Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 15

by Kirsty Moseley

  I took a deep breath, "Dad I have some things to tell you, about Tyler and her past and what happened today at the park, your not going to like it" I said shakily. He nodded for me to continue.

  "Dad, Tyler's past isn't pretty, I won't go into any details because they're private, I hope you can understand that" I said giving him a small smile. He nodded again so I continued, "Tyler was....." I started but the rage started to boil again my hands shaking as my body wanted to shift. I swallowed hard and gripped my hair thinking of her face which was the only thing that seemed to calm me when I got like this. "She was.....abused" I whispered, my Dad gasped and jumped off of the couch, what he wanted to do I don't know but he slowly shook his head and sat back down. "There is more Sean I can tell, please tell me, I can see that this is hard for you to talk about but you have to control yourself" he said nodding at my now shaking arms, I clenched my hands into fists and willed myself to stop.

  "He was her stepfather, her and her mother escaped and went into witness protection, but this guy is a sick bastard, he is still looking for her, he has people out after her and a reward, he's a drug and arms dealer and is wanted for murders but the police can't touch him without evidence" I said smacking my fist onto his coffee table, but it must have been a little too hard as my hand punched a hole into it. I looked up at my Dad, "Sorry" I muttered he just waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "So this stepfather has found her before?" he asked simply with his business face on trying to show composure but his eye was twitching giving away his stress, I nodded "Wherever she goes, he always finds her" I said.

  "There was two guys at the park that recognised her, one of them told her that he knew who she was, that he was going to tell her stepfather where she was, they were going to hurt her, to" I swallowed the bile in my throat "to make her do things, then take her to her stepfather" I gripped the back of the sofa for support as convulsions were taking over my whole body, my wolf trying to force me to shift. "Calm down Sean" my father ordered, "Can't" I gasped shaking my head. I couldn't calm down I was too far gone I was so angry I wanted to go to LA and kill him now, leave this very minute, I was trying to breathe but the shaking was getting worse.

  I was just about to let go and shift when the door burst open "Sean" Tyler cried running towards me,

  "NO!" screamed my dad trying to grab hold of her, "You can't get close when he's about to shift you'll get hurt!" he said grabbing her arm. She shrugged him off and threw her arms around me

  'Calm down lover boy! Everything's fine now, breathe, it's ok, just calm down' she said in my head.

  Her presence calmed me immediately, the vibrations stopped and I wrapped my arms around her breathing in her beautiful smell.

  "I'm ok now, thank you" I told her kissing her neck. "You shouldn't get so angry Sean, I was upstairs doing my homework and suddenly I got so angry I snapped my pen in half" she said laughing, "It's ruined my history essay and it's all your fault" she said faking anger poking me in the chest narrowing her eyes. I laughed guiltily, "I'm sorry baby, I'll try to keep it down for you" I said laughing again. "What the hell are you two talking about?" my Dad asked confused. "Dad I'll tell you about it after I finished talking to you about the other thing ok?" I said turning back to Tyler.

  "I'm ok now, you can go back upstairs if you don't want to listen to this" I said giving her a small kiss and pushing her gently towards the door hoping that she would go, I needed to talk to my Dad about my plans and she couldn't know about that. She nodded and gave me a small smile a she left,

  'Keep it chilled though ok, I don't want to have to start that essay for a third time' she said in my head, "I will" I said chuckling, my Dad looked even more confused "You will what?" he asked rubbing his temples I just shook my head, wow this is gonna blow his mind!

  I waited to make sure she was definitely gone before turning back to my Dad. "The two guys were going to take her to her stepfather, I couldn't let that happen so I....I...well I killed them" I said looking at the floor waiting for the anger, the disapproval, the disappointment to come from my father who had just found out that his son was a murderer. "Good" he said simply, my head snapped up in shock to look at his face, I couldn't see any of the things I was expecting I just saw grim determination and acceptance, "Good?" I asked maybe I had heard him wrong.

