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Bitter Wind (Death's Handmaiden Book 2)

Page 6

by Niall Teasdale

  Atushi Ishikawa Sonkei stepped out of Marie’s apartment building with wet hair. He was not generally a man to hang around after the main event was over with. ‘Bang ’em and leave’ was his motto, which made him just the kind of boy Marie liked. This time, however, she had promised him an even wilder time in the shower after a nap and he had decided to stick around.

  So, he had wet hair and a mile-wide grin. It was a little after eight and, even on a Sunday, the refectories would be open. A bite of breakfast and then he could head back to his own apartment to sleep the sleep of the justifiably exhausted. It was a good plan and he was going to enact it right now.

  Until someone stepped into his path, obviously intent upon blocking the way. ‘Who are you?’ Atushi asked. The only answer came in the form of a palm thrust into his chest. The blow was enough to bruise and cause some pain, but that never registered. The punch was accompanied by a sudden, sharp pain, almost like a hypodermic needle being driven into Atushi’s chest. He jerked violently and then fell at his attacker’s feet, dead in an instant.

  His attacker looked around briefly to see whether anyone else was about so early on a Sunday morning. No signs of witnesses. Turning, he walked away, leaving the body of Atushi Ishikawa to be found by whoever walked out of the building next.


  ‘Time of death is oh eight twelve,’ Donovan Ilbert said. ‘Cause is the same as the first one, and I’m not seeing the killer. This kind of psychometry only goes so far. Sorry, Captain.’

  ‘It’s not your fault, Don,’ Courtney replied. She looked around at the setting of this particular crime scene and shook her head. ‘Definitely an amateur, but he still knows what he’s doing.’

  ‘Convinced this is a man?’

  Courtney’s gaze settled on the building which was the backdrop, a mid-range apartment building. It was downscale from her own, but way better than the capsule buildings. And she knew at least one person who lived here. ‘Not a hundred percent, but I think this is looking more and more like something a man is more likely to be doing. Eighty percent. I’ll go with eighty percent sure, and that’s going to go up fairly soon, I think.’

  ‘Are we going to see her?’ Kyle asked.

  ‘Yeah. If we’re lucky, she hasn’t gone back to bed after seeing him off.’

  ‘You realise we haven’t confirmed he was with her.’

  ‘I’m aware, but what do you think the chances are he wasn’t with her last night?’

  ‘A lot lower than eighty percent…’


  Kyle handed Marie a glass of water and she took it with trembling hands. She was wearing just the robe she had presumably thrown on to answer the door and she was not really paying attention to how it was arranged. Kyle was studiously ignoring that. She had looked a little frazzled even before Courtney had told her what was up and Kyle had half expected there to be a different man in her bedroom.

  ‘Y-you’re absolutely sure it’s him?’ Marie asked.

  It was a dumb question, but Courtney answered it anyway. ‘We’re sure. His ketcom was still on him and he matches the school’s ID photograph. When did he leave?’

  ‘A little after eight. Ten past? You can check that, right?’

  ‘Yes, we can check. Marie, it looks like someone is targeting men you sleep with.’ Marie let out a little sob and gulped down some water. ‘Can you think of any reason for that? You said you felt like you were being watched. Do you have any idea who might be watching you?’

  Marie swallowed. ‘There’s a boy, a young adult, I met on Aquaria. His name is Dana Hillam Beyer. When I got back. Back to school. The first day of term, he was here. He transferred here and he wanted to…’ She took a breath to steady herself. ‘He wanted to pick up where we left off on Aquaria.’

  ‘He’s under seventeen?’ Courtney asked, trying hard to keep any note of judgement out of her voice.

  ‘He’s in Mitsuko’s class.’ Marie crumpled, looking up at Courtney with tears in her eyes. ‘He was working behind a bar at the hotel, Courtney. I thought he was old enough. I didn’t know.’

  ‘Forget about that for now. Why do you think he’s the one following you?’

  ‘W-well, I saw him once, but I didn’t think much about it. He asked me to celebrate his birthday on Saturday. He said he’d s-see me again. It was the way he said it. I thought he maybe came to Shinden because his parents had moved here. At first I thought that. Maybe they did… He was really clingy back on Aquaria. I had to make excuses to get rid of him and he was there, in the hotel, every day. A-and there’s something else…’

  Courtney frowned. ‘Go on.’

