Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 16

by Kirsty Moseley

  We laid there enjoying the feel of each other trying to catch our breath. He was trailing his fingertips up my thigh with one hand and twirling my engagement ring around my finger with the other, planting little kisses down my neck. After a few minutes of silence he said "God your good at that" he said moving his kisses along my cheek towards my mouth, I turned my head towards his to allow him to kiss my mouth.

  After a few minutes of passionate kissing I pulled away and looked into his bright blue eyes, the love that was shinning back was so immense and if I didn't know that my eyes were showing him the same amount of love it would have scared the crap out of me. "Sean I've never been with anyone before not really, only, well not by choice" I said trailing off as he started to growl low in the back of his throat, damn it that's not what I meant to happen, I didn't want him to get upset.

  "Sean I didn't mean it like that, I didn't mean to upset you and ruin this moment, and make you think bad of me, its just what I meant by that was that I've never felt anything like what you and I have, and in a way even though you are not the first to have my body you're the first to have my heart, body, mind and soul and to me you will always be my first, one and only if that makes sense"

  I told him kissing him with as much force as I could manage.

  "Tyler baby, I know about your past and I won't ever think bad of you about it, ever, what happened to you wasn't your fault and you must never think that way, I love you with all of my heart and even though you are not my first either, you're definitely the best" he said chuckling quietly. "I've had sex with a lot of girls but I have only ever made love to you, you are my everything" he said pulling my face back to his kissing me again. I smiled at the thought of being his everything before deciding to have a little fun with him.

  "Lots of girls?" I asked pushing him away and sitting up quickly, his eye's went wide as he realised what he had said, "I...I..." he stuttered looking completely lost for words, I stood up and looked at him trying to make my face look stern as I said loudly "LOTS OF GIRLS? How many Sean? Jeez how many girls are we talking about here? Are you some sort of man whore?" I swallowed the laugh that was trying to escape my mouth at the sight of his shocked and guilty face. "Do you honestly want me to answer that?" he asked quietly looking at his hands embarrassed and ashamed.

  I jumped back on the bed pushing him down onto his back and straddling him, "No" I said laughing kissing him passionately. He looked at me shocked and confused "What?" he said I laughed again,

  "Sean, I don't care who you have been with before you met me, what right do I have to judge anything? You are the most perfect, generous, thoughtful, kind, protective and passionate boy I've ever met and by some grace of God you've chosen me, making me the luckiest girl in the world, so thank you, and I love you" I said tracing my fingers down his perfect chest. "I love you too, more than anything, more than everything" he said simply.

  "Hey, what do you mean boy?" he said suddenly twisting his body and rolling over so I was under him, I laughed at the stern look on his face "What?" I asked confused. "You called me the most passionate BOY you have ever met" he said puffing out his chest trying to show me his manliness, not that he needed to do that he oozed masculinity and strength from every pore. "I'm sorry lover boy, did I hurt your feelings?" I teased gripping his back digging my fingers in slightly making him moan a little. "What I meant to say was the most passionate shifter I've ever met" I said pulling my hands down scratching him gently, he shuddered and muttered "That's better" before crashing his lips to mine and making love to me again.

  Due to our exploits in the bedroom we were running a little late for school, skipping breakfast Sean grabbed us a piece of fruit and juice box before we sped to school. Due to the fast driving we were no longer late so we stood around talking to our group of friends who I am pleased to say were getting along great together.

  Suddenly a car shiny silver 911 turbo pulled into the lot. "Wow that's a nice car" Rich said, "I hope that's a hot chick, it's definitely my turn as Sean got the last one" he joked nudging me in the side with a wink. "I hope it's a hot guy, you guys need some competition in the hotness stakes I think you have got a bit complacent" Claire joked pointing at Rich. The car door opened, I didn't bother looking around, I new it was a guy by the look of lust on Chase and the girls faces, their eyes were wide, "OH MY GOD HE IS HOT! Recon he's the new teacher? He must be in his early twenties, Tyler look at that, I think he's hotter that Sean!" Chase said whispering the last part, Sean stiffened next to me obviously hearing what Chase had said. I laughed "Chase hon, no one is hotter than Sean" I said giving Sean's ass a little pat making him smile. "Oh he's being attacked by the Ho's poor man" Chase said shaking his head in horror, "TYLER, would you just look, you might want an upgrade!" Chase said turning my face towards the car.

