Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 14

by Kirsty Moseley

  I was about to stand to go to the bedroom, "Too bad I'm going to the park, and you don't have to be violent to kick someone's ass" she said winking at me and walking away. Oh my God she played me! I can't believe I just let her play me like that! I let out a groan, shit. "That was so not fair Tyler"

  I called to her retreating back watching her sexy ass wiggle as she walked. Suddenly I realised I was so damn hard. I put my arm across my lap trying to cover the bulge in my jeans which made Dan burst put laughing. I gave him the 'shut the fuck up' look making him laugh harder.

  When I had calmed down I went to the jewellers on Madison about a 10 minute drive away. I picked out a gorgeous 2 carat princess cut, diamond ring in white gold as I thought that the white gold would match the new silver marks on her wrists better than normal gold. I was just walking back to the car when suddenly I started to feel scared, I looked round there was nothing around.

  Stop it Sean your being stupid, but shit I was so scared I felt sick, I just didn't know why.

  I got into the car when one side of my face started to tingle with painful prickles, rubbing it I looked in the mirror, there was nothing there. Starting the car I pulled out, thinking that I would go meet Tyler and Rach in the park when suddenly I was terrified, I was so scared that my stomach twisted and made me want to retch, what the hell? Why the hell am I feeling like this there's nothing for me to be scared of. Then I realised it wasn't me that was scared, it was Tyler.

  My foot pressed down on the gas, I've got to get there, I don't know what's going on but she's terrified. What the hell is happening? 'Tyler what the fuck is going on?' I thought desperately whilst thinking about her at the same time, suddenly she answered me. I was so shocked I nearly drove off the road, I managed to swerve back in time. 'Biker guy is at the park, he knows who I am, he knows my stepfather, please help us Sean' she said, Oh God she was panicking, shit what if I don't get there in time? What if he hurts her? I reached up and touched my face where it was still prickling slightly that fucker's already hurt her!

  I was so fucking angry my hands were shaking. Calm down Sean you can't shift here you need to stay in control and get there to help her. I took a deep breath trying to sound calm as I thought back to her 'Stay calm, It's ok I'm on my way, Tyler he hurt your face didn't he' I said, how the hell am I speaking to her? What the hell is happening? I was still a few minutes away she needed to get away from him before he hurt her again 'Tyler baby you need to get away, start running towards the road, go NOW' I demanded.

  The drive was taking forever! Shit why the hell did I leave her? Please God, please keep her safe for me please, I prayed pressing the gas pedal harder but it was no use it was already flat to the floor.

  Tyler started to get more terrified. She started to feel sick, bile rose in my throat at how scared she was. My body was going crazy, the shaking was getting worse, my eyes were starting to blur. NO!

  You can't shift yet you have to get there first I screamed at myself, clenching my jaw as hard as I could, 'I'm two minutes away Tyler, everything is going to be fine I promise' I growled, impossibly her fear doubled, how she could get any more scared I don't know.

  The other side of my face prickled and I knew he had hurt her again. My blood felt like it was on fire I was so angry I was thinking of all the things I would do to him when I caught him, I was going to make him hurt, I would kill him slowly and just as he begged to die I would rip his throat out and watch him suffocate and bleed to death at the same time, and I would smile and that would be the last thing he would see before he went to hell. Suddenly I went cold wanting to gag.

  I could see the park gates now it was right there! 'please help us' she begged as I screeched to a halt in the car park nearly taking the door off as I burst out, I left the engine running so that she could get away and I ran as fast as I could across the lot, shifting into my wolf as I ran faster. I could see the shapes of them they were a couple of hundred yards away, she was on her knees in front of him, Rach tucked protectively behind her back. Oh God look at her scared out of her mind but still protecting my little sister, she really is an angel.

  Just then the two guys looked up at me I could see that they were scared shitless, I could smell the scent of urine cloud the air and I knew that one of them had pissed themselves, the smell made me smile a little internally. They turned and ran, Tyler didn't move she just knelt there on the floor, what the hell is she doing? 'I'm here Tyler, everything is ok, go get in the car' I told her as I ran past her at full speed catching a lungful of her beautiful scent as I passed, I smiled internally when I realised that I couldn't smell any of her blood.

