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True Knight

Page 6

by Patricia Logan

Romeo unzipped his jeans with difficulty due to the extraordinary bulge in his briefs. When he pulled them down, I spotted the circle of precome on his navy boxer briefs and I felt my mouth water. Again, I was forced to concentrate on not dropping my fangs as I stripped off my clothes. He watched me as I took off my jeans and toed out of the Vans I wore without socks. My cock was hard and leaking precome in my boxers and I ignored the expression of lust on his face before drawing the waistband down over my uncut cock.

  It sprang out as my boxers fell to the ground. He glanced up at me with a salacious grin as he lifted the waistband of his own stretched briefs over the head of his massive erection and pulled them down past his thighs, and then stepped out of them. When he stood again, all I could do was stare at his magnificent body. He was as toned and perfect as I knew he would be. I watched his gaze travel down my body and then the expression I’d seen on so many other lovers when they noticed my scars for the first time.

  Romeo stepped forward and reached out, glancing up into my eyes as if asking for permission before I nodded. He glanced back down and brushed his fingers down the long scar that began at my left collar bone and terminated at my bellybutton. The strike of a barbarian’s broadsword had nearly cleaved me in two which I was certain was his intent before my uncle had put a pike through his head. He’d been dead before hitting the ground. I’d hovered between life and death for more than three weeks, holed up in a barn, sweating, shaking, and being nursed by my father and uncle until my fever had finally broken.

  In the thirteenth century, it had taken me two months to recover enough to sit a horse again, six months before I felt completely confident in the saddle. If the same injury had happened on today’s battlefield, I would have been flown to an Army hospital, pumped full of antibiotics, sewn up with something other than catgut, and recovered fully in a matter of weeks.

  “What happened here?” Romeo asked.

  I smiled as he dropped his hand and stepped closer to him, sliding my arms around his neck. “Those are tales for another time. Right now, I need you, Romeo.”

  He frowned slightly as my fingers slid into his hair. “I told you to call me Rome.”

  “I won’t. Sorry,” I replied, without regret. “I like Romeo.” I smiled.

  His reaction was to smirk and push me onto my bed. He followed me down, covering my body with his own as he took possession of my mouth once again. Our bodies moved rhythmically together, pressing, grinding, grasping. I felt the pound of his pulse in the tiny capillaries of his lips as heated blood raced through them. My sole focus became the realization that I had to taste him. The overwhelming desire to simply rip my mouth from his and sink my fangs into the side of his neck was all consuming.

  Shockingly, the desire to have him inside me was even stronger.

  When Romeo lifted his mouth again, he reached up, framing my face as he stared at me. His dark brown eyes were clouded with lust and his full lips were swollen from my kisses. His hair was messy and I wanted him more than life itself.

  “You are so beautiful. Your eyes are a miracle,” he barely breathed. When his hand reached up to brush the hair off my forehead, I was surprised when he leaned down and kissed it. I shivered. No one had touched me with anything other than the desire to kill me or to fuck me since I’d been a small boy. “Do you have lube and condoms? I don’t want to hurt you,” he asked so matter of fact, it threw me for a moment. I was still panting for him and my mind was focused solely there. The fact was, I had neither lube nor condoms. In my room underground there was a shaving kit with lube but unless I revealed my secret, there was no way to get to it. Condoms weren’t necessary since my death prevented my body from carrying a live virus, nor could I pass one on. There was no way to explain that here and now. I slowly shook my head.

  “I don’t… I mean I wasn’t thinking about meeting anyone and it’s been a long time.”

  He leaned back, straddling me. He regarded my face for a moment and then reached for my rampant cock, curling his long fingers around it, and giving it a few slow strokes as his eyes once again met mine. When his lip curled, I smiled. There was boyishness about this aggressive sheriff, of which I completely approved.

  “I guess you’re not getting fucked then.”

  I sat up halfway, bracing myself on my elbows. “I have oil or butter. We could perform fellatio on each other while we use our fingers,” I offered.