  I could see his back, he has blond hair and was tall, nice body and ass but nothing compared to my Sean's. He was surrounded by a group of cheerleaders and Lacey was obviously rolling out the Skank welcome wagon, flirting and placing her hand on his arm. I smiled thinking of all the STD's he would catch from the skanks. Just then the man turned and was looking around for something, my heart sank and my stomach twisted into a knot, my breath caught in my throat.


  I sped to school as fast as I dared with my angel in the car and we had a few minutes to spare, we were standing talking to my boys and Chase and the girls when a 911 turbo pulled into the lot. I loved them, that is my dream car I would love to get my hands on that engine. "Wow that's a nice car" Rich said, "I hope that's a hot chick, it's definitely my turn as Sean got the last one" he joked nudging Tyler in the side giving her a wink. I smirked at him like the cat that got the cream, he was jealous I could tell. All of the guys liked Tyler, not that I was surprised my girl is HOT I thought looking at her with her brown hair blowing slightly in the wind. I started thinking about the feel of her skin the taste of her when Claire spoke bringing me out of my fantasies. "I hope it's a hot guy, you guys need some competition in the hotness stakes I think you have got a bit complacent" Claire joked pointing at Rich.

  The car door opened, and the girls and Chase's eye's went wide, the cheerleaders all immediately started making their way over, I could actually smell the hormones in the air. My boys all looked like they were suffering with jealously, It was obviously a guy. Tyler didn't even bother turning around, it made me smile that she wasn't interested in any other guys. "OH MY GOD HE IS HOT!

  Recon he's the new teacher? He must be in his early twenties, Tyler look at that, I think he's hotter that Sean!" Chase said whispering the last part. My back stiffened I held my breath, what if she found him attractive and didn't want to be with me anymore? I went cold at the thought. Tyler laughed "Chase hon, no one is hotter than Sean" She said patting my ass sending tingles of passion through my body. "Oh he's being attacked my the Ho's poor man" Chase said shaking his head,

  "TYLER, would you just look, you might want an upgrade" he said turning her face towards the car.

  I watched her face as she looked, holding my breath scared of what she might see, she just looked casually not really paying attention as she looked him over. Her eyes became slightly amused at something and a smile twitched at the corners of her mouth, I could feel her amusement though our link. My body started to relax, I breathed out slowly, God why the hell was I getting jealous? I knew that she was mine, she loves me, stop being pathetic Sean I scalded myself.

  Just then she stiffened, her fear radiating through our link sending unease spreading into my body.

  She stopped breathing and went pale, her eye's going wide. I whipped my head around to look for the danger I could sense coming from her, I grabbed her hand pulling her behind me to protect her.

  'What is it? Why are you afraid?' I asked her in her head. "I...I know him" she said, suddenly the fear loosened to be replaced by happiness.

  She pushed away from me and ran towards him "Ryce!" she shouted as she ran at him, he turned with a big smile to beam a
t her, a growl rose in my throat, this guy was in love with her I could tell, and she loved him too I could feel it through our link. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight as he spun her around in a circle. "Hey Tiger" he said to her kissing her cheek.

  "What are you doing here? Is there a problem?" she said afraid again, my back stiffened as I made my way over to her.

  The cheerleaders well mostly Lacey, were shooting her hateful looks because she was already down with the hot guy. Jealousy was eating me up as I reached them, he was holding her hand and I wanted to rip his arm off. 'Calm down Sean' Tyler warned me in my head obviously feeling what I felt. "Ryce this is Sean, he's my boyfr" she said, "Fiancée" I stuck out my hand to him as I interrupted her, I needed to let this guy know how things were. He looked at me, then at her with wide eyes, she nodded and smiled a small smile obviously uncomfortable under his intense scrutiny.