  "Sean you did the right thing, from what I heard from Rachel and Tyler earlier and from what you said about them, they weren't good guys, they would have hurt Tyler and most probably Rachel if you hadn't done what you did" he said slowly. Ok I wasn't expecting that, "Where are they? Where did you leave them?" he asked getting out a pen and paper, "In the woods near the park, not too far inside the tree line" I said. He nodded "I don't think we should do anything tonight, tomorrow I'll make a call and get someone I know to find the bodies and call the police saying that they found them" he said. "It'll be taken care of, I know some shifters in the police department we can bury this" he said simply. I knew he'd help me, he was a lawyer he had a lot of contacts, shifters helped each other when the need arose.

  "There's something else" I said not really knowing how to say it, I shook my head, "I'm going after her stepfather and when I find him I'm going to kill him, he'll never stop looking for her, one day he will find her again and I can't let that happen" I said again waiting for him to tell me I was wrong.

  Again he didn't, he just nodded his head looking sad, "Ok, what do you need?" he asked. Wow that was easy, no lecture, no 'Sean it's wrong' nothing. "I may need some money, I need to set up a meeting with him but once I see him it'll be easy" I said, "I don't want Tyler to know anything about this, I'll tell her after but she can't know for now, no one can ok?" I said.

  "But Sean how about we go after him another way I could speak to my friend in the department" he started but I cut him off, "No, this needs to be done, I'm sorry dad but I can't leave this to someone else it needs to be taken care of once and for all" I said sternly. "I understand and I'll respect your decision, if it was your mother I'd do the same thing in a heart beat, but Sean you'll need some help once you find him, I'll come with you" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

  I laughed, "Dad, that's really nice of you and I appreciate it I do, but trust me I don't need any help, things have changed in me lately, I'm different I can feel it, I have abilities that I don't even know how they are possible but they are" I said shaking my head still unable to make sense of them myself. "Like what? What are you talking about changes and abilities?" he asked confused. "Dad, it's strange and I know I've never heard of any of this before, but like we said before it may have to do with the fact that Tyler's human or that we were in love before we bonded, I don't know but, I'm not a normal shifter anymore" I said shrugging.

  "You need to tell me exactly what your talking about Sean" my Dad said sitting on the couch again looking a little freaked out. "OK, well you already know that I can shift when ever I want, if I get really angry my body wants to shift and I have to try really hard not to, the only thing that can stop me is Tyler, I think of her and that calms me down" I said.

  He seemed to understand, he nodded "I was worried that you were going to shift near her earlier, but it was like as soon as she entered the room you visibly calmed yourself" he said shaking his head in disbelief, "You shouldn't have been able to come back from the edge like that" he said with wide eye's. "That's not all Dad, you already know I can heal in human form, the healing is so rapid, I broke almost all of my bones in my body in that car accident, I should have died, I couldn't have survived it, but I healed in less than a minute, I can also heal fast while shifted, I was shot in the shoulder at the park" my dad winced taking in a sharp breath through his teeth, "I healed immediately, I'm ok" I took a deep breath.

  "Our marks are different, bigger and stronger, my sight has improved, I can see probably about 4

  times further than I could, I can hear and smell better than before too, I'm faster, I ran a mile in about 10 seconds today" I said my dad took in a quick shaky brea
th as I continued. "Strange things have happened that you may not even believe me about" I said rubbing my hand through my hair, he nodded for me to continue.

  "Tyler and I are linked now, I can feel her feelings and vice versa, I knew she was in trouble, I sensed it, she got hit in the face" I stopped and growled, calm, stay calm I warned myself. "When she got hurt I felt it on my face, felt her pain it was like a slight prickly pain, I could feel how scared she was, it was like I was the one scared, it took me a while to figure out it was her" I shuddered at the ghost of the feeling in my stomach.

