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Bond Mates

Page 2

by Kirsty Moseley


  Crap the bell had already gone so I had to walk into the already closed classroom. "Sorry I'm late Mrs Ward I had to speak to coach about practice" I said giving her a forced smile "No problem Sean take your seat quickly please" she said trying to get on with her class. I looked round and spotted an empty seat but oh shit it was next to her! She wasn't looking at me so I made my way to the seat next to her slapping Blake a high five on the way past. Act natural, everything is fine I told myself I took a deep breath as I sat down and took in a lung full of her scent.

  The smell sent shocks through my whole body making me grow instantly hard, I gripped the table to keep myself in my seat as waves of desire crashed over me. Ignoring my arousal I pulled my notes and book from my bag, listened so I could find the right page they were discussing then turned to look at her again. Oh man she is beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, memorising every detail of her, the little freckle on her neck, her delicate fingers, how her hair that rested on her shoulder moved when she took a breath. Every thing about this girl was perfect, and I wanted to touch her, to push her hair back over her shoulder so I could get a better look at her face. I wanted to touch her cheek and pull her face round to look at me so I could look into her emerald green eyes again.

  Sean get a hold of yourself! You don't even know her name for goodness sake, but oh God I want to! I want to know everything about her and hold her, make her happy and keep her safe forever. Ok come on Sean man ask her what her name is, friendly, she already spoke to you once she probably thought you were a moron ignoring whatever she had said to me in the car park! What an idiot! I mentally slapped myself and opened my mouth to speak to her when she turned to me, oh my God those eyes!

  "What the fuck is your problem? Stop staring at me you fucking weirdo!" she whisper shouted at me. Ok I wasn't expecting that! I couldn't think of a single thing to say, "I...I just, I don't know...I" I said stuttering and looking quickly down at my hands. Oh great Sean way to prove your not a fucking idiot weirdo! Idiot, idiot, idiot! Just then the bell rang and she grabbed her stuff and ran for the door, Shit! Had I been staring at her for the whole hour? No wonder she thought I was a weirdo!

  I made my way through the halls on my way to my next class, I stopped outside a door in the history block. She was in there I could smell her beautiful scent from outside the door. Shaking my head slowly to clear it I walked into my science class, but I could think of nothing but her! I can't believe that this has happened! How could it have happened? I needed to speak to my dad, he would know, he's been through this. I could cut the rest of the day and go to his office. But as soon as I thought of cutting I instantly dismissed the idea, I couldn't leave! I needed to see her again, needed to know that she was safe, I just needed her. My whole life has changed in the space of an hour and a half, God everything that was important to me just before I saw her, football, school, my college scholarship my family and friends was now nothing compared to this girl. She was like an angel sent down from heaven just for me.

  My day continued and I was in a daze, I followed her scent every time I was in the hallways to see which classes she was had, blowing off my friends with excuses of forgotten books and toilet breaks. At lunch I saw her buy a sandwich and head out to the field. I hesitated then followed her out, staying far enough away that she couldn't see me. I just watched her sitting alone, eyes closed enjoying the sunshine, I'm like some kind of fucking stalker! I thought mentally slapping myself again. After lunch I made my way to French, she had gone up the west stairs so I guessed she had Latin. With a sigh I resigned myself to the fact that I probably only had one class with her all day.

  Mr Raven my French teacher was in a foul mood, he was yelling about how the homework assignments from the previous Friday were utter rubbish and how he was 'wasting his time teaching us if we didn't want to learn' when suddenly the door opened and in she walked. Walking up to Mr Raven she apologised saying she had gotten lost, "As it is your first day I will let you off with a warning but next time you are late and disrupt my class you will be sent to the head understand?" he said to her with no compassion whatsoever. I gritted my teeth as rage took over, how dare he speak to her like that! "Take your seat Miss Morgan" he said.

  She didn't even look up as she made her way to the empty bench next to me. I smiled at how close she was, our arms were almost touching and just the thought of almost touching her was enough to make me rock hard again, Shit give me a break would ya? I mentally slapped myself as she moved, she reached into her bag and got out a notepad and pencil and started to draw. Will nudged me from my other side, "Better get on and do the assignment man, Ravens on the war path today" he said,

  "What is it I wasn't listening?" I asked opening my French text book, "Translate the phrases on page 98 into English" he muttered.