  I was closing on the guys now, I wanted them to get further away from the road where no one would see so I slowed my pace a bit looking over my shoulder and seeing her standing there looking in my direction. I was too far away for her to see I knew that, 'Tyler I said go get in the car, go NOW!" I said more forcefully. This seemed to snap her out of it, she grabbed my sister and ran towards the car park. I turned my attention back to the two scumbags I was going to kill, but not before I found out where to find this fucker Peter Symons, I was gonna end this once and for all and make my angel safe.

  I let them get as far as the trees before catching them up, I needed to speak to biker guy so I went for the other one first, let him see what is going to happen to him make him more likely to talk quickly I thought. The other guy turned to me suddenly pulling out a gun, Shit! I thought just as the shot went off. Pain ripped through my shoulder as the bullet went in one side and out of the other.

  The pain doubled and the wound started to heal instantly, I gritted my teeth and tried to ignore the pain.

  I barged my head into the guy and he fell and hit his head hard on a rock knocking himself unconscious. I ran in front of biker guy making him stop and start to back up near his friend. Once I knew he was close enough to see I bent over the unconscious guy and ripped out his throat tasting his blood making me gag slightly. I'd never killed anyone before but I couldn't feel bad about it I had to get this job done, and anyway this guy was a bad mother fucker I could tell.

  Turning my attention back to biker guy I ran forward and bit him on the forearm roughly leaving puncher wounds and making him shout out in agony. He was crying now and I was glad, I wanted him to suffer to feel scared for his life like he had made my girl feel. Rage boiled in my blood stream, I lunged again biting into his thigh he fell to the ground and I stood on his other leg hard making the bone snap in two. I decided he was ready to talk, taking a deep breath, imagining my girl's face to calm myself. I shifted back to my human form. His eyes shot wide, his mouth fell open, that's when he passed out. Shit! I need the information!

  Just then I heard her voice, her real voice, she shouted my name. How in the hell can I hear her?

  She must be nearly a mile away and I'm in my human form, I shouldn't be able to hear that far. 'It's ok Tyler, I'm here' I told her in her head knowing she wouldn't hear me if I shouted back.

  I felt relief and happiness rush through her, how the hell can I feel what she's feeling? 'Where are you?' she asked, 'I'm in the field, with the two guys' I said, I didn't want to give her too many details. 'WHAT? Oh God are you ok?' she said, I could feel what she was feeling, she was scared again, worrying, she was struggling to breathe her lungs were burning, shit she's hyperventilating.

  'Calm down Tyler, stop panicking, I can feel you getting yourself worked up you need to breathe' I said calmly.

  After a few seconds I could feel her starting to relax slightly, her lungs no longer on fire. 'What are you doing?' she asked, oh shit! I don't want to tell her but I have to, I'm not telling her I'm going after her stepfather though she wouldn't let me go so I decided to bend the truth slightly. 'I'm waiting for the guy to wake up so I can talk to him before I kill him, I need to know if your stepfather knows where you are' I said trying to stay calm even though the anger was filling me again as I looked down at his lifeless body. 'Sean you can't kill him!' she cried, I
decided to go for the truth again, 'I can't let him live Tyler, think of what he knows, think of what he was going to do to you, to my four year old sister, he could do that to someone else Tyler, please don't judge me for this' I said imagining the look on her face when she knew that I was a murderer.

  'You know this needs to be done' I said praying that she'll still love me, still see me as the same person. She didn't say anything for a long time and I was starting to panic that this had changed her feelings for me that she wouldn't be able to look at me the same way when she croaked 'Yes' making my heart melt. Just then biker guy groaned, his eyes fluttered slightly. I needed to get her out of here, 'Tyler, he's coming round now, get home, take the car I'll meet you there, there are some of my clothes in the trunk of the car leave them at the gates so I can change when I shift back, and Tyler I love you' I said walking over to the guy who was now fully awake and crying again begging for his life. 'I love you too Sean, please be safe' she said in my head.