  Finally he took my hand and shook it "Ryce Thompson" he said, holy shit this guy was a shifter! I could feel it as soon as he touched me. Wow that's another ability I didn't know I had.

  I didn't like this guy, the way he was looking at me was like he wanted to rip my head off, he wanted Tyler for himself. 'Sean, Ryce works for witness protection he's my personal officer' Tyler sent to me. I stiffened and grabbed hold of her forcing her behind me looking around for danger again, why would he be here? Her stepfather must have found her again. Anger was boiling through me, my hands started to shake as my wolf wanted out. "Calm down lover boy everything will be fine" she said squeezing my shaking hand making me calm instantly.

  Ryce stared at our intertwined hands with shock, disapproval and jealousy clear across his face.

  "You're a.... and you're bonded? But she's not....she's" he stuttered staring at our hands still trying to make sense of a shifter bonding with a human. I smiled to myself, good luck with getting your head around that buddy! "Yes I am and yes we are" I said simply, I couldn't help gloating a little at the jealous look on his face.

  Tyler stepped out from behind me "We are what?" She asked looking at me, 'he's a shifter too, he knows we're bonded' I sent her. She gasped, 'He's a shifter? How the hell did I not know this? I've known this guy for over 2 years!' she sent to me a shocked expression on her face. I ignored the rant she was sending to my head about how could he not tell her, how do I know etc etc. "What's going on? Is there danger?" I asked Ryce fiercely, he shook his head in answer to my question still too shocked to speak.

  "So how do you two know each other?" Lacey asked Ryce oblivious to the tension that was in the air, "We used to know each other in Arizona" he said giving her a small smile. Tyler looked uncomfortable she hated lying, she bit her lip, I couldn't help it I started getting turned on, I looked away quickly taking a deep breath. 'What's up?' she sent me, 'One guess' I sent, her eyes darted down and she chuckled darkly, 'Stop biting your damn lip woman look what your doing to me!' I half joked giving her a smile making her giggle.

  We were brought out of our own world with a throat clearing, "I said how about you skip school today Tyler and we can hang out" Ryce said holding out a hand for her to take, she moved to his side making me feel uneasy with her being away from me. "Err, ok sure, where do you want to go?"

  she said taking his hand hesitantly. "How about we go to the mall, I'll buy you something nice then you can choose somewhere for us to eat" he said easily giving her a flirty smile. "Your not buying me anything Ryce but I do want to go to that new art shop that opened" she said with a shrug.

  "I'll need to speak to coach if I'm not gonna make practice" I said quickly, damn it I needed to hand in that calculus assignment! Oh well, no way I'm leaving her with him he's already trying to get into her pants. Sleazebag. "Lover boy your not invited" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek, "You need to hand in that calculus assignment" she added quickly as an explanation. 'Tyler your not going with him alone, that guy wants you' I told her sternly in her head, she scowled at me, actually scowled! Anger showing clearly on her face, Oh shit, she is really angry with me, "Sean can I talk to you in private please?" she said grabbing my hand and walking away from Ryce and the gathering of ogling girls.

  When we were far enough away she turned to me, I could feel her anger radiating from her, I gulped knowing I was about to face her wrath for the first time. "Don't you dare tell me what to do, he does not want me but even if he did that's tough luck, I'm yours and that's it! Are you telling me that Lacey wants you so I can't leave you alone with her now? Don't you trust me for Christ sake?" she said venomously. Wow I loved that she said she was mine, such a friggin turn on! "Tyler I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, of course I trust you" I said quickly backtracking, "It's him I don't trust, he's in love with you and I don't want you to go, what happens if someone attacks you or something and I'm not there to protect you?" I said concerned, shit I'm just digging myself a bigger hole!

  She got even more angry. "You already said he was a shifter too so he can protect me" she said simply, matter of factly as if she had won the argument. "No Tyler, he is a shifter but your not bonded with him so he could only shift if HE was in danger he can't protect you like I can" I said taking hold of both of her hands looking into her eyes willing her to change her mind and stay with me.