  I turned to the page and scribbled my answers, I was fluent in French so the assignment was easy and I finished in no time at all so I could pay attention to the girl again, out of the corner of my eye I saw her continue to sketch, she was drawing a beautiful tree with a swing hanging off of one of the branches, it had so much detail. She was a very talented artist and I could see that she loved to draw, the corners of her mouth were turned up into a slight smile and she was breathing deeply like she was in some kind of trance.

  "Here he comes" Will said nodding at the teacher just about to walk to the girl next. I nudged her arm with my elbow lightly "Quick" I muttered to her, Shit! She hadn't done the assignment and I had just sat there looking at her now she was gonna get in trouble! She looked up at me then

  "What?" she said, as quick as I could I reached over and snatched up her notebook and gave her my assignment I had just done. "What the hell are you d...." she started to say but stopped as Mr Raven stepped to her desk picking up my assignment sheet from her desk "Very good Miss Morgan, well done on the translations" I smiled widely and thanked God silently that he didn't recognise my writing!

  He looked over at me raising his eyebrows expectantly "And yours Mr Houston?" he asks, I see the girl about to explain so I cut her off quickly "I'm really sorry Mr Raven, I got distracted and didn't do the assignment you asked for" I said trying to look reproachful, the girls head snaps round to look at me "And what may I ask were you distracted with Mr Houston?" Oh crap! How the hell am I gonna pass this drawing off as mine? I can't draw worth a damn! "I'm sorry sir I was sketching" I said indicating her notebook as proof, I could see her turn red from, jeez is she embarrassed? Why on earth would she be embarrassed? If I could draw like that I would show it to the world.

  "Detention after school Mr Houston and I expect you to do the assignment and turn it in tomorrow in class and you can put that away now!" Mr Raven shouted at me "Yes sir" I said stuffing her book in my bag.

  One detention's no problem, totally worth it, I turned to look at her again and she looked straight at me, I could see her beautiful eyes again I smiled at her and she flushed making her face even more radiant but how that is possible I really don't know. She smiled at me, mumbled "Thank you" and looked away just as the bell rang. Jumping out of her seat and almost running for the door.

  I got up from my desk meaning to catch her up but I got caught by Mr Raven, "Sean can I have a word?" taking a deep breath pulling my eyes away from the doorway wishing I could just leave to find her, "Um sir I really need to get going to my next class" I said inching towards the door. "I just wanted to tell you that there's an art show at the school this Saturday and I think maybe you should think about entering something, based on your drawing earlier you have a lot of talent" he said with a smile, "Um thanks sir, I'll think about it and let you know" I replied inching towards the door again. "Ok Sean, you better get going, your going to be late if you don't hurry" nodding his head at the door. I took off at a run following her scent I ran right past a bathroom before stopping and realising she had stopped here, I smiled to myself. I leant up against the wall and waited for her to come out, wishing desperately that I don't mak
e myself look like an idiot like last time I spoke to her.

  I could hear her moving around in there now, just then the door opened and out she walked, I took a big breath before saying "Hey, your drawing is really great" holding her notebook out for her to take. She took it with the most adorable frown on her face "Why did you do that?" she said looking confused, "Couldn't have you getting detention on your first day could we?" I said with a smile, God she is stunning! "I'm Sean by the way" I added as an after thought holding out my hand for her to shake, she looked at me "What are you like 40, a handshake really?" she said and laughed, the sound of her laugh was the most amazing sound I have ever heard in my life and I would give anything to hear it again.

  I chuckled along with her dropping my hand to the side and decided to tell her the truth "Actually I was just using that as an excuse to touch you" God I would give anything to touch her, just hold her hand, run my fingers through her hair, anything. "Well thanks again but I really need to go" she said as she turned and walked away from me again. "Hey wait! Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" I called after her retreating figure. She stopped but didn't turn around as she called "It's Tyler, Tyler Morgan" and with the she walked away to her next class. "Well Tyler Morgan it is definitely my pleasure" I said quietly, smiling to myself.