  “Fel…” Romeo stopped and chuckled. “You have a strange way of talking, Vincent, but that sounds like a good plan. Go get what you have.” He rolled off me.

  I sat up straight and got off the bed, leaving the room quickly to head for the kitchen. When I returned with a small cruet of olive oil, he was ready for me, having stretched out two towels on the bed to catch the mess we were about to make. I thanked God for the boy scout Romeo Harmon must have been. When I handed him the cruet and crawled back on the bed, he leaned in and kissed me. It wasn’t urgent, only gentle and sweet. I was momentarily in his thrall. Clearly, this big, beautiful sheriff was a kind man.

  I didn’t do kind.

  Maybe things were about to change.

  Chapter Four

  Prosper Woods Chronicle. Letters to the editor:

  “I noticed the price of soap boxes at the laundromat went up a dollar. I don’t really think it’s fair to pay that much since I don’t wash my underwear anyway. Someone just wants to make money off the little guy.” Signed, “V.D. Knob.”


  I crawled over to where he lay waiting, spread out for me. He stared at my cock and then back up at my face, meeting my gaze. His eyes twinkled wickedly. I held up the cruet and drizzled a little onto my fingers then handed him the jar. I watched him rub his fingers and thumb together. I did the same thing and then set the cruet onto the bed table before stretching out beside him. He kissed me and then reversed on the bed and straddled me; I reached up for his balls, gently tugging until he’d moved into just the perfect position. I reached for his cock as I slid my slick fingers into his crack.

  Romeo made a grunting sound as I breached him, and at the same time, I felt his warm mouth closing over the head of my cock. I licked his balls, feeling him shudder at my touch. My fingers slid deeper even as I felt his calloused finger slide inside me to the first knuckle. I widened my knees, giving him more room to go to work on me as I sucked slightly on his gorgeous balls. He sank deeper on my cock, taking a great deal of the shaft into his talented mouth as I found the head of his cock and slid my fingers deeper into his warm channel. He was tighter than I’d imagined though my senses told me that he didn’t bottom often if ever.

  I allowed myself to simply experience the gift of the blowjob he’d offered. He seemed to be a master of fellatio. I reminded myself again that I had to update my dictionary to reflect the 21st century vernacular. I’d had sex so infrequently in the past several decades, it had almost felt like an afterthought. If the experiences of this night were going to repeat themselves at some future time, I had to change my whole concept of what sex was. I certainly couldn’t make mistakes like using outdated words such as fellatio again.

  Romeo dragged a groan out of me as he pulled off my cock, sucking hard before sliding back on with firm lips. The man was a human vacuum and I did my best to imitate him, sliding on and off his cock as my fingers twisted and turned inside him, searching for the small knot of pleasure to send him over the top. The moment I found it, he groaned decadently, shouted around my cock, and shot thick, hot streams of come into my throat. I swallowed greedily as my climax was triggered. As his throat convulsed around my load, I quickly pulled off his cock, unable to stop my fangs as they finally made their appearance.

  Fortunately, we weren’t face to face at the time.

  I retracted them quickly, and slowly pulled my fingers from his body. He let my dick slide out of his mouth at the same time. My chest was heaving right along with his as he rolled off me and flipped around so that we were finally face to face. The color was high in his cheeks—t
wo red flags of color—and the smirk he wore was astonishing. I snuggled close to him and breathed in his scent. I kissed him, sharing the remnants of his seed with him just as I’d promised when I’d whispered decadent things into his ear. He kissed me passionately and before I knew it, I was growing hard again. I held him close, struggling not to bite, feeling the overwhelming urge to drop my fangs again.

  Though vampires had the ability to compel human victims to forget what they’d seen, even perform tasks vampires ordered, I didn’t want to use my power on him. I hated using it and only did so after or during a feeding in general. I didn’t like to take anyone’s power away even though there were vampires who loved doing just that. Most vampires considered humans as a source of food and sex but I respected them. After all, I’d been one a very long time ago. Eventually, Romeo pulled back and stared into my eyes.

