Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 13

by Kirsty Moseley

"How can you two be so flippant about this?" Jack asked frowning, "There's not much else we can do dad, I have no idea what it means or why, but I can only guess that it's because Tyler is human, our bonds aren't the same as other shifters because a shifter has never bonded with a human before"

  Sean said shrugging and eating his toast. "But Sean we hadn't bonded last night when you changed, sorry, I meant shifted" I said eating my eggs, Sean shrugged "I don't know then" he said.

  "I think it also may have been the fact that you two were already in love before you bonded, that has probably never happened before either, when a shifter finds his other half the attraction is so strong that the bond is made there and then, the fact that you two didn't bond for almost two weeks, well I think that has made the bond stronger. Looking at you two before you bonded if I didn't know better I would swear that you were already bonded the way you looked at each other" Jack said shaking his head slowly.

  Sean pulled me to his side smiling his heartbreaking smile. "I think that maybe the bond that you two had before you actually bonded gave you extra abilities Sean, like shifting when you want or the fact that you healed in your human body, and so quickly after you got hit by that car, by all sounds of it that should have killed you, we were always told that your bond mark was strong but I never would have guessed this" Jack said with a nervous smile.

  "There's just one more thing we have to tell you" Sean said, Kate groaned "I don't think I can take much more" she said putting her head in her hands. "I asked Tyler to marry me and she said yes"

  Sean said looking into my eyes making me feel weightless. Kate's head snapped up a big grin lit her face as she started crying again. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him tenderly, "You do still want to marry me don't you?" he asked breathily making me shiver, " I have to?" I said giving him a wicked smile, "Yep" he said popping the p. I kissed him again lovingly, the passion was building fast, "Excuse us" Sean said to his parents as he picked me up off of the counter and ran for the bedroom where we lost ourselves for a couple of hours.

  Chapter 12: Girls at the park

  "Tyler will you take me to the park, please, please, please?" Rachel begged jumping on my lap and giving me the puppy dog face, I laughed at her she is so cute. "Leave her alone kiddo" Sean warned taking her off my lap and tickling her. "No it's ok I don't mind if that's ok with your mom" I said looking in Kate's direction, she smiled and nodded "Sure, that's fine Tyler" she said, Rachel grinned and jumped running to get her shoes on. "You coming?" I said turning to Sean, he looked torn, like he was thinking about something really hard. "Umm, Matt actually asked me to come over and help him with some stuff so...Umm, you'll be ok though right?" he said looking a little shifty and uncomfortable.

  I decided to push it to see what he was really up to, I could feel the tension radiating from him making me feel a bit uneasy too. "What does he need help with?" I said giving him a persuasive smile, this made him feel more uncomfortable and he shifted in his seat, I started to feel a little sick looking at him like that. "He wanted me to help him....uh....uh, move something heavy" he blurted. I laughed as he went a little red. "Are you ok Sean? You look a bit flushed" I said touching his cheek trying to make him feel better, he just looked so damn guilty about something.

  "I'm fine, I'm just a little worried about you going out somewhere without me" he confessed, "Oh no! Don't start being all possessive on me, I wont stand for that I'll have to kick your wolfy ass!" I said narrowing my eyes at him. He laughed "Yeah right baby, you and who's army?" he teased pinning my wrists to my sides kissing down my neck. "Trust me lover boy if I wanted you hurt, you'd hurt" I said giggling as he licked my ear teasingly. "I'm ready Tyler" Rachel called from the hall, "I'm coming Rach, I'm just teaching your brother a lesson" I called turning back to Sean.

  I kissed him on the lips gently and he let go of my wrists to put his hands round my waist. I twisted my hands in his hair as I traced my tongue along his bottom lip slowly, when he opened his mouth I slipped my tongue in making him moan and I could tell he was getting aroused, I know I was. I moved to his ear "Do you want me Sean?" I asked in my most seductive voice, he nodded slowly, digging his fingers gently into my back. I pushed myself up off of his lap laughing my ass off,

  "That's too bad, I'm going to the park, and you don't have to be violent to kick someone's ass!" I said giving him a wink and walking away. He groaned loudly, "That was so not fair Tyler!" he called, Dan burst put laughing as I walked out of the room.