  "Fine he can't shift for me, but he's an agent for Christ sake Sean he's taken care of me before, he's saved me many times" she said frowning, "Don't think I don't know what this is about Sean you can't lie to me, I can feel your jealousy now, you want to kill him, when he held my hand I got so angry I wanted to rip his arm off, but that wasn't me that was you, so don't even try it, we may be bonded and I love you more than anything in the world I promise, but you WILL NOT tell me where, when or who I can hang out with is that clear?" she said firmly, I didn't know what to say what the hell could I say to that?

  I nodded and she smiled the anger leaving her face completely to be replaced by love and compassion, she walked up to me and kissed me passionately. "If it makes you feel better I'll check in with you every hour" she whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine, I nodded again.

  She smiled and walked off getting into the car with Ryce who shot me a smug smile making my blood boil.

  'I love you Sean, I'll be back before practice finishes so I can come home with you ok?' she said in my head. 'love you to baby, be careful and stay with Ryce' I sent back worry shooting through my body, I felt sick, this is gonna be a long day. All that was running through my mind was the words from the prophesy 'The road will not be easy as many will seek to harm them. He will need to remain alert to protect her through the dark times' and even though I didn't believe that this was about Tyler and I, I just couldn't help thinking what if it is and someone tries to hurt her.

  Just to be on the safe side 'Tyler, don't tell him too many details about our bond ok, don't tell him about the extra abilities I have or our mind or body connection' I sent her, 'Why not?' she asked, 'I'll explain later just please ok?' I begged, 'Ok lover boy, unclench that knot that's in your stomach I won't be able to have a nice day if I'm jealous and worried all day' she sent, I smiled 'I'll try baby, love you' I sent back trying to relax for her.

  Chapter 16: Ryce Thompson


  "So how have you been? I haven't seen or spoken to you for two weeks" I said cheerfully to him as we were on the way to the shopping centre. "I've been good, I got three days off so I thought I would come spend some time with my favourite little protectee" he said mockingly, he knows I hate it when he call's me little. I slapped his arm "Less of the little, old man" I said, he hated it just as much when I called him old he was only 22, really young for an agent of his stature.

  We were pretty close, I'd lived with him for 6 months when we first went into witness protection he'd slept on the floor in my room and held me when I cried. He was the closest thing I had to a brother and I loved him dearly, he knew all about my relationship with my mom. He had personally saved me twice from my stepfather, I owed him my life. "So you got three
days off and the best thing you can think of to do with it is spend it with me? Man you need to get a life" I joked.

  "Well I thought I would combine business with pleasure, seeing you is the pleasure of course" he said with a cheeky smile. "The business, it's part of my job to keep you safe, I thought you might like a boyfriend that's all, but obviously I'm too late for that" he said with a sad tone I didn't really understand. Ryce had posed as my boyfriend at every new school I went to, it kept the guys away from me, it was easier if I said I had an older boyfriend, he would show up at my school, pick me up we would go to a couple of well known hang outs, people would see us together and bam no more boy trouble, it worked perfectly. "Yeah, how's your mom?" I asked trying to change the subject.

  We chatted easily for the rest of the ride arriving at the mall, as we walked in he took my hand and I let him, it felt weird holding his hand knowing that I was engaged but we always held hands as usually we were pretending to be a couple so it didn't mean anything different. "So where is this art shop?" he said as we went up the elevator jumping at the top like a kid. "You are such a kid Ryce" I said laughing, "I know old habits die hard" he said laughing, pulling me into a clothes shop, "I need your opinion to buy some new clothes" he said picking out a blue shirt.

  "Got a date or something?" I asked waggling my eyebrows, "Nope" he said popping the p, I had never known Ryce with a girlfriend, I wonder if that's because he's a shifter? All the information I had learned about shifters over the last two weeks coming back as I tried to fit it in with what I already knew about Ryce. "Here this looks like you" he said handing me a pale blue hoodie with

  'drama queen' written across the back, "Ha ha your so funny" I said faking laughter, "Actually its pretty nice" I said taking off my jacket and pulling it on, Ryce reached over and pulled the hood up,


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