  “You really surprised me,” Romeo said, smiling at me.

  If he only knew.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I said with one arm still draped over his waist.

  “I never expected to meet a man like you here… out here in this small town,” Romeo said just before leaning in to kiss me. We kissed for a long time and I found myself enjoying his company more than any other in recent memory. Who knew? If things worked out, I’d definitely see him again. It felt natural to be in his arms. I found myself feeling suddenly nostalgic. There was something soothing about his presence that I wanted to explore. I was dying to ask just what kind of supe he was but that was a dangerous game to play.

  The longer I lay there gazing into his deep brown eyes, alternatively pulling back only to lean in and continue kissing him languidly, the more my body began to react. I began grinding our hard cocks together. He moaned into my mouth and the moment he did, my gums began to tingle. Before I could stop them, my fangs dropped, accidentally pricking Romeo’s lip. He reared back and caught sight of my mouth. The drop of blood on his lower lip—swollen from sucking my cock and kissing me endlessly—was too overwhelming. My hunger, the sight and scents of blood and come, prevented me from retracting my fangs. Under normal circumstances, I would have been able to avoid the disaster from happening, but I was just too famished. His eyes widened as the horror of what he was seeing clouded them.

  Watching his reaction… almost broke my heart.

  Romeo reared back, letting go of me, and scooting to the edge of the bed. I just lay there, forced to witness his shock as I hastily covered my mouth with my hand. I know the expression I wore must have conveyed my sorrow and surprise, possibly shame. The moment I’d chosen this path, I’d known it was a mistake but the lure of his scent was utterly intoxicating. I was still uncertain whether the flash of fangs was inevitable, but his reaction and the way he was shaking his head was painful nevertheless.

  “What the fuck are you?” Romeo practically shouted and I could clearly hear the disbelief and fear in his words. I flinched.

  “Romeo, wait…” I reached for him and he rolled right off the bed, scrambling backward—crab walking across the floor—until his back hit the wall where he was stopped short. I moved ever so slowly, trying my best not to spook the hell out of him. My mind flashed back to my reaction to seeing Robert’s fangs the first time and it was painful to admit, my response had been even worse. I’d run but he’d tackled me to the ground and buried them in my neck. Shaking myself out of the memory, I forced myself to retract my fangs and slowly sat up.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. Let me explain,” I whispered.

  The pulse on the side of his neck throbbed enticingly and it took all the strength I possessed to keep from rushing over, grabbing him, and biting into his pulsing flesh. It was only the wild look in his eyes that made me react with great caution as I slid to the edge of the bed. I watched his entire body coil and tense to react as he looked toward the open bedroom door. His fight or flight instinct was kicking in and I knew I had to be careful. I didn’t want to hurt him but I had to make him understand, all the while ignoring the pulsing, twisting reality of my hunger.

  “What… the hell… are… you?” he repeated.

  “You’d call what I am vampire,” I whispered, holding out a hand to try to calm him. His heart was racing and I could hear his blood rushing through his veins. I swallowed hard. “Romeo, please… I have no intention of hurting you. I just couldn’t control my physical reaction,” I hurried to say.

  He seemed to relax just the slightest little bit. “Vampires don’t exist in nature,” he said, slowly enunciating each word as he shook his head.

  “Yes, they do,” I quietly insisted, regulating my voice to try to bring calm back into the room. “A lot of supernatural beings exist.” The scoffing sound he made felt like a punch in the gut. “Really, please… Romeo, let me explain.”

  He stared at me for several seconds and I watched his posture change as he leaned back against the wall, nodding his head so slightly, I wasn’t certain I’d seen the acknowledgement at all. I sucked in air and then blew it out slowly.

  “Explain,” he said.

  “Romeo, vampires and other supernaturals exist all around us and if you’ll listen and not jump to conclusions, I might be able to make you understand.”

  “Oh, I think we’re way past jumping to conclusions. I just saw a pair of inch-long fangs.” He reached up and put two fingers over the prick in his lip.