  "Please, please!" he begged as I stepped up to him, "You saw what I am, you feel the pain I can put you through, Tell me about Peter Symons." I said threateningly. The guy whimpered, "Please, I can't, you don't know what he'll do to me if he find out I spoke about him" he said, I laughed "What he'll do to you? Trust me man, your not gonna make it out of here alive, your either going to tell me and I'll kill you quickly or I'll break every single bone in your body and leave you here to starve to death, the choice is yours, if you ask me, your friend over there definitely had the easy option he was unconscious, he didn't even feel it" I said tilting my head in the other guys direction.

  "If your going to kill me anyway then I have nothing to gain by telling you, so go fuck yourself!" he shouted, I grabbed one of his hands and squeezed hard. Being a shifter gives you extra strength so I easily snapped the bones of his hand, hearing the sickening snaps made the bile rise in my throat. I thought of Tyler, this man would tell her stepfather where she was, I had to stay strong. He screamed in pain, "Tell me how to find Peter Symons" I said picking up his other hand, "PLEASE

  DON'T" he cried, "Tell me now!" I shouted, "No" he whispered I squeezed his other hand making him scream again.

  "Next it's going to be your ankles, then I'm going to find a rock and smash both of your knee caps, after that I'm gonna break your ribs, I could carry on with the list but trust me you will be in so much pain you'll be begging for death long before I give it to you" I said simply shrugging my shoulders.

  "Ok, OK I'll tell you what I know" he cried taking a deep breath, he was deathly pale and sweating through the shock of the pain.

  "You can't get to Symons, he's high up, protected, he always has guys with him, he's a evil mother fucker!" he said eyes rolling back into his head, No don't pass out again I need the information! I patted him roughly on the cheek. "Stay with me, don't pass out" I said, his eyes came back to me, slightly unfocussed. "You can't get a meeting with him without an introduction" he said turning his head and vomiting violently, my stomach heaved and I looked away, trying to picture Tyler's face to calm myself.

  He was gasping now, "I got a guy his name is Max Ryan, they call him Worzel, he'd be able to get you an introduction for the right price" he said gasping for breath. "His number's in my phone" he said trying to move his arms but crying out as his broken hands moved. I felt in his pockets and found the phone checking the phonebook seeing Worzel there. "This Worzel is a drug dealer?" I asked, he nodded "And Peter Symons is still in LA?" I asked he nodded again. "Does he know where she is?" I asked desperately, oh God please say no! He shook his head, "No, I didn't tell him"

  he said squeezing his eyes shut, "Please that's all I know, please" he begged. God forgive me please I prayed as I put my hand over his mouth and nose knowing I had to do this to keep my angel safe.


  Looking away from his dead body I was sick, a lot, the guilt was crushing me, I had just killed two people, and I planned on killing at least one other but that could end up being more before this is over. Taking a deep breath I tried to control my emotions hoping beyond hope that Tyler couldn't feel my moods the way that I seemed to be able to feel hers I couldn't let her feel this. 'Sean?' she said, I froze what if she did feel this? Shit! 'It's ok Tyler, I'm on my way back now' I said trying to hide the pain and guilt that I felt by thinking about her safe and protected, no longer in danger. 'Sean are you ok?' she asked, I could feel she was upset and probably crying, 'Baby I'm fine, please don't worry about me' I told her shifting into my wolf again and running for the gates of the park to find the clothes she had left for me.

  I ran as fast as I could really letting go and was at the gates in about 10 seconds, turning and looking back where I had come from it was honestly about a mile away, shit that was fast! I didn't think I would be able to run that fast. Finding the pile of clothes she left for me I shifted and put my clothes and shoes on and started running for the house.

  From the end of my road I could see her, shit even my eye sight has improved. She was waiting on the porch for me, sitting on the steps crying with her hands in her lap. Suddenly her head snapped up as if she could hear me coming, she jumped up and started running towards me. Just as she reached me she jumped into my arms wrapping her arms and legs around me. She kissed all over my face and neck still tears still falling. I kissed her back touching her face where her skin was red from being hit.

