutting me off.

  “Oh, hon, do you mind getting that and I’ll finish unloading?”


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