  "Higher Tyler, Higher" Rachel giggled, "Rach you go any higher your gonna go over the top!" I said pushing her again on the swings. "How about we go on the roundabout next?" I asked her pointing it out. She shook her head, "Sean doesn't let me go on it he said that roundabouts aren't safe" she said narrowing her eyes at it as if it was evil or something. I laughed, God that boy! "Wow your brother is over protective isn't he?" I said stopping the swing, "Come on, they're fine and I won't tell him if you wont" I said giving her a wink, her face lit up and she ran over to it jumping on it waiting for me. I pushed it slowly and jumped on with her she giggled like there was no tomorrow.

  Just then biker guy and another equally greasy looking guy came walking into the park looking at us, his face was covered in yellowing bruises and almost healed cuts and my heart stopped. "Why hello there beautiful, where's that boyfriend of yours? I've been looking all over for him" he said sneering and spitting on the ground, I shuddered trying not to show how scared shitless I was.

  "He....he's...he'll be here in a minute, actually I think we'll wait by the road for him, come on Rach"

  I said taking her hand and pulling her off of the roundabout tucking her behind me.

  "Don't leave yet beautiful, how about you play with us in the park for a little while" he said grabbing my arm and spinning me round to face him. "No thanks, we need to get back now" I said pulling my arm trying to get him to let go but he tightened his grip making me wince. Oh God what the hell do I do? I've got to get Rachel out of here! I looked around for something some sort of help but there was nothing. "Tyler I want to go home now" Rachel said quietly, "We're now leaving sweetie, I just need to call your brother see how far away he is, then he'll pick us up" I lied squeezing her hand "But Sean's not picking us up we walked here silly" she said confused.

  I drew in a jagged breath and biker guy smiled, "Is that so? Where do you live sweetie we can walk you home" he said bending down to look at her. I jerked her behind me, "You leave her the fuck alone" I said through my teeth trying to imitate how Sean sounds when he's angry but it lost some of its effect when my voice broke a little. Biker guy laughed and slapped me across the face roughly with the back of his hand, I whimpered and Rachel started to wail that she wanted to go home.

  "Don't you ever talk to me like that again you hear me?" he shouted in my face. "Please just let me take her home" I begged pulling her behind me tighter, squeezing her hand for re-assurance.

  "You know, I knew I recognised you from somewhere the first time I saw you, but I couldn't place you, but I've thought about you a lot since then and then it suddenly came to me just like that" he said clicking his fingers on the word 'that'. "Your Peter Symons girl aren't you?" he asked narrowing his eyes at me. I stopped breathing, my head started to spin, he knew him, he knew me, oh shit! I heaved slightly making him laugh.

  "I spent some time down in LA, I met him once through a friend, he's pretty fucking scary, but I guess you already know that don't you" he said cocking his head to the side. "He's got a reward out for you, did you know that? The guy is so fucking obsessed with you its unreal, he's got people out everywhere looking for you, that dude is fucking crazy" he said animatedly slapping his knee getting an excited look on his face. "I can see the appeal though, you do look good, I bet you fuck real nice" he said running his finger down my face that was still sore from his slap.

s he know where I am?" I asked trembling, silent tears rolling down my face. He grinned ignoring my question, "I needed to be sure it was you, do you know what he would do to me if I gave him information that turned out to be wrong?" he laughed a shaky laugh running his fingers through his hair. "That's why I had to keep fucking your drunk ass of a mother getting her to trust me so she would tell me who you really are" he said turning his nose up slightly.

  I was so scared that I started to imagine Sean and what he would say to me now, 'Tyler what the fuck is going on?' his imaginary voice shouted in my head, 'Biker guy is at the park, he knows who I am, he knows my stepfather, please help us Sean' I thought wishing he were here right now. 'Stay calm, It's ok I'm on my way, Tyler he hurt your face didn't he' his imaginary voice said in my head, his voice sounded angry. He was so angry I could feel it in my stomach, he was shaking with rage.

  'Tyler baby, you need to get away, start running towards the road, go NOW' his voice demanded, I snapped back to reality, biker guy was talking me "To talk, huh?" he said. I didn't answer, I didn't know what he asked me, oh God what did he say? "I SAID LETS GO SOMEWHERE MORE

  PRIVATE TO TALK" he shouted his breath blowing across my face, it smelt of stale beer making me heave.