  Suddenly she stopped and pushed herself out of my arms smacking me on my chest, "I've been so fucking worried about you" she shouted angrily, but her anger lasted less than a couple of seconds before her face softened again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you, are you ok?" she said pulling me back into her arms again. "I'm fine Tyler I promise, what about you? He hurt your face" I said growling slightly at the thought of him touching her. "I'm fine, but I was so scared, oh shit Sean he knows him, he knows my stepfather what if he tells him where I am? He'll come looking for me, we'll have to leave" she said sobbing into my shirt.

  I rubbed her back gently trying to sooth her, "It's ok Tyler I took care of it, he can't tell him where you are" I whispered in her ear feeling both ashamed and glad that I had done it. She looked at me shock crossed her face, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. 'What do you mean Sean by you took care of it? You didn't didn't, I thought you were just saying that' she said inside my head. I nodded slowly, 'I did, I had to Tyler, he would have told him where you were, you know what kind of man he was don't you? Please forgive me, please don't look at me any different, I couldn't stand it' I sent to her head.

  She kissed me forcefully, 'Sean Houston, don't you EVER doubt that I love you, I will ALWAYS

  love you' she sent to my head while kissing me with a passion that could set the world on fire. I didn't tell her any details, she didn't need to know anything, I also didn't mention my plan to take out her stepfather. I knew she would never allow it, she would beg me not to do it and being as whipped as I am I wouldn't be able to refuse anything that she asked of me.

  After what seemed like a couple of seconds she pulled away but when I came back to reality it was almost dark outside, shit we must have been out here making out in the street for about an hour. I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her towards the house, she stopped at my car, "I think you forgot to get your bag out of the car" she said pointing to the passenger side with a smile on her face. Confused I opened the door and saw the jewellers bag in the foot well, my eye's went wide as I realised she must have seen the bag, I wonder if she looked. "So, did you get that heavy thing moved for Matt?" she asked with a teasing smile, I sighed yep she knows I lied to her. Great there goes my surprise. "Did you look in this bag?" I asked curiously, she shook her head smiling, "No I didn't" she said, I looked at her, she was telling me the truth, she hadn't looked but she knew it was jewellery. I got the ring box out of the bag and slid it into my pocket, I turned and grabbed her han
d without speaking I pulled her to the back garden.

  When we got there I stooped and picked her a rose from the bush and passed it to her, I bent down on one knee and opened the ring box holding it out to show her, I looked into her beautiful green eyes, "Tyler Morgan, I love you more than everything in the world combined and I promise to take care of you and love you forever, will you marry me?" I asked my voice breaking slightly through nerves. God what if she said no? What if she didn't want to marry me now I was a murderer?

  Her eyes went wide as she looked at the ring. "Yes Sean, of course I'll marry you" she said a tear falling down her beautiful angels face. Happiness bubbled up inside, I reached out and took her hand slipping the ring onto her finger, pulling her hand to my mouth I kissed the ring. Her sleeve fell back slightly showing her mark. As soon as the moonlight touched her wrist, her mark started to glitter slightly, not sparkling but just with a slight shimmer it looked as if a river of molten silver was flowing round her wrist. I gasped slightly and shook my head, God when will this bond stop surprising me? I jumped up taking her into my arms "Thank you" I told her kissing her again until we were both breathless.

  "What have you told my parents about what happened at the park?" I asked looking back at the house. "Not much, that we had some trouble at the park some guys hassling us and that you came to take care of it" she said shuddering lightly. "Ok, but I do need to speak to my dad" I said pulling her into the house.

  Chapter 14: Gifts

  Tyler didn't want to be there when I spoke to my father so she excused herself off to do her homework for school tomorrow. My Dad and I were now in his study, he sat down on the couch and motioned for me to sit too but I was too wired to sit so I just paced the room rubbing my hands through my hair nervously. "Sean your wearing a hole in the carpet son" he joked laughing, I looked up into his face, I don't know what he saw there but he stopped laughing immediately and went slightly pale. "What is it?" he said quietly.


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