  ‘Right. Computer, open messages.’ The main screen in the lounge turned on and immediately displayed a list of messages: Marie’s inbox. One stood out to Courtney immediately since it had no sender name listed and no subject. ‘Open message four,’ Marie said. Sure enough, that was the anonymous one. The message animated out to fill the screen, its contents filling in quickly as the apartment’s computer rendered thumbnails for the images the message contained.

  Kyle’s cheeks coloured. Even if they were just thumbnails, the subject matter was obvious enough. ‘Uh, those are you?’ he asked.

  Marie nodded. ‘I th-think this was last night while I was showering and getting ready to g-go out. I don’t understand how someone could’ve taken them. There was no one else here. I swear there was no one else here.’

  ‘He’s got a DV camera,’ Courtney said.


  ‘A distance-viewer camera. They let you take sensory impressions and store them on digital media, if you’re a magician. They were designed to be used for remote viewing using Sorcerer’s Eye, but they work for normal senses.’

  ‘O-oh, yes. I’ve heard of that. I don’t think my brain is working too well.’

  ‘That’s understandable,’ Kyle said. He was flicking at the screen of his own ketcom. ‘Okay, Dana Hillam. He’s listed as having permits for Might and Slice. Sorcerer’s Eye needs a licence, and it’s not listed.’

  Courtney gave a shrug. ‘It wouldn’t be the first time someone flouted the licensing laws. Or someone else could have taken those images. Dana Hillam might be our snooper and our killer, or one of those, or neither. Whatever the case, he’s got to be our next port of call. Marie, you’re to stay here until one of my people comes to get you. Do not leave this apartment. I’m going to send someone up to retrieve those images. Maybe they can tell us something about who took them. And I’m going to arrange some protection for you.’

  ‘P-protection?’ Marie stammered out.

  ‘I don’t have solid evidence that the killer could turn on you, but that is one way this kind of case can go. You’re going to be watched by someone you know is watching you until we catch whoever is doing this.’


  ‘This isn’t good,’ Kyle said.

  ‘No,’ Courtney agreed. ‘This is not good.’

  They were standing just inside the door of Dana’s apartment and it looked as though a hurricane had hit it. There were clothes strewn on the floor. One of the wall screens had been hit by something leaving a circular impact pattern about right for a skull. Of the occupant, there was no sign.

  ‘Check the door logs,’ Courtney ordered. She took out her own ketcom to record the scene. ‘So, it looks like there was a fight. The place is tossed. No sign of Dana Hillam, alive or dead. Does that mean the killer came after him?’

  ‘Not really sure,’ Kyle replied, ‘but the data says he hasn’t been back here since yesterday evening. He went out at nine thirty-three. He could still be the snooper. Maybe the killer found out and went for him.’

  ‘Or, he is the killer and this is all to keep us guessing. If he left Atushi Ishikawa’s body right outside Marie’s apartment, he may figure she’d tell us about him.’

  ‘That’s a possibility. You know, if he’s that good at this kind of thing, it means he’s done it before. We could–’

  ‘Check with the ASF for sign
s of stalking in the past? He’s from Aquaria. There’s no permanent ASF presence there and the rumours say they don’t exactly follow all the rules. Especially when it comes to visitors. Pretty much the entire planetary income is from tourism. If someone there is causing problems, they’d hush it up to avoid bad publicity.’

  ‘Oh. Right. I could canvass the neighbours. Maybe someone heard a fight in here.’

  ‘Do that,’ Courtney said. ‘Not that I’m expecting much.’


  Lunch was, once again, without Rochester. Melissa was not looking quite so sanguine about that, but no one was saying anything. To make up for the missing metaphysics student, there was Courtney and Marie. The latter looked like someone had kicked her puppy off a cliff.

  ‘So,’ Courtney said, ‘I’d like Marie to stay with you for a while, Suki. You’ve got the space.’

  ‘Yes,’ Mitsuko agreed, ‘I suppose I do.’

  ‘And I’d like Nava to keep the two of you company. Just in case.’