  It was late by the time I got home due to my detention and then because I had missed football practice coach made me run laps. My mom and dad were already home standing in the kitchen my dad had his arms around my mom and was whispering something in her ear whilst she giggles like a school girl. "Ew, seriously guys you should get a room or something 'cos seeing a parental PDA is just disturbing!" I whined looking anywhere but them. Dad chuckled but reluctantly pulled away from my mom taking her hand instead. "Um guys, I need to talk to you" I started focusing on dad,

  "What's up son?" he said instantly shifting into concerned parent mode.

  "Um, I found her today, I found my Bond-Mate" I said smiling widely. Mom broke down in happy tears and Dad let out a whoop and grabbed me into a bear hug. Mom ran over to the alcohol grabbing a bottle of champagne. "Oh my goodness! I can't believe that your bonded! I am so proud of you! Wow 18 years old and you find her, some people search their whole lives and never find their bond-mate, when do we get to meet her? Will she be moving in here with us?" mom prattled on and on. "Mom, would you stop a minute? I'm not bonded, but I have found her but there's a slight problem" God how am I gonna explain this? "Your not bonded yet? Why not? If you found each other why have you not bonded? How did you even stop yourself from bonding?" Mom's voice was getting louder and louder with each question. "Well, its not that simple, I've found her but she's not, well she's not..." dad walked up mom putting his arm protectively around her and nodding for me to continue. "Well......she's not a shifter, she's a human" I said, Mom and Dad both gasped in shock and mom slumped down to the floor crying again, not happy tears this time though.

  "Sean, are you sure? You must have this wrong. I mean a human, your bond mate can't be a human she's your true other half, the one you're meant to be with, how can your true other half be something completely different to you? It can't be right" mom said wiping the tears from her eyes looking up at my dad "Jack?" my dad looked at me and sighed, "I don't know Sean, I'll have to do some research but I've never heard of this, I don't think that its possible, I think you have this wrong son" he said putting his hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze, trying to re-assure me I guess as if I was crazy or something.

  "Mom, Dad seriously you can do all the research that you want, but I am telling you now, its her, I know it is, I can feel it" dad smiled a sad smile and nodded mom just started crying again. They didn't believe me, I sighed "Look guys I'm really tired I'm gonna go to bed, love you" I said as I turned and walked to the stairs. I could feel their gazes on my back as I walked away, they didn't believe me but that doesn't matter I know its her.

  Chapter 2: New friends? Wait that wasn't in the plan!


  I woke in the morning tired again, God I always wake up tired. Normally this is due to the fact that every night I wake up screaming from the same nightmare that I have been having for the last 7

  years. But I suppose today I could blame my tiredness on my mom and that fact that she came rolling home at 3am drunk as a skunk with some random guy she had met at the bar, and then proceeded to have very loud sex in the room right next to mine for over and hour.

  I showered and dressed quickly in khaki combat trousers and round neck tank top and pulled on a clean hoodie. I tiptoed downstairs trying not to wake mom and her one nighter. As I walked in the kitchen there is a greasy haired biker dude in his mid 40's dressed in leather and denim standing against the counter casually eating a bowl of cereal.

  "Well hello beautiful, wow I didn't know you were here last night otherwise we could have had some fun together" he purred wiping milk from his chin on the sleeve of his shirt eyeing me thoughtfully. Ok gross! "Ok you've helped yourself to my mom last night, and you've helped yourself to breakfast too, so now you can leave" I said rudely pointing at the front door. "Ouch honey that hurts, wow your feisty that's a real turn on you know" he said taking a step towards me with a nasty glint in his eye, panic surged through me.

  "Wanna know what I find a turn on?" I asked him seductively "Uh huh" he replied nodding his head and licking his lips, "Pain and blood" I said simply grabbing a knife from the rack and stepping towards him. His smile faded, "Ok honey you don't wanna play that's fine no need to be like that I was just messing around" he said pulling his jacket off the back of one of the chairs as he walked off towards the door laughing. As soon as he left I ran to the door locking it and burst into tears sliding down the door until I was in a heap at the bottom. God I hate my life!