  "That was why Tyler came in here, when she said she got angry and snapped her pen, that was me"

  I said laughing a little guiltily at her having to re-do her essay, I'll have to help her with that I thought to myself. My dad was rubbing his temples as if he had a headache squeezing his eye's shut in concentration. "One last thing" I said, "God Sean can there be anything else?" my dad said his voice shaking. "Yeah this is the last one that I know of, I promise" I said giving him a cocky smile knowing that this one was going to blow his mind. "Tyler and I can speak to each other" I said simply, he nodded waiting for me to continue not understanding what I meant, "Dad, Tyler and I can speak to each other without speaking" I said not really knowing how to phrase it.

  He jumped up off of the couch his eyes wide, going pale and looking like he was going to pass out.

  I stepped forward and grabbed the tops of his arms pushing him back down to the couch, "Dad, it's ok I know its strange, it scared the sh*t out of me when it first happened but it's ok, it's pretty cool actually, like our own private telephone line" I said laughing. "You're telling me that you and Tyler can communicate using your minds?" he said, shaking slightly, I nodded, he took a deep breath and put his hands over his face.

  "I've heard of that one Sean" he said into his hands. I smiled, well at least we are not total freaks!

  Maybe I could speak to this shifter find out why this happened. "Who? Maybe I could speak to them find out if they have the other abilities, I think I need to learn how to control them, to shield my bad feelings from Tyler, I don't want her to start feeling my pain if I get hurt playing football or something" I said shrugging my shoulders and laughing quietly. "I've not heard of it from a person Sean, it''s written in the prophecy" he said.

  Chapter 15: Prophesy

  Prophecy? What the hell is he talking about? Has he lost it? He was sitting there pale, sweating and shaking looking scared shitless. "Dad? Are you ok?" I asked getting worried, why hasn't he spoken again? "Yeah Sean, just give me a minute to catch my breath ok" he said rubbing his hands over his face wiping the sweat from his brow. Suddenly he stood up and walked over to his desk rummaging through his draws trying to find something. After a couple of minutes he came back with a book, it was an old leather-bound copy of the shifters book that's given to elders. "This was my fathers book" he said simply sitting back on the couch motioning for me to sit down next to him.

  "This is something that is only shared with the elders, the eldest shifter of every family, when my father died his book was passed to me, I shouldn't be showing it to you now" he said his hands still shaking, he couldn't even hold the book still enough to flip through it. I reached out my hand and took it "What am I looking for Dad?" I said opening it, "There is a section in there on the prophesy"

  he said taking a deep breath, I flipped through the book slowly not really knowing what to look for,

  "Stop! There" he said pointing a shaky finger. I looked at the page and started to read:


  It has been prophesised that one shifter will be different he is 'the one', he has been destined to change the shifter world. He will be strong and will solve the unsolvable, stop the unstoppable, do the undoable. He will forge partnerships with humans thus creating a bridge that will ensure survival of shifters worldwide.

  He will bond like no other, their unique bond will be marked for all to see. Together both halves will have unparallel strength be it physical, mental or knowledge based. Their love will be great and unbreakable.

  His bond-mate will gift him with many abilities beyond the norm. As Bond-Mates they will achieve mind speak through, understanding, love and strength. The road will not be easy as many will seek to harm them. He will need to remain alert to protect her through the dark times.

  It is of utmost importance that the Bond survives. The offspring created from the bond will also have gifts that they will hold and pass to their other halves.


  "Dad you can't think that this is about Tyler and I?" I asked confused shaking my head, "Sean, I don't know, but what it says about the gifts and the mind-speak I...." he trailed off still shaking.

  "That is crazy dad, this was written thousands of years ago, it can't be relevant anymore, I mean it reads like some bad action film for Christ sake" I said laughing snapping the book shut and handing it back to him. "Look dad, I appreciate your help with everything and your understanding but I'm not 'the one' I'm not gonna 'solve the unsolvable' or 'stop the unstoppable' or whatever other shit that prophesy said" I told him standing up grinning, stupid damn book, that's just pathetic.