  Melissa giggled, even if it sounded a little forced. ‘Nava’s on guard duty again.’

  ‘I’m going to prepare a list of fees,’ Nava said. She fixed Courtney with a stare. ‘You know what happens if this killer comes after Marie while I’m there, right?’

  ‘I’m aware. Frankly, you take him down as safely as you can. If that means he won’t be getting up again, so be it. You saw the results of that spell he’s using. We don’t know whether it’s ranged or contact, but we know it kills if it hits a vital area. Don’t take risks.’

  ‘As a rule, I don’t. Anyway, I doubt he’ll attack her in the apartment. His MO seems to be surprise attacks outside.’

  ‘True, but he has the computer skills to send an anonymous message to Marie. He may have the skills to bypass security on one of the apartment buildings. You know Scryguard too, right?’

  ‘We both do,’ Mitsuko replied. ‘Being from a high-profile family, it’s almost a must.’

  ‘Someone has been using Sorcerer’s Eye to watch her.’

  ‘I’ll take care of it,’ Nava said. ‘It’s kind of what I do.’

  ‘T-take care of things?’ Marie asked.

  ‘Often permanently,’ Courtney replied.


  ‘Uh, where is Nava sleeping?’ Marie asked. It was pretty much time for bed. Arrangements had been made, but Marie had just realised that Nava had not been included in them.

  ‘My room,’ Mitsuko said before Nava could respond.

  ‘Oh. So… Well, I’d sort of guessed.’

  ‘I’m sure you’re not the only one.’

  ‘We’re keeping it quiet,’ Nava said. ‘I am anyway. Suki’s reputation could suffer if it’s known she’s sleeping with a clanless nobody.’

  ‘I don’t think of you that way,’ Marie said. ‘I mean, I guess you’re clanless, and I guess some people would think Suki was dipping the bottom of the barrel, but that’s just people who’ve never met you.’

  ‘Thank you. Unfortunately, you’re probably in a minority.’

  ‘Well…’ Marie cast around for a second, looking unsure. ‘I d-don’t suppose I could join you?’

  ‘To be clear,’ Mitsuko said, ‘you have a problem because you bedded a young adult, even if you thought he was older, and now you want to sleep with two young adults on purpose.’

  Marie cringed. ‘When you put it like that…’

  ‘I think you need to have a long, hard look at your lifestyle, Marie. I don’t understand why you have this desire to bed a different man every night.’

  ‘Or woman, apparently,’ Nava said.

  ‘It started after my parents divorced,’ Marie said. ‘I think… I think they blew my belief in commitment. Or maybe it’s just how I am. I’m going to go to bed and… cry myself to sleep or something.’

  ‘We’ll see you in the morning. You’ll go to breakfast with us and then Nava will escort you to class.’

  ‘D-do you think that’s necessary?’

  ‘The killer likes attacking outside,’ Nava replied. ‘If they’re after you, it’s most likely they’ll do it between buildings. I’ll take you to and from class until Courtney’s nailed him. If you know what’s best for you, you’ll cooperate.’


  ‘I’m going to accept Rhianna’s offer,’ Nava said. Perhaps out of deference to Marie’s celibate condition, they were just cuddling before going to sleep. Light conversation was happening in the dark. Light conversation until Nava mentioned that.

  ‘You’re sure?’ Mitsuko asked in reply.

  ‘Yes. For one thing, too many people are starting to realise we’re a couple.’

  ‘Yes, but you’re not just doing it because of me, are you?’

  ‘There are obvious benefits for me, even if you’re not in the picture. Perhaps more benefits if you’re not a factor. I should imagine that people will think I joined the Greylings to be with you, and that they made the offer to remove the possibility of scandal.’

  ‘That’s… possible. But they’d have considered that when making the offer.’

  ‘Mm. I assume they did. It’s mutually beneficial and it doesn’t interfere with my obligation to the ASF. I’ll let Rhianna know and see where we go from there.’


  ‘Of course, there’s a more dangerous hurdle to overcome next year.’

  In the darkness, Mitsuko frowned. ‘There is?’

  ‘Yes. I’ll be seventeen in the November and you won’t catch up until January.’

  ‘Oh. Ouch. No sex for almost two months. We won’t be able to do it on your birthday!’