  After washing my face again and re-applying a little mascara I headed off to school. "Hi" said a sexy voice as I walked past a blue jeep, I looked round and it was Sean, God he looked even hotter today was that possible? He had on faded jeans and a white t-shirt and leather jacket, he smiled that heart stopping smile and I swear I almost climaxed. "Hi, Steve isn't it?" I asked knowing this would upset him, he is definitely a player, all the girls in the car park are staring lustfully at him, not that I blame them I am definitely eye-shagging him right now! His beautiful smile turns into a frown as he says "Err no it's Sean" I stifle a giggle and just mumble "Oh" before walking off.

  Suddenly I can hear him running after me, "So how are you finding it here? Have you seen much of the town? I could show you around if you want" he said rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor as if he's nervous. That is so sweet! but wait why in the hell would he be nervous? he can get any girl he wants! maybe he's not a player after all I thought then mentally slapped myself quickly, the plan Tyler, stick to the plan! "Listen Shane, I'm sorry but I doubt that there's anything you can show me that would interest me" I said in my bitchiest voice as I stride off again leaving him standing in shock in the school entrance, "It's Sean" I heard him say under his breath.

  "Holy shizer! Sean Houston just asked you out and you turned him down! What are you a lesbo?" a guy asked me as I stepped to my locker. I laughed and winked at him "Wouldn't you like to know!"

  I said getting my books out for my first two classes. "I can't believe that! I honestly don't think he has ever been turned down, I mean damn girl he is fiiiiine!" he said, I turned to look at him, he was cute, dirty blond hair and light green eyes, skinny and wearing an extremely well put together outfit.

  "You go out with him then" I said with a smirk, "I would babe but he doesn't bat for my team, I wish and wish every year on my birthday cake candles, but alas no, I am definitely not his type otherwise I would so tap that!" he said laughing. His laugh was infectious so I found myself giggling along with him.

  "I'm Chase Bennet, what's your name sweet cheeks?" he asked smiling, I shook my head "Nope, not sweet cheeks, keep guessing" and we both laughed again. "Honey buns?" "Nope" "Sugar momma?"

Nope" I say laughing again "Ok, ok I got it! Baby Cakes!" he said throwing an arm around my waist as we started to walk up the hallway "How in the hell did you get that? Most people take at least eight guesses to get my real name!" I say faking shock. "Oh well I'm not most people, you'll find that out as you get to know me! you know, I heard that you were a real bitch and you kneed Rich Henderson in the balls for grabbing your ass" he said looking at me with a curious expression.

  "I am, and I did" I told him looking at my shoes.

  "That's Awesome! well this is you right? English?" He said stopping outside my classroom, "Yeah how'd you know that?" frowning realising that maybe I didn't get through the day yesterday completely un-noticed. "I'm Chase Bennet I know everything" he said with a dismissive wave of his hand making me laugh again. "Better go" he said walking away "I'll see you at lunch Baby Cakes"

  he called over his shoulder winking at me, way to stick to the plan Tyler! I thought and with a sigh went into the classroom.

  I sat at an empty table and took out my books. When the chair next to me scraped across the floor, I look up and fuck me its him again! "Mind if I sit here?" he asked smiling that perfect friggin smile of his "If I did would you move somewhere else?" I said nastily, he chuckled at this "Nope" he said popping the p. I couldn't help myself I laughed shaking my head at him, he laughed too and smiled even wider. Staring at his smile I suddenly had the urge to kiss him, well actually that wasn't the urge, what I really wanted was to throw him across the desk and fuck his brains out!

  Taking a shaky breath I looked away from him to the front of the class room where Mrs Ward was just coming in. "So, where did you" he started to say but I cut him off with a loud shhhh and pointed to the teacher with a smile on my face, I heard him chuckle quietly beside me. "Class, today we will be reading Act 1 scene 2 quietly to ourselves then we will be sharing our opinions at the end in a group discussion" she said motioning for us to get on with it.


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