  "Dad I'm really tired, I need to do my homework before I go to bed and I really want to hold my girl so I'm gonna go do that, thank you for your help with those guys in the park, if you need me to do anything I will, but please don't talk to Tyler about it I don't want her to worry or anything" he still looked shocked and pale. "Dad, honestly that is not about me!" I said pointing at the book in his hands laughing again. Jeez what the hell is he thinking about? That's just crazy and not even relevant, it was written by some crazy shifter a thousand years ago. "G'night Dad" I said slapping him on the back as I left.

  As I left the study I saw my Mom sitting in the living room watching TV. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, just as I stood up my eye's went slightly fuzzy. Suddenly I was in the park, biker guy was standing over me laughing, I was kneeling on the floor, I was so scared, he started to unbutton his jeans sneering at me. I felt sick, I pressed the girl harder to my back trying to hide her behind me, I felt fiercely protective of her, suddenly biker guy looked up at something behind me his eyes went wide. He ran, I felt so confused, why did he run? What do I do? Suddenly there was a blur to my side and the wind blew a smell across my face, it smelled like home, I loved the smell, it was safety and love and happiness.

  I jerked back to the living room, what the hell? My mom was looking at me strangely, I shook my head confused, that wasn't how it happened. I wasn't there, what the hell was that? Suddenly I realised that was what Tyler saw. I turned and bolted for the stairs and was in my room in less than a second.

  She was asleep, curled on her side in the foetal position her long brown hair strewn across the pillow was tangled, the sheets twisted round her like she had been tossing around a lot, she was whimpering slightly, her hands balled into fists. I was just about to wake her when she spoke "Oh God Sean, please don't" she said in her sleep, my heart sank, oh shit what the hell? She's scared of me? What the hell am I doing to her in her dream? "No Sean don't" she said again sounding terrified, I felt sick I didn't know what to do, how could I comfort her if she is scared of me? Of course she's scared of you, you frigging idiot you told her you killed those guys! "Oh God no! No Sean you'll get hurt, please, please come back" she said a tear escaping down her bruised cheek, she whimpered again gripping the pillow tightly.

  My body tingled all over as I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding, she was worried about me not scared of me, Oh God thank you! I climbed into the bed beside her, uncurling her tight fists kissing the crescent shaped marks on her palms that her nails had made where she squeezed so tight, I pulled her to me and kissed her forehead. "I'm here baby, don't worry" I whispered in her ear. She stirred slightly 'Sean?' she said in my head, 'I'm here it's ok' I sent back to her, 'I love you' she sent to me melting my heart.

  I waited until she was in a deep dreamless sle
ep before climbing out of the bed to do my homework and get changed out of my clothes, by the time I climbed back into the bed it was after 2am but that was ok, Shifters didn't need as much sleep as humans. What the hell was that? Did I see her dream?


  I woke in the morning with Sean's arms protectively around me spooning me gently from behind, I looked straight down at my left hand at the beautiful diamond ring that rested there, God it was so perfect! I couldn't have picked anything more beautiful if I tried, it must have cost him a fortune.

  Mrs Sean Houston I thought to myself smiling widely.

  I pulled his arms tighter around me and pressed backwards into his chest as far as I could. I smiled to myself feeling his erection poking me in the back, God that boy was insatiable, I knew that this passion wouldn't last, at some point he would stop thinking I was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, at some point the wouldn't fancy me and at some point he would've had enough of me and my drama's and realise that I'm not good enough for him. But for now I would enjoy every second of it.

  He kissed the side of my neck trailing kisses down to my shoulder making me shiver with desire.

  "Good morning future wife" he said rolling my ring around my finger, I laughed gently, loving the feel of his skin on mine. "Good morning lover boy" I said putting my hand behind my back and stroking his hardness through his boxers making him moan and bite my neck gently. He moaned a little making me smile, God I loved this boy more than anything and his body drove me crazy. He said that the passion when we were bonded could be overwhelming but I just never realised it would be all the damn time. I turned to face him almost bursting with anticipation.


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