  "Please let me get her home" I begged again, "I'll come back, I'll come back to my house, please just let me take her home and I'll come and meet you, and then we can talk, please" I said feeling sick. Rachel was sobbing tugging on my hand roughly trying to pull me towards the gates. I imagined Sean's voice again, 'I'm two minutes away Tyler, everything is going to be fine I promise'

  he growled in my head. I smiled pretending that I could hear his car turn off the intersection, not that I would be able to hear that it was too far away. I looked at biker guy who was looking at Rachel smiling as his eyes raked down her body, Oh God no!

  "She's only 4 years old for fuck sake, please I promise I'll come back" I said turning to leave he slapped me again harder this time sending me sprawling on the floor. As soon as I felt the sharp pain on my face, I felt a murderous rage fly through me. I was so incredibly angry, I was going to kill him, slowly and make him scream.

  But that wasn't me. I didn't feel that, I felt the pain and I was terrified, I clutched Rachel to my back tightly getting to my knees. I kill anyone, shit I could barely get my arm from his grip. Biker guy was laughing now and I looked up and him. I had two things going through my mind, one was terror, not for me but for Rachel, the way he was looking at her was sending shivers down my spine making the bile rise in my throat. The other feeling was blind rage, both feelings were so strong that it was almost confusing. "Please, I'll do whatever you want but please don't hurt her" I begged tears rolling down my face. "Really?" biker guy laughed, "Well I can think of one thing you can do for me, seen as your already on your knees and all" he said his hand going to the top of his jeans undoing the button, I closed my eyes and thought of Sean 'Please help us' I begged.

  Just as he was about to pull his zipper down I imagined that Sean's car screeched to a stop outside the park. I imagined I could hear the slam of his door, the crunch of stones under his feet as he ran fast, so fast, towards us. I imagined that he shifted into his wolf closing the distance with lightning speed and let out a murderous growl.

  I opened my eyes biker guy was smiling at me "Get on with it then beautiful" he sneered just then his head snapped up to something behind me, emotions shot through his face so fast I could barely read them, confusion, shock, fear, and terror. I couldn't look away from his face as his eye's went wide I saw a stain appear at the front of his jeans as he lost control of his bodily functions, his friend shared the same look of terror.

  "What the? Shit!" he said as he turned to run the other way. 'I'm here Tyler, everything's ok, go get in the car' Sean's voice growled in my head. Just then my vision blurred for a second and I felt something brush past me, blowing a familiar smell across my face, it was the most beautiful smell in the world, it smelt like home. Rachel was still sobbing as I staggered to my feet my head spinning from the slap, I pulled Rachel up with me.

  I looked in the direction that biker guy went but I couldn't see him, I couldn't see anything. 'Tyler I said go get in the car, go NOW!" Sean's voice demanded in my head. I grabbed Rachel and we ran as fast as we could towards to car park, maybe I can flag down a car if we can make it to the road I thought franticly trying to stop my legs from trembling, what the hell happened? Why did they run away? I was crying so hard I could barely breathe.

  After what seemed like forever we reached the car park, I was pulling Rachel towards the road when suddenly a sharp pain started in my shoulder making me gasp and stop running to grab it roughly, but just as quick came it was gone. I looked around trying to catch my breath and saw Sean's car sitting there engine still running, I ran to it and threw open the door "Sean" I cried but he wasn't inside. Where the hell is he?

  I threw Rachel in the back and buckled her in turning round to look everywhere for him I couldn't see him anywhere. "SEAN" I screamed as loud as I could. 'It's ok Tyler, I'm here' he said in my head, suddenly I realised that I wasn't imagining it, Sean was really talking to me, he really is here.

  What the hell is happening? Why can I hear him? I could feel him as well, I could feel what he was feeling that's why I felt so angry earlier, that was Sean's anger not mine. He was still murderously angry, but he was relieved that I was safe, he was also happy about something. I took a couple of deep breaths, this must be some sort of shifter thing he hasn't told me about, 'Where are you?' I asked him trying to breathe, 'I'm in the field, with the two guys' he told me, 'WHAT? Oh God are you ok?' I asked frantically worrying now, there were two of them what if they hurt him?