  Nava let out a soft chuckle. ‘I figure that means we won’t be getting out of bed on yours.’

  ‘Too right. How are you going to get in touch with Rhianna anyway?’

  ‘I have her contact details. She sent them to my ketcom.’

  ‘Oh.’ Pause. ‘That’s disappointingly ordinary.’

  ‘That’s what I said.’


  Marie was looking unhappy. Despondent was probably the right word. Maybe listless. She had been the same all the way through breakfast and she was not improving as Nava walked her to the third years’ teaching building and her classroom.

  ‘Cheer up,’ Nava said. ‘So far, you’re not dead. Neither is anyone else. Today.’

  ‘Dana’s still missing,’ Marie replied. ‘I’d say that means he’s probably dead somewhere. I can’t believe I thought he was to blame for all this. Maybe I should’ve been nicer…’

  ‘I wouldn’t kick yourself excessively just yet. The second victim was left right outside your building. Why would the killer have hidden Dana Hillam’s body more carefully? Even more carefully than the first victim, in fact.’

  ‘So, you’re saying that Dana is the killer?’

  ‘That I don’t know. I suspect he’s alive, however.’

  ‘A hostage?’

  Nava gave a slight shrug. ‘I don’t know, Marie. We’re not going to know until this is resolved. For now, just concentrate on your work. And staying safe.’


  Staying safe was one thing, but Marie felt like a prisoner. She was escorted to and from class. She was not allowed out in the evening. She had been in bed at nine thirty last night because she had nothing else to do. Nava watched her like a hawk!

  Well, enough was enough. There had been no sign of her mysterious attacker – who had never attacked her anyway – and Marie thought it was less and less likely that there would be any sign of him. She left her class as soon as lunch was signalled and headed out toward her apartment. Nava had cast Scryguard on her that morning. It would be good until the end of lunch. That meant Nava could not find her, but it also meant whoever was after her was blocked too. Of course, Courtney would be able to track her, but it would take time to get the security cameras searched or to get a lock on her ketcom. All she wanted was thirty minutes to herself…

  She was almost at her building when she felt the spell hit. A vague feeling of w
eakness sank into her muscles briefly and her eyes drooped, and then she was pushing the effects aside. She turned, searching for the caster, just as a figure stepped out from behind some low bushes. She opened her mouth to scream…

  And stopped as a sense of peace swept over her. What was she worried about? There was nothing wrong here. She was fine. This was fine. What was she doing anyway?

  ‘Come with me, Marie.’

  Oh yeah, that was what she was doing…


  ‘I’ve got the place on lockdown,’ Courtney said. ‘He had thirty minutes to take her out of the campus before I got everywhere covered, but if he hasn’t already done it, he won’t be doing it now.’

  ‘That’s something,’ Mitsuko said. ‘How could she be so stupid?’

  ‘You’re saying you never wanted to slip away from Nava while she was– Forget I asked. Whatever Marie was thinking, she’s probably regretting it now.’

  ‘Have you managed to find her on the cameras?’ Nava asked.

  ‘Don’s working on it,’ Kyle said. ‘This guy seems able to use Escape Detection, though. If he casts that on Marie…’

  Nava nodded. ‘Please keep me in the loop on this, Courtney. I feel a little responsible, even if Marie’s the one who decided she didn’t need protecting.’

  ‘Fair enough,’ Courtney replied. ‘This would be easier if we knew what the killer wanted.’

  ‘At a guess, he wants Marie. Now he has her, but he’s stuck on the campus.’

  ‘He’ll want to negotiate.’ Courtney grinned, rather maliciously. ‘When he does, that’s when we’ll have him.’


  They were in the SSF’s HQ when the call came through to Courtney’s ketcom. They, in this case, were Nava and Mitsuko, along with Kyle and Donovan Ilbert. The latter was waiting with every network trace program he could muster at his fingertips and it was him who was going to find the originating point of the call. Hopefully.

  Courtney glanced his way, then she tapped the accept button on the console she had her ketcom plugged into. It was one of the auxiliary units around the room rather than the one at Courtney’s desk because this way Courtney could be on camera while everyone else could see what she saw without being seen. ‘Courtney Martell,’ she said.


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