  I sighed, acknowledging that he was right. I shrugged. “I-I… as I told you, I am a vampire. Vampires come with fangs.”

  “Uh-huh,” he said. “And you said there are other kinds of creatures—other than vampires—that is?” He glanced back at the bedroom doorway as if he thought Frankenstein or the Mummy were going to come stumbling through. He probably had no concept of what kind of creature constituted my definition of a supernatural. I was going to have to make this explanation in stages now that the cat was out of the bag.

  “Yes.” I was quiet as he pondered this turn of events. He watched me as if working something out in his head.

  “Do it again,” he said suddenly.

  I frowned. “What?” I changed my position, still moving slowly so that I wouldn’t spook him more than he already was. He appeared curious. I dropped both legs over the edge of the bed, aware that we were both still naked. The cold had seeped into my room and only because he was beginning to show signs of the cold with goosebumps on both arms, did it register at all with me.

  “If you are a vampire, show me your fangs again,” he said, answering my question.

  “Okay. I will but please, don’t freak out. I’m not going to hurt you,” I repeated.

  Romeo nodded slowly.

  I took a deep breath and dropped my fangs again, feeling the tingle of desire to taste him the moment I did it.

  “Fuck!” he said, staring at my mouth for a full minute before I retracted them. He lifted his gaze to my face. “So how does this work?”

  I frowned. “Sorry? How does what work?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Are you going to eat me now… suck all my blood and then glamor me or something?”

  “Glamor you?” I asked.

  “Whatever you call it when your kind wipe our memories or make us kill someone or whatever,” he said.

  “Seriously? You’ve been watching too much HBO… reading too much Sookie Stackhouse.” I smiled to try to make him relax a bit. I finally gave up when he just looked at me like I was a dick. “Fine. It’s called compelling and no, I don’t do that.”


  So many questions.

  I chuckled, slowly shaking my head. “As desperately as I want to taste you, I would never do that without your permission.”

  “Tell me what the hell just went on here then. Your strategy was take me to bed and then what? You were planning on just letting me drive away without killing me?”

  I sighed. “Yes. I told you I wasn’t going to feed on you. In fact, I was headed into town to sate my hunger when I saw you. It’s kind of your fault this even happened, you kno
w.” I smiled at him but that just made him frown deeper. I sobered immediately. “I’m sorry. Don’t be so sensitive. I was always shit at poking fun.”

  “Oh, you think?” he asked.

  I stifled a smile because as much as I really liked this man, the last thing I was going to do was anything to scare him or drive him away. I had no friends and hadn’t in the years since being made a vampire. Sir Robert had mocked me for wanting more of others. He had been as cold a man as I had ever met. He’d always been disappointed that I refused to turn off my humanity after I’d been turned. After he’d led me away to feed upon me the first time, then deciding he liked me enough to make me a vampire, life had been a horror for me… one blood bath after another. After I’d seen ample proof of Robert’s inhumanity, I’d begged him to just kill me. It would have made Romeo sick to witness the things I’d seen my maker do… forced me to participate in.

  I shook myself out of the past as he posed another question. “So, what was your plan for the night? You were going to town to drain some unsuspecting human and then after seeing me, you decided to get your chimney swept first?”

  I couldn’t stop my chuckle. He was very funny. “No. Vampires don’t always kill their prey. I never do.” Not the whole truth.

  “Got it. Just a snack, then?”

  I smiled. “Some vampires—very old vampires—have no heart or soul left beating within their chests. Instead, they become just like the supernatural animals everyone fears… vicious, predatory, creatures who live to inflict sadistic pain on their victims. I’m not one of those vampires. I take only what I need and then leave them alive and well.”

  “So, you don’t kill humans? Never?”

  “I have… but not on purpose. I only take what I need for sustenance and because I’m so old, I don’t need much,” I admitted.

  Romeo cocked his head as he seemed to study me. A shiver ran over him, and I once again noted the chill in the room. “How old are you?”


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