  'Calm down Tyler, stop panicking, I can feel you getting yourself worked up you need to breathe' he told me calmly, how the hell can he be so calm about this? 'What are you doing?' I asked searching the field as far as I could see. 'I'm waiting for the guy to wake up so I can talk to him before I kill him, I need to know if your stepfather knows where you are' he said calmly as if he was discussing what we should have for lunch.

  Kill him? What the hell is he talking about? 'Sean you can't kill him!' I cried in my head, 'I can't let him live Tyler, think of what he knows, think of what he was going to do to you, to my four year old sister, he could do that to someone else, Tyler please don't judge me for this' Sean said sternly. 'You know this needs to be done' he said, I nodded then realised that he couldn't see me 'Yes' I croaked.

  'Tyler, he's coming round now, get home, take the car, I'll meet you there, there are some of my clothes in the trunk of the car, leave them at the gates so I can change when I shift back, and Tyler, I love you' he said quickly, 'I love you too Sean, please be safe' I said crying again.

  Chapter 13: The other side


  "Tyler will you take me to the park, please, please, please?" Rachel begged jumping on Tyler's lap roughly, jeez kid careful you'll hurt her! I grabbed hold of Rachel and pulled her onto my lap tickling her "Leave her alone kiddo" I said while she squirmed. "No it's ok I don't mind if that's ok with your mom" Tyler said looking up at mom who just smiled and nodded "Sure that's fine Tyler"

  she said, Rachel jumped off of my lap running off probably to get her shoes on.

  "You coming?" Tyler said looking at me making me melt, if I don't go I could go into town to that ring shop and surprise her for when she gets back. Oh crap, I hadn't left her yet, part of me never wanted to leave her side. No, I need to get her a ring so I can propose properly. I can't believe I just blurted that out last night, I mean God I want to marry her more than anything but I should have made it perfect, romantic. No, I would go get the ring, I just needed to think of an excuse.

  "Umm, Matt actually asked me to come over and help him with some stuff so...Umm, you'll be ok though right?" I said, God I hated lying to her! I was so stressed I was starting to sweat, it's just a little lie I kept telling myself. "What does he need help with?" she asked smil
ing, God she has a beautiful smile, maybe I should just tell her the truth, I want to buy you an engagement ring, just say that, NO! I mentally slapped myself surprise remember! "He wanted me to help him....uh....uh, move something heavy" I said, oh shit! Move something heavy? That's fucking pathetic Sean. "Are you ok Sean? You look a bit flushed" she said touching my cheek, my skin tingled at her touch making me slightly aroused, get a hold of yourself Sean, God I'm whipped.

  "I'm fine, I'm just a little worried about you going out somewhere without me" I said, well that's half the truth, "Oh no! Do not start being all possessive on me, I wont stand for that, I will have to kick your wolfy ass" she said narrowing her eyes, kick my wolfy ass? Where the hell did that come from? I started laughing "Yeah right baby, you and who's army?" I teased leaning in and grabbing her wrists and pinning them to her sides, but this was a bad position to be in because now I was so close to her I couldn't resist kissing her neck.

  God she tastes good, shit this wasn't a good idea, I was getting so damn aroused again, every damn time I touch her, this is just crazy. "Trust me lover boy if I wanted you hurt, you'd hurt" she said, I licked her ear making her giggle. "I'm ready Tyler" Rachel called from the hall. "I'm coming Rach, I'm just teaching your brother a lesson" Tyler called out, then she leaned over and kissed me, her soft lips pressing on mine made me forget where we were.

  I let go of her wrists so I could wrap my arms around her, she gripped her hands in my hair making me go crazy, God I loved it when she did that. She traced her tongue on my lip and I immediately opened my mouth wanting desperately to taste her. She slipped her tongue in and her taste exploded on my taste buds, my erection was full on now, I needed her, God I loved this girl.

  She moved her lips to my ear and said in the most seductive husky voice I have ever heard, making me impossibly harder, "Do you want me Sean?" did I want her? Was she kidding? I couldn't speak so I just nodded, holding her tighter pushing on her back to get her closer to me. Suddenly she pushed herself up off of me laughing her ass off, she was beautiful and she was mine. I still couldn't get my head around that fact that this angel was mine.


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